

Sean smiled as he looked at his son in his mother's arms as they sat in his office.

"Hey Kruger." Reznov said entering his office.

"Reznov what part of do not enter did you not get?" Sean asked.

"Sorry but some guys from Monarch are here." Reznov said.

"Monarch? Haven't had any business with them since Godzilla first appeared." Sean said.

"Want me to send them in?" Reznov asked.

"Diana, do you mind?" Sean asked.

"Sure." Diana said carrying Junior away who slept peacefully in his mother's arms.

Two men soon walked in.

"Mr. Ashburn." One of the men said named Randa shaking his hand.

"A pleasure to meet you both. Now care to explain why your both here?" Sean asked.

"Well its come to our attention that an island off the Atlantic has been discovered by our satellites. It's uncharted but apparently legend speaks of it as Skull island. Monarch believes this island might have ancient species on it." Randa said.

"You mean like Godzilla?" Sean asked making Randa frown.

"No I don't think this island has anything to do with that monster." Randa said.

"Whats with you? Got issues with earth's guardian?" Reznov asked.

"That thing is a monster and should be killed." Randa said making his partner look uncomfortable.

"Uh sir if I may this island might hold new discoveries such as medicine new fuel sources. New geological discoveries." Brooks said.

Sean looked at Reznov who looked back.

"Could you give us a minute?" Sean asked as they got up and left.

"Well?" Reznov said.

"Obviously Randa has issues with Godzilla but cant do anything about it. As for the island well...Who are we to pass up an opportunity to explore uncharted territory?" Sean asked.

"So we're going?" Reznov asked.

"Not alone obviously. Contact our allies in the republic get Tarken with us. I'll contact Price and Soap to come with us." Sean said.


"So how long are you going to be gone?" Diana asked as she held her son in her arms.

"Don't know maybe a week or less. I will be back though to spend some time with the both of you." Sean said kissing Junior's head who snored in his sleep making both parents smile before kissing each other.

"I love you." Diana said.

"I love you to. I'll be back soon." Sean said as he boarded the ship.

"Well look who it is." A man said in Military uniform with the rank of colonel on his shoulder.

"Packard." Sean said shaking his hand. "Long time no see old man." Sean said making him chuckle.

"Please I'm not that old. By the way looks like we've got two stowaways." Packard said pulling a tarp off a crate and Sean blinked seeing his sisters who looked sheepish.

"Jesus Christ." Sean said rubbing his temples.

"Well their here now so nothing we can do about it." Packard said.

"Fine but your looking after them on this mission." Sean said.

"Yeah sure. Come on kids I'll show you the bridge." Packard said leading them up. "Oh uh one more thing. Reznov brought a reporter here to get some good publicity for the company here she's at the edge of the ship." Packard said.

"Alright thanks." Sean said going there.

Once he got there he found a woman in a yellow jumpsuit with Auburn hair white skin and when she turned to face him she had brown eyes and Sean recognized her.

"April?" Sean asked seeing one of his old classmates from school who smiled at him. The person was April O'neil. (1987 version)

"Well look who it is." April said walking up to him and hugged him making him laugh.

"Wow you look great." Sean said.

"Well, it's been nearly 12 years." April said. "So hows that little boy you and Wonder Woman had?" April asked making him chuckle.


"Why is there a hurricane there?" Sarah asked seeing the storm around the island.

"No idea but readings show it's been there for a long ass time." Sean said looking at the file on the island.

"So whats our plan?" Price asked.

"Ok lets go over the mission plan. Pelican drop ships will get us through the storm with great ease to the island led by Colonel Packard and his men. Landsat has brought with us explosive devices to map the island. We stay there for three days monitor the area and it's inhabitants. Anything that might be useful for the world like fuel or medicine mark it down in the system." Sean said.

"All right ladies mount up!" Packard said as they got on the drop ships.

"This should be interesting." Tarken said as he got on with Sean, Reznov, Julia, Price, Soap and April.

"I've got the girls with me son they'll be fine." Packard said.

"You better make sure of that since it's not me you need to worry about if they get hurt it's our mother." Sean said making him laugh.

"Yeah whatever. Alright Fox group it is once again time for the Griffin and ant show." Packard said making Sean and a few others laugh. "As usual, remember, hold onto your butts." Packard said making them laugh harder.

"Alright get us up in the air." Sean said.

"Roger that." Packard said.

