

"I'm in" A cold breeze and the stunning moonlight of Chicago are coming across the light beneath me. I heard Trace speak on the line.

"What's the position there?" he asked. I studied the whole place. Paint peeling and metal rusting are the results of years of neglect. Some people have not been taken care of, and that's why the whole environment is getting old. I bet this place had a lot of sentimental value many years ago. Sadly, it had to be taken down.

"Dane and the guys were on the other side of the building; Monroid was not here yet," I said and kicked the back door so I could enter. I took the flashlight behind me and turned it on, leaving my site covered in dust and the old machines that ruffle in the wind. I looked around the place, pulled out a chair, and stuck it to the doorknob.

"Good time. Hurry up and get in position."

I climbed the stairs. Climb there, climb here, open the door here, and open the door there. So many stairs, so many fucking doors, and damn, this place was hella big!

"Damn it! I hate this place, T. It's giving me goosebumps." Dane grumbles on the line. I took a deep breath and swallowed. Looking up at the stairs circling I held onto the banister of the stairs; one foot was climbing a staircase and I was panting.

"Me too," I said, exhausted.

"You scared?" He asked.

"No, fuck! I hate the stairs! It's exhausting." I licked my lower lip and continued climbing again.

"Let's switch." He suggested.

"Shut up and do your thing there."

"Bummer!" He grunted.

I shook my head, and God knows how much I hate what I'm doing right now—I mean, it's a staircase of exactly a hundred stairs and countless freaking doors. I don't know if this is a maze or what. Fucking from door to door I'm so done with this, shit.

With gritted teeth and exhaustion visible on my face, I opened the door irritably, and the wind boomed inside my body. Just as I expected, I could see up here the sign for the Candy Factory, which can no longer be seen with too much dust and a stain of rust.

I closed the door behind me and looked up close at the edge. I whistled as I saw how high I would fall. This building was tall, and there was also a building in front of me, far enough from me to see Dane waving at me in the distance. I raised my middle finger at him.

"Look at you, terribly exhausted." He chuckled on the line.

"But still handsome," I said and stood away from the edge and lowered the slung drag bag from my shoulder, opened it, and took my sniper rifle out of the bag. I position myself and the gun so I can hit the head. With one eye closed, I looked through the scope at where Dane was standing and adjusted the scope closer to him. Look at that dude. I laughed softly at myself as I thought of teasing him.

"Have some decent, yeah? You're too boastful, making the north wind crash into you." He said and puffed a cigarette in his mouth while looking at the building, where he could not see me because of the darkness.

"I'm just stating the facts." I shrugged. He rolled his eyes at me playfully.

"I mean, you're handsome alright, but of the three of us and Trace, I'm the more handsome." I looked at him from head to toe until I stopped at his feet. "I would practically—" Not enough to hurt him, I let go of the trigger, and the bullet came straight to his feet from meters away.

"fuck!" He jolted on his feet, and I looked up to see his face red and a bit of sweat on his forehead. He looked up at me, forehead wrinkled, lips parted.

"Oh my bad, it split in my hand," I said as if I didn't do anything to annoy him for one second.

"Fuck you to death, T," he said with gritted teeth. I chuckled sexily.

"Sorry, I thought you were a mannequin, because you looked like one. Stop standing there, fucker; Monroid can see you up there." I said I could not let go of the smirk curving on my lips. He shook his head.

"Stop pointing your gun at me," He said.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm just making sure the bullets will come out on the right hit."

"Don't give me that shite, fucker." He was annoyed by the rage in his voice. "I was just standing here without knowing that you were trying to kill me! What's up with that?" I laughed. Damn, it's been a year since I genuinely laughed at this. Thanks to this fucker who was standing twenty meters away from me from the building and giving me the best expression of the year.

"I didn't kill you, I just hit you." I moved my face away from the scope and looked at him. I don't see him clearly, but as far as I could tell, he was not pleased.

"You're almost giving me a hard attack!" I rolled my eyes and stood on my feet.

"Oh, come on, you're a bad demon. You'll never get killed easily. Unless you want to die, right?" I said and stood on the edge. The breeze hit my body as I looked up to the sky and embraced the peaceful night that would turn to disaster later.

"Damn! If you're just not my friend, You'll probably die tonight." I smiled. My eyes are still looking at the sky. Both hands were in my pocket, and I closed my eyes. The rush of wind hit me like the wind whispering on my body, and I loved the feeling of it.

"Well, it's my pleasure, I guess." I heard him snorting on the line.

It's just a playful thing that I and Dane do every time. Teasing each other is fun, at least until we take it seriously and go into a bad fight. That's why Trace sometimes doesn't want both of us to work together, but he doesn't have a choice; we are the most skilled ones in the organization. I mean all of us. Not to brag, but the team doesn't have the skills that Dane and I have. But today was fun and boring at the same time, no tract of monroid, weary the hell out of me. I just wanted to get out of here and get some rest.

I guess this will be bloody hell tonight. How exciting, isn't it?