

Nathan, whose dream is to be a gladiator becomes an apprentice of a god who sees a good future for him. As Nathan gets stronger he encounters an evil god who constantly sends henchmen to kill him before he becomes too strong. This novel will not be like other novels. Hope you enjoy reading my first real novel. If there are any mistakes please let me know down in the comments and my editor will fix it.

Wyatt_Williams_8840 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


There was a stadium that held thousands of people in it, cheering, eyes watching as the two gods calmly and steady walked toward each other from both sides of the stadium.

One of the gods was dressed in light blue armor, with a beard that looked to be made out of ice covered frozen hair and held a large staff that was slightly larger than him, the man's staff had a light blue crystal at the tip of it.

The other god was dressed in silver armor and was a very muscular one. He held a large hammer with spikes at the ends covered with a red tint and black curving markings on the handle.

On the top of the stadium, there were two health bars, and two mana bars. Each pair of bars represented the two gods in the middle of the stadium.

Up in one of the stadium seats sat Nathan. Nathan was a 13 year old boy, who loved to watch the gladiators fight in the stadium, but this was a special battle he was really excited to see. This was the first official battle of two young gods fighting that was happening in his lifetime. So he was glad that he could go, he was old enough to watch a battle between the gods, you have to follow strict rules if anything happened.

Nathan was sitting by his friends, Tom and William, who were also old enough to go as well. They were chatting while waiting for the battle to start.

"This is going to be so exciting," Nathan started.

"I know! I have never seen a battle between gods before," Tom exclaimed.

Tom was shaking, this was Tom's first ever time watching a gladiator fight. So he wasn't completely confident that he, or his friends, would be safe.

"Hey, calm down," Nathan said to Tom, "Trust me, there is nothing to worry about, there is a barrier separating us from the stadium that was created by some of the finest sorcerers in the world, so anything that happens in there stays in there. Look, there are even guards reinforcing the barrier."

Tom was still shaking, Nathan has already told him this before, but he still does not trust the barrier nor the guard's powers to reinforce it.

"Who is fighting again?" William asked Nathan.

Nathan started rambling, "Sprice, the man in the blue, is the God of Ice, his staff is so powerful, it can freeze his opponents in less than a second and form the coldest and most indestructible ice in the universe. Mongo, short for Mongolosiuostross, is the God of Rock, his mace can break some of the strongest things in the universe. They are in the top ten fighters in the universe. Sprice being in number 4 and Mongo being in number 5, as you can tell they are very easily matched—"

"Shhh, the battle is about to start," William interrupted.

Now Tom was really shaking, Tom started muttering, 'Please, oh please, God of Protection don't let this be the end of me,' in his mind.

The stadium fell silent as the commentator started talking, "I hope you are all hyped and ready for this crazy event of two gods fighting in this stadium. Our first fighter is Sprice!"

Sprice waved to the audience, and the audience roared.

"And our second fighter is Mongo!"

Mongo also waved to the audience, and most of the audience cheered, but you could hear some of the audience shouting "Boo!"

"Ok everyone, the battle is about to begin," the commentator exclaimed, "please be quiet for the fighters so they don't get distracted."

The barrier shined to remind everyone it was there, and then a countdown appeared above the health and mana bars, starting from 3.


The gods jumped backwards into two squares, which were where they would stand to start the battle.


The gods got into their fighting positions.


Everyone got on the edge of their seats.


And the battle began immediately when the countdown ended. The gods rushed toward each other faster than light, but Nathan had seen so many battles that he was able to keep up with their movements.

Nathan was mesmerized, he had never seen such accuracy and grace in a fight all his life, the power he saw was insane, there were giant sparks of energy flying everywhere due to contact from weapon to weapon.

The commentator started talking and explaining what was going on, " Sprice with his fitness advantage, thrusts forward first and uses ice shards, but Mongo blocks with rock wall, and is successful. Sprice makes a ramp of ice to go over his rock wall, and Mongo quickly climbs his rock wall with one hand. Sprice fakes though and jumps back, then he jumps to the side and uses a temperature drop to try to freeze Mongo but it doesn't work…"

The battle continued for a while, sometimes, they retreated to gather more energy to continue the fight, but their health slowly drained, and then, the battle finally finished with Mongo faking a drain of energy and smashing Sprice's face in. As the face was crushed in, there was a big crunch that could be heard for miles. This was another reason why you had to be over 13 years of age since there can be some pretty gruesome stuff in the higher levels. 😵


"He didn't die," Nathan said, "They drink potions before the battle, this first reduces the pain of any hits by 50%, then, when their brain stops functioning, the potion kicks in and revives them. Spice's bones in his face slowly re-attached themselves as it reinflated.

The two worn out fighters limped back through the stadium doors, and the people started exiting the stadium.

"That was awesome!" Tom said, "I never thought it would be so cool to watch, it was kinda hard to see what they were doing, but I got the gist of it."

"I knew you would like it," Nathan said, "so glad you got to come and watch."

"Me too," William said, "That ending was gruesome!"

The three kids continued talking as they walked back to the train station where they would be taken back to their city, Dorgon.