
Ch 1: Changes

I can't believe we have to move again for the hundredth time, my mom said this is the last time but she's always saying that. I would never doubt my mom but I just can't believe her when she says its the last time I promise no more changes. I'm tired of meeting new people especially at school to be honest the whole school clique thing is old and its hard to trust anyone that's why I don't let my guard down. So now I'm stuck in this hot ass car waiting to get to our so called final destination.

"Mom are we even there yet? Like I don't understand why we have to move in the first place like really L.A?" I asked. "Why not plus I got a better job opportunity, there is noth-" "There's nothing wrong with having a little change in life, I know mom you said that a thousand times before and nothing has changed yet." I explained. "Well life is full of unexpected twist and turns so you'll never know where the road will take you." she said as she continued to drive. "Yeah well these changes are always the same so I don't have any high expectations." I sighed while looking at the scenery passing by out the window.

As we continued our drive we got closer to our destination I had this gut feeling that my mom maybe right that this move might be good for me but who knows what's in store for us. We finally got our new home and honestly I'm happy to get out of this car after that long thirty hour drive. "So what do think Reign?" she asked as we got out the car. "I'm impressed mom it's not bad but how can you afford something like this." I was surprised she actually was right this move so far isn't as bad as I thought it would be. "I told you mija I got a better job offer which also helped me get this place for us, look I know you didn't want to move but I know that this move will be good for us I promise." she said to me as she grabbed my hands. "I know mom and I appreciate everything you do for me, just please no more moving." I laughed as I pulled her into hug.

As we walked in the house I started to explore the rooms and see which room would be mine. I found my room and started bring my stuff so I can start unpacking. "Reign I'm going to grab us something to eat. Are going to be okay while I'm gone?" she asked as she walked into my room. " Yes mom I'll be fine plus I have all this stuff to unpack." I told her as I was taking my stuff out of the boxes. "Well if you need anything call me okay." she told me as she walked away. I decided to play some music since I was going to be alone for minute but instead of unpacking I went to explore the house more. I saw in our backyard we had a pool as I went to go walk back inside I heard a voice calling me but I didn't know where it was coming from.

"Ay!" the voice hollered but much more closer this time. I turned around and saw the gate to our backyard open with a guy coming closer to me. "Um you know it's illegal to come on someones property with out their consent right." I huffed as I put my hands on my hips. "Wow is that how talk to everyone you just meet or are you just like that." he sarcastically laughed as he got close to me. "Well for one I don't know you so of course I'm going to be like that and two who are you and what are you doing here." I annoyingly said as I was moving away.

"I'm your neighbor and I just wanted to say what's up, I saw you and your mom moving in so why not come over an introduce myself." his voice was rough but you can tell that he was trying to be sincere. "Okay well you know you could have knocked." I rolled my eyes still annoyed at the fact that this guy wouldn't give up. "I know but anyways my name is Jericho and if you need anything I'm always next door" he smirked while walking away.

I blew it off and locked my gate, I walked back to the pool sat down and started to stare at the sky. As I was looking up at the sky I started to think about what my mom was telling me on the way here, she's right life is full of twist and turns and we don't know where it might lead us. All I know is that it led us here and honestly I think this going to be an interesting move and I can't wait to see how everything will turn out. My mom came back with the food and we started to eat, after we had finished we started to unpack more in our new home. I'm happy that my mom made this call for us and I hope we stay here for awhile because I think this is the road my mom was talking about and I know I've been going thru changes but I prayed everyday that we would make it and we did.