
Genshin Impact: Rebirth of the unchain Berserker beast

Ambrose A warrior that was a part of the berserker's group were man and women partake they were all brothers and sisters Until the great betrayal happen his fellow brothers and sisters fall in the hands of a group of people that were against the berserkers who they call demons because of their ferocious and dark nature in battle Ambrose is kill at his last stand remembering the lost of brethren He is fuel with rage. Until a voice calls out to him to give him a chance to live in another world. But before that could happen he is leave with a task save it’s people from the incoming calamity. or will Ambrose not care at all. only doing as he pleases in the world he is sent. [images are not mine. All images are use as reference to what is going on the story. I repeat images are use respectfully.]

c_fanficsCSM · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs


"Well that was easy." Said patli as she saw the ducks happily gobble up the floating bread crumbs on the water's surface.

"Hmrg!" grunted ambrose looking at the ducks who were happily scarfing down their wet bread crumbles.

"Well seems that that well be for the whole day then." Spoke as he wrote on a open book from whatever place or orifice he pull it off from.

"Well apart from the horses we brought." he look over to the right side of the of the entrance of the city, seeing four knights Struggle with one black horse that stood on it's back legs whenever a knight tried to approach it. "Aaaaaaaaaah sometimes the knights are . . .

"Useless Meat bags." Said ambrose as he walk away from the edge of the river.

"Oh please! don't say that mercenary Ambrose. All the knight's of favonius are always working hard to maintain order in the city of Mondstadt

Mika watch Ambrose walk tours the small line of trees behind them.

"What's wrong with him? Did anything happen?." Mika ask as he watch Ambrose press his left shoulder, leaning on an Apple tree.

"He's . . . . . i guess you can say . . Grumpy?." Responded patli as she look at Ambrose leaning on one of the trees with his back, starring out into the distance. "Just give him some time he'll be fine."

Ambrose stood there leaning on the tree as he look off to the distance at the tall grass sway back and forward from the gentle breeze that it too caress Ambroses hair and skin.

The breeze tickled his skin, making the hairs on his neck stand on end but he still kept his face stoic.

until he felt a strong tickle run all over his right arm. He lifted his hand covered by the leathers straps right in front of him, dwelling on it carefully. looking at his hand carefully taking every detail of his hand, especially the scars already healed by the passing of the years that were scattered on his forearm, but there was one in particular.

It was a line-shaped scar that ran from his wrist to his arm, the scar itself looking like it had been cut and sewn several times almost as if his muscles had once burst. He had it on every section of his body, old scars, lines that trailed around his arms, legs, back, pectorals and his abdomen.

He turned his hand into a hard fist, clenching it so tightly that the veins stood out on his forearm. His veins at first were in his natural color but in a second his veins turned black, as if darkness had taken over them. His knuckles cracked so hard on his hand that they penetrated the leather straps, leaving perfect holes the size of his knuckles.

"Are you still in there with, right?" what was inside his veins pulsed with him in response turning a little darker as if he was about to explode.

"Nectare Ira." He spoke almost as a whisper

sometimes he wanted to die knowing that he had this atrocious liquid inside his blood system, that his heart was pumping. that dark, cursed fluid was his reminder that he was a slave in the massive arenas of Nuceria, a place where lives were seen only as disposable pawns for the entertainment of ruthless tyrants who induced gladiatorial fights to the death. At the same time, they created killing machines filling them with augments, chemicals, and something else worse that would allow the desire for death to be seen as a hope and a path to freedom for those who are subjected to augmentations.

those that came out of the augmentations were no longer human, they became monsters that served as beings full of muscles on the verge of making their skin burst, and in the worst case they lost their being and began to walk on all fours like wild animals , killing all beings that came within its range of vision of its gray pupil eyes.

those who still conceived their being became soldiers, ready for war. while those who lost their being were thrown by the tyrants into the arena to fight against the gladiators.

and if one of the gladiators survived.

he was the next volunteer for augmentations.

They were all drag against their will as they kick., scream, bite, and scratch. As to fight their way out as to escape the augmentation process.

The hearts would be removed as they were carved out and were replaced by another new heart. That was still beating as it ooze out the infernal and atrocious substance. As that all happened While they were still awake.

something that no gladiator couldn't be save from their incoming doom, if they have been chosen. Something that even him couldn't even save from.

"I wish i had died in that goddamn augmentation operating room instead of having." He looked down at his chest, as he trace his hand down his chest feeling as if the scar had been open again "This beating organ Called 'heart' by those who put it in me. As to make into one of their beasts, It's nothing more than a bloody reminder of the hell that was Nuceria." His face softened becoming one of nostalgia, while his eyes hid a sadness that was peeking out.

