
Genshin Impact: The Crit Archon

After travelling to many different worlds and many different place, me and my sister lumine, arrived in the world of Tayvat, we were ready to live but we were attacked by an unknown gods, and here I am know walking up with a system, a flying companion names Paimon, and now I am on quests to find my sister and also Make harem because why not ------- The Idea just came to me to so enjoy this, yes this R18, yes probably large harem, anyway if you couldn't tell MC is Aether and yes he will be getting a Harem, no his sister will not be there, also R18 only doesn't mean sex you guys, but yes there will be lemon's MC: Aether Aether X Harem System: 1 Million times crit system

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

Aether Vs Andrius

Aether tightened his grip on Albion, the weight of the system's message sinking in. His eyes met Andrius's, filled with determination and a hint of frustration.

"Alright, Andrius," Aether said, his voice steady despite the tension. "You want a fight? Fine. I'll show you why Mondstadt still needs protection."

Andrius's eyes flickered with something like amusement. "Very well, Traveler. Show me your resolve."

With a powerful roar, Andrius leapt into action, his massive form moving with surprising agility. The ground shook beneath him as he charged at Aether. Snow and wind swirled violently around them, creating a fierce battleground.

Aether activated his Anemo Vision, the wind swirling around him in a protective barrier. He launched himself at Andrius, his sword slicing through the air with precision. The system's notifications flashed in his vision, indicating critical hits as he engaged with the mighty wolf.

Andrius countered with his own powerful attacks. He unleashed a torrent of ice, creating jagged spikes that shot towards Aether. The icy projectiles moved with incredible speed, but Aether's reflexes were heightened by the system's enhancements. He dodged and weaved through the attacks, striking back with a series of precise, calculated blows.

The battle was intense. Andrius roared in frustration as Aether's relentless attacks began to wear him down. The wolf's movements grew slower, but his attacks remained deadly. Aether had to stay focused, his eyes scanning for any signs of weakness.

[ Critical Hit: 701 times ]

The system's alerts were a constant reminder of the stakes. Aether knew he had to avoid getting hit by any of Andrius's ice attacks and avoid passing out. The cold was biting, and each near-miss with the icy shards tested his endurance.

Aether took advantage of every opportunity, using his enhanced Anemo abilities to create gusts of wind that deflected Andrius's attacks and allowed him to close the distance. Andrius then sent a powerful blast of wind, as Aether just moved and ducked, as then he jumped to the air and started to trace on as he traced on a few throwing knife as he sent to Andrius, seeing this sent a powerful blast if ice as Aether jumped out thr way, as he then tunred invisible using some Invisibility mage craft

Andrius was Aether desiper. "I see you turned invisible, that won't do much".

Andrius sent a powerful blast of wind as Aether but as wall, as his Invisibility spell tunred of, as Aether just felt down but looked at Andrius, as he actived a few fire mage craft and started to worm him self up

Aether looked at Andrius. "How did you see me"

Andrius's gaze remained unyielding as he looked at Aether, his form exuding an aura of cold determination.

"I am not easily deceived," Andrius said, his voice echoing with a mixture of authority and weariness. "The winds are my allies. I can sense even the slightest disturbance."

Aether, recovering from the impact, quickly scrambled to his feet. He activated his Fire Magecraft, surrounding himself with a protective barrier of flames to ward off any subsequent attacks. The intense heat from the flames contrasted sharply with the icy environment, creating a dramatic clash of elements.

Aether raised Albion, ready to strike. "Then I'll just have to adapt. Let's see how you handle a different approach!"

With a burst of speed, Aether charged at Andrius, using his enhanced agility to dodge the incoming blasts of ice and wind. His sword cut through the air with precision, aimed at finding a weak point in Andrius's defenses.

Andrius, while powerful, was not invulnerable. Each clash of their attacks sent shockwaves through the battlefield. Aether's quick reflexes and ability to mix elemental magecraft made him a formidable opponent. He combined Fire Magecraft with Anemo to create scorching whirlwinds, forcing Andrius to continuously adjust his strategy.

Andrius roared in frustration as Aether's relentless assault pushed him back. The wind gusts and icy spikes grew more erratic as Andrius tried to regain control. He began to use his full might, summoning massive tornadoes and hailstorms to engulf Aether.

Undeterred, Aether continued to maneuver through the chaos, his senses honed by the system's enhancements. He noticed the pattern in Andrius's attacks and used it to his advantage. With calculated strikes and swift dodges, Aether managed to land several critical hits on Andrius, each attack amplified by the system's crit effect.

[ Critical Hit: 1,000 times ]

The system's alerts flashed, reinforcing Aether's resolve. He used this momentum to unleash a powerful combination attack: a swirling vortex of fire and wind that collided with Andrius's ice storm.

