
Ch 37 Tribulation

(I was going to do Re:Monster, but I'm stressed because of irl stuff and that stress was projected on to Re:Monster, so here we are.)

(More than 10K words)

Leo walked into the cabin with darkness slowly fading down his neck, flickers of it still on his face and eyes shining. When the others saw Leo enter, they were greeted him.

Luffy - "Hey, Leo. What took you so long?"

A small, but savage smile appeared on his face for a moment, the darkness slightly flaring back up to the corner of his face, before he calmed back down. But for the crew, that smile was all they needed, while his answer would affirm their assumptions. Franky would remain confused however.

Leo - "I was leaving a message for the government. Just want to make sure they know the consequences of their actions."

With that said, Leo made his way to Robin's side and patted head.

Leo - "I'm sorry for not arriving sooner Robin..."

Robin took his hand and held on to it, assuringly smiling at him.

Robin - "You don't need to apologise. You came for me and that's all that matters."

Robin - 'You just keep on saving me, don't you...'

Leo returned her smile and squeezed her hand gently. Unfortunately, the moment was interrupted by the interloper on the ship.

Franky - "Uh... Can someone explain what the hells going?"

Everyone stopped and looked at Franky casually. Looking at him for a few seconds, before shouting in shock while pointing at him.

Crew - "WHO ARE YOU!?!?"

Leo - *Facepalm!* 'How dumb are they...'

- A few moments later -

After a quick introduction, everyone was acquainted.

Luffy looked at him while picking his nose.

Luffy - "So you're the one who got our money, huh?"

Franky sighed.

Franky - "Yeah, but I can't believe those numbskulls stole it from you guys. Those idiots!"

Luffy - "Shishishi!"

Usopp jumped in while panicking.

Usopp - "Wait, so what happened to the money!?"

Franky scratched the side of his cheek.

Franky - "Oh, I hid it when I tried to escape those idiot Marines, before deciding to fight."

Usopp - "Phew..."

He wiped his forehead exaggeratedly in relief.

Franky - "So, hey, what happened with those idiot Marines anyways?"

Zoro - "Safe to say they're dead."

Sitting against a wall, Zoro answered bluntly.

Franky - "Weren't they just unconscious?"

Zoro - "They were."

Franky - "Then what the hell are you talking about."

Leo - "You do know my reputation, right?"

Franky looked at Leo in confusion, before realising who he was and gaining a look understanding, along with some caution.

Leo - "Don't worry, I don't care about that little toy you have the blueprints for."

This comment put Franky on edge.

Franky - "What makes you think I have something like that?"

Leo - "I've read your mind, I know what the ship does. And now that I think about it, I even have Uranus, or rather an imitation of it."

Franky and Robin looked at him in shock.

Robin - "Since when!?"

Leo - "Since Skypiea. I never paid much attention to it until now, but seeing what Pluton is and does, and thinking back to it, I realise that it is created in the same style of Pluton."

Robin - "What is it?"

Leo - "That wannabe God from Skypiea had apparently found blueprints for a flying ship, which just so happened to be Uranus. He called his ship the Ark Maxim and it was just a knock-off, smaller version of Uranus. Using a certain chemical formula, the ship creates a massive thundercloud/cumulonimbus cloud and along with the Rumble Fruit, the lightning Logia Devil Fruit, you can create a storm that will destroy entire islands from the sky. Pluton does something similar, but with highly concentrated blasts of fire."

Everyone was shocked that there was weapons like those created, and that Leo considers them 'Little toys'...

Robin - "Well, that's two out of three. I wonder what the third is...?"

Leo - "I can answer that, if you want?"

They looked at him blankly, as if saying they aren't even surprised. Though, that doesn't mean they aren't curious and seeing this, Leo answered.

Leo - "To start off with, it's not a matter of 'what', but 'who'."

Robin's eyes widen in surprise.

Leo - "A certain member of the Merfolk, born with the unique ability to command Sea Kings. And with a Devil Fruit to control water, they can flood and destroy islands."

Robin - "Wow... I never would have thought that one of the three ancient weapons would be one person. But how do you know this? You said you haven't read any other Poneglyphs."

Leo - "That's a secret. At least for now..."

He and Nami shared a look, before he continued.

Leo - "Anyways, I have no evidence, but I'm pretty sure I know about the origins of the three weapons."

Robin - "And what might that be."

Leo - "Well, they are named after three gods. Pluto, Poseidon and Uranus. Pluto, later to be know as Hades, God of the Underworld/Hell. His powers would align with Fire, Earth and Darkness.

Then Poseidon, God of the Sea and Earthquakes. As you have likely guessed, he controls Water, Sea creatures and Earthquakes.

And finally, Uranus, a Primordial Diety of the Sky. Unparalleled control over Air and the Skies. Also the Grandfather of the other two, said to be the very source of life itself.

Frankly, I think it should be called Zeus instead of Uranus, as he and the other two are brothers, and the God of Lightning, but whatever."

His explanation left them shocked and thinking about the possibility of his theory being correct, while he continued.

Leo - "I wouldn't be surprised if all Devil Fruits come from some type of god, if my theories are correct that is."

The others had just started gawking at him at this point.

Sanji - "How the hell do you know all that!?"

Leo shrugged as he replied.

Leo - "I like to read."

Sanji - "I give up..."

Leo - "Good. We're gonna be at Water 7 in a while, but everyone should go get some rest till morning."

Leo pushed everyone out of the room, leaving just himself and the girls. He and Nami sat with Robin for a little while, making sure she was comfortable.

It was a little later when Leo left the room and went to his dimension, leaving Nami and Robin together.

Nami waited for the door to close and then turned to look at Robin, resting her chin on her hand. Robin continued staring at the door, a slight longing in her eyes.

Nami - "So... Do you want to talk about it?"

Robin - "Huh?"

Robin looked at her, a little surprised.

Robin - "About what?"

Nami - "Well, we could talk about how you're feeling after this whole ordeal. Or..."

A sly smirk made its way on to her face, confusing Robin.

Nami - "We could talk about how you're feeling about Leo~"

A barely visible blush appeared on Robin's face, but she kept her composure as she answered.

Robin - "And what feelings might those be?"

Nami looked at her blankly, as if to say "are you serious?"

Nami - "I saw your expression this morning, before we left Long Ring Island. Leo also felt your emotions at the same time, so I'm pretty sure you have feelings for him, I just can't figure out why you are hesitating."

She paused, waiting for a response from Robin, but she got nothing.

Nami - "Is it because I'm already with him? Or that we might not be the only ones?"

Robin - "No, it's not that... Not to say I was particularly keen on the idea at first, but I have had plenty of time to think over it and you seem okay with it, so it doesn't bother me as much..."

Nami - "Then, what is it?"

