
Ghoul's Bride is a Witch

He grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back. Her face was pressed to the wall and her back hit a hard and firm chest. She was trapped between him and the wall. “Ahhhh!”, she tried to scream but her voice died down due to the fear. She shivered as she thought it was her vice husband, the ghoul lord, the human eater, who is supposed to behave with no manners, a man of no mercy. Her heart was in her throat when her hand suddenly touched something sticky and wet. She raised her freed hand to her face and saw abnormally thick and black blood. She was alerted and she quickly turned back to have a glimpse but she was forced to stand still by the strong intruder. She caught the glimpse of that man; he was tall and his face was veiled in black cloth that looked like some sort of face mask. She realized that the man in such a hideous clothing on their wedding night could not be her husband. "Has someone sent an assassin to kill her on her wedding night?", she thought. The girl who just got her freedom by this marriage refused to yield an inch to the intruder. “Let me GO” “Who are you?” “You will get me killed” “How dare you touch me before His Highness?” “My lord will think I’m unfaithful” "His Highness will kill you" She grew impatient as her life was dearer to her. She just got the chance to live, how could she die just yet? “Please leave, it’s my wedding night, if someone sees you, it will be the end for both of us.” She realized her threats or pleads weren’t working. She could only rely on her hidden talents. “You are wounded, not only deeply wounded but you are also poisoned. " She chuckled. "How long do you think you could you last without treating it” “I’ll heal you” “You will let me go and you will disappear from here too” “If you don’t let me treat you, you’ll die a miserable death” “Let me go, and I will heal you. I promise I won’t alert anyone, you can leave after I cure the poison and mend your wounds. And if you think I would play tricks on you, remember that you can kill me before the poison kills you.” She tried to persuade the intruder in her wedding chambers, while she was thinking what to say next, a chilly voice made her go numb. “Who will mend yours when I’ll make you unable to walk?”, he took a deep lustrous breath and licked his blood-drenched lips. ________________________________________________________ Beruka is the eldest yet cursed child of the House Aemon which was known for their medical maesters. She had a cursed fate by birth. She was refused any rights as the lady of the house. Beruka was born with a scary and ugly mark on her face and cherry on top was her rare green eyes which nobody had in the whole land. Those who sees her would call her the child of devil. Due to her ugly and scary face with a birthmark like a scary centipede and green animal like eyes, she was cruelly hidden by her family while being cruelly muted!. Though everyone know about the House Aemon's eldest daughter, but nobody has really seen her. With vile treatments from the people who shares her blood, Beruka refused to give in herself to the torture and cruel treatments from the family. Every night, she would secretly sneak to the Dungeons of Maesters, a place which was never visited by anyone as it was forbidden, to learn the forbidden skills of the land, the treacherous hands! Beruka was secretly a quiet medical genius! Meanwhile Emperior of the Easteros sees his brother, the Duke of Nightfall as the threat to his throne. To teach him a lesson, he sent an imperial decree for the marriage between the eldest daughter of the House of Aemon and the Duke of Nightfall! Beruka was given into a political marriage, which was an opportunity for her to escape her cruel fate, to a ghoul lord, the Duke of Nightfall, called Behzad. While the marriage with the ghoul prince opens her door to freedom and raises her status, the underlying dangers and adventures are inevitable.

Kkkkanza · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Awakening of the Witch

Eh...who talked?

The crowd stilled and looked around, but couldn't find the speaker.

"Wedding Nanny, I'd like to trouble you to let the Duke's Palace know about my arrival."

When Beruka spoke again, her quiet tone was filled with a dignity that was hard to cross. Though her voice wasn't very loud, the crowd could clearly hear her.

In one second, all the bystanders turned disbelieving gazes towards the bridal carriage. "Wasn't she mute? Who spread those rumors?"

Were these words really from Beruka? Shouldn't she be secretly crying in such a situation? She actually dared to speak out, and so loudly as well? Wasn't she a scare crow of the House Aemon?

"Wedding Nanny, what are you lingering for? Do you want this Lady to charge responsibility on you for taking us down the wrong path?" Beruka's voice suddenly turned harsh.

Wedding Nanny hadn't expected this and was frightened. It had been the Imperial Duke's Mother who'd ordered her to take the wrong path.

Of course the Duke of Nightfall's household wouldn't investigate the matter, but she couldn't bear the responsibility if the House Aemon did. If that happened, the Imperial Duke's Mother wouldn't protect her at all.

How did this meek Beruka suddenly turn so fierce?

Wedding Nanny couldn't attend to too many details at once, but hastily replied, "Yes, yes! Eldest Lady, please wait a moment."

It was her wedding day and this nanny was shouting words like 'dreadful' and 'terrible' in the streets? She had to be doing it on purpose...

Beruka rolled her eyes within the covered carriage. This wedding nanny obviously wanted to make her late on purpose.

The Duke of Nightfall's household hadn't sent anyone to escort her and the Duke, Behzad, wasn't even here, only this wedding nanny.

They hadn't even crossed the threshold of the Duke, Behzad's door and here was the woman with a show of force.

To miss the auspicious hour meant that the Duke of Nightfall's household could blame her for all the unlucky things that happened in their future.

Beruka wished she could alight from the carriage and refuse the marriage, shaking off her husband entirely.

But, she knew with her background that there were jackals and wolves in the Duke, Behzad's house and tigers and leopards in her own.

Since assuming the identity of this ugly, good-for-nothing lady of the House Aemon, she couldn't afford to be rash. She could only take it step by step.

In any case, it was the king's mother who offered her as a bride and the king who ordered the marriage. She'd like to see the Duke of Nightfall's residence dare and try anything against her.

The wedding nanny discussed things with the carriage bearers for a while before deciding they could only hurry along ahead.

The four carriage-bearers ran for their lives, violently jolting Beruka inside. But they still missed the auspicious time and were a full hour late.

The Duke of Nightfall's residence had their dignified doors shut tightly.

Even the side gates were closed, though the entrance was surrounded by a crowd of city residents long gathered to gossip and discuss amongst themselves.

"SO what if she can speak? I heard Beruka's extremely ugly, some says that she is mute, no wonder the Duke of Nightfall isn't even willing to show his face."

"Heheh, even the world's top beauties want to marry into the the Duke of Nightfall's house, what's Beruka worth? I'm betting that even if she enters, she'll stay alone in an empty bedchamber for the rest of her life."

"Still, that woman's got some nerve showing up an hour late. Damn, I waited so long my face started hurting!"


If this was the Beruka of the past, wouldn't she have cried herself to death upon hearing these words?

Unfortunately, the current Beruka was nothing like that shrinking violet, self-abasing woman who had long given up. Ignoring the difficulties, she felt the mark on her face while peeking outside the curtains.

The front gates of the Duke of Nightfall's residence were deserted, and there were no wedding decorations anywhere.

If it wasn't for the bridal carriage chair resting at the entrance, no one would know this household was getting a bride today.

Such a cold and cheerless scene was a clear message to Beruka that she wasn't welcome, that they didn't even want her here.

Wedding Nanny was currently knocking on the door, her movements very light. A while passed, but there was no reaction from the main gates. A side door opened, and an old gatekeeper stood just inside the entrance with no intentions to come out.

Wedding Nanny ran hastily over, assuming a professional air as she smiled and laughed joyously. "The new bride is here! The new bride is here!"

Who knew that old servant would only shoot them a few glances before speaking disdainfully, "The Imperial Duke's Mother has orders. Since you've missed the auspicious hour, come back tomorrow!"

When he finished speaking, the door slammed shut with a loud bang!

Thank you for reading.

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