Soon the Pelicans took off and flew into the storm.

"Remind me why don't we just use the portals to transport ourselves to the island?" Tarken asked.

"Doesn't work that way. There has to be another portal there for it to work or one close by for a ground bridge and since this is uncharted territory there isn't one there." Sean said.

"Besides wheres the fun in that?" Packard said.

"True." Sean said before they ran into turbulence. "Shit." Sean said.

"Ah Relax Kruger nothing we haven't done before." Reznov said.

"Hang on we're almost there." Packard said.

"This better be worth it." Julia said.

"Whats the matter sis air sick?" Soap teased making her glare.

"No I just don't like my time being wasted for nothing." Julia said making him and Sean laugh.

"Here we are." Packard said as the island came into view as they passed through the storm.

"Wow." The Twins said.

"Take a good look girls this is what the Earth looked like long before mankind ever existed." Packard said.

"Great so no Tv or video games are here." Sarah said making everyone burst out laughing while Tarken chuckled in amusement.

"You two I swear to god spend way to much time in front of that TV." Sean said before kicking something and music played. (Insert Tush from ZZ top)

"Ha! Now this is my kinda music." Packard said. "Fox leader to Fox group survey your zones. Time to get to work." Packard said.

"You heard him do what we came here for." Sean as some of the Pelicans landed for the science teams.

"Alright kid ready to drop the charges on your word." Packard said.

"Don't wait for me to say so." Sean said.

"Copy that." Cole said dropping one of the seismic charges.

"Getting the Readings back now." Tarken said looking at his screen. "Hmm interesting." Tarken said.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"The Bedrock is practically hollow." Brooks said.

"Yes which is rather odd." Tarken said looking through the data.

"Hollow earth zones in the earth. Nothing strange about it really." Sean said.

"Fox group! Fox eight and fox four are down!" Packard yelled.

"What? How?" Sean asked.

"I don't know." Packard said before they flew towards their last known location and came across something impossible.

"What the hell?" Soap said in shock.

"You have got to be kidding me." Reznov said.

What they were seeing was a giant ape the size of Godzilla.

"HOLY SHIT!" Sean said in shock as the group surrounded the giant creature.

"Sean what are our orders?" Packard said not acting till ordered.

"Uh I..." Sean tried to say.

"KILL IT!" Randa yelled getting everyone to do so.

"NO WAIT!" Sean yelled but it was to late as everyone started firing at. "Damnit Packard hold your fire goddamnit!" Sean said.

"To late!" Packard yelled while strapping the girls in. "Hold in tight girls this might get rough." Packard said before the ape hit them and went down.

"PACKARD!" Sean yelled seeing his Pelican go down.

"We're alright. Lets get the hell out of here." Packard said getting them out of the pelican just as the ape crushed it.

Nothing they did could stop the giant ape and soon all the remaining troops went down scattered across the island.

"Packard? Packard do you read?" Sean called out on the comms but got nothing but static. "FUCK!" Sean yelled.

"Calm down I'm sure the girls are fine with him." Soap said.

"I hope so." Sean said.

"What in the world was that?" Reznov asked as he helped Tarken up.

"My guess is its from the Primordial age same as Godzilla." Sean said.

"I have to agree with that statement however though my question is why did it attack us for no reason?" Tarken said.

"I don't think it did. I think it attacked us because of the seismic charges we were dropping." Price said.

"Saw us as a threat to its territory and protected it. Randa used those things to lure something out. I think he plans to use what happened to us as proof of a point to kill those like it and Godzilla and those like him." Sean said.

"Now why would he do that?" Tarken asked.

"When I mentioned him when we first met he had great hatred towards Godzilla saying he should be killed. Something clearly must have happened between them." Sean said.

"Alright look we're burning daylight. Lets move out and regroup with others we find." Julia said.

"But what about the others?" Slivko asked.

"Like she said we'll meet up with them along the way if we're lucky." Sean said.

"Alright lets move." Soap said.


"You girls ok?" Packard asked the Twins.

"Yeah we're fine." Sarah said.

"Good the last thing I need is your brother giving me an earful." Packard said.

"Sir I just got off with Chapman he's on the west side of the island with the sea stallion Pelican." Reles said.

"Forget the munitions. We group up with the others and get to Chapman then off this island." Packard said. "You girls good to go?" Packard said.

"Yes." Dawn said as they walked off to find the others. Soon they came across some of the others.

