Lean, a brilliant software engineer, navigates the intricate world of code and camaraderie. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that her housemate, Debra, harbors a secret crush on her. As they both work at the same tech company after an unexpected conflict happened,their intertwined lives lead to a rollercoaster of emotions, challenges, and unforeseen consequences.and their undying love for each other.
The Office
Tech Haven, a bustling startup, buzzes with innovation. Lean's desk overlooks the city skyline, but her mind is often lost in lines of code.
Alley the enigmatic data analyst, sits two cubicles away. Her shy glances hint at something deeper. Just that she had bigger problems to worry about right now than to mind a shy person. She had a presentation to prepare ,but it's just so obvious that her own ideas won't be heard that much . We are in a men's world after all .
Lean faces subtle biases. In meetings, her ideas are sometimes dismissed until a male colleague echoes them. And that really upsets her. The manager at this company was just doing everything for his own good and not giving us the young one's a chance to explore and have an experience of the real world of technology.
She swims upstream, proving her worth in a sea of stereotypes. "Urgh" lean sigh's in frustration.
" You good" Alley asks . Urgh like she cares ,but somehow my heart raced a bit when she asked . "Yeah sure I'm okay just exhausted. Atleast I'm about to knock off . Gotta prepare my presentation for Thursday. " Lean said while avoiding eye contact with Alley.
"Well I wish you all the best cause as you can see Luis means business and his presentations are always top notch . He has made the company win a lot of tenders in the past years . I don't know if you ready for this war cause what I see right now ".... She paused a bit acting like she's thinking..." Well when I look at you I see a weak soldier going to war with no armor. " With that she left with a smug grin on her face.
"F**k I cursed under my breathe I love being a software engineer but I hate this place . Nothing is fair here. I felt irritated. I stood up and packed my stuff and decided to go to the bus station and catch a ride home .
I scrolled on my phone,well there's nothing interesting in it , I've been single for a while now,by choice actually . I'm that type of girl who gets what she wants always.
But seems this time I've lost my touch. The one I need to look at me is not even fazed by my existence .I tossed and turned in bed ,I fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning and yeah I arrived late at work which resulted in me getting a written warning from the managing director. That man just sends shivers down my spine something about his attitude is off . His the type that can get away with murder.
And today was yet another boring day like any other . Everyone was extremely busy with their presentations and I haven't started with mine . They gave me a hard task .
I think I'm loosing my mind...
hie it's the author here. I'm sure you have noticed the story line has changed including a few names. I had to make changes because of certain personal reasons. I'm sorry for any confusion I caused.
love Peaches