
Ghost, Fighting!

John receives an ability one day that allows him to see and fight supernatural beings, and make money at the same time. His ordinary life would soon undergo a huge change because of it. P.S Still working on the Book Cover.

ApocalypseX · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs


John had stopped under a lamp post in the middle of the cemetery as he took off the gopro strapped around his head and started talking in front of the camera.

"Hello guys, I'm John and this is my first WeTube Video. It's currently 11:36 PM, and guess where I am right now? I'm in the middle of a f*cking cemetery!"

Saying those words, John panned the camera around so that his future viewers could see that he wasn't kidding around and he's really at a cemetery all by himself.

"And I'm all by myself. Anyway, I'm putting the camera on my head strap so you guys can see what I see like a POV"

John then placed the GoPro back on the head strap and placed it again around his head, and started walking around with the LED light on his hand shining his way, and thanks to the moonlight, he could still see what's around him even without his light.

He could see a couple of ghosts here and there, but he didn't bother them as they were just standing around and not doing anything, probably except watching him.

And suddenly, one of them is coming over!

John noticed it but he ignored it as he continued talking about the history of this place.

"This place wasn't actually here for long. It's a recent one, probably around forty to fifty years ago. It ain't that long really"

Then suddenly a voice came whispering into his ears.

"You can see me, aren't you?"

John stopped in his tracks, if only the camera was facing his face right now, then his future viewers would see that his face is currently twitching from annoyance.

In the end, he acted ignorant of it and just outright ignored the ghost who kept pestering him and just acted like he couldn't hear anything except the breeze of the wind as he kept moving forward while filming the things around him.

"Why are you ignoring me? I'm pretty sure you can see me, hehehe. I saw your reaction earlier, you can't hide it"

The ghost once again appeared before him and kept trying to talk to him, but John just walked past it while hearing its eerie laugh behind him as he couldn't really bother himself to heed its presence as he could clearly see that its trait is neutral.

But he wouldn't mind teaching it a lesson if it kept pestering him though.

Reaching the top of the hill, John stopped and faced the darkness before him.

"Okay, we've reached the top of the hill and as you can see behind me, there's a tomb here. I don't mind telling you guys that even though this place is a resting place of our loved ones. The scenery from up here during the day is actually beautiful because everything around is just nature except for the man made structures though"

This time, John is talking before the camera with the LED light shining on him while smiling at the camera while thinking to himself.

'Where is that damn evil spirit anyway? I've already walked this far and I didn't even see a glimpse of it'

Then he glanced at the side towards the figure standing just a couple of meters away from him who had been following him and annoying the hell out of him.

'Don't tell me it's this as*hole here? But I doubt so as I've never seen a ghost who can hide its trait from my eyes'

"I knew it! You can see me, aren't you?"

The male ghost suddenly appeared like a poof of smoke beside him and while laughing eerily like he had just found a new toy he could play around.

John sighed to himself and then he looked at the camera, "Anyway, that's it for tonight. We were at least here for over half an hour but we didn't see anything except for that cat earlier that gave me quite the jump scare, hahaha"

"Don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe, peace out!"

Then he turned off the two cameras and took a deep breath before turning his attention towards the asshole that has been bothering him since the first ten minutes when he walked inside this place.

The smile on John's face slowly turned devilish as he started cracking his knuckles.

"Now then, shall we get down to business?"


The ghost was dumbfounded when it saw the expression of the human before him, and the next thing he saw was a fist enlarging before its eyes.

After that...there was not after that.

The ghost didn't even have the chance to yell "yamete" before John started giving it a beatdown from the numerous times that it tried to sabotage its work.

"Ahh~! That was such a good work out"

John stretched his somewhat tired body after an intense beating work out.

"Y-you...you're not an ordinary human! Y-you're actually an exorcist!"

The ghost held his "bruised" face with one hand while his other hand was pointing at John and shouting at him with a horrified tone, like a prey meeting its hunter!

And not only that, those ghosts that were just hanging around earlier, had long disappeared like they weren't even there from the beginning.


John looked at it with disdain before sitting down on the ground beside it and said, "So, tell me, I heard there's an evil spirit around here?"

When the words "evil spirit" came out of John's mouth, the male ghost suddenly stiffened like it had just heard something that should not be mentioned under these circumstances.

"N-no, I don't know anything! B-bye!"


John tried to stop it, but he was second too late to grab a hold of it before the ghost disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"What the hell?"

John quickly stood up from the ground, clearly frustrated that he had not achieved what he wanted, and at the same time, he was also confused about why the evil spirit is not showing itself at all!

"Damn, this is really weird. I've been here for almost over an hour now and I'm the only living person in sight and clearly a good prey for an evil spirit, and even though they will probably realize that I can resist them, they would still attack me like madmen. And here I thought that as*hole was the Evil Spirit because it was the only one that approached me. I even thought it was something special that it was able to hide its trait from me"

He used the LED light on his hand and shined it around him as John started walking around, trying to find anything out of place, like an item of some sort that yells danger at first glance and shouldn't be in a cemetery.


"Just where th-Ahhh!!"

An ear piercing scream reverberated through the still darkness.

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