"Griffin Co.!" Packard yelled out getting their attention. They walked up to the others. "Thank god you guys are alright." Packard said relieved.

"Good to see you sir." Cole said. "You girls alright?" Cole asked the twins.

"Yeah we're ok." Sarah said.

"How many left?" Packard asked.

"Seven survivors. Seven confirmed KIA. Slivko and the rest are unknown." Mills said handing Packard their dog tags making him sigh before realizing something.

"Where the hell is Randa?" Packard asked.

"Over there sir." Cole said.

"Watch the girls." Packard said approaching Randa. "How you doing?" Packard said.

"I'm fine thank you." Wanda said.

"Good I was worried about you." Packard said before sitting down and pointed his pistol at him. "You are going to tell me everything I don't know or I'm going to blow your head off." Packard said in a no argument tone.

"Monsters exist." Randa said.

"Depends on what kind you're talking about." Packard said.

"No one believed me. Yesterday I was a laughing stock but now." Randa said.

"So you lied to Sean when you said this was about Geology. Who are you?" Packard asked.

"You heard of the USS lawton?" Randa asked getting him to shake his head. "Neither did the public. My father was the only survivor of that ship and they told his family she sunk in battle but he told it differently. Godzilla is the one who sunk his ship and killed the crew. My father was labeled as a nut job because of this and finally when it resurfaced again I had a chance to finally clear his name and have that thing killed and what does that brat do?" Randa said in anger.

"Brat? You mean Sean? That so called monster saved San Fransisco twice." Packard said.

"It doesn't care about us! It only cares about its territory. Just like this thing they both need to be put down." Randa said.

"Forget it. Let me tell you something about the war. Godzilla saved me and my men." Packard said remembering that day.

Flash back during World war 3

"INCOMING!" Packard yelled as they nearly got hit by a missile in the sea by the Russians.

"Sir we need to fall back!" Cole said.

"We cant not when..." Packard tried to say before something came out of the ocean destroying two Russian battle ships and revealed itself to be Godzilla who roared into the air before destroying the remaining enemy battle ships with either its tail or atomic breath.

"WHOA!" Mills said.

"Looks like we got some backup." Chapman said making Packard laugh.

"Yes Chapman we do." Packard said as Godzilla assisted them in the fight.

End Flash back

"That giant lizard turned the tide of the battle in our favor because it's not some mindless creature like you say. I owe that lizard my life as do the rest of my men for saving us from certain death that day." Packard said making him frown.

"It is a monster and should be put down." Randa said making Packard scoff and stand up.

"Your free to try and kill them but you'll fail now lets move." Packard said making Randa frown more.

Back with the others

"It's called the hollow earth Theory. Randa hired me because I wrote a paper substantiated what most people think is a crackpot idea." Brooks said.

"And that is?" Tarken asked in interest as they walked through the jungle.

"That there are these massive underground spaces isolated from the surface world." Brooks said.

"Passageways." Sean said.

"Yeah Randa thought this island might be one of them. An emergence point for whatever lives below. Ancient species like what we just saw." Brooks said.

"Somehow I doubt such a creature such as that would fit down there." Tarken said making Sean chuckle.

"You think?" Sean said.

"How does something that big even exist? Godzilla I can understand but that thing?" April said.

"Don't look at me April I'm still wrapping my head around the fact theres more then those two that size on earth." Sean said.

"More?" Tarken asked.

"Oh right you weren't here when it first happened. Serizawa said most monsters from the Toho movie series are real like Godzilla since one of their former employees left to make movies based off them." Sean said.

"Really?" Tarken said intrigued.

"Yup. I watched that whole series when I was a kid." Sean said.

"This is Slivko. Do you read?" Slivko said using the comms.

"We're out of range kid. Save for when we get closer to the group." Price said as they traveled by a lake.

"Millions of dollars invested into these things and they don't work here." Sean said annoyed making April giggle before something came out of the lake looking something like a Buffalo.

"WHOA!" Reznov said aiming his blades at it while Slivko aimed his riffle at it.

"Whoa stand down its all right." Sean said making them do just that as the giant creature walked away.

"Well that was unexpected." Tarken said.

"What the hell else is on this damn island?" Soap said.

"Don't know don't care I just want to get to my sisters." Sean said.

Back with the others

The Twins and their group walked through a jungle of bamboo like trees. (That is what those were right?)

