
Get lemons, Make lemonades

Getting sent into naruto world as a waifu catalog contractor wasn't in max's plans. However when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and he's gonna get a lot of lemons.

handsomax · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Today is the day we open my restaurant, it is situated near other Akimichi buildings. I am happy with this building as not only does it have a place for my restaurant, but it also has separate rooms to live in.

Yesterday, in addition to preparing this place, I trained with Anko. She started teaching me how to fight using chakra to reinforce my strength and speed. With the combination of [Soul Talent], [Martial Talent], and [Body Tune-Up], I picked things up so fast that at the end of our session, she said I was already at the level of a normal genin. Of course, I still don't know any ninjutsu nor do I know how to throw shurikens, but at hand-to-hand I am genin-level.

Moreover, At the end of the day, Darcy called me after she managed to be in the same room as the daimyo without any protection. I captured him and went back to Konoha with her. So now, I have the leader of this country in my pocket. I don't know if I'll need him, but it can't hurt.

Anyways, back to the restaurant. Today is the big day, I am sure that Choza or maybe another Akimichi will come and test its food. Once I make him a fan, my fame as a cook will come on its own. After I checked the food in reserve and made sure with Darcy that everything was correctly set up. I opened the door to the building and put an "Open" sign, while Darcy put the menu on display. For now, the menu is quite simple with only two starters, three main courses, and two desserts.

When I was wandering around in Konoha, I noticed something that should have been obvious, all restaurants have Japanese food. It is a Japanese-style world after all, so it is not that surprising. Now don't misunderstand, I love this kind of food. However, what it meant, is that my new duty is to bring to this world the wonders of my home country's food. I will make them discover french food!

As such, my menu's dishes are as follows,

for starters, mimosa eggs or a small Nicoise salad

for the main dishes, a pot-au-feu, beef bourguignon, or steak tartare. I choose those dishes as the clients I want are shinobi and they need a hearty meal to fuel their activities.

and for dessert, a lemon pie or a chocolate eclair

Obviously, Darcy and I were more than happy to check the taste of those recipes. But what is funny is that even if I don't have all the ingredients I need, [Faerie Feast] tells me how to do it without them.

Anyways, we opened the restaurant around 11h and just 30 minutes later we were already full. Guess they must not be curious about the new food. In the kitchen I was preparing meals at an impressive speed, I mean normally you can't really make the meat cook itself faster but it seems [Faery Feast] wasn't aware of that.

At some point, Choza came into the restaurant along with his son. They didn't leave until they sampled all the dishes twice for Choji and thrice for Choza. When they left, they looked as if they just had an orgasm, after that, I know I won't have any problem with advertising.

Once we finished serving everyone, we closed the restaurant and teleported to the forbidden forest to meet with Anko and train some more.

"Damn, that was a wild service!" Exclaimed Anko, while rubbing her shoulder.

"Yes it was, but don't worry once we unlock your chakra and you learn to use it to reinforce your muscles, you won't feel that tired at the end of it. And don't forget, we are only doing that for at best 6 months and at worst 4 years."

"Well I am eager for it to finish, I preferred when my job was being an astrophysicist, and the strangest thing that happened to me was meeting a Norse god."

"At least, when we manage to reach your old world, you can surprise your colleague with the little change you had."

"Yeah, Jane will never be at rest knowing I can turn invisible and surprise her at any moment. Hahaha!" She joked and fake laughed at the end.

suddenly, a shadow jumped down from the trees and landed just in front of Darcy who jumped in fright.

"Ha! it is who should not be at rest. I don't know how it was in your old world, but here you should always be aware of your surrounding."

Of course, it was Anko that wanted to prank Darcy, I knew she was here as with [Potpourri] I have a better sense of smell than even dogs.

"Anko stop playing, we don't have a lot of time to train each day." I pseudo-admonished her.

"Yes boss, don't worry I am gonna get you two in shape in no time."

"You better watch your back, I will get my revenge for this." Darcy said to Anko.

"I'm sure you'll try, but you will never manage to do it, I am the greatest Kunoichi in existence. And if you want to stand a chance let's start by getting you to feel your chakra. Masashi, you can go and practice the move I showed you yesterday."

