
Genshin Isekai But We Screwed Up The Plot

"I opened my eyes on that beach, the one I remember having seen before when I started playing, but the memories were gone, coming back only after I was done with main events. Strangely enough, I had some strong hunches that lingered about as warnings. The rest is history. This story... even my wildest dreams couldn't have prepared me."

Meritas · วิดีโอเกม
39 Chs

To The Skies We Go

As they went about their way, Mark grew increasingly awkward, aching for a conversation despite not knowing what to say. It all dawned on him in the form of a memory.

"Amber, are we the only travelers you've recently met?"

She turned towards them, glancing curiously with a raised brow.

"Actually," thought Amber," there was a traveler that came here not so long before you together with his companion. Are you perhaps related?"

Mark shook his head, crossing his arms as he felt something nudge at him, a hazing feeling inside his mind.

"Well, I'm really curious about that traveler, but it can wait. For now, please lead the way inside." said Mark, smiling as he moved his arm around in one swift motion.

Amber chuckled, walking them through the large entrance. Once inside, she stopped in her tracks, turning to Mark and Ras with a peaceful expression.

"Let me formally introduce you to the city of wind, dandelions, and freedom. Welcome to Mondstadt."

"Glad to be here," said Ras, glancing around the place. He looked at the people, who were seemingly scarce, with even the few people outside walking in what could be called a light jog.

"For a city of freedom, this place looks pretty downcast."

Mark glanced around, then looked at the sky, surprising even himself.

"Oh," yelped Amber, "I forgot to mention that Stormterror is around. He's a large dragon, so be careful. We should be safer inside the city walls."

Ras nodded, softly elbowing Mark in the side, dragging his head back to earth.

"Yeah, sorry, I was spaced out," apologized Mark, scratching his head with a blank expression on his face.

Amber studied the both of them with a curious face before smiling softly.

"Considering this is your first time in Mondstadt, I have a gift for the both of you."

Mark's glance shot right at Amber, forgetting everything about his inner thoughts and whatever was lingering inside his mind.

"A gift? That sure sounds interesting."

"That was unexpected," added Ras nonchalantly.

Amber motioned for the two to follow, and they made their way to higher ground, right around a large statue that both Mark and Ras studied with curious eyes. It was a peculiar sight in its own right, considering how fine the statue looked. It seemed polished beyond measure, which amazed them.

"Once you know about modern technology, things like this amaze you in somewhat primitive worlds like this," thought Mark as he scratched his chin.

"Are you two ready?" asked Amber with a large grin on her face.

"Amaze us," said Ras, a cheerful smile on his face.

Amber took out two weird pairs of wings, large enough to work for a human.

"Wind gliders. You can use them to ride the wind. What do you think?"

Mark seemed eager, while Ras still felt like an explanation was due.

"Could you perhaps explain it a bit more...logically?" 

Amber nodded. 

"You can use these to glide around. That's what I meant by 'ride the wind'. Also, don't forget that you'll need a license to use them."

Mark thanked Amber and put his glider on, getting a feel for the strange pair of wings.

"Look who finally has wings. Reminds me of a certain Griffith," laughed Ras, nudging Mark as he shot Ras a somewhat idiotic glare.

"Don't remind me about that dude."

Ras took his own glider and put it on.

"For now, how about you test them? I'll go ahead and wait for the two of you down there by the fountain."

With a swift motion, Amber was gone, reaching the fountain before Mark or Ras could even glance down there.

"She sure is fast; I'll give her that," remarked Mark, smiling to himself before turning to Ras, clasping his palms together.

"So, care to go first?"

Ras nodded, standing on the edge of the platform before jumping, glider out, and he watched as the air around him danced around his side, keeping him in the air.


Mark chuckled at Ras' pure enjoyment of the situation, waiting for him to reach the fountain before jumping himself. He leapt off using the mechanical wings, feeling the air resonate with him. As both Amber and Ras inched closer, the sky turned darker, as if an army of clouds stormed in, covering the gentle blue of an untainted sky. Around them, tornadoes began ravaging the town, with one coming right at them.

"Shit!" screamed out Mark, reaching out for Ras as the tornado began dragging him back, ready to swallow all of them. Ras reached out, only for the tornado to suddenly die.

"Huh?" asked Mark, glancing around at the ensuing chaos.

Ras watched with wide eyes and a blank expression, checking his wrist, where he saw a weird light on his arm.

"Dude, that sure is something," said Mark, eyes transfixed on the weird glowing line.

Amber was at a loss for words, only to find that Stormterror dawned upon them, flying above their heads before taking to the skies. Mark, feeling confident with his glider still on, decided to do something rather crazy.

