
Ghoul vs Vampire

Mercy is a survivor. She lived past Ghouls, CCG investigators, and many other creatures. But she didn't know that there was other obstacles she had to survive. Watch how a simple hunt turned into a rescue and how kindness for one innocent human girl could be Mercy's downfall... or her salvation.

Tori_David_7398 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 2

"There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense." ~ Pride and Prejudice

"Eto... the SSS rated ghoul... the One Eyed Owl... regrettably my sister." Mercy thought. Irritated by the mere presence of her sister made her feeling exhausted from this encounter. Eto was in her ghoul attire . Her body all covered up in bandages, leaving the eyes so she can see. Over it a maroon coloured cloak with droopy ears covered her and a floral scarf around her neck. "Cute." She thought while giggling. "What's so funny?" Eto asked while tilting her head, making her floppy ears tilt in a cute way. " I was laughing at you. And how you're like a cat playing with her mouse before eating it." Mercy smirked thinking like she said something clever.

Eto just stared at her for a few minutes and just burst out laughing. Mercy laughed alongside her until they both calmed down. " Seriously Eto, why are you here? As you can see I finished eating and you are more than welcome to have the remains but I was just about to head home. So can we move this along?" She said dismissively while jestering her hand in a hurry up motion. "Why sweet sister, you wound me. Can I not just come see you? Eto asked while giggling, jumping up and down with her hands behind her back like a little kid.

"That's bullshit. You only seek me out if you need something." Mercy said crossly. Angered by her sisters response. She was in no mood for chit chat or games. Eto stopped jumping for a moment and just stared back at her beautiful sister. How she envies her. Whilst her older sister Mercy has beauty and power Eto only had her words. Her voice of charm and persuasion that can even turn a ghoul into her puppet. Granted she was also beautiful but nothing compared to her sister. But she uses her words to her advantage. With enough pushing she can even get her sister to bend to her will.

"You know about me and Aogiri Tree right?"Eto singes. "Yes and no." Mercy stated quickly. "But I haven't even said anything yet!" Eto whined while throwing a tantrum. "Enough of your childish antics. I have given you my answer time and time again. I will not join this pack that you created. I have my own." She said cooly while opening an old door and descending down the stairs. Eto clenched her teeth in irritation. Feeling her kagune wrapping around her body. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down. "I didn't come here for a fight." She told herself.

"Oh come come. With you on our side we would be unstoppable. Me the One Eyed Owl... and you.." Eto tried to persuade. Her voice bouncing off the walls like an echo. Mercy tried to ignore her and kept going down the stairs. But she stopped mid way when she felt a presence at her left side. "The One Eyed Wolf." She finished. Mercy glared at her sister who magically was bedside her even though she left her  a couple of floors up. "You know I can't join you. I've chosen my path, you've chosen yours. Now why don't you go back to your minions and leave me alone." Mercy hissed. Getting angry by the minute. An angry glare in her eyes.

"Oh but I can't. I want you with us. Your power is better than mine and you have more followers than me! They would follow you to hell if they wanted!" Eto exclaimed , sliding behind her sister and wrapping her arms around her neck. She was frustrated by her sister's refusal.  She couldn't understand why Mercy kept refusing her. "I never asked for that. I've made my choice." She snarled. Not liking the fact that Eto wrapped herself around her. Eto giggled at her sister. That did it. She grabbed Eto's arm and tried to flip her over but instead Eto grabbed Mercy's arm and flipped her along with her. Mid air Eto let go of Mercy's arm and spins with her leg out, getting a swift kick on Mercy's side. Sending her flying straight to the wall with a crunch! Mercy gasped, blood spitting out of her mouth as she landed in a heap. Eto softly lands on her feet laughing historical. Mercy got up shaking, rubble rolling off her shoulders. Eto came full speed to land another attack on Mercy. But that was her mistake.  Mercy smiled. Mercy moved to her left when Eto landed a punch to the wall. Making a nice hole from the impact. Quickly Mercy grabbed Eto's wrist and landed a Wheel Throw or what they call a Kaiten Nage. Before Eto had time to recover Mercy grabbed Eto by the throat and rammed her right into the wall. Eto gasped at the sudden impact. "What's the matter? Normally you would fight me back at this point?" Mercy taunted while laughing in her sisters face. Squeezing harder on Eto's throat. Eto coughed , grabbing at her sister's wrists and tried to get herself free but it was useless. "I need flesh!" Eto thought while trying to not get her windpipe crushed. " You thought it was really smart to pick a fight with me? I suggest you keep out of my sight if you know what's good for you." Mercy growled like a caged animal . Her ghoul eye in a blazing rage.

