
Give me a Hand, Would you now?

Could you give me a hand real quick?

Tosp_Toosp · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


Drip, drip, drip.

The rain rages with a terrible ignorance to what horrors it can bring. The man driving would have never known that he would have caused someone's death. The seconds that passed would have seemed to stick for longer that it was made for. The boy laid motionless as the others seemed to have waited for him to stand again. But it was all useless as he stays down without the ability to rise. His body as the subject to a photo that those who see will have burned into their memories unable to forget the image.

Yep, that's me! You're probably wondering how I got here. To be honest, I have no clue. I was running and then... BOOM, I died. Well, I don't know how to feel about that but, I don't really care. But what I do care is that all I see is this beautiful lady's face.

Her eye's show experience and her face stares with an ambiguous feeling of sadness. It turns my stomach to see her feeling this way. I reach my hands up in order to comfort her in any way possible. "Waaa" I slip out as I reach up. She notices what I do... and she smiles. Her deep brown hair twirls in my hand and her jet-black eyes fill with life and an energetic joyfulness that washes away all that sadness. She giggles and laughs with such innocence that I feel warm and comfortable? I don't know how to feel, but I know I feel safe. This feeling could stay... I like it.

"Waahaha," I giggle.

"I love you... my baby," She grins.

Wait what?