
Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

For others it takes dying and reincarnating for them to get a system but what happens when you get one without dying? Aron Michael is an average student set to graduate within a week, but he was expelled for a random reason. Due to that, he had heavy student debt and no diploma to help him earn the money to pay it back. But one day he got a system that called itself the [Advanced Tech System]. follow the story to watch him develop from your average Joe to him being the owner of the largest company in the world. Discord server is open: https://discord.gg/KptypY8dGh ********************************************DISCLAIMER************************************************ This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual companies is purely coincidental. The portrayal of names, characters, positions, and companies in this book is entirely fictional and not intended to represent real-life counterparts. All content in this book that may share names, characteristics, positions, or companies with real-life entities is purely coincidental and does not indicate any conflicting part to their real-life counterparts. The author and publisher do not have any intention to defame, discredit, or infringe upon the rights of any individual, company, or entity mentioned in this book. This book is meant for entertainment purposes only and should not be construed as factual or a representation of real-life events or people.

Agent_047 · ไซไฟ
652 Chs

Meeting with Adolf, the dictator.

A week later.(Monday).

Felix and his team rose earlier than their typical routine, commencing their preparations for the meeting that was scheduled for the afternoon.

In order to be perceived as sincere, Felix and his team had to arrive at the presidential palace at least an hour prior to the scheduled meeting time. This, coupled with the fact that the palace was quite a distance away from their hotel, meant that they had to leave early.

"Since everyone is present, let's proceed," Felix announced upon sighting the final person who would be accompanying them.

Subsequently, they departed from the hotel to where the car was waiting to transport them to the palace.

Throughout the journey, they rehearsed their bullet points for the 457th time, striving to ensure that nothing went even slightly amiss.

After a three-hour car ride, they finally arrived at the gate of the presidential palace, where they were stopped.