Robin - "I don't feel I deserve him or to be happy... He knows everything bad that I did in my life, but he let's me live for some reason."

Some tears gathered in the corners of her eyes as she looked down. Nami held her hand and looked at sympathetically.

Nami - "You do know that Leo isn't perfect right? He's done a lot of bad things too and that's just in the last three months, he even see's himself as a monster. Even I have done some horrible things. He believes that you don't deserve to die and that's enough reason for him to let you live. Plus, he obviously cares about you."

Robin looked at her, surprised that Leo cares for her.

Robin - "How so?"

Nami - "The moment he found out that you had been taken, he was seriously angry. I mean, he killed everyone on that island and 'sent a message', which probably means he nailed the bodies to the walls or something."

Nami smiled with exasperation and after thinking about it, Robin joined her.

Robin - "Yeah, I can imagine him doing something like that."

After a small laugh, they went silent for a moment. Robin looked at Nami with some helplessness.

Robin - "Even if I like Leo, I don't think he cares for me romantically, but rather as just a friend..."

Nami - "You won't know if you don't ask. Besides, you don't need to rush things, just ask him for a date and go from there."

Robin - "You make it sound easy..."

Nami simply smiled in response, leaving Robin to sigh tiredly.

- In Leo's Dimension -

After leaving the cabin, Leo went straight into his dimension. He went into his training section and started using the Rokushiki techniques.

Using Soru, he started running around in bursts, making gusts of wind. He wasn't even using a tenth of his overall strength, but because of Rob Lucci's mastery of the Rokushiki, Leo was able to use Soru with every step and never worry about stamina or muscle strain.

Jumping to the sky, he started to kick of the air with Geppo, bouncing all over. He found out that all he needed to do, was use a sliver of Haki on the air, momentarily solidifying it.

After trying the rest of the techniques, he made a mountain and placed a palm on its surface. Then, all of a sudden, a powerful blast burst from his hand, passing through the mountains surface and causing massive amounts of damage within. The half of the mountain on the side opposite to him exploded, a shockwave shooting out.

This was the result of the secret seventh technique of the Rokushiki, Rokuougan, which is dumb considering it is literally called the "six powers".

Leo - "Holy shit! That was awesome!!"

Out of curiosity, he summoned a rabbit from from his Drum Island replica. Putting his hand on the confused creatures back, he used Rokuougan on it and caused it to explode into a bloody mess.

Leo - "I wonder if I should be concerned that I found that mildly amusing... That's enough for now. It's a shame that I won't be able train Conquerors Haki with my clones."

Deciding that he should stop the testing here, he made a few dozen clones to train in all of his abilities and then went back to the ship, which had barely moved.

Remembering that he had kidnapped the two giants, the ones that got tricked into serving the Marines, he opened a portal in his dimension which lead to Little Garden and threw them through it. He also put Nami's tangerine trees in his dimension for safe keeping.

With no more tasks left, he jumped up to the crow's nest and pulled out a book from his inventory, letting the wind blow through his hair.

- Meanwhile, At Enies Lobby -

Almost 20 minutes had passed and the clone Leo had left behind, finally saw the Marines arrive. The 'Gates of Justice', which C.Leo was sitting on, opened enough for a lot of their ships to pass through.

The Marine ships made their way around the big hole in the sea and onto the island. The moment they set foot on the island, they all felt that something was wrong and when they went through the entrance, they were horrified.

Blood painted the ground, dripping from the bodies of their own men, who had been nailed to the buildings. Completely unable to recognise any of their comrades, as the flesh was gone from their heads.

Multiple foot soldiers simultaneously started throwing up the contents of their stomach.

A tall man with a cold face and eyes that are semi-closed, stepped forward. He has long brown hair, and wears an ancient war helmet with a small, traditional Japanese dragon on it, and a long red plume hanging from it, donning the cloak of a Vice Admiral.

V.Admiral - "Get yourselves together, you weaklings!! What do you think you're doin-"

*Bang!* *Flop*

To the shock of everyone, a small blue light passed by and went right through the V.Admirals head. The V.Admirals shouting stopped without finishing, then the sound of a gun shot was heard and the V.Admiral fell to the ground.

All of the Marines looked at the direction the shot came from.

From on top of the 'Gates of Justice', C.Leo was looking down there sights of a sniper rifle, a blue haze coming off the muzzle. He de-materialised his sniper and took the soul of the guy he killed. Plus, the Kumo Kumo no Mi or the spider fruit.

The Marines were looking at the gate, disbelief, horror and some anger spread across their faces. On the gate, C.Leo had carved 'The Spirit of Vengeance has delivered Justice - The Reaper.' A skull and bones was added as a finishing touch.

Outrage quickly spread amongst them and they started running in, looking for just about anyone alive. Unfortunately, they only found more bodies, until they reached the 'Tower of Justice', by which time they were thoroughly demoralised. Seeing thousands of bodies will do that to you.

At the ToJ, they found the only body without a visible skull, even if it was missing arms and legs. Medics rushed towards the person and found that he was alive.

The person, Kaku, began talking weakly.

Kaku - "G-get someone in charge..."

One of the medic called over four other Vice Admirals.

Kaku explained everything that had happened, sparing no details.

Kaku - "H-he said, this isn't the end... and he would destroy... everything!"

After that, Kaku burst into flames and those flames started to spread across the ground, growing every second. Some of the Marines tried to put the fire out, but only ended up joining the ranks of the dead.

V.Admiral - "Retreat to the ships!!"

All of the Marines immediately followed their orders and ran to their ships, quickly escaping the island.

When everyone was off the island, C.Leo snapped his fingers and dropped the whole island into the abyss below.

At the sight of their judicial island collapse into the very thing that made it an impenetrable fortress, the Marines dropped to their knees, completely dismayed.

Marines - "I can't believe it..."

Marines - "What a monster..."

Marines - "What now...?"

From atop the GoJ, C.Leo smirked and left through a portal, after taking the souls of the dead of course

- Back to Leo -

Leo was relaxing with his book in the crow's nest. C.Leo exited a portal and immediately de-materialised, sending him the results of his antics.

< Mid Mortal - 10% > (A/N: I majorly fucked up with the measurements, but whatever.)

A small rush went through Leo's body as he felt his strength surpass 10,000 tons. He felt the urge to destroy something, but he suppressed it easily.

Leo - 'I wonder what my new bounty is gonna be~?'

He went back to his reading, humming a tune to himself. (A/N: I like the tune Mal from Total Drama hums. In the hall of the mountain King I think.)

- The next morning -

The ship had arrived at Water 7 during the night, everyone was now waking up and coming out onto the deck.

When Leo saw Nami and Robin, he jumped down and landed in front of them.

