
Modern Warfare

Sean slowly opened his eyes before sitting up and looked to his left and smiled seeing Susan Storm naked next to him with a content smile on her face.

"God I missed you." Sean said kissing her forehead making her smile more before he got up without waking her and went out of his room in a pair of shorts. As he walked out of his room he came to a stop seeing a picture of his parents a year before the accident with him the twins and David all group together making him sigh.

"You miss them don't you?" Susan said behind him dressed in a blue robe.

"I didn't wake you did I?" Sean said smiling at her making her smile back and pulled him into a hug.

"No." Susan said.

"Theres nothing I wouldn't give to have them back in my life. The twins didn't deserve to have them taken away so soon." Sean said before his phone rang making him sigh before answering it. "Talbot what is it?" Sean asked.

"We've got a huge situation on our hands you need to get here like now." Talbot said.

"What happened?" Sean asked.

"It's better you see for yourself." Talbot said.


"Alright what the hell is going on?" Sean asked entering his office and saw a man he knew by reputation in the army General Shepherd.

"Sean, It's been a while." Shepherd said shaking his hand.

"Yeah it has. Now whats going on?" Sean asked.

"Have you heard of a Russian named Makarov?" Shepherd asked.

"Yes I had a contact within his ranks feeding me intel. Why?" Sean asked before Talbot showed footage of a terrorist attack in Russia this morning by Makarov and his men but one of them that was found dead was an American CIA agent. "What did you do?" Sean asked.

"Makarov has become to dangerous to simple let him loose in the world so I sent an agent to watch and report to me on his actions. But somehow he found out." Shepherd said.

"You fucking...GRRR! Do you have any idea what this could cause?" Sean asked.

"A new war I know. I know this incident is my fault but whats done is done. We need to prepare for the worst case scenario." Shepherd said.

"I always do." Sean said.

"I'll contact our allies in the Russian government and see if we can solve this peacefully." Talbot said.

"Get Reznov with you. He's with the Russian government so he's our best chance to settle this peacefully." Sean said.

"What about our other allies? The Transformers the Republic and the Covenant?" Lane asked.

"Contact the Republic and the Covenant and inform them of the situation. I'll inform Shockwave and he'll do the rest from there." Sean said as Talbot, Ross, Lane and Eiling left. "Shepherd I swear to god." Sean said.

"I know I screwed up. It's funny actually. Your father would be just as pissed off at me as you are now." Shepherd said making Sean chuckle slightly.

"You have no idea." Sean said.


"I had to send Diana and the Twins off world to Naboo since It's the safest place for them right now." Sean said entering the command center.

"Smart move." Shepherd said.

"What the hell is this?" Reznov said seeing a large aerial assult group on radar in Alaska.

"Sand Bravo, we're reading 70 bogeys in your sector. Please verify." Lane said on the comms.

"Thats a negative sir skies are clear." NOME AFB said

"Oh what the?" Reznov said seeing the same thing going on the cost in California.

"Zulu X-ray 6. Signs in your sector at least over a hundred bogeys. Please Advise." Lane said.

"Negative General alls clear here." Zulu said.

"Uh. I'm going to run a diagnostics check to see if theres something wrong." Sean said.

"Sierra Delta do you have anything on your scopes?" Lane asked.

"Probably not." Sean said.

"THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" Sierra Delta yelled.

"Say again?" Sean called back.

"I'm looking at fighter jets and Droid star fighters over I-95! How the hell did they get through!" Sierra Delta yelled.

"Droid Star Fighters? Why is the Trade Federation involved?" Talbot asked.

"Why do you think? Payback. We screwed them over with their trade franchise and now they want to even the score by helping our enemies." Sean said.

"Sally contact the Republic immediately! Tell them we need a full response!" Lane said.

"Already did." Sally.

"I need everyone in the field this is not a drill!" Sean yelled on the comms.

"Welcome to world war 3." Reznov said.

"Lets just hope it doesn't last long." Sean said.

In the field

The Discipline squad was the closest in the sector and helped with a group of soldiers called the 75th rangers led by sergeant Foley.

"Finally some backup." Foley said approaching Miya.

"Whats the situation?" Miya asked.

"Theres a VIP to collect for extraction but we're facing heavy resistance." Foley said.

"We'll clear the way for you to extract the VIP." Mutsu said.

"We better move fast then before more enemy units show up." Foley said.

Getting to the VIP was easy with the help of the Discipline squad as they reached the diner where the VIP was held in a storage unit that was practically bullet prof.

