
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · สมัยใหม่
112 Chs

Chapter 37

Li Xiangjun's words were like an aphrodisiac, which made Bai Ling's heart surge violently. The last time Qiuqiu touched his private parts in the room a few times, it was unbearably itchy. I don't know what it's like to have real sex. Bai Ling was already looking forward to it .

Although Bai Ling also wanted to have a relationship with Qiuqiu, she suddenly thought that Li Xiangjun and Qiuqiu had been in love for more than ten years, and she couldn't ignore Li Xiangjun's feelings, "Sister, if I have sex with Qiuqiu, won't you be jealous or sad? If that's the case, I'd rather practice on my own!"

It's not that Bai Ling is artificial, because she is worried that it will affect Li Xiangjun's cultivation. Qiuqiu's essence can help them improve their cultivation, but it is very difficult for fairies who have reached the second level of their cultivation to improve again. If you practice on your own, it will be impossible to reach the third realm within a few decades.

To put it bluntly, I was afraid that Qiuqiu's resources would not be enough for the two of them to share.

How could Li Xiangjun not know Bai Ling's thoughts?If Qiuqiu's essence was really not enough, she would not have made such a request.My Beautiful Mistress 37

"Sister, what are you worried about? Sister knows that if it is what you think, she will find other ways to help you improve your morality. The goblin clan is at stake. Improving your morality is everyone's responsibility and obligation. My sister has never forgotten her mission. Well, don't worry too much, everything is going according to plan!" Li Xiangjun said without any rejection.


At ten o'clock in the evening, I finished my homework, took a shower, and was about to go to bed, but I heard someone knocking on my door outside. Could it be my wife?Why are you looking for me so late?Mistress seems to seldom come to my room at night before, what's the matter today!

Could it be... Could it be that you came to me for sex/love?

I thought excitedly in my heart, because we had already had a relationship last time, it is not impossible for the teacher to come up and ask me to do it!

Wearing briefs, I walked over to open the door step by step, but as soon as the door opened, I saw Sister Bai Ling. I was a little disappointed at first, but after seeing the sexy clothes on her body, my blood boiled again.

Sister Bai Ling was wearing a pale pink transparent pajamas, her hair was still a little wet, as if she had just taken a shower, and she still had a faint fragrance on her body.

The pajamas had just covered the upper thighs, and the white thighs could be seen at a glance. Under the pajamas, the underwear and pants could be seen clearly, and there were two bulges on her chest.

"Qiuqiu, you haven't slept yet!" Sister Bai Ling smiled lightly, showing a dimple on the left side of her face, pointed to my room, and said, "I think your wife is very interesting online, can you teach me how to use the Internet?" !"

This is one of the seduction plans arranged by Li Xiangjun, and Bai Ling has already begun to implement it.

"Sister Bai Ling, if you want to learn how to surf the Internet, my teacher can teach you too?" I was worried that my teacher would know that I had kept Bai Ling in my room so late, and she would be jealous or unhappy, so I didn't agree to Sister Bai Ling.

Sister Bai Ling smiled, and then entered my room. When she passed by me, there was a faint fragrance, refreshing!

"Your wife said that she still has a lot of work to do, so she doesn't have time to teach me, and she said that she doesn't know as much computer knowledge as you do. She asked me to come up to you!" Sister Bai Ling sat on my computer. Zuo Qian turned around and said to me.

Since it was my wife who asked her to come up, I don't worry, as long as my wife doesn't misunderstand me, I went over and turned on the computer, and said, "Sister Bai Ling, do you want to learn more comprehensively, or just want to learn how to chat online, play games, and turn on the computer. Web pages? If you just want to learn how to play powwow games on the Internet, I can teach you in two days, but if you want to learn comprehensive computer knowledge, I'm afraid it will take at least a month!"

Sister Bai Ling didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Of course, learn more comprehensively. Besides, I can chat with you and Sister Xiangjun for chatting. Why do you have to chat online!"

Sister Bai Ling's words are also reasonable, but there is a big difference between online chatting and face-to-face chatting. Back when computers and the Internet were not as popular as they are today, there were countless people in Internet cafes chatting online all night, almost non-stop throughout the night. One is also very happy.

Later, when post-chat rooms emerged, there were more voice chats all night long. In Internet cafes, I could often hear some people holding headsets and scolding people in the chat room for an hour or two. !

Later, these gradually faded out of people's sight. The appearance of online games immediately ruled the online world and gradually became the mainstream. However, occasionally there are some pornographic chat rooms that attract a group of people.

I have no interest in anything other than playing online games occasionally. I remember that Zhu Xiaobao likes to make videos with naked people the most. He is often scared by some old women. It's disgusting.My Beautiful Mistress 37

But if I can play and chat with a sexy stunner like Bai Ling, I think it would be quite interesting!

After the computer was turned on, I first taught Sister Bai Ling to familiarize herself with the commonly used components and functions of the computer, such as the simplest turning on and off, shortcut keys and so on.

Sister Bai Ling is very clever, she never thought that I could teach her everything by teaching her once.

"Teach me how to type! I think it's fun for your wife to crackle on the keyboard!" Sister Bai Ling looked at me with a smile.

"Okay, let's start with the root practice first!" I downloaded a typing tutorial software from the Internet, and then stood behind Sister Bai Ling with my arms around her body and called her. This posture is very ambiguous, and my arms still sometimes move Touch the pair of soft fleshy balls on the chest.