Leo - "Hey, how are you doing?"

Nami - "We're good, but Robin has something she wants to say something."

Nami smiled and gently pushed Robin forward. Robin held her arms and avoided looking at Leo, feeling awkward at being put on the spot.

Robin - "Ah, um. Well... I was wondering if I could talk to you later?... In private."

Leo was confused, but he could feel that she was embarrassed and feeling shy, which was out of character for her. He looked at Nami and saw her smiling, to which he raised an eyebrow curiously, but focused back to Robin and smiled calmly.

Leo - "We can talk whenever you want, just give the word."

She sighed in relief and smile gratefully.

Leo - "But first, it would probably be a good idea if we got off the ship."

With that sentence, he caught the attention of the whole crew. Plus, Franky.

Luffy - "Huh, but why?"

Leo turned to look at Luffy and the others.

Leo - "Because, thanks to my Hellfire being infused into a wooden vessel, I am about 80% sure that it is going to turn to ash."

Crew - "... WHAT!?"

Leo - "Yeah. But, it's not like it matter now, it's just a dead peace of wood now tha-"


Usopp stepped to the front and started angrily shouting.

Leo - "Well, if you would let me finish."

Luffy - "Yeah, let's see what-"


Leo, Nami and Robin, even Zoro frowned at this, but Usopp didn't even notice.


Leo grabbed hold of Usopps face with his left hand.

Leo - "Y'know, you're right."

Leo looked him in the eye coldly, with zero compassion as he raised his right hand. The other were alert, afraid he would hurt Usopp, but what he did next was enough to shock them.

Leo rammed his hand into his own chest and pulled out his heart. Black as coal, with an equally black, viscous goo on it and no signs of beating.

Leo - "But, that's only because I have no need for a heart."

He then dropped his heart and stood on it, squishing it into mush, making the others gag a little. A small amount of darkness started working its way up his neck, while the hole in his chest remained.

Leo - "I don't get attached to objects that are bound to break. Unlike you, I don't arrogantly and ignorantly shout about things, because I have the power to do as I damn well please. For example, if I want to snap your neck, there is NOTHING anyone can do about it."

Fear appeared in Usopps eyes, along with the others.

Leo - "And honestly, I don't particularly like you. You annoy me to no end, with your cowardice, lies, irrational attachments and complete fucking idiocy! You have the balls to shout at me, yet whine like a bitch at every other sign of danger, and I can kill you with a thought! So, unless you grow the fuck up and stop being such a pest. Do. Not. Speak. To. Me. I have reached my tolerance threshold. I would kill you, if not for the fact that it would make some people on this ship displeased."

He looked at Luffy for a second and then back to Usopp.

Leo - "And for the record, this ship is not the Merry."

He pulled the gold orb, the Going Merry's soul out of his dimension and brought it up to Usopps face.

Leo - "THIS is the Going Merry. Her literal soul, that I spent the last week nurturing to completion, all so that she didn't have to die like she would have."

Everyone looked at the gold orb in shock, then back to Leo. They were amazed that he had gone to such lengths and they had no idea. He is always distant with everyone other than Nami, Robin and Zoro.

Usopp was feeling guilty for what he said. He thought that Leo just didn't care, yet he did more for the Merry than anyone else possibly could have.

Leo - "I might be heartless and selfish. Hell, I'm a monster, plain and simple. But, at least I'm honest about who I am."

He then dropped Usopp, put the Merry's soul away and started walking over to the edge of the ship.

Leo - "Get your stuff and then get off the ship."

With nothing else to say, he jumped off the ship and on a rock, trying to calm his anger.

An awkward silence was left on the ship with his departure. Zoro was the one to break that silence, as he stared daggers at Usopp.

Zoro - "You're lucky he doesn't just care about himself... Or you would be dead right now."

Usopp remained silent. Zoro scoffed and walked off, going to retrieve his belongings.

Nami and Robin also left, being quite angry at Usopp. Nami knew how badly Leo would think of himself at times, and Robin felt indebted to him after everything he had selflessly done for her, this was without taking into account their romantic feelings for him.

Sanji put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it, taking a draw off it as he walked past Usopp.

Sanji - "You really messed up this time."

They all left to get their belongings with a sullen mood.

Franky had jumped off the ship and went over to Leo.

Franky - "Hey, Bro. You good?"

Leo - "Fine. I'm just a little volatile from yesterday and easy to anger right now."

Franky - "Makes sense. Is it fine if I ask you a question?"

Leo - "Depends on what you ask."

Frank - "Just wanna know, what was all that talk about the ships soul was about?"

Leo - "You already know about how ships can have spirits. Well, I can manipulate souls and revive the dead with certain limitations. I should be able to give the spirit a new body to reside in. Simple as that."

Franky stood there blankly for a moment, before grabbing at his head in frustration.

Franky - "How the hell is that simple!?"

Leo shrugged.

Leo - "Best not to question logic when I'm involved."

Franky - "If you say so."

Leo looked at Franky, not know what to talk about, but a question arose in his mind.

Leo - "So, what do you plan to do after all this?"

Franky - "What're you talking about?"

Leo - "You will probably get a bounty. It is likely that those agents had already sent reports about you after all."

Although he says "likely", he knew that they definitely had done so and was just trying to ease the weight of the situation.

Franky - "Damn... You're right. I didn't think about that."

Leo - "Well, you should have a little bit of time to decide. I suggest you try talking to Luffy."

Franky held his chin in thought.

Leo - "Oh, and you can keep the 200 million Berries."

Confused, Franky looked at Leo like he had lost his mind.

Franky - "Are you serious!?"

Leo nodded.

Leo - "Yeah, it's not that big of a deal. Besides, we are gonna need a new ship to continue our voyage."

Leo looked at him knowing, then looked towards the ship and saw everyone had were getting off of it. He saw that they had quite a bit of luggage, so he opened a portal and gestured to it.

Leo - "Just drop everything in there for now."

They did as he said, not needing to question this type of stuff anymore. Leo stood up and put his hands in his pockets.

Leo - "If that's everything, I suggest we go find a hotel to stay in."

Luffy - "Alright! Let's go. I can't wait to see Merry for real."

Leo turned to the city and started walking, the others following behind him. As they walked, Leo release the Hellfire from the ship and it turned to ash, blowing away with the wind.

When they got in the city, Franky suggested a hotel for them to stay at and gave directions, then went off on his own to go get the money he hid.

After a few minutes of walking, Nami was sudden hit with a realisation.

Nami - "Guy, wait! We didn't get the money back!!"

The crew all stopped in place and the shouted in unison.

Crew - "WHAAAAT!?"

Leo just continued walking.

Leo - "Oh, I told him he can keep it."

They all looked at him in shock. Nami then sprinted in front of him, grabbed him by his coat and started shaking him back and forth.

