
Getting a rewrite kinda

A 10 old child confined to a hospital room for all most of his life dies when his illness takes him from the world,he loved to read fantasy stories with swords and magic, oh how he especially loves the hero’s he would dream about exploring his own fantasy world. Until he was reincarnated into a new story his own story This is my first attempt at writing a story. so if by some grace of god I get good enough at writing a story I’ll probably try to re write this I don’t know how often I write maybe once a week or two also any suggestions/advice would be appreciated also this will probably suck just letting ya know I don’t own dragon age, only my oc I guess Also this will be an AU as a I have a final enemy worked out already I just don’t know if this is in the direction they’ll take the games or series I also dont own the cover Not a harem If someone else already did this then i dont know i havent read any dragon age fanfic that goes in the direction mines gonna go The free rein over mana power wont make him overpowered instantly or anything like that he won’t even have the willpower to use it all this power does is work like life in vains rudeas im saying his because its the only iteration of that anime or manga I’ve read or watched but basically with his willpower he can use mana to create or control his own creations and others with free will so he’s only limited by his imagination and willpower

Zeinex · วิดีโอเกม
13 Chs

Meeting my Future Wife

(Who's pov)

-the setting/location of the story-

{sfx I think}


<9:41 Dragon 1st of Fervintes>

-Before the gates of Skyhold-

(Jackson Revas)

As we neared the gates to Skyhold, I used my mana to check on who survived the attack on Haven, I sensed an old friend one who I will always gladly call my brother.

"Stop at the gate."

As the carriages came to a stop I teleported straight to Garret who was having a conversation with the inquisitor.

"We need a way to stop Corypheaus."


"Um, were you expecting someone champion?"

"Not that I know of."

As I teleported right next to him and slapped him on the back just to have the new inquisitors phantom blade trying to break my barrier.

"Now that's not how you treat your favorite allies is it inquisitor?"

"Jackson." X2

"Garret I missed you, and Carver man."

"Jackson, Carver died during our escape from the blight."

"Is Bethany alive?"

"Yea me and her made it through."

"So Leandra died, I'm sorry for your loss friend."

Off to the side the inquisitor looked absolutely befuddled.

"Ah sorry got a little ahead of myself there me and Garret go way back, like before he lived in Kirkwall."

"Hey kid?"

"Varric Tethras I never got to properly thank you for what you did."

"Your welcome kid any friend of Hawkes is a friend of mine."

"Your family can setup a shop in my new capital when it's finished."

"Well the rest of my entourage is probably entering right about now, also do you happen to know where Uncle Dorian is?"

"Did you just call him uncle?"

"Yes Dorian helped my family flee the old Tevinter Imperium so that should give you a picture of how close they are, and I brought him a present."

"Ah well Dorian and Leliana are in that tower over there dorians on the second floor in his own little library."

"Thank you inquisitor and if anyone asks you haven't seen me yet."

Once I figured out where my uncle was I started to walk all over Skyhold before going to see him in the tower. As I was walking in I saw an elf with no hair on his head who kinda looked like an egg.

"Hello there my names Jackson Revas pleasure to meet you, Solas."

"I am glad to meet the man who freed thousands of slaves too, now what do I owe the pleasure."

"Oh I was just going to see my uncle, but I saw you first so I thought it would be rude of me not to say hi, and I heard you like to walk the fade as well?"

"Oh, yes I've been to many ancient places, though it is nice to meet another person who is interested in the fade."

"Yea some of my first friend's were the spirits of the fade."

"What kind of spirits if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh there was wisdom,compassion,serenity, and justice though serenity left once I was finished with it's so called training for me."

"Interesting so many rare spirits all in one place I assume?"

"Yea spirits and demons are attracted to me in a way."


"Is that Jackson I hear?"

"Uncle Dorian it's a pleasure as always."

"I see you are wearing the clothes I bought you if only solas would take my suggestions for him also."

"Did he call you an apostate hobo too Solas."

"Yes, yes he did?"

"Hmm I feel for you but, Dorian I've still have your father in custody and I want you to decide what to do with him."

"I want to go see him."

"His carriage is following behind mine don't worry, but what I want to know is since when did my uncle dorian like Qunari?"

"What I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about?"

"Oh please Varric handed me a slip telling me about it thank the maker he didn't go into any detail."

"Vashante kaffas I'll kill that dwarf."

"Oh yes solas how are you doing that if you don't mind me asking."

"Doing what?"

"Your mana signature it's growing by the second I was just wandering how your doing it?"

"I'll tell you if, you tell me how you did that."

"Oh well mana is like a 6th sense to me I can see it feel it and use it however I want it was just interesting to me how yours seems to be growing, though it's growing very slowly."

"Ah that's amazing I haven't heard anything like it."

"Yes it was a gift I didn't ask for, but is incredibly useful."

"Could you give this gift to someone else?"

"Maybe, but if I did I would have to trust them with my families life."

"I respect that, it just sounded like an advance in the field of magic thats all."

"Oh don't worry you weren't the first mage to ask about it nor will you be the last now if you two will excuse me I have to go act like a king."

"Yes I guess we would all have to go greet you, yes?"

"If you want I never sent a letter demanding it or anything but, it would help my reputation I'm apparently a to soft of a ruler."

"Hmm We'll be out there to greet you then."

"Great I appreciate also Dorian down for a game of chess after."

"Oh i'll win this time nephew."