"You girls alright?" Reles asked.

"Yeah were fine." Dawn said before they heard something behind them and turned around and widened their eyes when one of the soldiers had a tree impaled in his mouth or at least it looked like a tree till they looked up.

"EW." The Twins said seeing a giant spider above them before it pulled its leg out of the soldier's mouth and started to try and get them next.

"Watch out!" Cole yelled.

"What is it!" Reles yelled.

"I giant spider what do you think!" Dawn yelled.

"Guns up!" Cole yelled as they fired at it. The Spider then launched some sticky tendrils at Mills.

"Help!" Mills yelled trying to cut them off.

"Cut off its legs!" Sarah yelled.

"You heard her!" Cole yelled doing just that along with the others. Mills managed to cut himself free from the spider just as the others cut off its legs enough for it to fall.

"Move!" Packard yelled as they got out of the way as it fell down and Packard shot it to death.

"God Damn!" Mills said.

"Nice work out there girls." Packard said.

"Yeah thanks." Mills said as Cole helped him up.

"I hate spiders." Dawn said shuddering.

"Heh." Packard said amused.

Back with the others

"What the hell?" Sean said seeing some kind of ruins in front of them.

"What is this?" Price asked as they moved through it.

"No idea in hell." Sean said.

April took out her camera taking pictures when she came to one certain spot a pair of eyes opened shocking her before men camouflaged came out.

"WHOA!" Sean yelled as they got in defensive formation.

"Whoa wait a minute." A female voice said coming out from behind the people. She had Tan skin brown eyes long black hair dressed in a white skirt and tub top.

"And you are?" Sean asked.

"I'm Chel. It's alright just put your weapons down." Chel said getting them to do just that. (El Dorado Chel here!^^)

"Alright Chel you mind telling us whats going on?" Julia asked.

"Well I can certainly tell you your not the first visitors we've had on this island." Chel said.


"So what is this place?" Sean asked as they entered a wrecked ship inside a village.

"This is hollowed ground so if you like your hands don't touch anything." Chel said as she led them inside where ancient paintings were.

"Incredible." Price said.

"From what story goes. My people lived on this island for thousands of years in fear. Till the most incredible thing happened. Some of the things we were afraid of started protecting us. But it didn't last forever." Chel said showing the events on the walls. "This is the last of our saviors. Kong. King of the island." Chel said showing a picture of the same ape that brought them down.

"What makes him king?" Soap asked.

"He's the only one keeping these things in the ground." Chel said showing a picture of some lizard. "When you dropped those bombs you angered Kong when you woke up a few of them." Chel said.

"You don't seem like the rest of your people." April said making her smile.

"Yeah I'm one of the odd ones of the group. I've dreamed of leaving the island but its impossible at least by foot." Chel said.

"Got anything to help us get to the north end of the island? We have a extraction team waiting to pick us up in three days." Sean said making her nod before leading them outside.

"One of the others who came here before you two others were building this for a long time." Chel said showing a boat made from spare parts of airplanes.

"Well, that's lovely." Price said.

"It's not much but nothing a few extra hands couldn't help." Chel said.

"Right lets get to work." Sean said.

Back with the others

"Easy now." Cole said with Sarah on his shoulders and Dawn and Reles.

"Yuck." Sarah said seeing the swamp water.

Packard had his sniper riffle out and aimed at some weird looking creature with wings.

"Huh. That is one ugly ass bird." Packard said before killing it and the tree next to it exploded reviling the leaves to be more of the same creatures flying away. "Why am I not surprised?" Packard said.

"Weird." Dawn said making Reles chuckle.

"Got that right." Reles said.

"How much longer till we get to the crash site?" Sarah asked.

"Don't know but we're going to rest up soon." Packard said.

With the others

"So let me get this straight some guys from world war 2 landed here and tried to make this to float out on the open sea?" Sean asked Chel as they worked to fix the boat.

"Thats what one of them said. One got eaten by what the other called Skull crawlers. They never got a chance to finish it so it's been here all this time." Chel said.

"Just as good it was otherwise we might never reach the ex fill point." Tarken said.

"Come on this thing looks like its made from pure Tetanus." Neives said.

"Neives shut up." Sean said.

"What? What I say?" Nevies asked.

"Ignore him." Reznov said.

Sean went exploring outside the wall when he heard bellowing in the distance and rushed to the source of the sound and found one of the buffalo creatures trapped under one of the downed Pelicans making him sigh.

