
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · สมัยใหม่
112 Chs

Chapter 101

"You kid, please be content, you're lucky if you didn't suck you into a mummy!" I said with a smile, secretly rejoicing that I didn't come, otherwise I might be like Zhu Xiaobao, and maybe both of them were killed. His stepmother sucked the essence dry.

This time, I wish Xiaobao was really lucky. If Master and fellow Taoists were not nearby, we might have seen his dead body when we came here!

Zhu Xiaobao looked at his mistress who was not far away, and smiled at me ambiguously: "Ye Qiu, your mistress is so beautiful, maybe she is also a female fairy!

Be careful, I'm fucking afraid of those beautiful women now!"

"Get out of here!" Zhu Xiaobao scolded me with a glance, this guy was once bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes, if my teacher's wife is a goblin, she would have sucked me dry early, my teacher's wife and I have made love several times No, and there is no such situation as Zhu Xiaobao and his stepmother, how could she be a fairy! My glamorous wife 101

Zhu Xiaobao saw that I was about to get angry, so he didn't dare to continue making this joke, and said: "Ye Qiu, you have to let your master do the practice well, this time you can survive the catastrophe, and you might die next time, I haven't lived enough yet. Then The bitch ran away, who knows if he will come back to find me again!"

Master, wife, and another person I don't know walked over with Master.

"You don't need to worry about this little friend. This fellow Taoist and I have cast spells and set up a soul suppressing array here. Once the evil spirits set foot here, they will never come back. That charming girl was also injured by us. She didn't find a place to hide You won't be injured or disabled after half a year, so you don't have to worry at all!" Master comforted Zhu Xiaobao.

"Thank you, Master Liu, thank you for this master! You two have worked hard! Why don't I be the host today, and treat the two masters to a light meal!" Zhu Xiaobao hurriedly thanked, with a heart

The worries are also relieved.

"Hehe... Since you are my apprentice's friend, you don't need to be too polite!" The master didn't want to wish Xiaobao any good because of my face.

"Xiaoqiu, this is Master Xu Zhaobin, a Taoist friend of Master, come quickly and salute Master Xu!" Master introduced to me the man beside him. Xu Zhaobin looked younger than Master. A gray-blue robe, with a short beard, and an easy-going smile on his face.

I walked up to Xu Zhaobin and saluted him: "Ye Qiu has met Master Xu!"

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, nephew, you don't need to be too polite. I have been friends with your master for many years. I often hear that he has taken in a good apprentice. Seeing him today is really extraordinary!"

Xu Zhaobin looked at me with an old godly smile and said.

"Don't praise him to the sky, this kid is really a stinky fart! He knows how to be lazy all day long because of his excellent memory!" Although the master said that, the smile on his face betrayed him, the meaning of these words It's clearly a negative praise.

"Hehe... It seems that Brother Liu's personality is still the same!" Xu Zhaobin smiled with something in his words.

The master didn't care at all, and said: "Xiaoqiu, go back earlier with your teacher's wife. There are still many places to patrol for the teacher. Maybe I won't go back in a few days. You should not move around for the next three days, especially at night!"

"Yes, Master!"

After my master and Xu Zhaobin left, Zhu Xiaobao asked curiously: "Ye Qiu, what is your master going to inspect? Also, why did he say that you are not allowed to do so within three days?"

Walking around? Is there something big going to happen?"

I was going to explain to Xiaobao unreservedly, but my wife quietly pulled my clothes behind me, and I stopped abruptly.

The teacher was afraid that Zhu Xiaobao would be frightened by what she said. She smiled and said: "It's nothing, but the evil spirits are more serious in the nights of July [-]th, so you'd better not go out at night, because the charming girl like your stepmother relies on You may encounter evil spirits at night, so stay at home and don't go there at night for safety's sake!"

"Oh, so that's the case, thank you Aunt Li for reminding me!" Zhu Xiaobao suddenly realized.My beautiful wife 101

When I left Zhu Xiaobao's house, I gave him a few evil talisman papers and asked him to stick them in a backlit corner of the house. There was a soul suppressing array set up by Master and the others outside. Zhu Xiaobao's safety should not be a problem.

Back in the car, I called Zhu Weiwei and Lin Yazhi, but their mobile numbers were still empty. I am also a little relieved.

The master and more than a dozen fellow Taoists were divided into two groups, and spread the Dharma in various villages in the city and some places with strong evil spirits. Although the fish that slipped through the net could not be completely avoided, at least it could reduce those evil things from coming out to harm people.

In a blink of an eye, the [-]th of July will arrive. These days, I deliberately buy several newspapers at the same time every day, and check on a large portal website to see if there are any suspicious news. If there are some unexplained deaths, it is likely that there are Demons appeared or other ghosts, but fortunately, nothing unexpected happened.

After lunch, my wife, Bai Ling and I rested at home, while Master was still busy outside.

I just lay down and was going to take a nap, but I received a call from my homeroom teacher Zhang Baizhi. She told me to go to her home for tutoring today. I mentioned this to my teacher, but my teacher insisted that I not go out.

I had no choice but to call back the class teacher Zhang Baizhi and said that I was not feeling well today and I would go tomorrow!

The head teacher seemed very angry and hung up the phone without saying anything!

In the staff dormitory of the High School Attached to Normal University, Zhang Baizhi was lying naked on the bed with a muscular man, Zhang Baizhi leaned against the head of the bed and said with a coquettish smile: "That little guy can't come!"