Nami - "Why would you do thaaaat!?!?"

Leo just let her continue with a nonchalant expression, waiting for her to get it out of her system.

When she was done shaking him, she looked at the ground with crocodile tears.

Nami - "200 million... Gone..."

Leo smiled at her and started petting her, making her look up at him.

Leo - "Don't worry, I have a good reason for it. You just have to wait for the surprise."

He winked at her mischievously. When she saw this, she figured out that it was something he knew would have happened, so she sighed and let it go.

Nami - "Fine. But, it better be worth it mister."

She let go of him and turned around, walking away in a huff, still sour about losing the money. Leo smiled mirthfully, amused by her childishness.

He started following behind her, the others joining while still bummed about the money.

Robin walked at the back, watch everyone and smiling happily.


They soon arrived at the hotel and got their rooms.

Leo was sitting outside and relaxing, when Robin walked over to him.

Robin - "Is it alright to talk now?"

Looking at her, he saw that she was anxious and embarrassed. Sitting upright, he gave her his full attention

Leo - "Sure, I'm listening."

Based on her behaviour, he had already guessed what she want and that Nami had given the go ahead, but it was important for her to say what she wanted, so he remained silent.

A few second passed, in which she avoid his gaze and bit her lower lip, building up her courage until...

Robin - "I wanted to know... If you would like to... go on a date with me...?"

Leo stood up without answering, which caused her to think he was going to refuse, but he then started stroking her head.

Leo - "If you are sure you want to and are comfortable enough with the situation you will be in, then I would."

Robin looked at and answered without hesitating.

Robin - "I am! I have thought about it thoroughly and concluded that I am okay with it!"

Seeing that she was serious and honest, with both herself and him, he decided to answer.

Leo - "Okay then. When do you want to go on our date?"

Relief washed over Robin and she answered far more naturally.

Robin - "I was thinking now?"

Leo - "If you are okay with it. Do you have anything in mind or want to change?"

Robin - "Not particularly. I figure we could go do something together."

Leo smiled at her calmly and stood up, offering her his hand.

Leo - "Well then, let's go."

Robin took his hand shyly and they took off on their date.

They didn't really do much out of the ordinary and it was mostly just normal friend stuff, but because it was just the two of them and the sentiment was there, it had its own form of romance.

When Robin got hungry, they went to a food stall and got something to snack on. Like the previous day, the stall owner was nervous and scared of Leo, but they had learned from last time that he wasn't as bad as they imagined, so they accept payment.

As the day went on, they went to a bookstore and bought some they were interested in. Their love of reading serving as good connection for them.

They then went to a cafe and talked about things they liked or had read. This lead to Leo telling her the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

He even used his Hellfire and other elements to put on a little performance, which caught a few peoples interest as they listened to the story. By the end, he received a small applause and then the viewers went on their way.

Robin - "Well, that was quite an interesting story."

Leo - "I know. It symbolises the good and evil that exist in all people, and about our struggle with these two sides of our personality. That no matter who they are, there is potential for both good and evil in them. You can fight and banish either side, but they are never truly gone and are simply waiting for their moment to return."

He showed two figures fighting, one made of silver flames and representing good, and the other made of darkness, representing evil.

Robin watched the two figure emotionally. Seeing this, Leo dismissed the two figures and laughed wryly.

Leo - "Sorry. Not a very good subject to bring up on a date..."

Robin shook her head and smiled as she held his hand.

Robin - "Don't worry about it. It's deep and profound. I like the how thought provoking it is."

She looked up at the sky and saw clouds beginning to gather.

Robin - "I think we should start going to the hotel."

Leo nodded and they both stood up, with him offer her his hand again, which she took and looked at him.

Robin - "Thank you for the date. I would like to do this again some time."

Leo smiled and kissed her cheek.

Leo - "Definitely!"

She returned the smile with a small blush, then she hugged his arm and they made their way back to the hotel.


When they got back, they were greeted by Nami, who saw Robin hugging Leo's arm and knew the date went well. She was happy, but also a little jealous.

Nami - "Looks like your date went well."

Robin - "Yes. Thank you for the help."

Nami smiled.

Nami - "No problem. But remember..."

She went in front of Leo and kissed him on his lips, then backed up and put her hands on her hips as she spoke heartily.

Nami - "I'm first!"

Though she tried to appear commanding and confident, she actually came off as being cute and amusing. Leo and Robin chuckled a little.

Robin - "Noted. Though..."

She drawed out her word, attracting Nami's attention. Then she spoke in a playful challenging tone.

Robin - "Don't think that means I will lose to you~"

Nami was a little surprised by this behaviour, but then she started laughing. She stopped and hugged Robin.

Nami - "I'm glad to have you."

Robin returned the hug and replied.

Robin - "Same here."

Leo stood beside them, happy that they got along so well. He honestly didn't think a relationship like this would go off so well. Or so soon... But, he wasn't complaining, he just wasn't prepared, so he will go slow and steady.

The girls separated and Nami looked up.

Nami - "Well, we should get inside. It looks like a storm is about to start."

Leo and Robin agreed, then they all made their way inside.

The storm was actually a yearly thing, called Aqua Laguna. It is an annual high tide that hit Water 7, causing constant damage.

The three of them entered the hotel and found the rest of the crew, so they joined them for awhile, until it got late and they all went to their rooms. Except Leo, who went with Nami and Robin to their room, deciding that now would be an okay time to bring Merry to life.


In the room, with only himself and the other two, Leo looked at them.

Leo - "I'm gonna be honest, I've done a lot to increase the chances of this being successful, but I have no idea if it actually will be."

Leo was feeling unsure of himself and was actually really worried about failing. He had spent a lot of time nurturing the Going Merry's soul and felt some attachment, so the thought of failure makes him sad.

Nami went in front of him, cupped his face with both hands and looked up into his eyes with love.

Nami - "Even if you somehow fail, at least you tried and that's enough for me. So, don't worry to much or you're more likely to fail."

She leaned in and kissed him on his lips for a few second, then stopped and took a step back.

Nami - "You should have more faith in yourself, I do."

Leo smiled gratefully.

Leo - "Thanks, Nami."

Robin then walked up to him and kissed his cheek, before quickly looking a way with a blush.

Robin - "That's for good luck."

Leo and Nami chuckle at Robin show of affection and support. Leo teasingly grinned at her.

Leo - "You're actually really cute when you're embarrassed."

Robin's face became redder as she pouted in discontent, but then Leo got close and kissed her on her cheek. (A/N:I keep picturing post timeskip Robin, so just roll with it.)

Leo - "Thank you, Robin."