"Over Lord this is Sargent Foley. VIP is secured request immediate extraction." Foley said.

"Extraction team is in route. Hold the enemy off for at least a few minutes till they arrive." Lane said on the comms.

"More fun for us then." Karasuba said before attacking the enemy with her sword.

"Reinforcements!" A soldier yelled as Covenant drop ships arrived and dropped off a squad of Elites and Brutes before aiding their allies.

"Here for extraction!" A Brute said as they carried the VIP away to the drop ship.

"Over Lord. VIP is secured awaiting new orders!" Foley said on the comms.

"Be advised Covenant and Republic allies are arriving to assist us. However the Trade Federation has set up a massive blockade over the planet. Getting fresh troops and supplies is going to be difficult from them and portals are down." Lane said.

"So much for full support." Kazehana said.


"God Damnit this is a fucking nightmare." Sean said seeing the battles in the command center.

"Good god." Eiling said.

"Sean my men just got some valuable intel that might just help us change the tide of this war." Shepherd said.

"From who?" Sean asked.

"Your familiar with Soap Mactavish, correct?" Shepherd asked.

"Julia's brother yeah I've had business with him and SAS." Sean said.

"He works with my unit now called task force 141. They just came back from south America with valuable intel that theres someone Makarov is after in a prison called the Gulag. Captain Price and Captain Mactavish will be leading the strike on the place and liberate this prisoner." Shepherd said.

"I'm going with. Are there any heavy hitters available?" Sean asked.

"There's Raiden and Shao Kahn and Baraka. The others are in the field assisting our troops. Superman is in Metropolis with his cousins holding off air units while Batman and his group defend Gotham." Talbot said.

"What about the other Riders?" Sean asked.

"They're all spread out to far. Turok is in Gotham helping Batman and any others are not responding." Lane said.

"They probably got their hands full. Whats the situation in Central and Star City?" Sean asked.

"Central City is pretty much under control and Team Arrow is managing but they're going to need some back up." Eiling said.

"See if we cant scrap up some of Omni Corps robots for some further assistance those things might be useful for now." Sean said.

"Copy that." Ross said.

"What about the space Battle?" Sean asked.

"So far only three Covenant carriers have gotten passed the blockade. The Trade Federation has everything in their disposal around the planet for now. Republic forces are still arriving at the planet assisting the battle." Lane said.

"I'm assuming the Republic isn't fairing all that well since they don't exactly have their own army." Sean said.

"After this they will." Shepherd said.

Meanwhile in Star City

Green Arrow quickly dodged a storm of bullets as Russians tried to kill him.

"Of all things I was expecting in my life. War was not one of them." Green arrow said before firing his arrows at them.

"Incoming Droids!" Spartan yelled firing at them before a few Elites appeared and destroyed them.

"Man this is getting us nowhere." Wild Dog said.

"Our forces are spread to thin." One of the Elites said.

"What about the portals cant we just try and reactivate them to get in some back up?" Artemis asked.

"It could work." Canary said.

"Overwatch wheres the nearest portal?" Green Arrow asked.

"Uh the closest one is at Police headquarters." Overwatch said.

"Then thats where we'll go." Green arrow said before Flash arrived.

"Sorry I'm late." Flash said out of breath.

"Barry what are you doing here you should be in your city." Green Arrow said.

"Joe is handling it besides I got a call saying you guys needed backup." Flash said.

"Better that then nothing." Arenal said.

"Guys less talking more action." Speedy said.

"Right lets go." Green arrow said.

In Detroit

Alex Murphy was shooting the Russians and the Droids with the help of a few Jedi at his side.

"On the Left!" One of the Police officers yelled as a group of Droids tried to get through only for RoboCop to take them down and shoot the remaining droids.

"We need to reestablish contact with command." One of the Jedi said.

"I know. See what you can do I'll cover you." RoboCop said.

In Gotham

Batman and his group quickly tried to evacuate people to the closest portal.

"Batgirl hurry up." Joker said destroying some of the Droids while knocking out the Russians since he doesn't kill.

"Almost got it. YES!" Batgirl yelled as the portal opened.

"Send them to Naboo its the safest place for them right now." Batman said.

"No shit!" Red Hood yelled firing at a few Russians and Droids.

"Over Lord we've reestablished control with the portals in Gotham sending Civilians to Naboo." Turok said.