"That's enough." He said. Then out of no where a hail of diamond shards came pouring down towards Mercy and Eto. Mercy jumped out of the way into the next flight of stairs, also releasing Eto in the process. Out of nowhere one of Eto's henchmen stood on the side watching the two sisters fight amongst themselves. Mercy tch. She slowly looked up at her intruder lazily with a small frown. Eto coughed up a storm while caressing her throat. Mercy placed her hands behind your head and sighed. "You shouldn't meddle in family affairs.." Mercy stated boredly. Once Eto caught her breath she was enraged. But not at Mercy but at her minion. "How dare you interrupt! She was totally about to crush my windpipe! I could feel my life draining from her hands... it was magnificent! And you had to go and ruin the moment!" Eto shouted while pointing a finger at her interrupter.

"I had enough of this." Mercy thought while she continued her way back home, leaving the squawking pack of chickens in her wake. "Go back to the 24th Ward." She shouted tauntingly . The chickens stopped squawking instantly. Eto cracked her neck and slowly turned to her sister. Her body twitching in anger. "Don't forget dear sister.... You belong there too... don't think you're higher than the rest of us! We came from that same hell hole you and I! We made it out alive together! But what do you do? You abandoned me and joined him!" Eto laughed while dramatically placing her hand over her heart.

Mercy just kept walking till she reached the exit. Not letting Eto's words get to her. "Good luck to you... little sister." Mercy whispered. "Come back here and fight me!" Eto screamed. Mercy left without another.

(4th Ward )

"Go to hell you son of a bitch!" A hooker screamed while throwing a beer bottle. Mercy ducked so the bottle wouldn't hit her head. "Home sweet home.." She mumbled. Mercy lived down in the 4th Ward of Tokyo. The smell of piss and tobacco in the empty streets, hookers and pimps in every corner of a love hotel, drunk bastards stumbling and looking to pick a fight at the first person they bump into. Oh yeah this was home to Mercy. The 4th Ward was deemed uninhabitable to humans and ghouls alike. There was too many abandoned homes and unfinished buildings. The shops that are open at chain fast food joints and local restaurants. But the most popular were the bars and love hotels where you will find yourself unwilling watching too much human intimacy. Most of this Ward was run by small gangs and low life fucks. Not much law and order in these parts. If pimps, sex trafficking, lower ghouls, and CCG's investigators all lives under this hell. The 4th Ward was not safe for anyone who is an easy target but not to Mercy.

She liked the uncertainty of her own safety and the pleasure of outwitting anyone who deems her an easy target. She was about to pull out another cigar till she felt the annoying ring of her cellphone. She groaned and fished out her cellphone in her front pocket. "No one will give me any peace tonight!" She growled, irritated. She answered without looking at the name of the caller and yelled "WHAT!".

"Good evening to you too. Looks like I interrupted someone's dinner." He said in a monotone voice. "I'm sorry Uta-san. Just ran into unwanted visitors." Mercy explained while rubbing her neck in embarrassment. ".....". Was the reply she got. Mercy had a confused look on her face and wondered if Uto was still there. "Are you coming home soon?" Uto asked suddenly that it made Mercy jump. "Jesus Uto-san don't scare me like that! Yes I'm on my way." She answered in a huff. While holding her phone to her ear she continued walking until she went to a back alley behind an old restaurant. "Yuck." She thought. Smelling Beef Udon being served piping hot. To her it smelled like rotten meat and dead fish combined.

"You know I like scaring you." Uto chuckled. Mercy blushed in embarrassment while descending another set of stairs. Going deeper into the 4th Ward. "I-I wasn't." She stuttering, flustered. Uta laughed at her. She took one more turn and was just about to make another left to make it home till...