"sometimes I ask myself." He looked up, looking at the blue sky seeing the warp clouds moving slowly "I wonder if you are there among the clouds or wherever place you are spartack, Watching me and remembering the times we fought together in the arenas of Nuceria"

"Are you still up there or somewhere else?." He shifted his gaze down to the living green grass "Are you there?"


He felt silent for the moment letting his skin be caress by the strong yet soft breeze that was blowing him as he took in the breeze welcoming it on his lungs, he breathed deeply.

"Hey angry." spoke patli who approached a few steps, and stopped keeping a space between the two.

"What are we going to do?" she spoke putting her hands on her hips. waiting for an annoying response from ambrose or maybe mocking, but to her surprise.

". . ."

Ambrose didn't answer anything, standing there looking straight ahead where his body was pointing.

Still, motionless, and with a stoic face, he looked as if he were a statue carved by some professional artist.

"Hey, are you there?." asked patli as he shook his head next to her. "Hello! I'm communicating with ambrose from monstadt, you copy me, over."

Still nothing nor an answer.

and that was because his ears caught sounds like approaching drums. the sounds were a few miles away from them but his enhanced ears managed to pick up sounds like footsteps rapidly approaching.

The advantage of being a person with augmentations, was that your senses were increased to full capacity, and that his eyes too had changed from their once natural color to a gray one.

something that the last prey he hinted saw before being decapitated by its own weapon.

"hey you cop—" She didn't finish what she was going to say, as Ambrose moved quickly drawing out his claymore moving towards the edge of the road with his claymore ready in his right hand, ready to split in half anything that was rapidly approaching his direction.

"what's happening?!." Patli asked in surprise at Ambrose's sudden quickness. This caused Mika's attention to switch from his book he was writing to fall on Ambrose when he noticed that his claymore was unsheathed.

"What's wrong mercenary Ambrose l? Something's or some one is coming?" asked mika looking at ambrose who didn't say anything as he stared unblinkingly into the distance of the dirt road.

Mika followed Ambrose's glare

At a distance he saw Tall figures that were moving swiftly towards them. Mika immediately summoned his spear, that appeared with a flash of light in the shape of a stick in his right hand.

The closer the figures got, the more the tension rose. that was until the figures became notable.

They were a few adventurers from the guild who were riding horses that were running quickly in their direction Leaving behind a small cloud of dust This calmed the tension that there was when seeing that it was only them and not the horde. They were five adventurers who had returned.

(Author note rant: i really don't fucking know if horses do exist in genshin. From what i heard is that venti didn't let it's folk use horses as to travel since it went against their belief in freedom? And rather use the gliders as to travel, since it's more easy? Even do they have a stable with saddles?. That don't make sense to me on how the fuck do they get their supplies from out the city, like transporting goods. And why is kaeya named cavalry captain?. So anyways i added horses into this chapter and probably the next chapters.)

At first, the adventurers looked good but tired as they began to dismount from their mounts, that was until one fell from his mount, hitting the ground hard as if it were a sack of potatoes.

"Michael!!" a nearby female adventurer yelled, quickly dismounting and heading towards him.

"But what? How did he faint." Mika asked with disbelief looking at the adventurer ."he had just arrived healthy and in good condition." Stun by the sudden event

"idiot." Ambrose spoke with mockery "Look at them more closely."

At first, Mika didn't know what Ambrose was referring to, but when she turned to see the adventurers again, you were more attentive and focused. His eyes widened to see that the supposedly healthy adventurers he had seen were full of bruises and deep wounds.

Without thinking he made the spear disappear from his hand and took out a crossbow that was hanging behind him. he aimed it at the sky, and with a whistle of an arrow wrapped in thread of ice, it shot up a couple of good meters away from them exploding like a rocket.

drawing the attention of the knights who were near the entrance to the city or who were inside it.

"But how did this come to pass." Mika wondered, watching the scene in disbelief.

"they attacked us . . . the hilichurls . . attacked us out of nowhere . . they appeared like a horde of ants . . rushing at us like fishing nets." A young adventurer spoke with a grimace of pain, who was holding his forearm that was broken by the fact that his skin seemed misshapen. "All of them, those damned monsters . . . worked together."

"Worked together?" Patli repeated in a low voice, something that Ambrose came to hear and turned his attention from the adventurers to Patli, who had a face of disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Ambrose asked with a neutral tone. "You seem to be surprised by what the boy said."