And that's how we spent the time until the evening when we started a new service at the restaurant. However this time, the moment we opened the service, the restaurant was immediately filled with Akimichis. I have to admit, I didn't prepare for such an influx, and because of that, my food reserves were emptied in just 1 hour forcing me to close the restaurant early.

"Hell! it was even more intense this time, I didn't know it was possible to eat that much in such a short amount of time." Complained Darcy while helping me clean the room.

"Well at least, it allows us to close early and do something else."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but that plus the training from before, I am spent."

"Want me to give you a massage?" I asked her with a teasing grin.

"You know I can't ever say no to your massages, your hands are just too good."

"Well let's just finish tidying everything up and go to our room."

And that's what we did. Once we were in the room Darcy just undressed before throwing herself on the bed and lying there on her stomach.


Short lemon will start here, for those not comfortable with it you can go past it there is a similar mark when it ends


I then knelt on the bed, one knee on each side of her legs, before starting to massage her. I started on her shoulder before slowly going down. I took my time to make sure all her muscles were completely relaxed. Once I reached her ass, I removed my hands from her and she whimpered as she wanted more. I then restarted the massage but went up from her feet this time. Once I reached her ass, my hands stopped going up , and I made sure to thoroughly knead them, all this time she moaned softly. I then removed my hands and said.

"That's it for the back now turn around so I can do the front too."

She looked at me with a grin before turning around and saying.

"You know you don't have to give me a massage every time you want to touch them? You can do it whenever you want."

"Well I still want to give you a massage, you have no idea how exciting it is to see you moan because of my touch."

At least she blushed a bit from this. And I resumed my massage, I started anew on her shoulders before going down to her stomach while avoiding her breast. Once I finished on her stomach, my hands went back up to her breast. I slowly but firmly kneaded them. As I did, I could feel her nipples were so hard they could have cut diamonds. I then softly laid on her and kissed her, while doing so I put one of my hands on her pussy and slipped one finger inside her.

She then put her hands on my back and slowly removed my shirt, I stopped kissing her to allow it to pass before resuming. She then pushed me onto my side, before climbing on top of me and kissing me while on top. I could feel her hands removing my pants and boxer. Once she did, she stopped kissing me and got up on her knee, she removed them completely and then took my cock in her hand and lined herself on it before impaling herself with it and going up and down rapidly. This mixture of tightness, wetness, and rough movement made it hard not to cum immediately, however, I managed to hold until she came. Once she did, the spasms of her vagina drove me over the edge and I came too.


Lemon ends there


She flopped onto me and stayed there while regaining her breathing. After that, she slides next to me, and we both laid next to each other. After this intense activity, we didn't take long before falling asleep.

- timeskip until the next day -

I woke up to the feeling of water being dumped on my face. I gasped for air as a reflex before I looked around me to find whoever thought it was a funny prank. I immediately noticed that I wasn't in my bed next to Darcy anymore, I was now in what seemed to be a prison cell. In front of me, a person was wearing a full-body black cloak and a mask in the form of a cat's face. I noticed my hands were bound to the wall with cuffs linked to chains and they visibly took my shroud away as I could feel it in another room.

'Shit! I was captured! But what group did it? The Anbu or the Root?'

"Perfect, you are awake! You better not teleport away, we inscribed a seal on both your and your girlfriend's body. If you get out of this place without my permission you will die." Said a voice from behind the ninja.

Only then, did he walk from behind him to his side. I immediately recognized him as Danzo.

'Well, at least now I am fixed on who captured me. But how does he knows about my teleportation?'

"You look surprised, you know if you want to keep an ability secret, you should not use it in the village where we can spy on you."

I didn't answer that, but I still asked.

"Why did you capture me? I didn't do anything against the law, I didn't know Konoha treated their new inhabitant like this."

He frowned before he lifted his left hand and formed a seal with it. I immediately felt an horrible pain coming from my stomach.

"HAAAAAAAA!" I screamed in pain.

"Never talk bad about Konoha in front of me again. Now I will ask you some questions and you will answer them, otherwise, I will activate this seal once again."