"Sure you will bye guys's"

"Did he just teleport?" X2

After I was back in my carriage as it entered through the gates of Skyhold I picked up my sleeping baby dragon and got out acting like I wasn't in their fortress just than.

"It's so great to have you here."

"Thank you inquisitor can we go talk in your war room, I have an important discussion to have with all of you?"

"Of course right this way."

"Thank you."

Once we entered through the double doors to the palace we walked to around the middle and took a left into a hallway then we continued on until we were in the war room.

"Now do you have any grey wardens among your ranks?"

"We have one yes."

"No besides blackwall."

"He's the only one what's this about?"

"Curly it's about the fact that all the wardens of Orlais are hearing the calling."


"Yes Leliana the calling, and most of them have teamed up with the Venatori."

"Wait what's the calling?"

"Its when a warden knows there time has come for them to die theres also a tradition where when a warden heres the calling they go to the deep roads to fight the darkspawn to their dying breath."

"Well do you know why there hearing it?"

"I'm guessing his dragon that you guy's assume is the arch demon."

"So do we have to kill it?"

"He probably won't bring out his dragon again for awhile although trying to attack skyhold is basically suicide without it."

"Also how did you know about our assumptions?"

"I'm your ally so relax, and it's quite simple really spies."

"Spies, you've put spies in my order?"

"Of course I'm not a dumbass and you should be thanking me."

"What do you mean?"

"My spies that you were so vehemently opposed to have caught like 20 ben hassrath alone in your ranks already."

"Are you talking about bulls men?"

"What no, and if I were you don't take the Qunari's alliance offer."

"Huh alliance offer?"

"Hmm I guess bull hasn't told you yet,but you should still help them take out the Venatori ships its a win win for the both of you."

"Aren't they technically your problem."

"Not really most of the magisters that I captured weren't even apart of it, Corypheaus knew I was attacking Minrathous and moved them they mainly are camped out at the templar strongholds."

"Now does the inquisition have any information to share with me?"

"Yes, when we went to ally the mages we had to fight and kill Alexius, but before we could fight him he sent me and your uncle forward in time."

"Time magic it's useful, but a pain in the ass. Carry on though."

"In the future we had lost Corypheaus attacked us with a demon army and won then moved onto attack your kingdom last we heard your people were the last kingdom left."

"Hmm, this is troubling in my opinion we need to find a warden willing to help us free the rest and with the help of the wardens stop the next blight."

"The next blight? Also you don't have to worry about a warden Garret already has one lined up."

"That's good, and I said to stop the blight because we lost to Corypheaus's demon army right?"

"Yes we did."

"Then it's most likely the blight now is there anything else?"

"Ahem, yes there was-"

"No there wasn't we have taken the liberty to prepare you a bedroom just go ask a servant to help you find it, we have much to think about thank you."

"Your welcome lady Montilyet."

As I walked out of the room confused by the fact that Lady Montilyet was so quick to silence the inquisitor, but it was none of my business and besides it was kind of cute.


(Josephine Montilyet)

Right after we watched Jackson leave I uncover the inquisitor's mouth and silently prepared for the question I didn't want to answer right now.

"Why did you stop me from telling him?"

"Inquisitor if I may just because in that alternate future as dorian called it Josephine and Jackson were married doesn't mean that it will happen in this one."

"In my opinion he still has a right to know."

"Then let me tell him."

"Josephine I can do it for you if you would prefer it that way."

As I sent a silent thanks to my sister figure leliana. I steeled my resolve if someones going to tell him its going to be me,though perhaps after a few glasses of wine first.

"Thank you Leliana, but I want to be the one to tell him."

"What we'll you do?"

"I'm going to ask Dorian what he likes and go on from there."

"Isn't that a little bit to forward Josephine?"

"I don't know I've never been in a relationship."

"Hmm Cassandra likes poetry you can try that?"

"He's not Cassandra inquisitor."

"I was just trying to help Leliana."

"I'll get my answers from Dorian, and thank you for trying inquisitor."

Once I got to the tower library I saw him talking to Dorian, damn he's tall focus Josephine.

"Hello Dorian."

"Oh hoh, Josephine, I oh so wonder what this could be about?"

"Am I in the middle of something."

"No jackson, I just need to talk to Dorian a bit."

"Yes, i'll be right back dear nephew."

"Alright I'll go talk to solas."

Once Jackson left I dragged Dorian into the empty war room to question him.

"Damn you dorian."

"Antivan's, I'm sorry ok Josephine I'm just to excited for this."

"Nothings even happened yet andraste's mercy you even said it was an alternate timeline."

"Yea, but that still means theres a pretty significant chance you two get together."

"I came to ask you what he likes Dorian please."

"Of course my dear. um, he likes magic,and stories. so you could try to get to take him to a play."

"Would he enjoy it?"

"Are you going to tell him and take him to a play, or take him to a play then tell him?"

"The second one I think ok."

"Alright, try to find a play about a hero or a person who overcomes all odds and wins he likes those."

"Thank you Dorian."

"Your welcome dear."

I didn’t know how to write this so I tried to work it in while also advancing the story that way it isn’t just filler. Also the next chapter will be there date and it will come out later today and the story will still advance in that time thank you for reading. And the mc will be helping her with a problem again if you don’t like the way the romance goes I’ve read worse ones but i will still say i’m sorry and tried my best

Title was the best I could come up with for what happened in this ch

Zeinexcreators' thoughts