

A girl humming in the room room inside the prison, as she was busy dressing up her son . After she got dressed. It wasn't the same dress she wore as she used when she first stepped her leg into the prison, but a different one . She ordered it because she was ready to blow some peoples mind because no one excepted to see her out too soon except from her parents who worked everything out.

she has to make everyone of them pay for what they did to her on her eighteen birthday. In the prison she gathered all evidence against them , but she was going to unleash it little by little.

A female hits the bat on the door .And that was officer Nanli Lina .The Godmother of the little boy in the prison.

"Inmate 5301, you are out". she remembers herself and laughs too hard together with the girl inside the room

" Sorry Miss Chaohe Donghe you are out". She opens the door and steps into the room. As she enters seeing mother and child tears roll down her cheeks.

"Now what is officer Lina crying about,oh she looks cute while crying" .Donghe try to clean the tears rolling down Lina's cheek while Lina removes her hand and pulls her into a hug . Moves out of the hug as she tries to carry her godson .

"Oh my dear Qingu is time for you to express a good life, I know a lot of girls will die to be with you when you enroll into school. The little boy in her arms smiles and nods .

" He won't be going to school " Donghe takes him into her arms from Lina.

Lina who has forgotten the reason ask in confusion.

"What, why ?!".

" Did you forget his condition ?" .

Donghe brings up her bag as she leaves the room with Lina. Lina locks the room the room and they left the place, while other inmates scream her name .

As they arrive outside in front of the prison gates outside. More tears flow down Lina's cheeks again . She carries Qingu into her arms as she begins to talk .

"Little Qin please take care of you mommy for me okay".

Qingu nods in show of agreement to what just said earlier. Donghe cuts her off immediately.

" When are you signing in your resignation letter Lina? "

"Once your mother announces you as the CEO of Chaohe group of companies okay"

"And that is today before we go to blow the bomb at them".

" Then you will see me tomorrow as you personal assistant as I did in there "

"Okay then I will be waiting"

"please don't cause flight wait till am out okay ".

Lina finished her talk as hands over Qingu to her and hugs both of them as she enters back into the compound.

Donghe breath's in the fresh air of being outside after 5 years of prison hardship and she swore to avenge her past . She could still remember when Heian gave her a drink on her eighteen birthday and told her it wasn't alcohol.

5 years ago

" Happy Birthday to you , happy birthday to you,happy birthday dear Donghe, happy birthday to you. ".People clapping and cheering her name.

Donghe just turned eighteen and it was the first time her parents let her out at night with her friends. Because it was her birthday and they thought she could take care of herself being alone,because she was eighteen and they trusted the two devils that went with her .They though they were descent people; her boyfriend Heian and her cousin Moxia.

" Donghe here have a drink ".Heian gives her the drink and seats down beside her while other people where dancing on the floor.

" Brother Heian i don't drink alcohol". She tries to reject the drink but Heian persuaded her even more.

"Come on little Donghe it is not alcohol, it just ordinary drink , it alcohol free trust me okay" .

Donghe smells the drink and couldn't find any scent of alcohol in it .She took it and drank it .Minutes later she started feeling dizzy as she called out for Heian for help but there was no answer , he was busy making out with her Moxia . Donghe saw them and dizzily walked pretending she didn't see them as she faints . Heian and Moxia carries her into an unknown room and locks the door, deciding that they will come back for in the morning after having enough to themselves

Inside the room they left Donghe.

The door open and a man enters into the room. once he sees Donghe he gives out without an evil smile, the man was also drunk and drugged, showing that he doesn't know what he was doing; He reaches for the bed ,he starts to kiss her all over little by little he removed her clothes and then his owns .

Donghe was trying to resist him but the drug couldn't allow her and the way the man was touching her arose her. She felt like a moving volcano. Once he entered into her, she felt hot and pleased at the same time, minutes after it was all done . He wrapped her into the White bedsheets, he took his bath and left the room.

Donghe woke up in the morning seeing everything, she broke into tears remembering how Heian and Moxia betrayed her that night. She looked around the room and found out she was in another room not her room, a hotel room. She removed the white bedsheets she was wrapped with. She was fully naked , she went to the mirror and saw marks all over her body . She fell down and broke into tears, she picked up her clothes that why scattered on the floor and put them on .Her phone was dead that couldn't message her mom . looked at the bed and saw dried blood on the sheets,she got up strength and left the room.

Choahe Villa

Once Donghe opens the door to her house , and enter her mother hugs her still crying. While her father was still fuming in anger . She saw Moxia and Heian steering at her like nothing happened between them last night . The sight of the two people disgusted her that she summoned the courage to speak .

"Can you two leave my house?!". she said in low but commanding voice but Heian talked as if he never knew what she was talking about.