
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · สมัยใหม่
112 Chs

Chapter 74

Zhu Weiwei went to open the door, but there was still a tent under me, if Lin Yazhi saw this, would it be okay?In desperation, I stretched my hand into my trouser pocket and held my baby horizontally. Although it was a bit uncomfortable, at least it was hard to see that my lower part was raised if I didn't pay attention.

With a creak, the door opened, and Lin Yazhi was holding an insulated box and freshly bought vegetables in her hand. When she saw me, she was surprised at first, and then said happily: "Why is Xiaoqiu here? I thought you gave Aunt Lin Miss Weiwei, you forgot!"

I leaned sideways, not daring to show people in front of others, worried that Lin Yazhi would see my feet, and said with a smile: "Aunt Lin, you have been ridiculed, how could I forget you, I have been beating you non-stop since this morning The phone call with Sister Weiwei, but one of you turned off and the other couldn't get through!"

"Well, you, sister Weiwei, and I went to her grandmother's house last night, and we didn't return until this afternoon. Since we're here, let's have a meal together." Lin Yazhi put down the thermos box and the vegetables in her hand, and said, "Weiwei No matter how Xiaoqiu came, he didn't pour a glass of water!"

Zhu Weiwei gave me a dissatisfied look, "She's not thirsty!" My beautiful wife 74

I chuckled, "Yes, Aunt Lin, you misunderstood Miss Weiwei, she just gave me a drink, the water is sweet!"

Just kissed with Zhu Weiwei and the two of them ate each other's saliva, so why drink water now!

Zhu Weiwei's face turned red, she gave me a hard look, and blamed me for talking nonsense.

Lin Yazhi didn't care about this at all, and she didn't know that I meant something. After entering the kitchen and putting on an apron, she said, "Xiaoqiu, this place is no different from our former home. Just make do with it, and I'll cook for you right now!"

After Lin Yazhi entered the kitchen, Zhu Weiwei pinched me and whispered: "You want to die! You are talking nonsense in front of my mother. If you do this again, I will ignore you!"

"Sister Weiwei, it's just a joke, why take it seriously!" I looked up towards the kitchen, then secretly rubbed Zhu Weiwei's chest, "I'm telling the truth, sister Weiwei, your saliva is really very sweet!"

"Get lost..." Zhu Weiwei looked even more charming with a rosy face.

"Yeah!? It's past five o'clock, Ye Qiu, watch TV by yourself in the living room, I still have things to do online!" Zhu Weiwei rushed into the room after speaking, and I was going to follow her in to see what she was doing. But as soon as she entered, she locked the door behind her.

watch TV?I don't have that hobby, so I came to the kitchen where Lin Yazhi was washing the vegetables, and I asked, "Aunt Lin, how are you doing recently?"

Lin Yazhi smiled and said, "Why do you come to the kitchen, don't get your clothes dirty! We're living a good life, although we're a little tight, but I believe everything will get better!"

"Aunt Lin, my master and wife have already agreed to let you go to work in our company and be responsible for the accounting work!" I went to Lin Yazhi and said, although she is now dressed much more plainly than before, she still can't hide her innocence. Natural beauty, body fragrance is still charming.

Lin Yazhi turned her head and smiled at me: "Xiao Qiu has a heart, but Aunt Lin has already found a job. To be honest, I have lost my accounting job for more than ten years. I'm afraid I can't keep up with the current situation. I know that even if I don't know anything You also have the ability to let me stay in the company, but I can't do free food. Xiaoqiu thank you for your kindness!"

I watched Lin Yazhi walk towards her slowly while washing the vegetables, and my heart beat faster. I suddenly held her in my arms from behind, and whispered against her soft body: "Aunt Lin, I want to you!"

Lin Yazhi's body shook, her face turned rosy, she hurriedly looked outside the door, and said in a trembling voice: "Xiaoqiu, don't do this, it's inconvenient now, don't let Weiwei see it!"

I stroked her soft waist with my hand, "Sister Weiwei went back to her room and said she has something to do, so please don't disturb her, she probably won't come out so soon!"

Lin Yazhi was still a little worried, "Then you go and close the kitchen door and Aunt Lin will touch it for you!"

I walked over and closed the kitchen door, and impatiently strode over to embrace Lin Yazhi, kissed her lips, her hands wrapped around my waist, and her mouth greeted me warmly!

"Xiaoqiu, Auntie misses you too!" Lin Yazhi let go of me and stared at me with scorching eyes. A woman of her age is at the time when her desire is strongest, and she will panic if she doesn't do it for a day.

"Aunt Lin, what should I do if I want you!" I reached into Lin Yazhi's skirt and stroked her belly!My Beautiful Mistress 74

Lin Yazhi's body trembled slightly, "Xiaoqiu, Auntie wants to have sex with you too, but conditions don't allow it now, why don't we go out and rent a room some other day!"

The place where they live now is indeed inconvenient. The mother and daughter share a room, and the whole room is only a little bigger than a palm.

Lin Yazhi hesitated for a while, and said softly: "You little enemy, Aunt Lin is really afraid of you! If you keep pestering me, I'm afraid I can't help but want to do something ridiculous with you!" Lin Yazhi turned around He took the initiative to kiss me, "Xiaoqiu, Aunt Lin will give it to you next time, it's really inconvenient now!"

I took a deep breath, suppressed my desire, and nodded, "Well, Aunt Lin, I actually came here to discuss something with you, but I can't help wanting it when I see you!"