"First question, what method did you use to teleport?"

"It is just a part of my bloodline, I can teleport to anyone that shares a cloak." I answered truthfully fearing another hit of that seal. I was too afraid and stressed to lie in this situation.

"You mean that when you 'give' someone a cloak, you get access to their position, no matter where they are?"

"No, if they are too far I can't feel their cloak to teleport!" I lied to make him lower his threat rating of me.

"Hmm, we'll test that later. For now, let's go to the second question. Is there a limit on how many people you can grant this cloak to?"

"No there isn't any limit." I answered quickly.

"And what are the abilities of the cloak?" He didn't stop questioning me.

"I already told everything to the Hokage, didn't he tell you, are you not part of Konoha's forces?"

As soon as I said that, he lifted his hand and activated the seal. Once again, I writhed on the ground while enduring this pain.

"I ask the questions here, not you. Now answer me."

Once I was able to talk after it went away, I answered.

"I-i-it can change shape and texture according to the user's will."

"Is there another ability you can grant aside from the cloak?"

"No, the cloak is the only thing I give to them."

"Very well, Since we finished on the cloak for now, I would like to know why you came to Konoha?"

"It is for safety, I didn't like living in a countryside village where we get attacked by bandits, at least in Konoha we are protected by the shinobi forces." I lied to him, gotta be thankful for the [Information Defence], otherwise, he would have seen through me without a problem.

"Yes, Konoha is a wonderful place in this wretched world, it is understandable to see people wanting to live here. Well, I have to say you are quite lucky as your useless life is over, you're now gonna be useful to Konoha thanks to me. From now on, you will stay in this base and will give your cloak to whoever I tell you, starting with him" He said as he pointed to the other ninja in the cell and another one came in carrying a case in which I could feel they put my shroud.

The ninja opened the case and took the shroud before giving it to me.

"I need to cover you fully with it, otherwise it won't work." I warned him, I didn't want to get attacked because they thought I was rebelling.

"Just do it." Danzo said coldly.

I covered the ninja fully and as he wasn't resisting, it only took a few seconds before I captured him. I was feeling kind of excited about it inside me, despite the terrible situation I find myself in, if I can hold on until I capture every ninja in root I will be as good as free. Once I was done, I removed the shroud and put it back on me, it felt so comfortable. The ninja (who I now know is named Hasato) then moved his new shroud around before shaping it like his old clothes and retaking his guard position. I ordered him to keep acting like before to not arouse suspicion in Danzo.

"Perfect! We will check if it works like you said, if it does I will have you give it to some other people." He turned around and started getting out of the cell.

"And don't forget, don't teleport out of the base without my order I would hate to have to kill such a useful tool for Konoha." He said as he left the cell with the two other ninjas leaving me alone cuffed to the wall.


That's it for the fourth chapter guys.

Once again, if you have some criticism, don't hesitate I want them.


World: Naruto

Rating: 6 (365 credits)

Origin: Dropped-In

Binding(s): Shroud of Power (-80)

Lures: Sticky Fingers (-5), Potpourri (-20), Faerie Feast (-10)

Other Controls: Conjonction (-25), Apportation (-25)

Heritage: Death Mask (-100)

Home: Pocket Space (-5)

Talents: Body Tune-Up (free), Everlasting (free), Soul (free), Martial (-10), Template Stacking I (Ban (Nanatsu no taizai)) (-20)

Defenses: Body (free), Destiny (free), Information x2 (-50)

Misc: Mapper (-10), Exit Stage Left (-5)

Generic: HUD (you) (-10)

Point(s) left: 19


Darcy Lewis (Bought): Shroud-bound, Template Stacking (Violet Parr (The Incredibles)) (-20)

Mitarashi Anko: (Captured): Shroud-bound

Yamanaka Inoichi (Captured): Shroud-bound

Yamanaka Nanao (Ino's mom) (Captured): Shroud-bound

Yamanaka Santa: (Captured): Shroud-bound

Yamanaka Ino (Captured): Shroud-bound

Hasato (Captured): Shroud-bound, Not a cannon character so no credit was given

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

handsomaxcreators' thoughts