
Gilgamesh in Re:Zero

What would happen if the one who got transported to the re zero world is Gilgamesh instead of Natsuki Subaru?

M_A_A · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

The King's Elemental Display

The group exited the mansion, their footsteps crunching on the gravel as they moved toward an open space near the estate. The whispers of the knights and villagers who had gathered to watch grew louder with each step. Eyes, wide with curiosity and disbelief, followed Gilgamesh, who remained calm, his expression unreadable.

Gilgamesh halted, surveying the area with a satisfied nod. "This will do," he declared, extending his right hand. For a few heartbeats, the air around him seemed to still, the world holding its breath. Then, four distinct elements materialized on his palm—fire, water, thunder, and wind—each represented by a small, pulsing fraction.

A murmur rippled through the crowd, but Gilgamesh's voice cut through it as he asked, "Tell me, which element do you wish to witness first?"

Reinhard exchanged a brief glance with Felix before replying, "Whatever you wish."

Felix, with a playful grin, chimed in, "Start with fire, Your Majesty."

At Felix's word, the fiery fraction lifted from Gilgamesh's hand, soaring into the sky. A moment later, a massive explosion lit up the heavens, sending a shockwave through the air. The force of it was felt by everyone close by, and gasps of astonishment escaped the crowd.

"Impossible," one of the knights muttered, eyes wide with disbelief. "A fraction did that?"

"Is he even human?" another voice whispered, awe and fear mingling in the tone.

Gilgamesh's laughter rang out, rich and confident. "This is merely a fraction," he announced, his voice carrying effortlessly across the field.

Next, the fraction of thunder ascended, and the sky darkened as yellow lightning crackled, creating a violent storm. Thunder boomed, and lightning strikes illuminated the area with terrifying brilliance. Faces that had already been astonished were now etched with a deeper shock, even Reinhard's expression betraying his surprise.

"This is dangerous," Marcos warned, his voice tight with concern. "We might need to—"

But before he could finish, the storm abruptly ceased, the thunder fraction dissipating as quickly as it had appeared. The water fraction then descended to the ground, and as it touched, a wave of energy surged through the onlookers. Mana levels spiked, and past wounds healed, leaving everyone feeling invigorated, as if their bodies had been reborn.

"This...this is impossible," Felix murmured, his usual playful demeanor replaced with genuine disbelief. "Healing magic could never be this potent."

Finally, the wind fraction spun toward a nearby forest, transforming into a tornado that tore through the trees, uprooting them with a force that left the crowd breathless. Emilia stepped forward, her voice pleading, "Please, Gilgamesh, no more damage."

Despite the chaos around him, Gilgamesh remained unmoved, a slight smirk playing on his lips. Even Reinhard, the most composed of them all, was visibly taken aback.

As the last remnants of the elemental display faded, the crowd stood in stunned silence, unable to find their voices. Gilgamesh raised both hands, a commanding presence amidst the awestruck gathering. "Applause," he said, the word hanging in the air.

For a brief moment, confusion rippled through the crowd, but his voice rang out once more, sharp and imperious. "Applause for your king and his unmatched, majestic power."

Slowly, almost hesitantly, the crowd began to clap, the sound growing as realization sank in. The knights, the villagers, Felix, Marcos, Reinhard, Emilia, Puck, and even Roswaal—each one struck by the spectacle—joined in, their applause a mixture of respect, fear, and admiration.

Reinhard stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Gilgamesh with an expression of deep contemplation. "It's exceedingly rare to see someone with an affinity for three elements," he began, his tone respectful, "and to combine wind and fire to produce lightning as well... that's something truly extraordinary."

Gilgamesh chuckled softly, a knowing glint in his crimson eyes. Before he could respond, Puck floated closer, his small form radiating an aura of curiosity and surprise. "Actually," Puck interjected with a playful tone, "this guy has an affinity for all elements, including Yin and Yang. And who knows, maybe even Divine Protections and Od Lagna."

