
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · สมัยใหม่
112 Chs

Chapter 89

After exterminating the female ghost, the master still seems to have lingering fears. This female ghost's Taoism is not very powerful, but the charm technique is really terrible. People have all kinds of emotions and six desires. If the female ghost suddenly becomes your closest person, whoever It is also impossible to remain indifferent.

"Let's see if this child has been backlashed!" The master sighed, and came over to take Wu Shanshan's pulse.

Maybe it was because I was too nervous before. At this time, I realized that Wu Shanshan was a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, but her appearance was amazing. She was wearing a white pajamas and had two braids on her head. The hairstyle is rare, but it looks cute.

She has apricot eyes, crescent eyebrows, a small Qiong nose, a small mouth like a cherry, but her lips are a little pale, and her newly developed breasts are semicircular like steamed buns. You can see two pink grapes protruding from her pajamas, and her snow-white legs Fairly slender.

"Fortunately, it's okay!" Master breathed a sigh of relief, and finally resolved the matter smoothly.My Beautiful Mistress 89

Mistress tapped her forehead to erase some horrible memories in her mind, otherwise even if the evil spirits in her body were eliminated, it would cause psychological harm to her.

The girl blinked her long eyelashes a few times, and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw us with big bright eyes, she was angry, "Who are you!? Why did you come to someone else's room?"'

Wu Shanshan broke away from her teacher and found that she was only wearing a pajamas, she said with some shame: "Get out, get out, you all get out"'

The three of us smiled and walked outside, being noisy meant that Wu Shanshan was completely fine.

After opening the door, Wu Kaiyun asked nervously, "Master Liu, how is my daughter?"

It can be seen that Wu Kaiyun cares about this daughter very much. He is over 50 years old, and his daughter is only fourteen or five years old. More precious than boys.

Otherwise, what makes me feel a little strange is that Wu Kaiyun's wife didn't seem to come.

Master looked at Wu Shanshan who was taking clothes from the closet in the room, closed the door, and said, "I have taken the evil spirit away, and your daughter is fine. But she may not be able to remember the two days before this incident, you guys Don't mention it in front of her, just treat it as if nothing happened!"

Wu Kaiyun wiped the sweat from his forehead, and finally smiled, "Thank you, Master Liu! We must remember it!"

Afterwards, under Wu Kaiyun's warm hospitality, we had a meal together at his house. I didn't want to stay for dinner, but Wu Kaiyun was so enthusiastic that he even asked his daughter to come out to greet us during the dinner.

Wu Shanshan changed into a T-shirt and hot pants, and she looked even more lovely and charming. This is the real loli girl.

Fortunately, Wu Linjun didn't eat with us, otherwise I can't guarantee that something will happen.

I found that there was something wrong with the way Wu Shanshan looked at me, neither admiration nor hatred. Her exquisite face had a charming and lovely smile, but the smile made me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Ye Qiu, I offer you a toast with tea, I hope you will come to my house often!" Wu Shanshan said sweetly as she came to me holding a small cup of tea.

The amount I poured is okay, and now I can drink ten cups at a time with such a small cup in my hand. I happily clinked glasses with Little Lolita, "Thank you sister Shanshan!" Then I drank it down, but Wu Shanshan took out A freshly opened sprinkle bottle was filled for me.

Eyes bent into crescent moons with a smile, "Good things come in pairs, brother Ye Qiu, let me toast you again!"

Although this little loli is small, she has a very sophisticated way of speaking, and she exudes a shrewd spirit all over her body. She is very lovable.

It can be seen that the Wu family is very spoiled to her, and it was only when she was treated like a princess that she was treated like a princess, that she developed such a temperament.

My wife and master looked at me and smiled, but I didn't know why.My Beautiful Mistress 89

I picked up Wu Shanshan's full wine glass and touched her, "Sister Shanshan, I can't drink any more after drinking this glass with you, and I have to go to work tomorrow!" She nodded vigorously, and said with a smile : "Yeah! Well, I won't toast you after drinking this glass."

When I raised my head and drank the wine until my mouth felt sour to the bone marrow, I hurriedly turned sideways, pounced... and sprayed out all the vinegar in my mouth, oh, this little girl is actually playing tricks on me , it is clearly not wine but white vinegar!

Wu Kaiyun and the others looked at me puzzled.

Little loli Wu Shanshan giggled in her heart, pretending to be innocent: "Brother Ye Qiu, what's the matter with you? Is this wine not good? How about I open it for you again?"

A good bottle!

I quickly shook my head, this time it was vinegar, who knows what to change next!

"! Ha ha... No need, I don't usually drink wine, this wine may be too strong to choke on me." I said to everyone with a smile.Then he quickly picked up the teacup and took a few sips of tea, only to dilute the sour taste in his mouth.

Master and wife should have known it from the very beginning, no wonder they laughed so happily and didn't even remind me!

After such a small episode, our meal ended quickly. Before leaving, Wu Kaiyun gave 5 yuan as a fee, but Mulai gave [-] yuan, and Master only took [-] yuan.

"Master Liu, walk slowly, come here to play when you have time! Although there are no famous rivers and mountains here, it is a good place to escape the summer heat." Wu Kaiyun kept sending us outside the courtyard.Although this Shenling Villa is remote, it is a good place for summer vacation.

Master suddenly said: "The road will be changed back to the original way, and also, tell your daughter not to go out on July [-]th!"

"Yes, yes, Master Xie Liu reminded you!" Wu Kaiyun nodded and bowed.