
Git Gud Or Die Trying (hiatus)

In the epic and unforgiving world of Elden Ring, a young gamer's obsession with defeating the notorious boss, Margit The Fell Omen, reaches new heights. After countless sleepless nights and relentless determination, he finally emerges victorious, but at a great cost—exhaustion claims his life. But instead of finding himself in the afterlife or facing a Game Over screen, he wakes up inside the very game only just began conquer. Armed with only his knowledge of the starting area and the basic necesities, the young man sets out to find meaning and purpose in his new world. ... Alright, let's quickly go over everything you need to know before diving into the story. Just like any other Souls game, the lore of Elden Ring is famously vague and complex. So here's the deal, I'll be throwing in some theories about the lore that YouTubers have come up with, or maybe even a few of my own, to keep the story flowing. Some of you might agree with these theories, and some won't. But honestly, I couldn't care less either way. Now, fair warning, this story is gonna be slow-paced. Like, really slow. There's a bunch of sights and explanations I need to cover, since not everyone knows the ins and outs of the world and lore of Elden Ring. Plus, I happen to enjoy taking my time when it comes to storytelling. But hey, if a slow burn ain't your cup of tea, do yourself a favor and find something else to read right now. Oh, and here's the best part: it doesn't matter if you've played the game or not. I'll do my best to explain the story and describe the world in the most vivid way possible. That's another reason why I'm taking it slow. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a leisurely journey through the mysterious realm of Elden Ring.

Wicked132 · วิดีโอเกม
31 Chs

Into the Dimly Lit Catacomb #6

As the young man stood amidst the aftermath of his recent battle, the metallic tang of blood lingered in the air. His broadsword, stained with the life essence of his fallen enemies, gleamed dully in the cave's dim light. With a swift motion, he wiped the crimson remnants from the blade's edge onto the folds of his cloak, leaving a dark streak across the fabric.

The young man's gaze shifted from the blood-streaked cloak to the four lifeless corpses of the undead-like creatures strewn across the ground. Their decaying forms twisted and contorted, grotesque in death.

A mixture of satisfaction and weariness washed over him as he surveyed his handiwork. He had dispatched more than a dozen such abominations alongside several soldiers since his encounter with his arch nemesis, the crossbow-wielding coward.

With a determined stride, he moved forward, his boots making a soft splashing sound as they waded through the ankle-deep water covering the ground. The dampness clung to his clothing, adding a chill to the air.

His attention turned to a miniature statue perched at the end of a narrow passage that twisted to the right. It depicted a regal figure, unmistakably Queen Marika. The young man recognized it as the Stake of Marika, a magical idol that held a significant role in this realm. In the game, it served as a resurrection point for players who failed to defeat the bosses ahead of the idol.

Though he didn't know if it would work similarly, he had no intention of figuring it out as that would entail daying.

His gaze flicked to the right, where the narrow passage opened into a wide area. The ground was partially submerged, the water glistening eerily in the dim light. It would reach up to his ankles, hindering his movements but not rendering him immobile. Numerous empty stone coffins and wooden debris added an air of mystery to the place, hinting at forgotten tales and ancient rituals.

The young man maintained his calm as he surveyed the scene, his mind fully aware of the impending confrontation with the tutorial boss. He knew the stakes were high, but the slaughter he enacted upon the cave's dwellers to get here hardened his heart and boosted his confidence.

Taking a moment to steady his nerves, he reached into his pouch and retrieved a small vial, its contents shimmering like liquid fire. It was a Crimson Tear flask, a precious elixir that would mend his wounds and restore his health.

He unstoppered the flask and downed its contents in one swift gulp, feeling the restorative energy surge through his body. The wounds on his flesh began to mend, closing up rapidly.

The young man knew he couldn't rely solely on his physical well-being, so he reached for his only Cerulean Tear and gulped it down, the blue, shimmering liquid within replenishing his focus and energy.

He forged ahead, his eyes fixed on the narrow passage that beckoned from the other side. The submerged area offered an ominous atmosphere, the water reflecting the dim light in a haunting manner. Each step through the ankle-deep depths was accompanied by a soft sloshing sound, adding to the eerie ambiance.

A hulking soldier emerged from the shadows as if on cue, his imposing figure towering over the young man. This soldier stood apart from the others he had encountered thus far, exuding an air of brute strength and unwavering determination. In his grip, a massive two-handed sword gleamed menacingly.

