
Chapter 1: The beginning of the girl of crows

You would have never imagined that one thing could affect her life in so many ways and that thing was a single lonely crow that was always around in some way signifying what She hadn't learned just yet. This crow was said to be her protector or her guardian angel in disguise as a crow so the town of Oakmill accepted this creature in all buildings as long as she led its entrance. Yet no one ever really paid attention to the girl with her blonde shoulder length hair that was trimmed to lay perfectly on her shoulders without a single flaw or how she had dark eyes that were like the sky when it was a cloudy new moon night. With her name meaning that she was a goddess of destruction which people called with such joy when they saw her and that lonely thing some may call a crow. Then that's when she heard a familiar voice.

"Kali! Are you coming to the gathering tonight? I heard it's going to be in the woods and your little friend here could totally join us." She turned to face her taller yet thin framed friend with red hair that looked so natural yet so fake at the same time and smiled at the invite. "I'll try my best Luna, you know we have that English project due soon." Kali replied and went on to class in her overly lit school halls with a rush of people who were all completely different with the same objective as everyone else which was arriving at their class. Before the ear ringing of a bell echoed through the halls making sure they all knew that being late was wrong. Yet she could stay in the hall for as long as she pleased and no one including the principal. When this would happen people would just walk by and look at her and move on.

Now after class has ended and another one unfortunately goes on like it does 5 days a week but now it was close to everyone's favorite subject which was lunch even though it's truly not one some may argue. People rushed into a large room with tables all around and an outside area that you could walk out a door to get to with trees all around with benches underneath their gorgeous shade from the sun. After a few moments people had gotten in their places that they usually sit and that's when Kali started hearing the rumors that had only just begun.

"Did you hear what Luna said about her? Yeah I know I can't believe she was planning to do that tonight also. Hey, do you still want to go to see if she actually shows up tonight at the party. I'm sure it will make a great scene if Luna actually commits to her plan."

That's when Kali looked at her dark shadow of a bird and spoke " my dear may you go see what is happening for me" her little strange friend let out a noise and flew to sit in a branch right about the group that was known for learning every single rumor in Oakmill. Soon after the creature of the shadows returned right by Kali's side and gave her a tilted look trying to signal what they heard was not what anyone would ever prefer to do so. She had mistaken the crows' glance and warning noises and thought to herself and spoke in a soft tone so no other ears but her own could hear.

"Now I have no other choice. I have to go to the woods tonight and see what this rumor is since my dearest Luna would never truly say those things would she?"

She was going to go to that party so she passed through the rest of the dreadful school day hearing the same questions go around yet never attaching the answers to the end so she had to sit in silence with the thing called a piece of her dark soul. Then was the last overwhelming ear ringing to signal it was time to leave school and so she grabbed her stuff then did exactly that so she could go home and prepare herself for the eventful party that's supposed to be coming soon.

Tick, tick, tick, she heard her clock on repeat until it was time for her to start to get dressed for the party of rumors spread by her closest friend. She sat and waited with her spirit animal that came to life that was grooming at their feathers making them lay flatter against the others and more presentable to outsiders because after all Kali did prefer her small friend to stay hygienic. Finally the time came for Kali to get dressed for her soon to be eventful night so she grabbed a button up t-shirt that was cut off right above her belly button that was the color of red that gets reflected off of the water at the beach right before the sun says it's goodbyes that day with some larger ripped jeans then paired the outfit with some scuffed up red high top shoes to finish off the look then traveled out her door with her keys to go off to Oakmill park where the woods were located at in this small small town.

Without a doubt the air started to get thicker as she got closer to the location of the party which was odd to her since the air never seemed to be this way. Yet she thought maybe it was this area of Oakmill that has this thick of air since she has never recalled visiting this location in her life so once she arrived she parked her car in a spot close by and stepped out of it to meet her unattached shadow at a nearby tree. Once this pair met they heard the music and followed the waves to get to where the party was and then she saw Luna quickly put on a fake smile and grabbed a cup from a collapsible table they had set up and walked over to meet Kali.

"Hey girl here you go! Are you ready to have some fun tonight?" Luna's tone was full of sarcasm with a hint of a mischievous one mixed in. that's when Kali decided to play along she grabbed the cup from her hands but took a very small sip to realize it was just some cherry soda that she stayed very suspicious of and replied "Hey luna thank you for this! Do you know if they have anything planned here tonight like any games?" Luna then replied saying she didn't think so with her face getting flushed like she was hiding something so after she walked away very quickly. Kali shrugged it off and placed the cup she was holding down on a picnic table and went to socialize with a few other people she barely knew. As the night went on the party was at its peak when the moon was at theirs. Itt became the kinda party that would be seen in movies with a bonfire and people drinking and dancing while Luna would give dirty yet polite looks at Kali.

Then some time passed by and Kali looked around having a strange feeling in her stomach seeing her lonesome friend and Luna nowhere in sight so she walked around looking for both her friends when she saw a trail of feathers. Not just ordinary feathers she picked one up and looked at it. That's when her world went spinning. Those feathers were crow feathers. She ran after the trail calling her dearest crow looking for some form of chirp any sort of response other than feathers on the ground when she turned a corner around a tree to see that head of natural yet unnatural looking red hair of her dearest Luna walking with a cage, a bird cage. Kali felt her body go numb when she saw that's where both her friends went so she pushed her body to run up and grab the cage and push Luna away. Luna then lost her balance so fast all she could do was fall but her landing didn't just end then. Both of the girls both learned these woods weren't always soft flat ground and that there was actually a hill that had fallen trees and rocks laid all about. Kali stood in shock watching her dear friend fall and tumble down. That's wear she stood when others from the party started coming they asked Kali what happened but all she could hear was ringing.

People saw what had happened minutes before they ran down the hill as safely as possible to retrieve Luna from the bottom and carried her up avoiding all the rocks and fallen branches once they reached the top when they held Luna up to see she still had the rises and falls in her chest and stomach when they rushed her away. Leaving Kali behind sitting with her shadow friend trapped in the metal cage sitting right beside her in the leaves. Unsure of how much time had passed she eventually got up freed her single crow friend and left when she realized her phone had messages from people she barely knew.

"It should have been you" "she broke her leg because of you" " you're a monster who hurt her " there was more her phone was filled to the top if there actually was one with messages and comments just like that. That's when Kali learned maybe being known as the girl of the crow was not the best thing to be and that responsibility carried so much luck with her just the luck was the worst kind of all. After a while she was able to bring herself to go home where she saw another shadowy friend sitting on her doorstep almost like it was waiting for someone or something it was meant to be with.