Andrius staggered, visibly affected by the combined assault. His immense power was beginning to wane, and he seemed to struggle against Aether's persistent attacks. The wind and ice around them grew turbulent, reflecting the intensity of the battle.

Aether, seizing the opportunity, pressed his advantage. He launched a final, decisive attack, combining the full force of his Fire Magecraft with a critical strike from Albion. The flames surged forward, engulfing Andrius in a brilliant blaze.

The wolf god roared in pain, his form flickering as the combined elements overwhelmed him. With a final, powerful blast, Andrius was forced to yield, collapsing to his knees.

Breathing heavily, Aether approached Andrius, who looked up with a mix of respect and resignation. The battle had taken its toll on both of them, but Aether's determination had proven victorious.

"Will you now protect Mondstadt?" Aether asked, his voice firm but weary.

Andrius nodded slowly, his gaze softening. "You have shown me the strength of your conviction. I will return to my duty and protect this city as I once did."

Aether nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. The battle had been intense, but the outcome had restored the balance. As the storm clouds began to clear and the snow subsided, Aether and Andrius shared a moment of mutual understanding or he though before heard what Andrius said next

Andrius looked at Aether. "You proved a lot but I still haven't lost, can you take this on"

Aether just looked at Andrius. "Your one stubborn wolf".

As then Aether saw a whole powerful wind picking um, as Aether then saw it it was mix of wind and ice as he sent a powerful blast.

Aether just moved his hand before he spoke. "Blue"

As he called from his 5th through magic as then multiple blue spell came up as it was the first time he was using it like that, as then he looked at he slammed each of the circle together a blast of pure energy let out the Ten magical circkes Aether then saw the system

[ You have crit on magic, you have crit on your through magic Blue, you have crit on power, you have crit one damages, 1 million times crit effect as been actived multiplying everything ]

As the blast went Andreas eyes widents, as it hit him, as the blast clear Andrius hit the wall, but everything has changed where Aether was standing was blue flower, sky where thr blast had fired to the sky was mix of day and afternoon, a part of the whole area was changed, as meanwhile in Liyue Xiao was visiting rhr grave of one if his old friend her name was Bananus she was Yaksha like him, but she was killed, Xaio then saw blast of pure blow energy it hit him and the grave as the next thing Xiao he saw an old friends ans standing Infront of him was Bananus, Aether blast didn't stopped there Sumeru desert a part of it was turned into a lust blue forest, Cyno who was walking to the forest and moved away fron the attack saw the forcest

Back with Aether he just pulled his hand down and saw eh damage, he couldn't see all the thing he did but seein the blast was big and strong he knew this world had changed a bit

Aether just looked at the damage. "Ok holy damm, what just happened".

As Aether surveyed the aftermath of his powerful attack, the impact of the blast was clear. The area around him had transformed dramatically, with the landscape altered into a surreal blend of blue and white.

Andrius, struggling to get to his feet, looked around in disbelief at the changes. The once-familiar terrain had been reshaped, with blue flowers and a sky that seemed to oscillate between day and afternoon. His gaze was filled with a mix of astonishment and resignation.

"Impressive," Andrius admitted, his voice strained but respectful. "Your power has far exceeded what I expected. The effects of your magic have transcended mere battle."

Aether, still catching his breath, examined the strange phenomena his attack had caused. The blue flowers, the altered sky, and the new landscapes in Liyue and Sumeru were far beyond what he had anticipated. The sheer magnitude of the blast had seemingly disrupted the fabric of reality itself.

"That wasn't supposed to happen," Aether said, more to himself than to Andrius. "I just wanted to show my strength, not change the entire world."

As he pondered the consequences, a ripple of energy surged through him, and the system's notifications appeared.

[ Warning: High-scale reality manipulation detected. ]

[ New Elemental Disturbance: Blue Energy Effects. ]

[ System Update: Realignment of magical power necessary. Adjustments to elemental balance required. ]

Aether's eyes widened at the system's alerts. The scale of his attack had not only affected the immediate area but also created significant disturbances in other regions. He knew he needed to act quickly to prevent further unintended consequences.

Meanwhile, in Liyue, Xiao, who had been visiting Bananus's grave, was startled by the sudden appearance of his old friend. The grave, now transformed into a lush, blue forest, was a surreal and emotional sight for him. He stood there, unsure of what to make of the sudden change and the appearance of Bananus.

In Sumeru, Cyno had witnessed the forest's transformation from a distance. His keen eyes observed the unnatural shift in the landscape, and he quickly deduced that something significant had occurred.

