
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · สมัยใหม่
112 Chs

Chapter 35

There were four bodyguards guarding the door of Wu Linjun's room, but these were nothing to Li Xiangjun, so they walked over. The four bodyguards wanted to scold her to go away, but when they saw Li Xiangjun's appearance, they all stared blankly. up.

Li Xiangjun made a sudden move, and quickly tapped the necks of the four people with his fingers, and the four people fell limply on the ground and passed out.

When I opened the door, I saw that Bai Ling was about to jump out of the window. This is the seventh floor. Although it would be fine to jump down with Bai Ling's skill, it would definitely cause a sensation if someone found out. Seeing the clues, I usually try my best to keep a low profile in front of people.

"Bai Ling!" Li Xiangjun shouted as he entered the room, preventing Bai Ling from going out through the window!

Bai Ling's body shook, and the feeling of madness gradually receded. Seeing Li Xiangjun, he said apologetically, "Sister Xiangjun, I... I was stimulated by that bastard, and suddenly I couldn't control my emotions!" Bai Ling Ling also knew that she had entered a state of berserk, but she was able to withdraw herself without external stimuli.My Beautiful Mistress 35

Li Xiangjun kept a straight face, if Bai Ling's actions were caught by someone with a heart, it would bring disaster to the entire Monster Race. Now the strength of the Monster Race can't compete with the Meizu, and some human Taoist priests are also eyeing , if you are not careful, you will fall into a place of eternal doom.

"Go back and talk about it!" Li Xiangjun glanced at Bai Ling, walked up to Wu Linjun, flicked his finger, and a green light shot into Wu Linjun's head. This is the way to erase memories, but with Li Xiangjun's current Daoxing can only erase one hour of memory at most.

Then he brought Bai Ling to the door and did the same thing to erase part of the memories of the four bodyguards, and then he pulled her away quickly.

However, Li Xiangjun was very careful in doing things, but she didn't find that there was a camera in the room that recorded everything that happened before, and if someone checked, they would still find them.

But this is Wu Linjun's room, as long as he doesn't check it, outsiders won't check it, and his memory was erased by Li Xiangjun for an hour, whether he will check the surveillance records after waking up depends on their fate up.

I was waiting at the elevator entrance, and not long after, I saw my wife and Bai Ling hurrying over. I found that their expressions were a little abnormal. I wanted to ask something, but I forcibly held back.

The three of them were speechless along the way, and I felt that the atmosphere was weird. There seemed to be a gap between the teacher's wife and Bai Ling. I really don't want such a thing to happen.

After returning home, my wife asked me to go upstairs, and the two of them entered the room. I don't know what will happen next, whether Bai Ling will leave because of this, although Bai Ling has not been in our house for a long time, but I am used to having her The presence.

Inside Li Xiangjun's room.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I know I'm too reckless, and I will definitely control my emotions in the future!" Bai Ling was a little worried that Li Xiangjun would let her leave because of this incident, if Li Xiangjun didn't tell her before, she would leave silently, But now I can't bear Qiuqiu in my heart.

If Li Xiangjun drives Bai Ling away, it doesn't mean that Li Xiangjun is ruthless, but that Bai Ling realizes that he has created a catastrophe, and maybe the fox clan led by Li Xiangjun will be implicated.

And she herself is also a member of the monster clan, Li Xiangjun has the right to expel her if she makes a mistake, and even Li Xiangjun has the power of life and death over the monsters in the human world.

However, Li Xiangjun was angry and did not intend to expel Bai Ling. After seeing Bai Ling admitting his mistake, Li Xiangjun softened his heart, "Sister, do you know that you almost caused a catastrophe today? Do you know why I live in seclusion here? Do you think those I can't deal with the police? Don't say ten or eight, even a hundred can't do anything to me, but our enemy is not those people, you should be very clear about the real enemy of our Yaozu, and that is the Meizu."

"Meizu women all know the art of charm, and Meizu men know how to harvest yin and replenish yang. Thousands of years ago, their practice methods were against the harmony of heaven, but the Meizu lineage has passed down a magic weapon that can avoid heaven's punishment since ancient times. So they can blatantly use those vicious methods of cultivation."

"Not only that, they also put the blame on our monster race, causing those human guardians to hunt down our monster race fiercely. Our monster race originally lived in peace with humans, but it was because of being framed by the demon race that it split with humans. Thousands of years The former Maoshan Zhang Tianshi started to arrest the goblins just because he mistakenly believed the lies of the Meizu. Another time, Zhang Tianshi was injured in a battle with the Tiger Demon King. He was rescued by one of our fox clan first, and then the two fell in love with each other. After listening to who It was only after the explanation of the seniors that I realized that I was fooled by the Meizu."

Li Xiangjun looked at Bai Ling and continued: "Later, Zhang Tianshi was so ashamed and indignant that he lived in seclusion in the mountains and gave orders to future generations not to catch monsters for life! Nowadays, no one knows the truth except me and a few seniors in the clan. Lurking in the city to frame human Taoist priests and accuse my monster race of doing a lot of evil."

"Qiuqiu is a person who has obtained the opportunity of heaven, and his future achievements may even be higher than that of Zhang Tianshi thousands of years ago. This is the opportunity of our monster race. If... If he asks you, you just do it according to his words, even if you want to get it." Your body!" Li Xiangjun said with some embarrassment.