"Damnit." Sean said trying to lift it up. "Come on damnit!" Sean said trying to help the creature but wasn't doing so well until it was lifted up. "Huh?" Sean said before looking up and saw Kong lifting the Pelican while the Buffalo creature walked away before Kong dropped it.

Kong looked at Sean as if he was judging him.

"Thanks." Sean said getting a confused look from Kong before his eyes softened and walked away.

"Where did you run off to?" Price asked.

"Believe it or not I just saw Kong again after helping one of those Buffalo things that got trapped by our pelicans." Sean said.

"Surprised he didn't stomp on you." Soap said.

"He's not a monster." Chel said.

"I didn't say he was. Just saying Sean's not an animal person." Soap said making Julia snicker.

"Fuck you." Sean said making the siblings laugh.

Later during the night

"Strange how the most dangerous places always end up being the most beautiful." Sean said to Chel as they watched the aurora borealis in the night sky.

"I always stay up and night watching this in awe." Chel said before Sean sat down next to her. "So tell me whats the world like?" Chel asked making him smile.

"It's different compared to here. Bright colorful." Sean said before looking at her. "Chel, are you sure you want to come with us? Cause once you do theres no coming back." Sean said making her smile.

"I don't belong here. I want to explore the rest of the world see it for myself. Besides I doubt this will be the last time I stay here." Chel said making him smile.

with the others

"Wow." The Twins said looking at the night sky.

"Huh. Not bad." Packard said.

"Colonel Packard." Randa said sitting down.

"What do you want now?" Packard asked.

"You saw on the walls that we wounded that thing. We get to the Sea stallion Pelican we can finish the job. The world shouldn't even know a thing like that lives." Randa said making Packard glare at him.

"No." Packard said making him frown.

"Why the hell not?" Randa asked.

"That ape might have taken us down but you're the reason my men are dead cause of your lies. You don't like how I'm running things you know where the door is. That Ape could be exactly like Godzilla. An asset to the world protecting the innocent people. If you cant see the good in them you're no better then those like Makarov who started the war for petty reasons." Packard said making Randa frown greatly and stomped off.

"Jerk." Sarah said making Packard chuckle.

"Got that right kid." Packard said.

Next morning

"Alright lets finish this." Sean said as they tried to finish the boat.

"Come on." Neives said turning the engine on.

"OW!" Slivko said as he was in the engine.

"Fucking Moron!" Sean said.

"Not yet." Slivko said.

"Hang on." Reznov said attaching the last parts before the rotor started up.

"YES!" Sean said.

April smiled before looking behind her seeing the people all gathered around.

"Chel." Sean said getting her attention making her sigh as she approached the edge of the boat.

"I guess this is goodbye." Chel said before two of the elders nodded to her as they took off. "Thank you for everything." Chel said as Sean placed his hands on her shoulders.


"You regret leaving?" April asked Chel.

"No not really. But I will miss them." Chel said.

"Hey Kruger help me out here." Reznov said putting some ammunition into the turret up front.

"Yeah yeah." Sean said helping him out.

"Fox Five, come back." Packard said on the comms surprising everyone.

"Packard?" Sean called.

"HA! I knew you made kid. Don't worry your sisters are safe. Where are you guys?" Packard said.

"Uh on a boat made of old plane parts from WW2. Send up a flare." Sean said.

"Roger that. Fire in the hole!" Packard yelled firing up a flare.

"I see it! Two clicks to our north." Sean said.

"Roger that kid." Packard said.

"So where to now?" Dawn asked.

"Don't worry just follow us." Packard said.

"We're going home." Neives said before one of the flying creatures grabbed him making him scream as he was carried away.

"Whoa!" Sean yelled.

"Kill that thing!" Soap yelled as he Price and Slivko aimed at it only to put their weapons down as Neives was torn to pieces in the air.

"What the hell man?" Slivko said making Sean sigh.

"Fuck." Sean said.

"Nothing we can do for him now." Tarken said.

"He's right. Price plot a course for the land to meet up with the rest of the group." Sean said.

"Right." Price said.


"They should be here soon." Sean said.

"Unless they were eaten by something bigger then them." April said.

"Don't joke like that." Sean said before they heard rustling making them tense up before the rest of the group came out.

"Holy shit!" Slivko said.

"Slivko." Mills said.

