
Genshin Rail Chronicles

When Lumine and Paimon returns to Mondstadt, a sudden earthquake shakes the city. Investigating the cause, she and the Knights of Favonius discover the crashed Astral Express from another dimension in the Whispering Woods. The train's crew, led by Welt Yang, reveals they were pulled into Teyvat through a cosmic rift.

Ranch64 · วิดีโอเกม
3 Chs

Echoes in the Woods

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the Whispering Woods as Lumine, Paimon, and a group of knights ventured deeper into the forest. The once tranquil forest was now shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves and the distant call of birds. The air was thick with tension, with every step echoing with a sense of foreboding.

Paimon floated close to Lumine, her usual cheerfulness subdued by the gravity of their mission. "Paimon hopes we find the source of the earthquake soon. This place is giving Paimon the creeps."

Lumine scanned the surroundings, her senses alert for any sign of danger. "Stay close, Paimon. We need to be ready for anything."

The knights, led by Kaeya, moved with disciplined precision, their eyes and ears attuned to the slightest disturbance. Kaeya's icy blue gaze swept the area, his usual nonchalance replaced by a focused determination. "Keep your guard up, everyone. We don't know what caused that quake, but it's bound to be something unusual."

As they advanced, the ground beneath them became more uneven, and the vegetation became denser. The forest seemed almost alive, whispering secrets with each gust of wind. Suddenly, a soft glow caught Lumine's attention. She signaled for the group to halt.

"There's something up ahead," Lumine whispered, pointing toward the source of the light.

Carefully, they approached the glowing object. As they drew closer, it became clear that the light was emanating from a strange, crystalline structure embedded in the ground. It pulsed with a rhythmic energy, casting an otherworldly glow over the surrounding area.

"What is that?" Paimon asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kaeya stepped forward, examining the crystal with a critical eye. "It's unlike anything I've seen before. It doesn't look natural."

Lumine reached out, feeling the energy radiating from the crystal. "It feels... foreign. Like it doesn't belong here."

As she touched the crystal, a sudden vision flashed before her eyes. She saw a massive train, sleek and futuristic, hurtling through a rift in the fabric of reality. The train crashed into the forest, sending shockwaves through the land. The vision ended as abruptly as it had begun, leaving Lumine reeling.

"Lumine! Are you okay?" Paimon asked, concern etched on her face.

Lumine nodded, shaking off the disorientation. "I saw something. A train—an enormous train—crashing through a rift and landing here. That must be the source of the earthquakes."

Kaeya frowned, processing the information. "A train from another dimension? That explains the unusual energy."

One of the knights, a young recruit named Alaric, looked around nervously. "If that's true, then where is this train now?"

Before anyone could respond, a distant sound echoed through the forest—a mechanical whirring, growing louder with each passing moment. The ground trembled slightly under their feet.

"That must be it," Lumine said, her voice resolute. "We need to find it and see if there are any survivors."

The group moved quickly, following the sound deeper into the woods. The trees thinned out, revealing a clearing where the massive train lay sprawled across the ground. The Astral Express was a sight to behold, its sleek metal surface marred by the crash yet still emanating an aura of technological marvel.

As they approached, the train's doors hissed open, and a figure stepped out—a tall man with silver hair and a confident demeanor. He surveyed the newcomers with a calm, analytical gaze.

"Welcome," he said, his voice steady. "I am Welt Yang, and it appears we have much to discuss."

Lumine stepped forward, extending a hand. "I'm Lumine, and this is Paimon. We're here to help."

Welt nodded, shaking her hand firmly. "Thank you. Our arrival here was not by choice. Our train was caught in a cosmic rift and crash-landed in your world. We need to repair the Astral Express and return home, but it seems our presence has caused some unintended consequences."

Lumine furrowed her brow, her gaze sweeping over the surrounding area. "The ley lines... they're damaged." She pointed to the faintly glowing veins of energy that crisscrossed the ground around them, now flickering and unstable.

Lumine furrowed her brow, her gaze sweeping over the surrounding area. "The ley lines... they're damaged." She pointed to the faintly glowing veins of energy that crisscrossed the ground around them, now flickering and unstable.

Before anyone could respond, a faint shimmer caught Lumine's attention. Emerging from the shadows were three figures, each clad in distinct uniforms bearing the emblem of the Astral Express. The first was a woman with fiery red hair and a commanding presence, her eyes sharp and calculating.

"This is Himeko." Welt introduced her with a nod. "Our strategist and leader. She will help us navigate through this."

Himeko gave a curt nod, her expression focused. "Greetings. We're here to assist in any way we can."

Beside Himeko stood a burly man with a rugged demeanor, his hands adorned with intricate gauntlets crackling with elemental power.

"I'm Dan Heng," he said gruffly, acknowledging Lumine and the knights with a nod. "Combat specialist. Let's clean up this mess."

Lastly, a slender woman with a serene aura approached.

"And I am Stelle," she introduced herself. "I am the galactic baseballer." She said she swung her baseball bat.

"I'm Dan Heng," he said gruffly, acknowledging Lumine and the knights with a nod. "Combat specialist. Let's clean up this mess."

Lastly, a slender woman with a serene aura approached. As Stelle swung her baseball bat with a confident air, Lumine couldn't help but smile at the unexpected display of skill.

"And I am Stelle," she introduced herself. "I am the galactic baseballer."

Stelle turned to Welt Yang; her expression was curious yet focused. "Mr. Yang, where's March?"

Standing nearby with a tablet in hand, Welt Yang looked up from his device, his brow furrowed slightly. "March said she wanted to take some photos. So she disappeared. Don't worry, she will be back after she is done."

Stelle nodded, her mind briefly registering the explanation before refocusing on their task at hand. "Understood. Let's continue stabilizing the ley lines."

As they worked to restore balance to the ley lines, a tense silence hung in the air, broken only by the soft hum of elemental energy being channeled. Lumine remained vigilant, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Suddenly, a distant rumble echoed through the forest, followed by the clanking of metal.

"Trouble incoming!" Lumine called out, her voice urgent but composed. "Ruin hunters are approaching!"

Dan Heng and Himeko exchanged puzzled glances, their expressions reflecting confusion at the unfamiliar term. Lumine quickly stepped forward, saying hurriedly, "They're mechanical beings drawn to elemental energy disturbances. We need to defend the lines!"

Understanding the urgency, Himeko and Jean took charge. "Protect the ley lines! Dan Heng, take the front! Stelle, prepare for engagement!"

Jean ordered the knights to stand guard and asked Kaeya and Lumine to engage.

Stelle tightened her grip on her baseball bat, her stance resolute as she braced herself for battle. "I'm ready."