
A new dawn and a new city.

The king of the north remained kneeling on the ground while a huge sword had pierced his chest without any problem as he watched his enemy approach one step at a time and take the sword's grip again.

"You do not deserve the power you got."(Gahrkal)

The king of the north with both hands held the blade of the sword but it was totally in vain, Gahrkal made a small effort and raised the sword along with the king's body.

"Now...look what your arrogance and carelessness caused."(Gahrkal)

Gahrkal walked to the window from which one could observe the streets of the kingdom.

All that filled the vision of the king were the streets full of corpses of men, women and children who died in horrible ways.

"Those people would be alive and happy if you had taken your role as king as it should be." (Gahrkal)

Gahrkal remained silent while the king held the ruins of the city silent.

"I guess it does not matter anymore what happened here can not be remedied." (Gahrkal)

Gahrkal waved his sword once while throwing the king out the window as he watched silently as the ground grew closer and closer.

The king of the north closed his eyes for the last time until he let the ground take care of finishing him.

Several seconds of silence after a loud sound could be heard.


Gahrkal observed the ground where the body of the old king lay and then turned his head and could observe the group of elves surrounding their sister who perished in combat.

"Great stories will be told in his name ... surely now he will be with the great mother, waiting for us." (Niniel)

The other elves of the group remained silent as they lifted their sister's body and Niniel began to invoke a spell until they disappeared and a voice sounded in the air before disappearing.

"Thanks." (Niniel)

The group of elves disappeared into a column of light and the only ones left were Gahrkal, Lhiara and Hiara.

Gahrkal observed the streets and noticed that many monsters began to eat the remains of the old citizens lying on the streets.

Enormous numbers of wolves, goblins, ogres, orcs, lizard man, werewolves began to enter the city through all the entrances as if it were their own home, also there could be seen harpies, wyverns and small dragons that settled on the roofs of houses in the city and on the roofs of tall buildings, and most of the other monster began to roam in the streets of the city as if it were their own home but the strange thing was that they did not start attacking each other.

On the horizon, there could already see the sun that was beginning to rise.

Gahrkal looked towards the street and could see a wolf that was sitting staring at him while he was waving his tail.

Lhiara and Hiara watched the wolf from Gahrkal's shoulders and began to laugh at each other.

"What's so funny?" (Gahrkal)

Suddenly the doors to the room were opened while different monsters entered through which consisted of the following species, a huge werewolf with white hair and an incredible muscle, a wolf which had two colors in his coat and his pupils had the same pattern of two colors, a lizard man with red and black scales with a strange pattern on his back, an orc that was just as muscular as the werewolf and a goblin with two swords on his shoulders and a dark-skinned ogre with a huge mallet made of bone from an unknown creature.

These creatures entered the King's room and knelt in front of Gahrkal.

"We await your orders, sir!" (X6)

Gahrkal remained in total silence.

Holidays! I can write again in peace.

Gamehotelcreators' thoughts