"Hey girls." Sean said holding them close.

"Can we go home?" Dawn asked making him chuckle.

"Thanks Packard I owe you one." Sean said shaking his hand making him chuckle.

"Ah don't worry about it." Packard said.

"I thought you were insane." Brooks said to Randa.

"I wish I had been." Randa said.

"Is this everyone?" Chel asked.

"Who's she?" Packard asked.

"Our guide. She's from a village not to far from here. Apparently they call that giant ape Kong who's king around here protecting the people from some lizard creatures called Skull Crawlers." Sean said.

"Kong? Fitting." Packard said. "Listen we're not done yet we still got a man out there." Packard said.

"Oh come on." Sean said before sighing. "Alright who's out there?" Sean asked.

"Chapman. He's at the downed Sea Stallion Pelican just west of here." Packard said.

"West? We cant go west! Thats where the real monsters are." Chel said.

"Chel calm down. I owe you for keeping my sisters safe so finding him is top priority. Alright we'll move out in ten." Sean said.

"This is a bad idea." Chel said to Sean.

"Tell me something I don't know." Sean said. "If he's not there though we don't send out a search party since we don't have much time left." Sean said.

"Roger that." Packard said.


The joined up group traveled through a field before coming to a disturbing sight.

"What the?" Sean said seeing a massive graveyard filled with tons of bones and skeletons including some that looked like Kong.

"This is whats left of Kong's parents." Chel said.

"Good riddance." Randa said.

"Shut up." Sean said glaring at him.

"Sean this is a bad idea those things live here." Chel said.

"We need to go to the Exfil sight now." Steve said. (Not Rogers the one from the Skull island movie Steve)

"How about you shut up and just listen to us?" Sean said.

"Easy kid." Packard said before they heard screaming. "Thats Chapman!" Packard said.

"Move!" Sean yelled as they rushed in and went to look for him.

Chapman rushed through the graveyard in fear as something was chasing him which in truth was one of the Skull crawlers before he tripped and fell over.

"Oh god!" Chapman yelled as the Skull Crawlers tried to pounce him only for it to be cut in half by a white flaming chain.

"Chapman!" Sean said rushing to him along with Packard and Soap.

"Sir." Chapman said out of breath.

"Easy soldier." Soap said.


"Alright we got Chapman now lets get out of here." Sean said.

"We're not finished." Randa said making Sean frown.

"What does that mean?" Sean asked.

"We need to get to the Stallion." Randa said.

"The hell is on that thing that you want so badly?" Sean asked.

"Weapons. He wants to kill Kong." Packard said.

"You cant kill Kong. Without him those things will kill me people." Chel said.

"She's right Randa. We cant kill Kong. That other creature thats the real threat and there are more of them down there. If you take away a species natural competition they'll proliferate out of control!" Brooks said.

"Then we'll end them too! After we kill this goddamn thing!" Randa yelled only for Chel to pull out a gun and aimed it at Randa.

"I cant let you do that!" Chel said.

"Whoa easy now!" Soap said.

"Hold your fire." Sean said only for Randa to grab the gun and smacked her in the face shocking everyone.

"I will not let this thing live any longer. If none of you will help I'll do it myself." Randa said walking away.

"Son of a bitch. You ok?" Sean asked Chel as she held her face.

"I'm ok." Chel said.

"Guy is losing his grip. What do you want us to do?" Packard asked.

"We need to get back to the boat." Sean said.

"What about Kong?" Price asked.

"Please you really think that idiot can kill Kong?" Sean asked.

"With all that ordnance he can." Packard said making Sean sigh.

"Look right now I'm only concerned about getting off this island." Sean said.

"Alright." Packard said.


Sean, Packard and the Twins climbed a mountain to get a better view of the island to find the boat.

"Over there." Sean said pointing before something approached them.

"What the?" Packard said before Kong actually approached them. "Ah hell." Packard said.

"Easy now." Sean said as Kong continued to approach them. "Remember me?" Sean said making Kong look at him with soft eyes before his sisters approached Kong slowly and placed their hands on his face softly making Kong purr softly looking at them in kindness making Packard chuckle.

"Well I'll be damned." Packard said before Kong walked away before explosions went off.

"Oh no." Sean said as Kong roared and went to the sight of the explosions. "Randa." Sean said.

"He must have used what was left of the bombs." Packard said.

"We need to move now!" Sean said as they rushed down to the others.