"Good job. I'm sending you all some backup. Be advised Sean, Raiden, Shao Kahn and Baraka will be unavailable for some time. They're currently on a rescue mission to the Gulag. One Prisoner apparently is on Makarov's most wanted list." Lane said.

"Good to know let us know when they get back." Turok said.

With Sean

"Incoming!" A soldier yelled as they nearly got hit by a missile.

"FUCK!" Sean yelled turning into the Ghost Rider state and dropped down and killed the enemy troops.

"Where is the Prisoner?" Shao Kahn asked while smashing a few Russians with his war hammer while Raiden electrocuted them.

"We'll find out once we get inside lets move!" Soap yelled.

"You heard him." Sean said as they moved inside the prison.

"What the hell could be so important about one prisoner that Makarov would send so many of his men and droids?" Ghost asked.

"Ghost cut the chatter and lets move." Soap said.

"We're in." Sean said getting into the security system. "Are you sure the intel is accurate?" Sean asked looking into the system.

"Solid as my sister kicking you're ass." Soap said making Sean chuckle.

"Fair enough I ask cause theres no prisoner in the system." Sean asked.

"Must not be in. But he's here the intel is solid or Makarov wouldn't have bothered to send this many of his troops to get him." Ghost said.

"Must be in the lower cells." Raiden said.

"Then thats where I'm going. Both you and Shao Kahn stay here and keep Ghost covered while he monitors the lower cells." Sean said as he, Baraka, Soap, Price and Roach went down to the lower cells.

"Incoming!" Soap yelled as more Russians rushed at them.

"Ok this guy must defiantly be worth it if we're facing this kind of trouble." Sean said.

In Metropolis

Superman dashed through a group of droids and Russians while his Cousins did the same.

"This is getting us nowhere they just keep coming." Super Girl said before Starfire and Black Fire appeared and helped them out.

"Whats the status is Jump City?" Superman asked.

"Robbie and the other Titans have it under control but we're facing other enhanced individuals." Star Fire said.

"What about Atlantis?" PowerGirl asked.

"Aquaman has his hands full keeping Russian battle ships from getting past his fleet to New York." Black Fire said before Jedi Starfighters appeared taking out Droid Star Fighters.

"Man this just never ends." Super Girl said.

In Star City

"Over Watch we need you to walk us through this." Green Arrow said as they tried to repair the portal.

"Ok there should be an Energon power cell in the back make sure thats intact before you turn it back on or it will blow up. Then After that you need to input your security code to reactivate it." Over Watch said.

"Got it." Spartan said doing all that before it reactivated.

"Over Lord Portal is reactivated in Star City." Green Arrow said.

"Excellent news. I'm sending you some recommissioned Omni Corp assets to your location thorough the portal as backup they've been reprogrammed to respond to your commands." Lane said.

"I thought those things were scraped." Spartan said.

"We kept them as an insurance policy." Lane said.

In Central City

Kid Flash was rushing through the enemy taking them down one by one Russian and Droids.

"Wally theres a group of Civilians being held hostage up the road." Cisco said on the Comms.

"I'm on it." Kid Flash said running towards there to help them out before Fire Storm came in and helped out.

Back with Sean

"Ghost these cells are empty." Sean said.

"Keep moving further along you should find him soon enough. I've got three heat signatures one to them should be our prisoner." Ghost said.

"Planet the charge on the wall." Soap ordered.

"Right." Roach said doing just that. Once the wall blew Roach rushed in and saw a man in his early 50's choking a Russian with a metal chain while seeing a woman with white skin blond hair and green eyes on the ground wounded. The male who he assumed was the Prisoner had white skin grey hair and brown eyes and rushed towards him and punched him in the face making him fall back while the man aimed his gun at his face.

"Drop it!" Sean yelled pointing a pistol at his head.

"Sean?" The man said turning around and Sean widened his eyes in shock and disbelief.

"Dad?" Sean said before turning to see the woman. "Mom?" Sean said in shock before shaking his head and handed him the pistol. "This belongs you old man." Sean said handing him his old war pistol.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you again." Tom said.

"I'm sure the Twins and David will feel the same. Raiden, Shao Kahn. I've got the Prisoners and you both are not going to believe who they are." Sean said.


"Sean whats going on we've got work to do." Shepherd said.

"Hang on you've all got to see this." Sean said as they were in his office before the doors opened and they turned and widened their eyes in disbelief when a man in military uniform walked in with five stars on his shoulders and a few medals of Honor on him.

"Impossible." Lane said in disbelief.