Turning around, Leo walked over to a bed, standing at the side, he brought out the gold orb that is the Merry's soul. Placing it on the bed, Leo closed his eyes and began focusing on it intently, with the desire to bring it to life. Nami and Robin took a seat at a small distance, reading in silence and taking glances at Leo to see the progress.

Leo had no idea what the Merry was going to look like, so he was just supplying the means for coming to life and letting nature take its course with the appearance. It was clear to him that it was going to be tougher than when he revived Bellemere. He had more power than before, so he could compensate for the lack of a template.

It was 30 minutes before he even starter to see any real progress. The orb had enlarged and taken a humanoid shape, seemingly a female one.

Outside, a storm could be heard raging, thunder booming and lightning crackling.

Another 30 minutes, the form had become distinctly feminine, with some rather big assets. But, there were still no feature, other than a pair of bulges on the sides of the head, which he assumed was due to the Devil Fruit.

As time passed, the storm outside continued to worsen. The sound of thunder got louder and lightning strikes came down in volumes. The rain bashed against the roofs and the wind ripped tiles off of them.

After 20 more minutes, Leo and the girls started to see the smallest of detail on the body, giving them hope that he would succeed and bring Merry, or rather Mary, to life. But! As if the world was angered by the sheer disrespect of Leo's actions, the storm outside was suddenly silent.

The thunder, lightning, rain and wind, all had stopped. But, if anyone were to look at the sky, they would see black masses of cloud whirling together, lightning flowing within and concentrating at the centre.

A single minute passed and in that time, the lightning had gathered into a massive ball of absolute power, it was giving of light that would mislead you into thinking it was day time. Suddenly, the ball condensed and a low rumble rang out as it shot down to a building directly below it.

That building was obviously the one that Leo was performing his act of heresy in.

Leo was focusing on his objective and completely unaware of the godly lightning bolt head towards him.

(A/N: What will happen? Will lightning strike and destroy all of Leo's efforts or will our favourite undead manage to succeed in his task? Find out next time! On GR in the Multiverse!!!)






(A/N: HAH! Just fucking with you.)


The lightning quickly broke through the building, going through an entire floor to reach Leo. As the lighting broke the ceiling of the room he was in, Leo's total focus made him alert to all interruptions and made him perceive the world in slow motion.

When he saw the lightning, Leo was shocked, as even with his increased perception, the bolt was still visibly moving. It was like a knife, falling and aiming to pierce the chest of Mary's soul.

Without hesitation, Leo moved his right hand into the lightning path and let it hit him, expecting to not even feel it. But, the moment contact was made, a stinging sensation arose as sparks flew off his hand.

Time suddenly sped up as Leo growled in pain and anger. He pulled his hand to his body and shot his left hand up to the whole above, sending a concentrated beam of Hellfire and Black Lighting into the sky in retaliation.

The beam advanced to the sky and into the clouds, then exploded out, creating a roar and destroying a large portion of the clouds.

In the building, Leo had no time to think as he hurriedly began stabilising Mary's soul, which was hit by some of the sparks that came from the lightning and was almost dissipated.

Leo grit his teeth and put all his energy into keeping the soul stable, using his left hand to produce Angel Flames in an attempt to repair the damage. The Angel Flames poured into the soul and to his fortune, they began healing the soul.

Dropping to his knees, nervously sweating from the shock of what just happened, Leo looked at his right arm. His arm was scorched black up to his elbow.

Namii and Robin had been standing in shock at the suddenness of the event that unfolded, but when they saw Leo fall to his knees, they rush to his side.

When the two of them saw the state Leo's arm was in, they horrified. They had seen him take all sorts of attacks and not even be scratched, but a single lightning bolt did this much damage, despite him being made of lightning himself.

Nami teared up and went to hug him, but then stopped herself, afraid of hurting him. She started to stutter.

Nami - "L-Leo, what happened? How... How are you hurt!?"

Leo got back onto his feet and looked at his arm, somewhat angry.

Leo - "My only guess, is that I'm not supposed to be doing this and this was the worlds attempt at stopping me. The only way to hurt me, is to use divine energy of some kind..."

He eased up on the amount of energy he directed into the the soul and let his natural regeneration get to work. His arm briefly ignited into flames and then looked good as new.

Leo - "Good thing I can't die."

Unbeknownst to him, some of his Hellfire seeped through the rest of his body, healing what he didn't even know was damaged. As a result, it flowed through his left arm and out into the the soul with the Angel Flames. Due to it only being intended to heal himself, it didn't cause any damage, but will produce an unexpected result.

Leo felt the chaotic, fear filled emotions of both Nami and Robin, so he pulled them both into his chest and hugged them tightly. In his comforting embrace, both of them started sobbing in relief.

Leo - "It's okay. Shh. There's nothing to worry about. Nothing will ever take us away from each other."

He continued comforting them for a few minutes, before telling them that he needs to continue with his objective.

Nami - "Are you sure!? What if it happens again!?"

Robin - "Nami's right, you should stop."

Leo - "Not an option. If I stop, I won't be able to restart. But, don't worry. It will be fine."

He kissed their foreheads and then turned around, stepping over to the bed as he muttered.

Leo - "Besides, I'm pissed off. Now its personal and I refuse to be stopped. You will live Mary..."

He looked up through the hole in the ceiling, glaring at the sky.

Leo - "Even if I have to destroy a world to do it."

Focusing on the soul, he got back to work. The only difference being, he was more aware of his surroundings this time.

As he started working on the soul, he notice something that could be a problem.

The soul had seemed to separate into two, with a thin strand connecting them. One side carried a peaceful nature and was like a purified version of its whole self, while the other was wild and cunning. It was like the Devil Fruit had splintered. The purified one even carried some semblance of fire and though it had similarities to his Hellfire, it was nowhere near the same level.

Leo tried to merge the soul/souls together again, but they rejected each other, while simultaneously refusing to separate from each other. With no idea what to do, Leo decided to first strengthen the connection and see how that goes.

After an hour, the decision to strengthen the connection proved to be the right one. As the connection strengthened, the souls began stabilising each other and became stronger. Though, this cut off any chance of separating them now.

With no other choice, he started working to give both souls life.

Over time, they both started to take female forms like before. But now, there was one gold and slightly red soul, and a silver and black soul.

Because he had to be extra careful in the process, due to being wary of more lightning and working with two souls at once.

It took him several hours to finish and the sun had risen. Nami and Robin had both fell asleep while waiting, but there was another bed, so he had floated them over to it ages ago.

On the bed he was working at, there were two beautiful women lying next to each other, a sheet covering each of them. He observed the two women, who are more or less sisters and noted their appearance.

On the left, the one with a gold soul. She is about 4.8ft tall. Creamy white skin. Large breasts for her height, at least being an L cup. Has long, wavy blonde hair that reaches past the back of her knees and a pair of curled, ram horns on the sides of her head.