The revelation hung in the air like a thunderclap, creating another wave of shock among the onlookers. Astonishment rippled through the knights and villagers alike, their whispers growing louder.

"Yes, he's definitely not human," one knight muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

"By God, who is that?" another asked, his voice tinged with awe.

A young woman in the crowd, her eyes wide, couldn't help but add, "And he's so handsome too..."

Other murmurs followed: "Could he be a god in human form?" "I've never seen power like this in all my years."

Marcos and Felix approached Gilgamesh, their faces a mix of respect and wonder. Marcos spoke first, his voice filled with admiration. "I've never heard of anyone in history who could wield all elements."

Felix nodded playfully, a teasing smile on his lips. "And there's a possibility he has Divine Protections too, nya~."

Reinhard studied Gilgamesh intently, a hint of confusion crossing his features. "For some reason, I can't tell if you possess any Divine Protection, which only means you either have a greater Divine Protection or you're using powerful magic that prevents me from seeing it."

Gilgamesh smirked, his voice dripping with confidence. "You're using DIVINE Protection on me?" He then turned to the gathering, his gaze sweeping over them. "Be honored that I was generous enough to show you even a fraction of my power."

Marcos inclined his head in gratitude. "Thank you, Gilgamesh. Will you use your power to assist the kingdom, then?"

Gilgamesh's smile widened, but there was a coldness in his eyes as he replied, "No. I will rule it."

A playful laugh broke the tension as Roswaal stepped forward, his voice laced with amusement. "Ooh~ that's simply not possible, I'm afraaaiid~."

Gilgamesh's gaze sharpened, locking onto Roswaal. "And why is that?"

Marcos exchanged a glance with Felix before answering, his voice steady but thoughtful. "The Dragon Lord, who saved the kingdom long ago, left behind a prophecy. It speaks of five chosen maidens, each with the potential to ascend the throne. But it's not as simple as a contest of power or lineage. The prophecy indicates that only the one who proves herself through trials of wisdom, strength, and virtue will ultimately be deemed worthy to rule. The fate of the kingdom rests on who can unite the people and carry the Dragon Lord's legacy forward."

Gilgamesh's expression darkened, his voice low and commanding as he responded, "Rulers are not chosen by the feeble masses or petty prophecies. A true ruler takes what is his by right, and I shall claim what belongs to me." He paused, his eyes narrowing. "So, tell me, will you bow to false gods and dying legends, or will you kneel before the one true king, the one destined to reign supreme?"

The boldness of Gilgamesh's words sent a ripple of unease through the crowd. The knights and villagers exchanged uneasy glances, and even Reinhard seemed momentarily taken aback by the sheer audacity of Gilgamesh's statement.

Marcos, his expression tense and his tone filled with urgency, locked eyes with Gilgamesh. "This isn't just ambitious—it's a suicide attempt. If you decide to fight for the throne, it means you're going against the entire kingdom. The nobles, the military, the people... they're all bound by the prophecy. Going against that would make you an enemy of everyone, and I can't see any way you could survive such odds." His voice softened, but the warning was clear. "You'll be facing more than just opposition—you'll be facing annihilation."

Felix let out a low whistle. "Wow, you weren't joking."

Reinhard's voice was calm, yet firm as he added, "Peacefully, this is impossible."

He paused, his gaze unwavering as he addressed Gilgamesh. "Ruling a kingdom is more than just seizing power. It requires the support of the people, the nobility, and the institutions that have long governed these lands."

Gilgamesh chuckled softly, the arrogance in his voice unmistakable. "How amusing. You mongrels cannot comprehend true royalty, even when it graces you with its presence." His gaze turned cold, sweeping across the room. "But in time, you will realize that when I make a decision, it is not a choice. It is an edict, and the world will bend to it."

The crowd was silent, the weight of his words settling over them like a heavy shroud. And yet, in the quiet, there was an undeniable tension—an understanding that Gilgamesh was not a man to be easily dismissed, prophecy or not.

As the tension in the air thickened, Gilgamesh's smirk grew, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. "I've spent enough time on this farce," he declared, his tone dismissive. Without another word, he vanished, teleporting away to the mansion.

