
Ghoul in Aot

What is freedom? Izack a boy reborn into a world were everyone dreams and searches for freedom. With his own idea of what true freedom is, he will do anything to achieve it. ------ Imagine the usual I don't anything stuff here.

BeginningOrEnd · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs


<The mess hall>

"Hey, did you really nearly get eaten by a titan." asked a short guy with shaved hair and curious eyes.

"Yeah, so what?" responded Izack whilst eating some bread. The bread is just bland to him but to keep appearances he still has to eat it and then puke it out later. It would be noticeable if he didn't eat any food but was still energetic.

"Wow, what were they like?" asked the short guy.

"The one that grabbed me was a 4m titan with massive eyes, a patch of hair and a pointy nose. A real creepy looking mother fucker." replied Izack, describing one of the titans he had seen previously.

"Damn, then why do you want to become a soldier if you've come so close to them?" asked the short guy, he couldn't understand why someone would want to go out to fight them if they were nearly killed by a titan.

"For shits and giggles." answered Izack, that is really one of the main reasons, he could just sit about in the walls and move when the major events happened, but why do that? It would just be boring. The other reason is to see where it differs from cannon and plan around that change.

"Oh well, I guess that is a reason." awkwardly said the short guy known as Connie Springer, he guessed that was a reason, a fucked up one but a reason all the less.

"Man, I'm full." said Izack, pushing away the remainder of his bread.

"Really, are you sure I'll have it instead," said Connie.

"Yeah sure, go for it." replied Izack pushing the bread towards Connie but before he could take it, "No mine." it was snatched from him. "Potato girl give it back, that's mine." screamed Connie, he stood up only to witness Sasha eat the loaf of bread whole.

That was surprisingly impressive, granted Izack is a monster who can open his mouth and eat human heads whole but for a human to eat a loaf of bread whole is an impressive thing.

"Well too bad." said Sasha with a muffled voice due to her mouth being filled with bread.

Izack, no longer paying attention to their argument, looked round at everyone present till his eyes landed on three people sitting at a table, Annie, Berthold and Reiner.

Izack was honestly confused about them, as an Eldian who lived in Marley he knows how shit of a life Eldians have there. The constant discrimination to the point where you could be beaten randomly by some Marley guards, he can't get why those three would be so loyal to Marley unless the warrior program members where classed as people not to mess with to keep them loyal. It could be the propaganda if they've improved it because when they tried it on him and other kids it had no effects due to it being basically, 'you guys are demons whilst we are the hero who saved everyone.' You can imagine how effective that was, the worst that happened was some kids crying but as they grew up they knew it was a bunch of bs.

<Combat field>

"Come on you maggots, most of you can't even throw a punch." Screamed out Keith to the recruits training in fighting techniques on the field.

"Why are those two always like that?" asked Izack looking at Sasha and Connie messing about with the wooden swords.

"I don't know." responded Krista looking at the pair, Izack and Krista got paired together for this activity but they didn't actually do anything instead choosing to watch Sasha and Connie being idiots.


Looking at the source of the sound Izack sees Erin getting the shit kicked out of him, getting Krista's attention he asks, "Do you want to go over and watch that? It looks interesting." "Yeah sure." responded Krista.

Looking at Erin getting beaten up Izack calls out to him, "Do you want some help Erin?"

"Shut up, I'm fine." shouted Erin, *bang* and he's on the ground.

Izack seeing this happen smirked, hmmm should I fight her, let's do it. I'm not too much stronger than a human without actually using my ghoul powers and a partial transformation.

Izack in his base form is not to much stronger than a average human, he only becomes truly strong when he uses his ghoul powers and a partial transformation in to his jaws titan form. This is possible due to him being the titan basically he can choose which form he wants to take or take on specific characteristics. For example if he got the colossal titan he would be able to increase his size all the way to the size of the colossal or he could choose to stop at 30 meters.

"Heh lets see what you've got." said Izack with a smirk raising his two hands and moving towards Annie who's doing the same.

Going forward Izack kicks towards her waist, dodging, Annie goes in and sweeps his left legging causing him to lose balance then elbowing him on the neck causing him to go head first into the ground. "Fuck" Hitting the ground and fainting.

Seeing him passed out on the ground Annie starts to walk away but before she can get too far a hand grabs her shoulder from behind and says, "again." Turning around Annie comes face to face with Izack but this time he is different, his face is expressionless with cold, dead eyes lacking any emotions. Annie for once expression changes showing her surprise at this sudden change before it goes back to the former coldness.

"Okay" responded Annie backing up and getting into a stance which Izack mirrors.

They both just stand there for a few seconds till Annie realised he wasn't going for the first hit resulting in her sending a punch to his jaw. Izack seeing this coming just tanks it causing his lip to burst but that heals before anyone can notice, in return he sends a punch to Annie's stomach causing her to keel over holding her stomach due to the power Izack put behind it. Izack seeing her hunched over sent a kick to her head knocking her out on impact and started to walk away but before he could walk five steps he passed out.