And for her sister on the right side. She was roughly 6ft tall. Dark-skinned with breasts even bigger than her sister, being M cups. Her hair is heterochromatic, silver on the top and back, but black on the sides. She also has a pair of horns, but hers are more like a goats, resembling Alduins in a way.

With his work complete and his mind fatigued, Leo went and took a seat.

He got a few minutes rest, before Nami and Robin began to wake up. Nami was the first to sit up, stretching as she yawned. Robin rubbed her eyes and propped herself up on one arm.

Robin - "What time is it?"

Leo looked over and answered tiredly.

Leo - "Almost 8 o'clock."

The girls looked at Leo and saw how tired he was, then they realised what that meant.

Nami - "Are you okay? Did you do it?"

Leo - "I'm just a bit tired."

But then, Leo smiled triumphantly as he pointed at the other bed.

Leo - "And you can see for yourself. I finished 10 minutes ago."

They excitedly looked towards the bed, but then became confused when they saw two girls, rather than one.

Nami - "Uhh. Leo? Why are there two girls?"

Leo stood up explained as he walked to the bottom of the bed, looking at the two horned girls.

Leo - "I'm not sure why, but when that lightning bolt came down, I blocked most of it, but some sparks still hit the soul. For some reason, the soul split into two."

Standing at the bottom of the bed, he looked between the two girls and scratched the back of his head.

Leo - "My best guess, is that the lightning separated the soul of Merry and the Devil Fruit I fused her with. But, it didn't separate them completely, so this is the result. They are basically sisters."

He looked away from the girls, towards Nami and Robin, who were in wonder.

While he wasn't looking, the dark-skinned girl's eyes shot open, revealing a pair of beautiful golden eyes. Without any warning, she sprang up and ponced at Leo, pushing him to the floor in his unawareness.

With the unexpected attack, Leo and the other two were surprised. Leo didn't even feel any animosity, so he had no idea what was going on.

Surprise was soon turned into shock for Leo.

Rather than an attack, which was what everyone expected, the dark-skinned girl licked his neck and then bit his ear as she pressed her body against him.

Leo lay on his back, staring at the ceiling with his mouth open in shock.

Leo - 'What the fuck is happening?'

Nami and Robin shot up, fiercely glaring at the girl.

Nami/Robin - "Hey! What do you think you're doing!?"

The girl sat up, straddling Leo and showing of her impressive breasts. She smirked at them victoriously, showing off rows of sharp, pointy teeth.

Girl - "I'm marking my mate!"

Her remark only served to anger the two of them.

Nami - "What do you mean, 'your mate'!?"

Robin used her Devil Fruit and tried to restrain the girl, but the girls proved to be stronger as she resisted and even pulled Leo into her chest, smirking at them more.

Girl - "I've decide to make him my husband~!"

It was then that Leo regained his composure and phased out of the girls clutches, making her pouted as she saw him get up.

Girl - "Why did you do that, Leo?"

Leo looked at her curiously.

Leo - "How do you know me?"

He picked up the sheet that was covering her before and threw it to her, so that she could cover up. She caught the sheet, but didn't bother covering herself and just left it in her lap, unashamedly leaving her breasts exposed.

Girl - "Of course I would know you, after all this time."

Robin - "Wait, are you the Going Merry or Mary I suppose?"

Girl - "Nah, but she is!"

She pointed back to girl on the bed, who had just awakened and sat up, holding her sheet to her bountiful chest. She cutely yawned as she rubbed her eye with her spare hand.

Leo/Nami/Robin - "That was adorable!"

The girl or Mary, was surprise by the sudden noise and looked at them curiously. She then realised who they were and her attention was drawn to Leo, making her golden-brown eyes light up in glee.

Mary leaped from the bed and hugged him as she shouted cheerfully.

Mary - "LEO!"

Leo caught Mary, then looked at Nami and Robin with a nervous smile, while Mary nuzzled into his stomach happily.

Nami and Robin sighed, the situation developing in a way that they almost felt should have been predicted. They both nodded at Leo, reassuring him that it was okay.

He sighed in relief and pulled Mary's discarded sheet to his hand, then wrapped it around her as he started patting her head, much to her enjoyment.

Leo - 'Why do they all seem to like getting head pats? Not that I'm gonna complain.'

After giving Mary her fill of head pats, he got her and the unnamed girl to sit on the bed. Mary happily sat there, covering herself with her sheet. The other girl however, didn't really care about modesty and sat completely uncovered and legs spread.

Leo sighed in frustration and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Leo - "Would you please cover yourself."

The girl look at him flirtatiously.

Girl - "I don't mind you looking at me~"

Leo - "*Sigh* Look... Wait, do you have a name?"

Girl - "Nope!"

The girl then had an idea and leaned forward excitedly.

Girl - "Will you give me one!?"

He looked up in thought.

Leo - "Hmm... How about Anna?"

Anna grinned happily.

Anna - "If you like it, it's good! Let's celebrate!"

She leaped at Leo, but he put his out and grabbed her head, holding her at a distance as she continued trying to get to him.

Leo - "Anna, what are you doing?"

Anna - "We're going to have sex!"

Hearing this, Nami got mad and hit Anna on her head, knocking her to the ground.

Nami - "Like hell you are!!"

Anna was laid out on the floor with a bump on her head.

Nami - "Now get up, cover yourself and sit down!"

Anna hurriedly got up, grabbed her sheet to cover herself and then sat down obediently.

Leo - 'How the hell does she do that...'

With Nami holding Anna's reins, Leo decided to try getting some questions answered. He sat down on the other bed and began his questioning.

Leo - "Okay, do you both know what happened?"

Mary - "Mhm! You made me stronger, so that you could bring me to life."

Anne - "And you also used a Devil Fruit to make her even stronger. That is the reason I was made when the lightning hit."

Leo - "How do you know that is why you were made?"

Anna shrugged.

Anna - "We just do."

Leo - "Huh... Could you tell me what Devil Fruit it was?"

Anna - "It was the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Krampus."

Leo - 'I guess that explains the horns. Though I didn't expect something so strong.'

Leo thought about something for a moment before asking.

Leo - "How do you know that exactly?"

Anna shrugged.

Anna - "Don't know, just do."

Leo - "Do you both have the same abilities?"

Mary - "Mmm, no. I only have some of the same abilities. Like, I have my horns, increased strength, stamina, durability, senses and healing."

Anna - "And I have the same, but I also have a transformation that makes me even stronger, plus I have ice powers."

Mary - "Ooh! I forgot, because of you, I can use fire and do this!"

Mary stuck her hand out and flames emerged, then started taking the form of a spear.

Nami - "That's the same as Leo's power."