"Wait here, and make sure to catch me if I fall."

He pushed his hands to the ground, palms facing downward, and he focused. A strong Anemo current formed within, and before he knew it, the wind was strong enough that it propelled him to the sky, bringing him right next to the dragon.

Mark's eyes scanned the creature, glancing at the four large wings and the tail. He could make out a weird purple crystal on his back.

"Go with the wind; let it guide you; feel it..." 

Mark thought he was going insane once he heard an unknown voice talk with him.

"Fuck this; I have other issues to deal with."

As his eyes darted to the side, he caught a glimpse of Stormterror coming for him, mouth wide open. Before he knew it, his hand had moved, propelling him to the side enough to dodge the creature. With a single idea in mind, he gave chase, using Anemo to push himself closer to the dragon until he could climb on its back.

He could barely hang on to the scales, feeling them stab his fingers. They were as solid as steel, or at least that's what they felt like. Heart stuck in his throat, Mark began crawling along Stormterror's back, holding the scales for dear life. Each twirling move that the beast made seemed to nearly throw him off, bringing about the smell of the ground and an image of his splashed body on it.

"I'd rather not."

He kept crawling, at one point trying to use Anemo to mitigate the effect air resistance had on him. He made a bubble of air around him, trying to keep other air currents out of it. As he neared the creature's head, he could notice the crystal, a weird mixture of purple and pink, the colors dancing to an intermingled rhythm that made Mark's eyes feel tired all of a sudden.

"Screw this." 

Without hesitation, he raised his fist as high as he could and punched the crystal.

Stormterror let out an incomprehensible screech, twirling its body with so much ferocity that Mark was flung off like a peeble, his eyes witnessing the dragon leave and the sky clearing as he kept falling.

"Well, thank God, I did it!"

A smug smirk sat on his face before the realization that he was falling struck him harder than anything ever had. He twirled his body, and using Anemo, he slowed down his fall in the nick of time. He touched the ground as harshly as one would when jumping off a small tree.

"Phew, that was something."

Before him, Amber sat with wide eyes, walking closer in a heartbeat.

"Are you alright? Just how? You used Anemo?"

Her questions came in flowing like water as she tapped Mark's shoulders, scanning him all over in case he was hurt.

Ras watched with an impressed look, giving Mark a thumbs up.

"Could have worked better on the landing, but overall you did great."

Mark couldn't help but chuckle, yet his laugh was held to a stop by the sudden noise of slow clapping.

"You actually had the power to go up against a dragon? Mark me impressed."

Mark suddenly remembered who the man was, noticing the long-haired blonde man besides him with a floating little someone watching silently at the moment.

"Amber, did you perhaps forget to introduce me?"

Amber sighed, turning towards Mark and Ras.

"This is Kaeya, Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. Beside him are the traveler and his companion."

The traveler lifted a hand, smiling as he waved slowly.

"I am Aether. Nice to meet you."

The floating little creature besides him waved as well, putting more energy into it.

"And Paimon is Paimon."

"The infamous emergency food," blurted out Mark, earning a weird look from Paimon and a small smile from Aether.

Mark chuckled, glancing at Ras, who was barely holding back his laughter, back turned to the others so they couldn't see him.

"Well, the name's Mark, and my friend over there is Ras. We're, in a way, travelers. We happened to reach this place after an unfortunate accident while at sea."

Kaeya nodded, watching carefully while the traveler stood at his side.

"Mark and Ras, I'll make sure to remember. You see, everyone saw the little stunt you pulled, even Jean, the Acting Grandmaster, and she'd fancy you visit her in her office."

Mark's expression nearly spiraled out of control as he fought back the wrong type of thoughts.

"Sure, I guess a visit was due considering our little adventure."

Mark gave Ras a look, checking for the glowing light on his wrist, but saw no trace of it.

"Did I imagine it?"

All of them began walking towards Jean's office, Mark and Ras trailing behind, talking with each other as silently as possible.

"Dude, are we in trouble? Do I finally get to meet Lisa and let her electrocute me?" whispered Ras, the corners of his mouth curling up.

"Don't worry," reassured Mark, "from what I recalled just now, the visit should be some sort of formality, and perhaps we'll discuss further plans."

Ras nodded before walking as if they hadn't even talked, glancing around as they entered the imposing stone building.

I must say, the plot might be moving slow, but I'll try my best to provide as much content as I can. Please bear with me, since I have a lot going on in life right now. Also, don't forget to comment if you feel like it. Peace out, and see you next chapter.

Meritascreators' thoughts