"Whats the matter Sam you look like you've seen a ghost." Tom said amused.

"Tom?" Shepherd said in shock before he and the others snapped out of it and saluted him making him chuckle.

"At ease." Tom said.

"How are you still alive?" Lane asked.

"Mara and I never died to begin with." Tom said.

"Mara is alive to?" Ross asked.

"In the medical center here being treated for infections. Now would someone please care to explain how the hell we ended up in a war with Russia and how they have an army of machines?" Tom asked.

"Uh to put it simple dad. The Droids aren't theirs those belong to a group greedy scum bags once known as the Trade Federation that got shut down a couple months ago thanks to us when we liberated the Planet Naboo from them." Sean said.

"Wait we're allied with other planets?" Tom asked.

"Try nearly the entire Galaxy." Talbot said.

"Damn. Ok and what about this war?" Tom asked.

"Thats partially Shepherd's fault due to him sending in an agent after Makarov who got caught." Sean said making Shepherd sigh knowing that was true.

"You never could consider the risk all that well." Tom said. "Whats done is done though and I'm back." Tom said.

"Dad we need to find Makarov and fast. We cant seem to find him in this mess." Sean said.

"Your all looking at it wrong. You're looking in places you expect him to be. Try somewhere you wouldn't expect." Tom said before brining up a monitor to suggest where he would be.

"Moscow? Why would he still be in Russia?" Sean asked.

"The best place to hide is in the place you'd least expect someone to be in. Tell me whats the situation with the Russian government?" Tom asked.

"Reznov has managed to convince the Russian President to talk this through peacefully with the Vice President of the US. But thats a while from now first we need to push them out of the country." Sean said.

"Agreed. Which areas are under fire right now?" Tom asked.

"Washington and New York. The other states are secure for now." Eiling said.

"Then for now we focus on recapturing Washington." Tom said.

"Covenant forces have been managing to get past the Blockade over the planet but it's not enough and portals are down." Sean said.

"Not everything is easy son. I learned that the hard way. No matter what though we'll win this war. We always do." Tom said.

In Washington

"Incoming!" A US soldier yelled before a Brute picked him up and rushed out of the way from a Missile attack. "Thanks." The Soldier said.

"Keep your eyes open." The Brute said.

"All Units Covenant forces have managed to break through the blockade expect reinforcements in a moment." Lane said.

"Roger that Overlord." Sargent Foley said as his unit rushed through the enemy.

"What about the rest of the Blockade?" Green Lantern asked.

"Still in progress but Covenant forces are outnumbering them. Portals have been reactivated." Lane said.

"We need to retake the white house and fast." Reznov said slicing a few of the enemy Russians to pieces while Julia using her water enhancements to drown them.

"Affirmative stand by for backup." Lane said.

Soon extra troops were dropped off while Jedi Star Fighters flew by taking out the enemy forces with ease before Covenant capital ships appeared firing on Enemy positions.

Back at base

"Wow I have really missed out a lot for the past 8 years." Tom said seeing the Covenant carriers in action.

"Well expect a lot more grandpa." Sean said chuckling making Tom raise an eyebrow before he caught on and smiled.

"So who's the lucky lady?" Tom asked his son.

"Well actually I've got more then one since I got harem laws approved." Sean said making him chuckle. "As for who I'm talking about her name is Diana an Amazon." Sean said.

"I thought you would be with Susan of all people first." Tom said making Sean sigh.

"After the accident things between us went south and we separated till last month when we got back together. Diana is special to me in so many ways." Sean said before an alert came up.

"Sir Washington has been recaptured by commander Reznov and his forces." A soldier said.

"Outstanding. What about New York?" Sean asked.

"Russians have rigged Jamming to Neutralize our air support sir. As long as those remain its a losing fight." A soldier said.

"Damn! We cannot lose New York! Are there any special mission units in the area?" Tom asked.

"One sir. Delta Team call sign..." The Soldier tried to say.

"Metal. I know this team they were under my command back in the day. Call them up." Tom said.

"This is Metal team." Sandman said.

"Sandman this is General Tom Kruger." Tom said.

"Sir?" Sandman said.

"Long story for another time son." Tom said.

"Right. Whats the mission?" Sandman said.

"I need you and your team in New York to destroy the Jamming devices or we'll lose New York." Tom said.

"Copy that sir. Whats our backup?" Sandman said.

"At best I can spare are Sub-Zero, Cyrax, Smoke and Shang Tsung." Sean said.

"Copy that sir. Wish us luck." Sandman said.