Leo - "Did either of you get any more of my abilities."

Mary's expression suddenly turned serious and determined.

Mary - "I can feel when a person is evil and want to bring justice."

Anna answered after her, but with savage smile similar to Leo's.

Anna - "I'm the same, except I want to punish them."

Nami and Robin looked at Leo blankly, to which he coughed timidly and moved on from that subject.

Leo - "*Cough* Right... Well, is there anything else?"

Mary - "Other than being pretty much immortal? Nope!"

Leo raised an eyebrow curiously.

Leo - "Immortal?"

Anna - "We can't age or become sick. And to be accurate, we can be killed, but only if we are killed within a certain time frame of one another."

Mary - "Yeah!"

Leo - "Oh, good to know."

Robin - "What about your horns? Are they permanent or can you retract them."

Mary - "We can make them go away if we want to."

Leo- "Is that everything?"

Anna suddenly gained a lustful grin, making Leo feel like she was gonna try to fuck him again.

Anna - "Well~ There is also this~"

She opened her mouth, her tongue extended to a metre long, twisting and turning. Leo facepalmed.

Anna - "What do you think~? How about we have some fun~?"

Anna had an extendable, prehensile tongue and with their brief interaction, Leo wasn't even surprised that she wanted to use it for lewd purposes.

Leo - "Okay, seriously! Why do you keep trying to get me to have sex with!?"

Anna retracted her tongue and for the first time, became serious.

Anna - "Because I've decided to be yours."

Mary nodded, stating she is with Anna.

Leo - "Why!?"

Anna - "Why wouldn't I? You gave us life, when you could have just left us to die in the ship. You're strong and kind to us. We're attracted to you completely and will do what ever you want us to."

Mary - "It's our mating instincts. We only want to be yours and yours alone!"

Leo sighed. He put a hand on his face and dragged it down while groaning.

He stared at Mary and Anna for a moment, then fell backwards, lying on the bed.

Leo - "I'm too tired to deal with this right now..."

The four girls looked at Leo sympathetically. Nami then glanced at the rest of the girls and back to Leo.

Nami - "Leo, why don't you go have a rest and we can talk to each other?"

Leo looked at Nami and saw her smiling reassuringly. He sat up.

Leo - "Okay. Thank you, Nami."

He gave her a quick kiss and then turned to Robin, giving her a kiss on her cheek. Leo then seeming blinked out of the room, going into his dimension and going to sleep.

Nami then lost her smile and stared at the two sisters with a serious expression.

Nami - "Now, let's discuss the situation."

- 20 Minutes later -

Leo exited his dimension after a 10 hour nap. He appeared in the room and found the girls happily talking to each other, but when they noticed Leo, they looked at him.

Leo - "Did I miss anything?"

Nami - "Not really. But, Mary and Anne have agreed to slow down and not try to force anything with you."

He looked at the aforementioned and received nods.

Anna - "I'm sorry for being too forceful. But, I want you to know, now that we have chosen you, we will only ever want you. No matter how long it takes."

Her and Mary looked at him determinedly. Feeling that she wasn't lying, he more or less accepted the inevitable.

Leo - "Okay. Just remember that you need to take things slowly. It's not like we are pressed for time, being immortal and all."

The two of them nodded. Feeling relieved, Leo smiled a bit.

He went over to them and patted their heads, simultaneously spread fire over them and making clothes on their bodies. They were relatively simple, but suited them.

Leo - "Well, how about we go get some breakfast. You can have your first experience eating something."

Their eyes sparkle with excitement as they jumped up.

Mary/Anna - "Really!? Let's go!"

They grabbed Leo's arms and started pulling towards the door. Though Anna got in a sly comment as she did so.

Anna - "I'd rather be eating you though~"

She licked her lips as Leo sighed.

Nami and Robin stood up and followed them, laughing at how the two sisters were pulling Leo, acting like little kids excited about ice cream.

The sisters, of course, had no idea where they were going though, so Leo eventually took control and lead them to the dining room, meeting the rest of the crew.

The crew saw Leo and girls that they didn't know holding onto him, while Nami and Robin followed behind with amused grins on their faces.

Luffy - "Hey, Leo! Who are they?"

Leo - "They are-"

Before he could properly answer, Sanji spontaneously jumped forward towards him and then slid across the floor, stopping in front of Anna with heart eyes.

Sanji - "Beautiful lady, may I have the honor of knowing your na-AHHG!"

Anna didn't even let him finish, before she kicked him in the face and looked disgusted.

When Leo saw this, he almost cried out of joy. Sanji finally got his just deserts. He quickly started petting Anna, causing her expression to instantly change to a happy one.

Leo - "Good girl!"

He was going to continue petting her for a job well-done, but she started to pant and gain a lewd expression, so he stopped.

Looking back to Luffy, he continued his previous sentence.

Leo - "Anyways, as I was saying, they are Mary and Anna. In other words, they are the Going Merry."

Luffy's eyes lit up with sparkles as he started jumping around them, exclaiming at how cool it was. Leo decided to properly introduce them, gesturing to who was who.

Leo - "The blonde girl is Mary and is actually the Going Merry's soul. While this is Anna, who is from a Devil Fruit I had fused Mary and got separated for reasons I can't be bothered to explain."

Mary excitedly jumped up and down as she introduced herself.

Mary - "Hello everyone! I'm so happy to finally be able to meet you!!"

She and Luffy started running around the dining room, with Chopper soon joining them.

Anna just scoffed and dismissively introduced herself.

Anna - "Hey, I'm her sister. And so you know, if any of you stupid males try anything, I'll kill you."

Leo looked at her, confused by her sudden attitude.

Leo - "What's with the hostility?"

She pouted and looked away.

Anna - "Hmph! Like I said, I don't care about other males, only you. The rest can go die for all I care."

Leo sighed at how difficult she was turning out to be.

Leo - "At least try to get along with them, please. And if someone does try anything, feel free to crush their balls."

Anna smiled at him and nodded, then looked at the guy with a savage smirk, making them gulp.

Guys - 'Great. Another Leo...'

Leo watch the everything going on, for some reason getting the feeling he was being insulted, but he shrugged it.

Leo - "Anyways, let's get breakfast. And don't worry about having difficulty choosing, you can get whatever interests you. It'll be the first meal of you lives after all"

Anna excitedly made her way to a table, with Mary quickly joing her. They both started ordering different stuff and gorged themselves when the food arrived.

While the sisters were eating, there was a small fuss happening outside the hotel, so Leo used his Observation Haki and covered the entire island. Doing so, he found that the storm last night had done a significant amount of damage to the city, while the island had sank further into the sea.

Speaking of the island sinking, he had discovered the reason for it. Standing up, Leo spoke.

Leo - "Hey, I'm gonna go out for a bit."

