

"You should have told us!" Prince Randol yelled as he slammed his fist on the tavern's table. "You're lucky the barmaid told what you were up too, or we'd have the entire City Watch looking for you two!"

"Why?" Cyril groaned. "I killed a fucking dragon, I can handle myself."

Randol then gestured to the thirteen-yeard old normal mage girl.

"Err..." Cyril couldn't say anything about that." She was with me?"

Randol took a deep breathe as his gauntlets groaned. Priscilla had bowed her head in shame. She felt guilty for not checking with Cyril if she'd told Randol about their outing. Now, they were being reprimanded for it. Well, Randol was attempting to do so. Cyril seemed to accept that she should have said something. However, she also was pushing back against him.

"That doesn't matter." Randol sighed. "You can't protect her if you're busy!"

"Yeah I can?" Cyril said, not so sure she could, but she refused to give any ground. If only because he was shouting at them.

Randol rubbed his throbbing temples with his fingers. Mai was repressing her laughter, but Desmond was also annoyed with the girls as well. During the time the girls had spent out of the town, the other three had already purchased the supplies to last them until the next town. Winter wasn't good on the villages, thus, Desmond wouldn't rely on them for any of it.

"I swear, I could have handled it," Cyril said innocently.

"Why are you being stubborn?" Randol asked.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Cyril fired a question back.

"You both fight like cats and dogs," Mai finally spoke up. "Just let it rest. I think it's time for us to leave the city anyway."

"But the snow is still deep." Randol shook his head. "And Cyril needs to--"

Mai leaned over the table.

"She killed a dragon," Mai said.

"And what does that--" Mai cut Randol off.

"You can't kill a dragon." Mai smiled.

Randol glared at her, mulling over his response before finally, he gave up on it.

"Fine," He said. "I'll be the adult in the room and leave it be."

"Well yes, you are the oldest here," Demond said. "I do believe that'll be quite appropriate."

"Don't be snide, Little Brother," Randol hissed.

"Look, chill, okay?" Cyril spoke up. "I get it. I should have told you, but why are you being an asshole?"

Randol glared at Cyril now. His pride and honor had been trampled, though, he knew he was blowing it out of proportions. He couldn't help himself though. While these four were off galavanting like everything was normal, it wasn't. Not by a long shot. Nothing was fine.

"Look, dude." Cyril held her hands up in resignation. "Really. I. Am. Sorry. I get it, I really do."

"Do you?" Randol said as he got up, and stomped off.

The group watched him before Mai spoke up.

"Just... Forgive him." Mai sign as she ran her fingers through her hair. "He's... Going through stuff."

"I don't think that's a good way to handle stuff though." Priscilla, worried, stared after him. She debated if she was supposed to go after him or stay with everyone else.

"Randol, despite how he acts, is rather prideful." Desmond came to his defense. "He was the leader of security for our group. He thinks he failed his duty. It hit him hard. He's going to be really irritable. He'll work it out, just... Give him some time."