In New York

"Incoming!" Frost yelled as they dodged a missile heading towards them.

"This is not going to be easy." Smoke said.

"The hell was your first clue?" Cyrax said before killing a few Russians with his weapons.

"We need to get to the stock exchange building and take out those jammers or we'll lose this city." Sandman said as they rushed to the building.

"Man we could really use some transformer backup right now." Truck said.

"Optimus and Megatron are helping with the space battle with he Covenant and the Republic they don't have time to help us." Sandman said.

"Theres the Jammer." Shang Tsung said using his magic to kill a few Russians before Droid Star Fighters appeared.

"I got this." Sub-Zero said before freezing the Droid Star Fighters.

"Nice work Sub-Zero. Frost plant the explosive devices." Sandman said.

"On it." Frost said doing just that and blew it and as soon as he did hundreds of communications came through.

"General jammer is down." Sandman said.

"Outstanding. Stand by for further instructions. Be advised Transformers have broken through the blockade expect heavy reinforcements." Tom said.

"Solid Copy sir." Sandman said.

"Looks like we get some extra backup after all." Truck said.

Back at command

"I can see why you trust this team so well." Sean said seeing the results just as reports of all enemy air defense being destroyed in minutes.

"Never underestimate my men." Tom said.

"We've got a problem here." Reznov said seeing an image of a sub carrying a massive amount of cruise missiles that could level the easter seaboard.

"Where the hell did the Russians get their hands on that?" Sean asked.

"It's one of ours. They must have acquired it during the siege." Reznov said.

"Damnit. Sandman I've got a new mission for you. You need to require one of our stolen submarines before it levels the eastern Seaboard." Tom said.

"Copy that. Who's our backup for this?" Sandman asked.

"Sub-Zero and his group are needed elsewhere. You've got two Transformer allies assisting you. Tidal Wave and Thunder blast. They'll assist you once your task is complete." Sean said.

"Copy that commander." Sandman said.

Hours later

"General mission complete all remaining Russian battle ships are pulling back." Sandman said as Tidal Wave blasted what enemy ships he could that were in range.

"Outstanding stand by for further orders." Tom said.

"Feels good to be back doesn't it?" Sean said.

"You have no idea. Now that we've pushed back the Russians out of the country we can focus on the space battle." Tom said.

"Covenant forces are still dealing with most of it. Good news is with the portals back online we've send every civilian on the planet to allied world such as Naboo, Ryloth, Alderaan, Coruscant and Cybertron. This helps us avoid civilian casualties if they strike European countries." Sean said.

"Good work. Now all thats left is..." Tom tried to say before Reznov rushed in.

"Reznov what is it?" Talbot asked.

"The Russian President never made it to the peace talks. Makarov was waiting for him to get in the air." Reznov said making them sigh.

"Shit." Sean said.

"Don't worry about it we'll find him." Tom said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Sir we've got a new situation. Key areas in Europe have been hit by Chemical attacks." A soldier said.

"This is Ramstein we're under attack." Ramstein said on the comms.

"Roger. We're aware of the gas and sending biohazard teams in your area." Sean said.

"Not the gas sir. We're under attack by Russian ground forces." Ramstein said.

"What Russian forces?" Sean asked.

"The entire Russian army is here. Requesting immediate assistance." Ramstein said.

"This was no Terrorist attack. These chemical attacks were a smoke screen to pave way for invasion." Lane said.

"I need everyone available for combat and extraction!" Sean said on the comms.


"This is Sandman. Whats the Target?" Sandman said with Spartan, Canary and Green Arrow with his team.

"Your needed to extract the Vice President. Covenant forces will provide air support from their cruisers but it will be limited depending on your location." Tom said.

"Copy that sir." Sandman said.

"You remember when life was simpler?" Spartan asked Green Arrow who chuckled.

"Nope." Green Arrow said.

"Me either." Spartan said before they rushed through the enemy to get to the Vice President.

Back at command

"Something isn't right." Sean said looking over the files on Makarov.

"What is it?" Tom asked.

"Why would Makarov kidnap the President instead of just killing him?" Sean asked.

"I think I know." Price said showing sites of nuclear lunch sites.

"He's going to use him to get the launch codes." Soap said.

"Not going to happen. This guy is tough and resilient against torture he'll never give them up." Sean said.

"Not necessarily." Tom said. "Every man has one weakness. His I'm assuming is his daughter." Tom said.

"General Vice President secured." Sandman said on the comms.