Mary and Anna looked at him eagerly.

Mary/Anna - "Can we come!?"

He went over to them and ruffled their hair.

Leo - "Sorry, not this time. I'm going for business anyways, it would be boring."

They both pouted, but accepted nonetheless.

Nami - "What business are you talking about? Need a hand~?"

She grinned mischievously at the idea of maybe scamming some people. Leo chuckled lightly.

Leo - "It's the none profitable kind unfortunately, so I'll decline."

She pouted.

Nami - "Well that's no fun..."

He shook his head at her and chuckled some more.

Leo - "I'll be back later. Bye."

Crew - "Bye."

Leo left the hotel and headed straight for the shipbuilding district. He jumped and started using Geppo, just because he could.


Quickly arriving at the shipbuilding district, he went to the Galley-la company and found the worker he met last time.

Leo - "Hey, Lulu right?"

Lulu looked at him.

Lulu - "Yes. How can I help you?"

Leo - "I need you to take me to Iceberg."

Lulu's expression hardened.

Lulu - "I'm sorry, but Mr Iceberg is-"

Leo - "Yeah, yeah. I know what happened and if you take me to him, I can heal him. I need him to do something for me."

Lulu remained silent.

Leo - "Alternatively, I can go myself and beat the shit out of anyone that gets in my way. Your call."

Looking nervous at the alternative, Lulu relented.

Lulu - "Follow me."

He turned and began walking, with Leo following him.

They went to a small office building, past the shipbuilding stations. Entering the building, they saw Iceberg lying on a bed, heavily injured and with a drip beside him.

When the CP9 douchebags left, they had tried to kill Iceberg, but they were in to much of a hurry and left him barely alive, setting his house on fire and expecting it to finish the job. Fortunately for Iceberg, he had some really loyal people that were willing to run into a burning building for him.

Leo lit his hand with Angel Flames and threw them at Iceberg. Lulu was horrified and about to attack Leo.

Leo - "Before you do something stupid, observe Iceberg first."

Looking at Iceberg, Lulu notice that the fire wasn't actually burning him.

Leo - "Those flames are for healing, nothing more."

The flames quickly healed Iceberg and died out, to which Leo went over to him and flicked him, waking him up.

Iceberg - "AHHH!"

Leo - "Good morning."

Iceberg looked at Leo while holding his head.

Iceberg - "Reaper? Why are you-"

Leo - "I need you to do something for me. Also, I can't be bothered with explaining everything for Lulu here, so..."

Leo telepathically sent information about CP9 and what happened last night. Iceberg and Lulu were shock and angry about the betrayal.

Leo - "I understand your feelings, but they are dead and what I need is important."

Iceberg looked at Leo and then sighed.

Iceberg - "What is it that you want?"

Leo put his hand out and created a model of Water 7 with Hellfire.

Leo - "As you know, Water 7 is constantly sinking further into the sea as time goes by. But what you don't know is..."

He started to for the part of the island that wasn't visible and showed that multiple tunnels ran through the island, many having collapsed. (Just go with it.)

Leo - "Something had burrowed countless tunnels into the island. These tunnels have been collapsing one after another every time Aqua Laguna hits."

He got rid of his model and clapped hit hands together.

Leo - "So, what I need from you, is for you to make an announcement to the island residents to seek shelter and remain calm while I fix it. You can just tell them that you have commissioned some Devil Fruit users to assist you or something."

Iceberg and Lulu were surprised and shocked.

Iceberg - "Can you really do this?"

Leo - "I wouldn't have said anything if I didn't think I could. And I would like to hurry, I have people waiting for me."

Iceberg looked at him in thought, before finally nodding.

Iceberg - "Okay. I will make the announcement immediately."

Leo - "Then I'll get going. Oh, and make sure no one is in the water."

With that, he left and flew into the air. Soon enough, he heard Iceberg of a speaker system making the announcement.

Leo then flew into the sea and made his way down, giving the people above a little bit of time and then starting his task.

He brought out his spear and got in a stance. Firmly gripping the spear, he used all his might and sent a humongous slash towards the islands base, creating a gash a fifth of the way into the island and causing it to shake tremendously.

Seeing the result of his first slash, he smirked at how strong he had become. He decided to step it up a notch and used some Haki, resulting in x2 increase in his strength.

Retaking his stance, he got ready to send another slash. This time however, rather than just using pure power, he focused his mind, calming himself and then slashing at the island.

The slash he shot out this time smaller than the first, but was far more powerful. He had condensed the energy, causing it to sharper and deadlier before, making it cut right through the island and travel out into the sea to eventually dissipate.

The island remained in the same position, floating thanks to his telekinesis. With the island detached, he started making it rise out of the sea. His reason for this, is that he figured rather than just leaving it in the same spot, he could return the land that was lost.

Once he raised it enough, he got to work fixing it.

He started producing earth to replace what was missing, then he used his Hellfire and turned it to magma, using telekinesis to make it keep its shape as it cooled. While he was doing this, he also turned the island into a heron's fountain, this would let the city of water remain, in all its glory.

Doing all this wasn't an easy task and took a fair amount of time. More than he had originally expected, so it was the afternoon by the time he finished.

Flying out of the sea and looked down at the island that had double in land mass. He used his Haki and found Iceberg at a desk in an office, then sped over to and straight infront of him.

At Leo's sudden appearance, Iceberg was surprised, but that was overshadowed by the respect and gratitude he held inside.

Leo - "The job's done. You can announce that it's safe to come out."

He then turned and started walking away, but before he left, Iceberg spoke.

Iceberg - "Leonardo Blaze..."

He turned to Iceberg.

Iceberg slammed his head onto his desk.

Iceberg - "On behalf of all the citizens of Water 7. Thank you!"

Leo turned back and continued walking.

Leo - "No problem."


(Sup? Someone asked for a list of his current abilities. I assume that they were referring to Devil Fruit abilities, so here:


Bomb bomb fruit.

Munch Munch fruit.

Kilo Kilo fruit.

Quake Quake fruit.

Copy Copy fruit.

Wax Wax fruit.

Dice Dice fruit.

Spike Spike fruit.

Float Float fruit.

Slow Slow fruit.

Rust/Decay Decay fruit.

Bubble Bubble fruit.

Door Door fruit.

Berry Berry fruit.


Earth Earth fruit.

Sand Sand fruit.

Rumble Rumble fruit.

Dark Dark fruit.


Mole Mole fruit.

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Dachshund.

Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Angel.

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Dire Wolf.

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf.

Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard.

Zou Zou no Mi. (Elephant)

Kumo Kumo no Mi.

Some other common animals.

Tell me if I missed any. Bye.)

Thanks for reading.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

PassiveAtom5140creators' thoughts