
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · สมัยใหม่
112 Chs

Chapter 68

The rear-entry type has a disadvantage, that is, when the speed is fast, it will make a popping sound. Of course, whether the disadvantages are good or not depends on the location. If you are not afraid of being heard in your own home, it doesn't matter how loud the bump is. Can stimulate the excitement of both sides.

But in public places, such as when I am having sex with my wife in the office, it is definitely not okay to make too much noise. Although there is sound insulation, as long as I get closer to the door, I can still hear some sounds.

pop... pop...

I dare not move too fast, the sound will be louder, but not too slow, if it is too slow, the teacher's pleasure/feeling will be much less, women get comfort by constantly rubbing the male's genitals to stimulate the nerves, So you can only do it at a moderate speed.

"Miss, let's do it in a different position!" Mistress lay on the desk and stood with her legs apart. She struggled after standing for a long time, and I couldn't use my strength to attack violently, so I suggested.My Beautiful Mistress 68

Mistress turned her head and her face was flushed, she looked at me with blurred eyes, and said softly: "Qiuqiu can do whatever she wants, Mistress will fully cooperate with you!"

I stopped my movements and prepared to let my wife lie on the sofa, so that she would save effort, and I could also penetrate into the depths of my wife's stamen at a faster speed and strength!

The sofa is under the big glass connected to my office against my back. When I turned around, I found that Bai Ling was not sleeping in my office, but was doing fitness exercises, just facing us.

This discovery made my blood boil even more. While looking at Bai Ling in the office next door, I was having sex with my teacher's wife. This feeling must be even more exciting!

Mistress also seemed to see through my intentions, looked at Bai Ling opposite, and said shyly: "Little pervert, you actually want to have sex with Mistress in front of that little girl Bai Ling!"

"But... I want to try it too!" Mistress's face turned even redder.

Without further ado, I picked up my mistress and walked towards the sofa under the glass, "Miss, can we turn the sofa around, wouldn't it be more emotional to look at the scenery on the opposite side while doing it!"

The mistress who was in my arms pinched me and said angrily, "Why don't you just call her over to do it together!"

"Hehe..." I chuckled, thinking that Mistress's proposal is good, I haven't tried the feeling of being with two women at the same time, "Okay, as long as Mistress doesn't mind, I will go and pull her over now!"

"Get lost..." Mistress knocked on me and scolded with a smile, "I said you are fat and you are still out of breath. You haven't even taken care of Mistress yet, you are thinking about others!"

I looked at my wife's pink abalone and said, "Really? Then I will take good care of my wife today and make you comfortable enough!"

Xianyi Three Kingdoms 0"

When I came to the sofa, I put my wife down, and then turned the sofa 180 degrees, so that I could see Bai Ling who was sitting on the sofa.

After I sat on the sofa, my wife turned her back to me and spread her legs and slowly sat down facing my baby. My big dick was completely caught by my wife's big abalone. It seemed to be hotter inside than before, and it felt so comfortable The hairs are about to open!

Mistress was up and down, I stretched my hand from under Mistress' armpit to hold Mistress' snow-white breasts and rubbed them.

Bai Ling in the opposite office didn't know anything, and was doing various sports facing us.

"Ah...Qiuqiu, make it a little deeper, it's so comfortable, hurry up..." After a few minutes, the teacher's wife contracted in waves, and I knew that she was about to reach her peak.

I leaned back on the sofa, held my wife's thighs with both hands, and violently twitched, reaching the depths of the stamen every time.

Soon we both reached the peak together, and we were about to ascend to heaven in comfort!My Beautiful Mistress 68

This time, I still sprayed all my essence into my wife's body!

After finishing the work, my wife and I hugged each other and panted heavily. After a short rest, I asked, "Master, are you ready to serve me this time?"

"Well, not bad, much better than last time!" Mistress got up and took out a wet tissue to wipe my lower body, and then helped me to clean it too.

"Get dressed, don't wait for your master to come over!" Mistress said with a smile.

We recalled the scene where Master and the nun had an affair in the office, and laughed: "Maybe Master is scoring twice!"

"You really think that your master is as lecherous as you!" The mistress said after putting on her clothes, "Do you know who the nun is? It's the mistress in the small nunnery not far from our Fengyue Street. How close is your master?" After ten years of friendship, this time I was injured and came to see your master for treatment!"

"Jingxin nunnery?" I was taken aback, and said in disbelief, "No way! Master still communicates with the nunnery? But they stayed alone in the same room for a whole morning. Could it be that nothing happened? ? Why haven't I heard that Master can heal diseases?"

The Jingxin Nunnery is not very far away from our Fengyue Street, only more than 20 kilometers away. On the Lianhua Mountain, Jingxin Nunnery is small, but it has a great reputation. There is a rule that men are not allowed to enter. I have heard that the bhikkhunis in the Jingxin Nunnery are all like gods. of!

"There are a lot of things you don't know! You will know everything after you. Well, let's not talk about this. When I meet that Master Jingyi, be too polite. She has many beautiful nuns under her command. If you can please She is happy that maybe she can marry her apprentice as a daughter-in-law in the future!" Said the teacher's wife teasingly.

Unmoved, I looked at my wife seriously and said, "I only want you to be my wife!"