
Genshin Impact: The Elementalist

Warning: I do not own Genshin Impact ====================================== How many elements are there? In Teyvat there's Cyro, Pyro, Dendro, Electro, Geo, Anemo, and lastly Hydro. But what of there is more? What if there is someone in the world that can control all elements at the same time? Or maybe... from another... Come join this wonderful journey in Teyvat as a lone wanderer explores his new home!

FerretLover · วิดีโอเกม
8 Chs


New Book! My writing skills have improved and the genshin impact fanfic is coming out soon. And maybe my novel Epic of the Centipede as well. Enjoy the story!

p.s. check out my other novels. They aren't even close to be completed but it is worth a shot.


It was the middle of the night. A full moon casts it reflection across the world. Along with several festivals and parties in the streets. However there are some with a different intent then partying.

"Tell me... What are we stealing?" David asks. The other two just stay silent, he sighs in confusion.

'Of the times we steal, why now do they. not tell me what to steal' David thought in his head. Eventually the three reach an apartment building.

"This is the place" Olaf said, David and Nick inspected the building.

"Why are we stealing from apartment Olaf?" David asks.

"A Bomb" Silence filled the atmosphere as the both Nick and David tense up.

"A Bomb!?! Olaf we are thieves but we're not killers?!" Nick said. Olaf rolled his eyes.

"We're not gonna use it, someone hired us to steal the bomb because it is found that America is gonna bomb Japan again" Nick jaw dropped at the response.

"Why would they want to bomb Japan again?" David asks.

"Something about them being a superior race" Olaf said. David clenched his fist at this response.

"Nick have the truck at the end of the street, me and David are gonna steal the product" Nick nodded as he walked down the road.

"David I will inform you more about the mission" David nodded in response.

"There is a brief case that seems to be protected by two guards. However there are way more then two. My guess is that there are at least thousands" Along said. David stepped back in shock.

'Thousands... in that small apartment!' David felt terrified at the realization. The two then enter the front door of the apartment. What confused David was that there was no one in sight. They then walk down a hallway and reach the far end of the room.

"Ok David, listen here. The moment I open this door you run got it?" David nodded in response. Olaf slowly walked to the door and held the door knob. He turn back to David and gave a nod. He then swung the door wide open.

David followed his orders and ran outside. To his shock he heard gunshots inside.

"Catch!" Olaf voice rung. David looked back at the hotel to see Olaf throwing a suitcase out the window. David caught it instinctively and a wave.

"RUN!" Olaf yelled again. David tilted his head in confusion. However he immediately understood why. There was a gunshots sound, followed by the Olaf falling out of the window, dead. David became terrified as he saw hundreds of men in black come out of the apartment.

David immediately ran as fast as possible, plunging into the crowd. He move through the people as swift as water. Soon enough he reached the area where truck is.

"NICK!" David yelled out. Nick who was in the driver seat turned over and waved. But stopped seeing people chasing behind him. Much to David dismay... Nick hit the gas and drove off. Leaving David behind alone to fend for himself.

"Damn it Nick!" David cried out. David turn around to see the men in black rushing out of the crowd. He then entered and alleyway to escape.

"C'mon Nick! Why now" David yelled to the rope of his lungs. He was currently running down the alleyway with a suitcase in hand. He heard hundreds of footsteps behind him, chasing him. He did twists and turns in the maze like alleyway, but the footsteps never fall behind. They sound closer and closer every step he took.

"*Pant*" In due time however, David grew tired. After all he is still a human.

"God damnit" He turned around to face the hundreds of men dressed in black chasing after him.

"You know what!?!? If you want this so badly you can take it!" David yelled. He quickly opened the briefcase and pulled out a small metal ball with a red button on top. The men freeze in terror at the sight of the ball.

"Sir, let use settle this peacefully" One on the men in black said.

"Peacefully? PEACEFULLY!?!? I know what your gonna do with this bomb! Your bomb Japan again you fuckers!" David said, some of the men had solemn faces.

"Sir you aren't even japanese, why are you being so resistant?" One of them asks.

"So what if I am not Japanese, they are still humans asshole! Think about the millions of children and people dying because of this!" David yelled.

"I can't take it anymore!" David then pressed the button on the metal bomb. The men in black scream in terror as they try to get away.

"ASTA LA VISTA FUCKERS" Immediately there was a bright flash of light Covering the entirety of California. Then... there was nothing else.

The entirety of California and some part is others states are gone and started to fill with sea water. California to people's dismay, is no more.

This day is now known as the apocalypse day where they pray for the loss of an entire state. A day where everyone becomes miserable with the thought.

After several years someone was actually found out what happened to California and released it to the public. Not only was the other countries was terrified, but also mortified at the fact they were gonna bomb Japan.

Japan was furious at this and encouraged the north Koreans to bomb America. Which succeeded causing world war three. They also found out who stopped Japan from getting bomb and worshiped him as a hero in Japanese culture. He was put into many stories, pictures, Manga, Anime, you name it. But this hero will never see this hero will never see this as he is currently in a predicament.

"What is this place?"

I am finally writing again

FerretLovercreators' thoughts