
Giant ME: My miniature world

"What would you do if you were able to stop time? What would you do if you were able to speed up time? What would you do if you were able to Create life? What would you do if you had control over all that exists in the world What would you do if you had a whole world to yourself? What would you do if you were a god?" A young man in the middle of the night stopped typing on his laptop. His hands started shaking and the black spots on his arms increase further. His illness was acting up. As much as he would like to continue writing his novel, he knows he should not overexert himself. The young man then closed his eyes. By the time he opened his eyes, what was in his vision was no longer the same as before. Instead of the walls o his home, only the wild expense of a forest could be seen. only, this forest of greenery was only as tall as his finger. His feet got wet from stepping into the little pond below him. Whist the young man was doing his own thing, in a far of kingdom, a person barged into the queen's throne room. "My queen! Lord giant creator god has returned!" _____ Zenn, a 20 year old young man suddenly found out that he was affected by an incurable illness. With his death basically imminent, he quit school and went back to his home to take care of his sick mother. He believed that things would go on like that till he could no longer hold on, but something changed some day. He appeared in another world. ... *Technically i don't own the cover so if the owner want me to take it down, speak mortal... *cough*

4thBlackGoblin · แฟนตาซี
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34 Chs

Chapter 14: the big bang


It will come to existence. The new thing in the disabled man's reality.

Once there is a first, there will of course be a second. An after the second, a third will ultimately follow.

In time, it will be something that we who live in our reality might never understand.

As these creations are made, the disabled man will thus have ingredients to wield as he wishes. One must know that when two things collide, fuse or add together, they form a new object. This object will then becomes a new ingredients to form more objects.

Over time these objects will form a system. Constantly fusing, reshaping and copying. The system will change constantly till they find a certain equilibrium. A point where they have taken every possible form they possible could.

But when you look into the disabled man's head again, what do you think you will find?

I think you will find a world. A world that could be different or exactly like ours. In that world maybe there will be living beings will exist. Maybe they will live like us or maybe not. They could have a million legs or they could have no legs at all. After all their world may be different. Unlike us, they may not have planets to live on, but instead flew across space like fishes.

Anything is possible as long as one can imagine it.

But as previously said, creation is hard. The first creation may take months or even years. In order to reach a fraction of our current reality, the disabled man would new to be immortal. An if he wants to create a stable system, a brain so intelligent that it would put the world's currently machinery to shame would be needed.

With such a complex system, maybe the word's inhabitants will also reach out for the truth and end up creating a set of knowledge called science.

In that world a certain person would be able to one day find out the truth of their world. When faced with such terrifying truth, what should such person do? Try to find out what was beyond his reality?


The knowledge that Zenn understood now reached 7%.

But when he reached this point, he was shocked. He is not at all feel like continuing. This was because what the knowledge told him was simply terrifying. It destroyed everything he knew with but a simple few word.

He sat down on top of a stone and contemplated life. He like t his own hands nd simply could not help but ask himself.

"Am I real?"

It was not without reason that he asked himself this. It was simply because within the writings, there was a certain part that said something that shocked him.

It said that in this reality, such a person who found the truth exist. This person did not think to find out what was beyond his reality. He instead thought to control reality. And with trials and errors, the person succeeded. Within reality, he was able to find few 'codes' that seemingly controlled the system. With it, he was able to changed the objects that exist in this reality. Controlling reality for him although hard, was still ultimately possible.

Because if reality is the fictious creation of another being, then is it not easy to rewrite reality as long as one can control the thoughts of such a beings?

That person managed to do it, he control the thought of such a higher being and changed the world to his will.

That person was Zenn's ancestor.


using his knowledge of reality, Zeno was one to create this world to assist him and his reality bending activities. But even with such powers, Zeno was unable to conquer death. Ultimately he died and his world was thus left to pass on to his descendant.

The descendant was Zenn.

Knowing such a truth, Zenn was forced to take a break. Even though he could continue if he wished, he did not feel like it at all. He took his time to slowly think all of this own. He slowly digested the knowledge that was now understood in his head.

The way he saw this world from then on was changed forever. Even if he wanted to, he could never see it the same way.

Because according to the knowledge, he was no different from a fictional character living in someone's or something else's head.

He picked up a small pebble and used his reality bending power on it. Soon, the pebble was as big as Zenn's hands combined.

This power he has inherited now seemed to make some sense.

At first, Zenn was actually confused a bit. According the the set of knowledge, he had gained reality bending power. He thought that just like in the movies, he would change reality as if he it was magic. But this power only gave him the ability to make things bigger and smaller. It did not seem like reality bending at all.

But now he understood. The size of an object has always been a part of reality. After all, size contributes a big part of how an object is perceived. As such, this power truly is reality bending.

What truly scared him though, was the fact that the power is gained by manipulating the thoughts of another greater being. If such a being was to simply find him unappealing, could the being just erase him with a mear thought?

That was truly terrifying. To know that in this world, a true creator god exist. And this god is not a fake like himself, who was mistaken for somebody else.

"Can i create my own reality?"
