

Blood. It needed blood .

It stared out through the window, no one was possibly going to come here . it was a deserted house . no people around and no people means no blood and no blood means...it screamed out in frustration .

"Did you hear that ?" Some couple of teenagers passing by asked

"Let's not go in there, that house looks scary "

Then realization hit it , if he could change how the house looked like then people would come in

It smirked , chuckled and laughed out at it's smart reasoning .

It set out to posess a young man in his thirties , bought lots of furniture and items for the renovation of the house . He was going to turn it to and hotel . A place where many people would come in to relax . A place where once you come in , there's no going out . A place where everything that would happen would happen of his own accord.

It made a maximum of 39 rooms and when the place was looking good , it set out to make flyers and spread them round .

Now it was time to wait . it now went by the name of the man he'd possessed "Arnold".Arnold sat outside and shaked his leg waiting patiently for anybody to come .

"Excuse me " an old lady said "I'm looking for hotel Fraca"

"Welcome , It's here"

"Really?" The old woman looked around " I don't see any signs"

Then Arnold knew what was missing" ah, excuse me for just a minute ".Arnold went in and brought out a sigsignboard, ladder, hammer and nails and he hung up the sign "HOTEL FRACA"

" What a peculiar name " the old woman said

" I named it after a loved one , please come in "

The old woman entered the hotel and gasped"Wow, this place is amazing "

"Thank you "

"Are you running it alone ?"

"For now , I just opened it up "

"Ah, I see ."

The old lady handed him some cash"I'll be staying for 3 nights "

Arnold laughed within him as he thought ; you aren't going anywhere , lady

"Here you go . room 24" arnold said handing over her room key to her" let me help you with your luggage , ma'am"

"Aigoo, i can do it myself . Besides you seem to have more customers"the old lady said turning her head towards the entrance door

Arnold smiled . His plan was working so perfectly. In less than 3 hours , this place was already getting full and soon enough he was going to be full with their blood

"If you insist then " he said to the old lady and went to open the entrance door to welcome his guests .As his guests walked in, they all marvelled at the sight of the place .

"Wow, this place is really amazing "

"Oh my , look at the chandelier "

As the last guest entered , Arnold silently locked the entrance door shut . All these people here were his. He couldn't stop smiling over that .

As he handed everyone their room key , he smiled as he gave the last one out . All 39 rooms were filled up.

After dinner , he rang a bell to summon everyone to the dinning table.

"What's going on ? Haven't went had dinner already?" Room number 13 asked

What they didnt know was that this dinner was for him not for them .

"I'm sorry to announce this but i'll have you know that as you walked in here of your own accord "Arnold's eye turned bloodshot red "There's no going out "

A/N: please enjoy your reads and share and you can catch more of my books on wattpad and inkitt , thank you