
Genuine fairy cultivation script

In 666 years, government officials excavated a broken server from ancient times. After painstakingly cracking it, they learned that in ancient times, human beings were the strongest creatures in the universe. They could fly to the sky, escape to the earth, and overcome mountains and seas. They could also strengthen themselves and cross the universe physically. Although all the cultivation methods have been lost, however, with the unique creativity and unremitting efforts of human beings, many cultivation methods have been found again. The alliance has embarked on the road of national evolution, martial arts cultivation, magic technology, and the old view of ancient times! Until the arrival of an ancient soul... Here, the truth is revealed! "Really, it's a group of talents. In other words, who can tell me how you found out the real cultivation method with a novel website?! but it's good, at least it's convenient for me."

DaoistGrSS68 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Chapter 35 It feels good to be cared for

So it was ...

The next day.

After Su Xian got up, what he saw, was almost like a butterfly-like fluttering Su Tao.

The sun was shining brightly on her face, and all the previous gloom was swept away, moreover with a bright smile, noticing that Su Xian got up, she smiled and said, "Brother, you are awake."

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Compared to the previous lovey-dovey indifference, this is simply a hundred and eighty degree turn.

"Amoy ... Amoy ... what are you doing?"

Watching her daughter take the initiative to go up and be intimate with her son, Yang Wanhui was not calm at once.

Su Tao laughed: "Nothing mom, just a while ago brother gave me a talisman, rare that he still has me in his heart as a sister, I specially thank him only!"

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. j

Su leisure: "............ ........."

It is also fortunate that everything that happened last night was planned by themselves, otherwise, I'm afraid that at this moment, they can really only be a face of confusion.

So, this little girl is still quite aware of the kindness and reward.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are doing.

Is there anything more painful than comparing yourself to other people's children from time to time?

Naturally, there is, and that is to live with other people's children ~ under one roof ...

Su Xian yawned lazily, a sleepy look on his face.

Last night, he was almost a ~ night without sleep.

And, incomparably exhausted ... after all, too much mental haggardness.

Kung Fu mantra do not need to hand over to teach themselves too much, said, she will naturally go to slowly comprehend, but the spells are different, especially if they teach her or she may have originally will be the light and shadow prisoner!

After all, when the little girl heard Su Xian say the name of the light and shadow prison, although she could not see her face, but could hear the unspoken words in her voice.

Of course, after Su Xian had imparted to her the way of running the true essence as well as the notes for releasing it and let her try to perform it, the cute voice of the little girl who was instantly surprised to the point of Huh sounded quite interesting.

According to her, light and shadow prison this spell itself is purely binding spell, and there is no half damage, but the light and shadow prison that senior Yue Wen imparted to her, not only the binding power has not been half weakened, even the damage value can reach more than two thousand moves ...

Two thousand action for Su Tao is naturally nothing, casually cast a spell, even a punch and a kick is more than this damage value, but after all, this itself is a spell without damage, but now in binding the enemy at the same time, but also can seriously damage the opponent, and more importantly, the level of this spell is not high, only to get only level 3 only!

And then, that magical senior Yue Wen, surprisingly the light and shadow prison spell again improved, in addition to teach themselves three different versions.

The spell is a level 3 pure bondage spell light and shadow prison, level 3 bondage plus damage spell light and shadow prison, and another top level 5 spell light and shadow prison.

Just that level 5 spell to their own ability, want to cast words, obviously not low difficulty ... but stay as a kill, is extremely suitable.

This Yue Wen senior taught himself all the spells to bind the enemy, obviously more worried about his own safety than letting himself kill the enemy.

This feeling of being cared for ... is warm and comfortable.

Across the street, Su Tao had another silly smile on his face.

Su Idle mood was immediately better.

After all, yesterday in the aura turbulence, he was aware of it, he can cause this thing, her potential and underlying are better than their own, obviously, progress will be greater!

Thinking, carefully looked at Su Tao's face.

Still polished and white, beautiful features, eyes extraordinarily deep, which contains divine light ...

Well, although you can't see her progress, but you can imagine that it must be great.

It is even possible that perhaps it will greatly shorten the time of her heartbeat period.

After all, she is about to go on an adventure, she should show up a few more times, to explain to her more about the use of spells ... After all, her understanding of these spells today, and even better than those who transform spells of experts, Su Tao only two days of understanding, how can compare with their own?

Tired on tired some, but for her safety, hard work is just a few days.

............... ...............

"Su Xian, you wake up! Wake up quickly, no sleeping in class ..."

Su leisurely swung away patting his hand, vaguely said: "Do not disturb the old man rest, the old man is about to sleepy."

"Old ... old man?!"

Next to Xie Yun Yun face showed an odd look, said: "What kind of odd name is this? Is it a new trendy fad lately?"


Su Xian just woke up like a dream, lying up from the table, confused: "No ... no ... just dreamed that I became an old grandfather."

"Really interesting, people are dreaming about old grandfather, you are different ah, actually become an old grandfather?"

"I said ... you talk to me so much, what exactly do you figure?"

Su leisure a little impatient glared at Xie Yunyun.

How to say it ...

The little girl these two days to him extraordinarily obsessed, of course, absolutely not because of like, deep in the eyes of disgust she is not hidden.

But after all, the mental age adds up to more than thirty years old, Su Xian is not so angry with a little girl, has been just to her love.

Just these two days, Su Tao finally left home and rejoined the scavenging team.

Although he thinks he has done everything to prepare, but his sister went to risk his life, as an older brother but can only wait at home ...

These days, Su Xian appeared in Su Tao's ring several times again, giving her an explanation of the finer points of the light and shadow prison.

It is very touching for the little girl, Su Jing just said that he will consume true essence, must rest more, but then appear one after another, is not worried about their safety?

And the result is ...

These days at night, Su Xian almost not how to rest, Su Tao do not have to go to school, you can catch up on sleep during the day, he is going to school during the day.

This is not, even if it has been a day of rest, he fell asleep again.

And wake up Su Xian, see him finally put his attention to his own body, Xie Yun Yun Yun face with a slight twist, lovely face showing an attractive scarlet, said: "Hey, I suddenly have a new idea, do not want to hear?"

"Don't want to."

"You ..."

Xie Yunyun sneered, "Humph, you just want to take advantage of it, don't you just want to take some advantage? I tell you, as long as you promise to help me chase Tao Tao, and can show me that you do have an actual heart ... then before chasing her, I can also let you take advantage of some of the oh, of course, the real cheap can not give you, but ... but ... but ..."

She blushed but half a day before she vaguely said, "Cuddling words, in fact, is ... possible ... as long as you help me to obtain her forgiveness on it, I can... ...can ..."

She hesitated, half a day to say it, but the meaning is very obvious.

Su Xian: "............ ............... ..."

He has been completely speechless, this woman, really is crazy, right?