"Good work." Tom said.

"Sir we've got some intel on our bomb maker." A soldier said showing an image and a name.

"Volk. I know this guy. Nasty piece of work." Tom said.

"He's in Paris. The Lyoko Warriors will be there as well so we can count on enhanced support." Soap said.

"Right." Sean said.

"Sean this is Optimus Prime." Optimus said on the Comms.

"Optimus its good to hear from you. Give me some Good news." Sean said.

"The Blockade is almost completely destroyed however we've gotten word of your target and I'm sending in some special support. Metroplex and Trypticon." Optimus said. (War for Cybertron versions)

"How big are we talking here?" Lane asked.

"You'll see when they arrive." Optimus said.

"Good enough. Sandman I've got a new mission for you." Tom said.

"You know us sir. We're up for anything." Sandman said.

"Thats what I like to hear." Tom said.


"Holy shit!" Truck said seeing the massive Transformers make way for them to get to Volk.

"And I thought Godzilla was big." Frost said.

"He is bigger." Sandman said.

"Volk should be a few clicks to your north." Tom said.

"Copy that general we're on our way." Sandman said.

"With support like this how can we lose?" Truck asked.

"Never say shit like that you'll jinx us." Sargent Foley said.

"Ahem." Jinx said.

"Sorry." Foley said.

"Heads up!" Reznov yelled as they dodged a barrage of bullets while Volk tried to bolt out of the area only for Shockwave and Soundwave to get in his way.

"Your not going anywhere." Shockwave said.

"Come here you bastard!" Sandman said grabbing him and slammed him down.

"We need to get him out of here." Yumi said.

"Extraction teams are arriving in minutes by the tower we'll cover your escape." Soundwave said.

"Understood lets go team." Sandman said.

Back at command

"General we've got Volk and we also got the Russian President's daughter secured. Volk gave us the location to where Makarov is keeping the Russian president." Sandman said on the comms.

"Excellent work. The blockade has officially ended. Remaining Trade Federation battle ships have left our orbit." Tom said.

"About time." Sandman said.

"Stand by for further orders." Sean said.

"So whats the plan?" Lane said.

"We send everything to these coordinates and I do mean everything." Sean said.

"Agreed. Time to end this once and for all." Tom said.

"All units prepare for final assault. Your mission is simple. Find the Russian President and rescue him and if he's there kill Makarov on sight." Sean said on the comms.

"Time to end this son." Tom said.

"I know." Sean said

Location Siberia

"RPG!" Spartan yelled as the heroes and allies dodged the rocket.

"Wheres the Russian President!" Punisher asked

"Underground sir but we cant get past those turrets!" Sandman yelled before Metroplex arrived and destroyed them.

"That works." Green Arrow said before they all rushed towards the President.

"Look out!" Soap yelled as Droideka's rolled over at them only for them to be stomped on.

"Russian President should be right bellow us." Foley said.

"Soap planet those charges!" Price said.

"On it!" Soap said planting the charges before they made a hole and found the President with Makarov before Punisher stunned him.

"Get the President out of here!" Sandman said.

Back at command

Everyone waited patiently for the report.

"Command this is Sandman. Russian President is secured." Sandman said getting cheers from the others. "We also got Makarov in our custody." Sandman said.

"Outstanding bring them to command." Sean said.


The War was finally over after the peace talks began with the Russian government giving the full truth behind what Makarov had done. Makarov was sentenced to life in a maxim security prison on Coruscant under high alert security.

"Mommy Daddy!" The Twins yelled rushing to their long lost parents.

"Oh my goodness look at you two." Mara said holding her youngest children.

Sean and David smiled as they saw how happy the Twins were.

"So this whole Time Makarov kept your parents in a prison?" Diana asked while holding her 7 month pregnant stomach.

"Thats what they told us. I'm just happy to have them back." Sean said kissing her making her smile as she rested her head on his shoulders while he placed his hands on her stomach that held their first child.

"So whats going to happen now?" Sarah asked.

"Well you two are going back with them since you both annoy me...OW!" Sean yelled as Mara pulled his ear while the Twins laughed along with Diana and David. "Mom!" Sean yelled.

"Don't be rude to your sisters." Mara said sternly.

"I was kidding!" Sean yelled getting out of her grasp. "This is the one thing I didn't miss." Sean said while Cathrine snickered.

"I guess she picked up a few things from me." Cathrine said making Mara smile.

"I hate you all...OW!" Sean yelled as his mother did it again.