"and I am." At this Ambrose gave a raised eyebrow.

"Don't get me wrong, every clan I've seen or interacted with, all of them make a small group when they went to steal resources. Ot was like a small . . . "

"horde." Spoke ambrose

"Yeah, yeah, a horde. But they were never too coordinated." she had a puzzle expression on her. "They never got together because if they did they would end up in disputes and fights between the clans, of who gets to keep the loot." She was concentrating on thinking and analyzing that was until an idea came to her head, hitting her like a bucket of water as if it were a revelation.

"Not at least that . . ."

Her eyes widened at the thought. Judging by the Ambrose didn't show any emotion as he already had the answer.

"not at least that som--"

"Someone is leading them."

Ambrose finished the last sentence that Patli was going to say.

This already got more interesting than it was." Ambrose put back the claymore behind him, walking towards the entrance of the bridge where the adventurers were treating their wounds to the best of their ability.

"Michael, are you fine?." asked t

a female adventurer placing her hand on the adventurer's cheek.

"Yes, I'm fine, Maria." said the adventurer. "But . . be more careful with your hand on my cheek . . . Ouuch."

"oh sorry." said the adventurous Maria, quickly removing her hand from his cheek that started to immediately bleed From a horizontal cut.

"Hey you."

The adventurer known as Michel, turned his attention to the front, as he felt an overwhelming aura that resembled that of a predator. The horse behind him also seemed to be sorry, and at the same time I let out a little neigh.

He was slowly approaching where he was, the adventurer was speechless as the air became more and more dangerous with each step, he felt as if he were a cornered hare, ready to be brutally torn apart.

Michel slowly looked up from him, at first noticing two dirty combat boots with little brown circles.

The young man looked up at him taking every detail of the person who was in front of him. Dirty black pants stained with the same brown circles as the poncho that the individual in front of him was wearing, still feeling that predatory aura but this time close.

at first the adventurer thought he was another adventurer, a new one. judging by the dirty outfit he had on him.

but he was very wrong. When looking at the face of the supposed adventurer, he noticed small scars scattered on his face some large and yet others small, making it clear that this 'adventurer' is not a beginner. especially a long scar that ran from his left eyebrow to almost reaching his chin.

Some adventurers would be intimidated by his appearance and clothing.

but for him, what was intimidating was not his height and appearance. It was his gray and relaxed eyes that saw him with indifference, as if he were something insignificant, nothing more than an ant in the eyes of a great indescribable predator.

"judging by your appearance." He spoke, looking at him from head to toe. "You received the best part of the treatment."

"what do you want." asked the adventurer attempting to throw a menacing look at the adventurer in front of him..

"Tell me boy who left you, worse than a low-priced whore." He spoke mocking him while ignoring he ignored her not paying any attention to her. As his main focus was on the wounded adventurer known as Michael.

This angered the adventurer a bit, but nonetheless the young adventurer was not going to put on defiant faces, thinking that if he did that he would have already signed his death sentence by provoking the supposed young human in front of him that radiated a murderous aura.

but before he could answer. The adventurer Maria spoke quickly.

"Speak with more new respect." Maria barked at the young man "He almost died for saving our lives, besides he is of higher rank than you!"

"Hey A." Spoke patli who had a nervous expression on her as she stood there, trying to not even get close as she too felt the aura that cam out of ambrose. " I think you should . . You know settle down a bit."

"Uhm . . . Mercenary ambrose." Spoke mika as he slowly approached him take him careful steps as he was approaching a beast. "Please be more consi—"

"tell me." Ambrose spoke, sounding clearer as he kept his stoic inexpressible gaze on the adventurer "who was the lucky one?." Ambrose was more focused on him than the woman.

Apparently this caused a spark of rage and anger to ignite inside her that made her move automatically at once. As she raise her left hand ready to throw a left punch as she took one step forward.

And one step forward was enough, as in a blink of an eye she was lift of the ground by a strong hand that had clamp around her neck and had violently lifted her up in the air. The sudden move had caused her head to rocked back and forward at the same time she instinctively put both of her arms forward as to feel what was it that hold her neck.

The adventurers face quickly changed to one of aggression as he attempted to get up using his good limbs. But to late for him, as a boot stomp on his inner thigh were a vertical open wound was.

"AAAAAAAAARGH." He let out howl of pain as he felt the right boot push on his tight, making immense pain to instantly flare up and travel around his body freezing every muscle as his mind changed to the immense pain that was on his tight.