The group stood in stunned silence for a moment before Marcos, his brow creased with concern, finally spoke. "I hope he doesn't seek the throne. He's no ordinary threat."

Emilia, her voice filled with quiet determination, quickly came to Gilgamesh's defense. "Gilgamesh is a good person. Beneath his ego and arrogance, there's a kind heart."

Reinhard's expression grew contemplative, his gaze drifting. "It's only a matter of time before the rumors sweep through the kingdom. Some will revere him as a god incarnate, others as the prophesied savior or the reincarnation of the Dragon Lord. Yet, even that reverence won't be enough to claim the throne without a battle for power."

Felix chimed in, agreeing with a soft sigh. "that's true."

Puck, ever playful, floated nearby with a grin. "Relax, he's a good guy. What's the worst that could happen?"

Felix, a sly smirk tugging at his lips, responded, "Just as long as the 'worst' doesn't mean blowing the whole kingdom off the map, right? Nya~"

Marcos, still uneasy, turned to Roswaal, his voice low with concern. "I really hope you're doing the right thing by taking Gilgamesh into your mansion. If he ever becomes an enemy, we could all be in danger."

Roswaal waved his hand dismissively, his usual playful tone softening just a bit. "Ooooh, Marrrrcos~. Even if I hadn't invited him to the maaansion, it wouldn't change the final outcooome~. Besides, I've only seen goood things from him so far~. It's just his little arrogance~."

Reinhard, ever composed, added thoughtfully, "Let's hope that pride of his doesn't end up consuming him."

With the discussion at an end, Reinhard, Marcos, Felix, and the knights made their way back to the capital, while the villagers returned to their homes. Emilia and Roswaal walked back to the mansion, and Puck, unable to maintain his physical form any longer, disappeared.

As they entered the mansion, Ram greeted Roswaal and Emilia with a graceful bow, her expression composed as ever. "Dinner is ready," she announced, leading them toward the dining room. When they arrived, they found Gilgamesh already seated at the grand table, casually sipping red wine, his posture relaxed and regal. He acknowledged their entrance with a simple nod, his crimson eyes gleaming with silent confidence.

Roswaal took his place at the head of the table, and Emilia quietly seated herself next to Gilgamesh. Moments later, Rem and Ram appeared, efficiently serving the meal and then standing beside Roswaal as the dinner commenced.

As they began eating, Gilgamesh praised the food, as he often did, his tone surprisingly genuine. "Impressive as always," he remarked, drawing a 'thank you' from Rem, who seemed pleased by his compliment.

Roswaal, ever curious, leaned forward slightly and asked, "Hooow~ were you able to learn magic with such maaastery in such a short amount of tiiime, Gilgamesh?"

Gilgamesh set down his golden cup of wine and smirked, his voice laced with disdain. "You misunderstand." He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "Magic is nothing more than another tool, another treasure. And like all treasures, it bends to my will. I do not waste time 'learning'—such trivial things are beneath me. I simply take what I desire and use it as I see fit."

The room grew quiet for a moment. Then, Emilia broke the silence, her voice soft but sincere. "Without the dragon's blessing, there's no chance of becoming the new ruler," she began, her expression reflecting her concern. "The people of this kingdom worship the dragon. If you're not chosen by him, no matter what you do, they'll never see you as the rightful king." She hesitated before continuing, her tone growing even more earnest. "I'm not saying this because I see you as a rival for the throne... I'm saying it because I'm genuinely worried about what might happen to you."

Gilgamesh's eyes flicked toward Emilia, his expression composed, though there was an almost imperceptible shift as her words hung in the air. After a brief pause, he spoke, his voice smooth but firm. "You worry too much," he said dismissively, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. "Focus on your meal. I don't enjoy conversations about trivial matters while dining." He raised his golden cup of wine. "And rest assured, I won't need to shed blood to claim the throne."

Emilia's concern lingered, her brows slightly furrowed, but she nodded, though the unease didn't leave her eyes.