Back at the site of the battle, Aether turned to Andrius, his face set with determination. "I need to fix this. I didn't mean for my attack to cause such widespread changes."

Andrius, though battered, nodded in understanding. "The power you wield is immense, and with that power comes the responsibility to manage its effects. If you need assistance, I will offer it."

Aether, feeling the weight of his actions, nodded gratefully. "Thank you. I'll do what I can to reverse the damage and stabilize the elemental balance."

As he prepared to address the new challenges posed by his powerful magic, Aether knew that he would have to navigate the complexities of his abilities and their impact on the world. His journey was far from over, and the responsibility he now carried was greater than ever.

Andrius then looked at Aether. "Maybe you don't need to fix everything, why don't you just fix the sky and that is enough I am pretty sure noting much had happened".

Andrius's suggestion was practical but left Aether with mixed feelings. He still felt the weight of responsibility for the broader changes caused by his attack.

Andrius then looked at Aether. "Maybe you don't need to fix everything, why don't you just fix the sky and that is enough I am pretty sure noting much had happened".

Aether looked at Andrius, his determination wavering. "But the changes go beyond just the sky. The landscape in other reason maybe effected there's no telling what effects my magic has had on those regions."

Andrius, still regaining his strength, nodded thoughtfully. "True, the ripple effects may be significant. However, if you can at least restore the sky to its normal state, it might mitigate some of the disturbances caused by your attack."

Aether took a deep breath, considering Andrius's advice. He glanced at the altered sky above, the surreal blue hues still swirling in a mix of day and afternoon. With a focused expression, he raised his hand and began to concentrate on restoring the balance.

He invoked his Blue mage craft to stabilize the sky, using his control over elemental energies to blend the strange blue effects back into a natural, clear sky. The process was intricate, as he carefully wove the elements together to reverse the anomalies.

As Aether worked, the sky slowly began to shift back to its familiar azure blue, the strange effects fading away. The surrounding area still bore traces of the blue flowers and altered terrain, but the sky now seemed to return to its normal state.

Paimon, who had been watching anxiously, let out a relieved sigh. "Looks like you're getting it under control, Aether!"

Andrius observed the changes with a nod of approval. "Well done. Restoring the sky was a good start. It's a step towards addressing the broader consequences of your magic."

Aether, wiping sweat from his brow, turned to Andrius. "Thank you for the guidance. I'll still need to look into the impacts on other reasons, but I'm glad I could at least fix the sky."

Andrius's gaze softened as he looked at Aether. "You've shown great potential and responsibility. Continue to use your power wisely, and remember that sometimes, addressing the immediate effects is a step towards managing the larger consequences."

With the sky returned to normal and a clearer understanding of his responsibilities, Aether prepared to address the remaining issues. The battle with Andrius had been a turning point, and he knew that his journey to balance his abilities and their impacts was far from over.

Aether and Paimon left totally forgetting Razer wa there, as he saw something his mind can't process, as his Brain had chased.

After waking for a while Aether just looked at the system. "Ok I know through magic from the Nasuverse is over powered especially Blue sense it basically Reality denial, but how did was it so strong also did I compleat all requirements to for the mission".

[ To answer the question, it was because of the crit effect, as for the second question the answer is yes, giving the rewards ]

As Aether reviewed the system's response, he processed the information with a mix of relief and curiosity. The crit effect on his Through Magic, combined with its inherent Reality Denial capabilities, had indeed amplified the power of his spell significantly.

He was about to examine his rewards when the system provided further details:

[ **Rewards Granted:**

- **Wolf Dagger:** A weapon imbued with Andrius's elemental power, enhancing Aether's attack with wind and ice properties.

- **Wolf Armour:** A set of armor providing increased protection and boosting Aether's control over Anemo and ice elements.

- **Enhanced Control over Anemo Element:** Improved proficiency and effectiveness in using Anemo abilities.

- **Increased Ice Magecraft Power:** Amplified capabilities in ice-based magecraft.]

Aether nodded in satisfaction as he reviewed his rewards. The Wolf Dagger and Armour would be valuable assets, and the enhancements to his elemental control would significantly aid him in future battles and challenges.

Paimon, having noticed Aether's contemplative mood, floated closer. "What did the system say? Did you get everything sorted?"

Aether smiled, holding up the system screen for her to see. "Yes, I completed all the requirements for the mission. I received some great rewards too."

As he equipped the new gear and tested its effects, Aether felt a renewed sense of purpose. The power boost and new items would certainly make a difference as he continued his journey.

With the immediate concerns addressed, Aether and Paimon resumed their travels, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead. The journey to restore balance and deal with the impacts of his powerful abilities had just begun, and they were prepared to face it together.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stone