"I won't . ."

He applied more pressure on his right foot as well as his left hand were he held the female. Both struggling to free from his grasp, especially the adventurer maria who was being slowly choked out by Ambroses left hand.

"Repeat my self again. But I'll do it anyway, for this last time and i you don't answer."

"OR EVEN IF ONE OF YOU ATTEMPTS TO MAKE A MOVE." Ambrose yell as he didn't bother to turn around to check the other three adventurer who were trying to sneak up behind him.

The other adventures had stop a couple of feet from him. As they look at each other with disbelief as How was he able to hear them getting close.

Easy yet short answer His augmented hearing.

"Your little fuck toy here. . ." He spoke as he maintained his attention on the adventurer he had pinned down.

He started to apply pressure on the female adventurer's neck. She in response let out a small raspy breath.

"Is going to have her throat ripped to shreds."

The pinned adventurer had nothing to do but watch helplessly as the young man held her partner like a piece of meat up in the air.

Ambrose's was starring down at the adventurer with sharp and dangerous grey eyes. That was until he saw the adventurer stare at his belt where his enormous knife was poking out.

Ambrose's mouth began to twist in a twisted grin, showing his sharp canine teeth.

In one quick motion with his he had unsheathed his knife and pressed the sharp tip of the knife that faced upward on the female's adventurer private part.

(One slice it all comes spilling out.)

This was noticed by all of them who were around, even mika who was left stunned as well as patli who stare with disbelief and shock.

But, even do mika was stunned he still tried to talk Ambrose out of what he was doing.

"M-Mercenary A-A-Ambrose. . Please note that t-his is an o-ooutrageous a-act." He spoke as he look at Ambrose. "T-This w-wouldn't go w-well with g-g-grandmaster jean."

"So what?." Responded ambrose without bothering to even look at him. "As far as i know SHE was the one who was about to hit me and so . . I responded with the same exact face of the coin." He spoke mockingly that make almost sound like some lunatic.

"Sooo technically . . . it would be self defense wouldn't it."

"Y-Yes but to go to that extent . . I-It is not morally corr—"

"Kid." Ambrose turn his head tours mika. At this point mika thought of Ambrose as none as a grumpy yet serious person who gets things done, but that changed quickly, as well as his perspective of him.

That inexpressive face of his was no longer there as it was changed by wild animalistic grey eyes that stare at him with insanity and ferocity as well as a twisted grin.

"I am capable of damn near everything." He spoke. There were no compasión or even a trace pf warmth on his eyes As it was the only replace with cruelty.

A cruelty that would know no bound if he is further provoke.


"Come on you stupid horse!!."

the knight yelled, trying to grab the reins of the black horse that neighed away from him and standing on his feet trying to intimidate the knights. who in response turned away from the wild animal.

"I don't think any of us are going to be able to calm this wild animal."

The horse neighed, shaking its head from side to side, mocking the knights as it began to trot in circles.

"Damn beast!!." the knight yelled as he watched the beast mocking his miserable attempts to tame it.

"let's get out of here." spoke another knight who was walking to the entrance of the city. "Let's let kaeya ​​solve this problem. Besides, he's the cavalry captain."

"you're right, let's get out of here." the knight turned towards the entrance together with the other knights who surrendered into controlling the beast.

When they were already leaving, they saw a couple of feet ahead of them a young man taking quick steps towards and as he got closer a feeling of discomfort began to build more and more as the boy got closer.

It began to become unbearable, some of them backed down and others stumbled trying to move away.

all the knights moved out of his way, letting the boy pass.

"Is that boy crazy or what?!" A knight spoke looking at how the boy with the black hair combined with white lines approaching the black horse.

"What he's to do is not going to work out well for him." Spoke another.

The horse that had caused so much trouble was busy grazing the pasture. That was until out of the corner of his eye he saw a young man approaching in his direction and pausing a few feet away from him, keeping his distance as the horse immediately turned around aggressively looking at the young man and again began his sudden and aggressive movements trying to intimidate the young man just like it had intimidated the knights

The knights expected to see the young man get scared or have a reaction from him or even flinch

But he didn't flinched, and show no emotion. But in response, he made something that would leave the knights dumbfounded as well as the beast infront of him.

right slap was delivered towards the jaw of the horse, impacting with enough force that made the beast loose it's balance as it fell onto its side.

The beast neigh and move his limbs trying to get up.

But a boot press down on its neck, aggressively pinning the beast down to the ground. The beast all it could do was stare at the young man with defiance who had him pinned.