"For the golden one!" the soldier bellowed, his voice filled with zeal and conviction. With surprising agility for his size, he charged toward the young man, closing the distance between them in mere seconds. The weight of the soldier's sword was evident as he swung it down with a thunderous force, aiming to shatter the young man's defenses.

The clash was fierce, the resounding impact of steel against steel echoing through the submerged cavern. The young man's shield trembled under the weight of the soldier's strike, threatening to buckle under the immense pressure. Through sheer determination and honed reflexes, he managed to hold his ground.

Struggling against the soldier's overwhelming strength, the young man exerted every ounce of his skill and willpower. He fought with a calculated ferocity, maneuvering his shield to deflect the soldier's onslaught while seeking openings for his own strikes. Despite the difficulty of the battle, the young man's experience, what little of it he had anyway, proved invaluable.

With a swift and well-timed maneuver, the young man seized an opportunity. He deftly sidestepped the soldier's next swing, exploiting a momentary vulnerability. In a display of his own strength, he countered with a powerful thrust of his broadsword, aiming for the soldier's exposed flank.

The soldier's eyes widened in disbelief as the young man's blade found its mark. The force behind the strike was undeniable, piercing the soldier's armor. A guttural cry escaped the soldier's lips, mingling with the sound of rushing water as he crumpled to his knees.

His face a mask of indifference, the young man swung his broadsword, detaching the soldier's head from his body with one swift motion.

The young man stood over his fallen adversary, his heart pounding with the thrill of victory. Though the soldier's death had been violent, it was a necessary outcome in the young man's journey.

As the echoes of battle subsided, the young man took a moment to gather himself, his gaze drifting momentarily to the fallen soldier. He picked up the hefty sword and deposited it into his inventory before moving on.

As the young man strode through the narrow passage, his steps echoed softly against the cold stone walls. Emerging onto a ledge, he found himself overlooking the same place where he started. A sense of relief washed over him as he glanced down at the spot where the ghostly figure had been before the young man robbed him of his seat out of spite.

With a chuckle, the young man leaped gracefully from the ledge, landing beside a small, leafless golden tree that stood resilient in the desolate surroundings. Knowing that he had overcome a significant obstacle, he pressed forward, his gaze fixed on the ascending stone stairs ahead.

As he ascended the worn steps, the young man could feel the weight of history hanging in the air. The door at the top beckoned to him, and with a determined push from both hands, it swung open, revealing an eerie sight.

Before him lay a dimly lit catacomb, the air heavy with dust and the scent of decay. Flickering candles that cast an eerie, pale white light adorned the ground, illuminating the corridor albeit barely.

Undeterred by the foreboding atmosphere, the young man stepped forward, his footsteps muffled by the soft layer of dust covering the stone floor. He noted the small flight of stairs to his left and promptly moved toward it.

Once he ascended the stairs, the young man found himself in a more open area with many peculiarities, but he ignored everything in favor of sprinting toward the Site of Grace at its center.

As the young man approached the Site of Grace, a soothing warmth enveloped his body. The weariness that had weighed him down dissipated, replaced by a renewed vigor and vitality. The touch of his hand activated the magical site, and a gentle glow emanated from the statue, spreading throughout his being.

With each passing second, the warmth intensified, coursing through his muscles and bones, revitalizing him from within. Not only did the magical energy restore his physical strength. But it also cleansed away the grime and dirt that had accumulated on his body and equipment during his arduous journey.

For the next five minutes, the young man allowed himself to sink into a state of tranquility, his mind temporarily unburdened from the challenges he had faced and those yet to come. He focused on the rejuvenating energy flowing through him, embracing its healing properties and letting it dissolve any lingering tension or fatigue.

During this brief respite, the young man took stock of his surroundings, and the imp statue was the first thing to demand his attention. It stood tall amidst the eerie ambiance and seemed to guard a passageway between three towering pillars. A translucent energy barrier obstructed the way, pulsating with a faint glow.

The young man recognized the grounds beyond the barrier as a hero's grave, having explored it when he was playing the game, which resulted in one of his most miserable experiences in the game.

Though he had the means to unlock the barrier and explore the deep catacombs, he lacked both the ability and courage to do so, as he was now. The young man set aside toughts of the imp statue and the blocked passage. His focus was on recuperating, recharging his body and mind to keep moving.

As the five minutes of respite ended, the young man opened his eyes, rose to his feet, and resumed his stride.


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