"What were those explosions?" Reznov asked.

"Randa set off the remaining bombs. Soap you me Price and Packard are going to stop him the rest of you head to the boat." Sean said.

"Not without us." Cole said as he Mills, Reles and Slivko stepped forward.

"Good to hear lets move!" Packard yelled as they moved in their assigned locations.

Randa smiled as Kong was down from being severely burned from the Napalm that was left in the stallion.

"Time to end you, you worthless son of a bitch." Randa said placing charges down next to Kong.

"Randa!" Sean yelled aiming a riffle at him.

"Stay out of this you stupid brat." Randa said.

"This is a bad idea. You kill Kong and the Village Chel is from will suffer once those Skull Crawlers breed out of control without Kong stopping them.

"Not my problem." Randa said.

"Put it down!" Packard yelled aiming his riffle at him before they heard the water bubbling.

"Huh?" Sean said before something came out of the water and reveled itself to be a larger Skull Crawler the same size as Kong. "Oh my fucking god!" Sean yelled.

"Run!" Packard yelled as Randa was Frozen in fear. Just then Kong woke up making Randa face him and glare about to activate the charged.

"Die you mother..." Randa tried to say but Kong smashed him with his fist before he could finish. The giant Skull Crawler tackled him and knocked him out.

"Shit Kong is down lets move!" Sean yelled as they rushed out of the area.

They came to the edge of the island.

"We're at the very edge of the island." Soap said.

"Send up a flare." Sean said.

"Right." Packard said doing just that.

"Alright lets move." Sean said as they made their way through the water except for Cole who dropped his gun.

"Cole come on." Mills said.

"Go live your life. Go on get out of here." Cole said pulling out some Grenades.

"No Cole!" Mills yelled trying to stop him but Packard and Soap grabbed him as Cole tried to suicide bomb the Skull Crawler but regrettably failed.

"Shit!" Sean yelled as the Skull Crawler made its way towards them only for Kong to appear and smash its head with a rock.

"Alright the cavalry." Price said.

"Kong's not going to last long in the shape he's in thanks to Randa. I got an idea." Sean said as the others on the boat arrived and fired at the Skull Crawler.

"Hurry!" Julia yelled pulling them on the boat.

Sean made his way to Kong who was down again before getting on his shoulders making Kong look at him.

"Easy big guy. Lets see if I cant give you a power boost like Godzilla." Sean said engulfing Kong in White flames that healed its injuries making him get up and Roar at the Skull Crawlers who roared back.

(Insert go big or go extinct from Pacific rim)

Kong charged at the Skull Crawler with much more strength then it had ever in his life smashing the Crawler's head hard making it roar in pain.

"Doing the exact same thing he did with Godzilla giving him a power boost and healing his injuries." Reznov said.

Kong roared as he slammed the Crawler into the wall hard making it roar in pain before he threw it into another wall and grabbed a tree and used it like a bat hitting the crawlers hard before it broke.

"Damn!" Packard said amazed.

"Just like last time with Godzilla these two make a good team." Price said.

"Come on big guy finish him." Sean said as Kong Grabbed the Crawler's tongue and ripped it out hard killing it in the process.

(End song here)

Sean jumped off of Kong before looking at Kong who looked back with soft eyes and soon walked away to heal from his battle against the very thing that killed its family.

"We'll see each other again big guy." Sean said before getting on the boat.

"Alright lets get out of here." Packard said.

The group soon traveled down to the Exfil point.

"This place will change." Tarken said.

"Maybe but not by much. A small research station will be placed here to monitor and observe this place. As for Kong. I'm recommending a larger portal be built here so when we need him the most he'll know when to come help." Sean said.

"Agreed." Tarken said as the other Pelicans arrived.

In the distance Kong saw them leave and started banging his chest hard before roaring as they left.


"So what is all this?" Tarken asked as they entered a facility.

"This is Monarch. Before you head back to the Senate to inform them of what we found theres something else I want you to show them. Serizawa gave me permission to allow you to see all this. This place has all the intel on every Primordial creature. I want you to take it back with you and study this intel. So far my best guess is most of the creatures are all the same of wanting to protect the Earth and those who live here." Sean said.

"And those that don't?" Tarken asked.

"There are some." Sean said showing a clip of an excavation team finding ancient drawings of Godzilla fighting a dragon with three heads. "This is only the beginning." Sean said.