
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · สมัยใหม่
112 Chs

Chapter 91

When I came out of the bathroom impatiently, I found that my wife had turned on the computer and was playing her favorite song "White Fox". Humming softly to the voice in the speaker.

In my impression, Shi Niang seldom listens to songs, and even less often sings. She only has a special liking for this song "White Fox".

"I am a fox who has practiced for thousands of years. I have practiced for thousands of years and am alone. In the dead of night, can someone hear me crying, and can someone see me dancing in dimly lit places.

I am a fox who has been waiting for a thousand years, waiting for a thousand years to be lonely, who planted the gu of love in the world of mortals..." Mistress sang softly, her voice was very different from the original song, but it was unique and more beautiful .

The singing voice is melodious, deep and slightly hoarse, full of classical charm, and the lyrics are even more outstanding. Even if it is an old song, it still makes me immersed in the wonderful music. At this moment, I feel like I am in a poignant and cherished place. In the movie, the heroine is a white fox, and the hero is a humble scholar.My Beautiful Mistress 91

A song sang about the two people's encounter, acquaintance, acquaintance and love. The poor student finally won the gold list and got married with everyone's lady, while the white fox who had always been in love with each other silently left with tears...

I didn't come over until my wife had sung the whole song. Just as I was about to praise my wife, I found some crystal tears in her eyes. I smiled and said, "Mr.

Mother, although this song sounds good, you don't need to be so devoted! You actually made yourself cry!"

Shi Niang has always been a rational and optimistic person. Most of the time she always has an elegant and charming smile on her face. There are very few sad times like this. I have never seen her cry.

"Go and turn off the lights!" The teacher's wife lay on the mat and looked up at me with some resentment, she didn't answer my words, but asked me to turn off the lights.

Seeing Mistress's appearance, she seemed to be reminded of something sad. Could it be that she was broken in love, or did listening to this song remind her of her first love? Thinking of this, my heart was filled with mixed emotions, and I was extremely sad. After turning off the light, I went to sit next to Mistress, Can't help but ask: "Master, you...do you remember your first love?"

"Yes!" After a while, I saw my teacher turned her head and looked at me and said slowly.

In the dark room, my wife's answer was like a flying knife piercing my heart with a cold light. It hurts! So it hurts so much to care about someone! My wife is actually missing her first love! Then what am I in my wife's heart? ?Could it be that in her heart I am just a junior or just a plaything?

Mistress sat up and sat face to face with me, and said with a smile: "The little pervert seems to be unhappy! What? Are you jealous?"

She can still laugh, the jealousy in my heart is even stronger, no one can try to snatch my mistress away from me, and she is not allowed to think about other men, Li Xiangjun can only belong to me Ye Qiu, body and mind can only belong to me Alone! I suddenly opened my arms and hugged my wife, pressed her on my body and frantically asked for kisses.

My chest was tightly pressed against her soft and creamy breasts. My wife didn't struggle or resist, but let me lie on her and do anything wrong. After kissing for 2 minutes, my wife began to cater to me, and her slippery tongue stuck into my mouth Intertwined.

I didn't stop until I couldn't breathe from the kiss. I sat on my wife's waist and pressed my wife's wrists with both hands. I bent down and looked into her eyes, and said domineeringly: "Mr.

Mother, you can only be my woman, and you can only think of me in your heart! No one can take you away from me!"

Mistress also looked straight at me, and said softly: "Fool, mistress is not your woman whose woman is? I said I missed my first love, and you got jealous! Then do you know who my wife's first love is?" Woolen cloth?

Mistress's first love? I thought silently in my mind. In my impression, Mistress seemed to rarely deal with outside men, let alone men who had an intimate relationship with her. I frowned and said, "Could it be Master?"

"Fuck you, your first love. It's him!" The teacher said with a coquettish smile, "Do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand?"

I shook my head and said, "I really don't understand. Mistress, you haven't told me about your past, how would I know!" I only remember all kinds of things about Mistress in this house, and nothing happened before she came to this house. .

Where does her family live, where is her origin, who are the other members of the family, etc. I have never heard my wife talk about it.

"Let go of me first, why are you holding me down? You want to play rape and violence!" The wife gave me an angry look, and I hurriedly let go, let alone, this action is indeed a bit similar.My Beautiful Mistress 91

Mistress turned around and lay down again, "Qiuqiu, come here and let's lie down together!"

I also imitated my wife and lay down on the mat with my hands on the pillow, and we looked at each other with our heads tilted.

"Master's lover is actually... Qiuqiu you!" Mistress smiled sweetly and said, "The person I miss in my heart is naturally you, little pervert! Are you still jealous?"

"Hehe..." I giggled happily, feeling paralyzed, I actually got my own jealousy! I didn't expect my wife's first love to be me! This makes me so happy!