The young to stare back at him, but not with anger or a shitty grin but rather with a neutral yet calm expression. But it's grey eyes said the opposite as they were full with a predatory malice that burn brightly.

"Nice and easy." Spoke the young man as his right hand patted the horse on the cheek, at first the beast flinch by his touch but relax as he took his boot of its neck.

All the knights were left speechless as the horse got up, as it look to the young man with a submission as it kept its head down.

"How . . . Was he . . . Able to . . to." The knight had no words as he watched the young man get on top of the horse in one quick jump still carrying the claymore on his back.

He firmly grab the reins of the horse an with a hit of the back of his boot to beast's side he was off, as the horse took of galloping.

Leaving all the knights dumb founded.



"What do you think it's going on traveler?." Ask a paimon who struggled to float faster to keep up with her companion.

"Didn't you hear what the knights said out loud you bird brain!!." Yell lumine sprinting as mich as her legs would allow her.

"Hey!!." Paimon protested

"The horde, is attacking." Lumine said "it was supposed to be tomorrow but looks like it has started now."

"Why can't we have a normal day for once. Isnt there enough trouble as it is!!" She yell in frustration at what her companion said.

Both of them were bolting through the center of the city, Dodging and weaving, either be from people or crates.

"Hey there is the entrance of the city." Spoke Paimon pointing in front of her.

They were feet away from exiting but had to come to a complete stop as something huge and dark, had quickly got in their way blocking it completely.

For a few seconds she saw a huge black four legged beast galloping with it on its back a familiar shape that ride it. Dark hair with white lines, and dressed in all black with a weird claymore that look like knife.

It exactly fit the description of the young man whom almost kill Dvalin as well as the mercenary The grandmaster jean had hired.

She saw the beast gallop leaving small speck of dust as it pass through the bridge like a dart being thrown at full speed.

Without wasting any time she too started to run quickly leaving behind a spook paimon by the sudden appearance of the beast.

"H-Hey!! wait for me!!!." Yell paimon who floated froward trying to close the gap that lumine had left between each other.

Lumine open her left hand as smalls gust of wind started to gather as it shine a bright teal color. She Pointing her hand forward as the gust of winds started to take the shape of a swirl.

"Go with the wind!!."

The swirl on her hand that had being increasing, was shoot forward impacting the ground and formed a whirlwind that slowly started to become bigger by each second it pass.

She with no tume to waste she leap forward at the time her glider was summoned.

And wit a quick jump and the boost of the wind she had created. She was sent flying upward, gaining height as well as speed as she soar the sky chasing after the mercenary.



{LOCATION: sprinvale}


Once a small yet peaceful town, was now turn into a blood drenched battlefield as the body of hilichurl's as well as the bodies adventurers who where torn apart or perfectly bisected by something sharp or something with jagged teeth.


The one responsible for the bisected jet torn body's was engage and lock in a fierce combat with three individuals.

One of them being the Master of dawn winery himself, the outrider Amber, and the spindrift knight Eula.

All three Lock on one individual, who they try to bring down but couldn't as the figure counter their every moved dodging and countering them. Even using their own momentum's against them.

For a warrior of The blood God, it show as he mocked the three of them as he parry one of Eula's slash going for it's shoulder with his sword and cut down amber's arrow in mid air as he deliver a downward chop that had almost split diluc in two if it wasn't for his reflexes.

"IS THIS REALLY THE SO CALL KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS I HEARD ABOUT?!." He yell delivering vicious strikes down at eula with his sword as well as diluc who constantly dodge each swing of the huge axe.

The khorne warrior quickly moved to the side as he slash at eula who in retaliation jump back. He saw three arrows sunk into the ground were he was previously standing.

He look back were the arrows had came from and saw a girl perched up on top of one of the houses a few feet away.

The khorne warrior let out a growl as he bare his teeth but was cover by the mouth guard that cover.

"Distance attacks." He spoke with his voice fill with unwavering rage and that distraction alone was when diluc made his move with his claymore unleashing his vision's elemental burst


And with that a great bright burning flame was thrown forward by the forward hard swing of the claymore.

The chaos warrior turned his head back to its previous targets but his vision was blocked by a huge flame of great size with the shape of what resembled a hack with it's wings open as well as its talons.

Many enemies would have felt the an immense fear as the immense flames in shape of a predatory bird was heading into its direction, wether be hilichurl's, or even abyss mage's.

Naturally all things fear the blazing infernal heat of the fire.

Well . . .

that is if this chaos warrior even had any clue of the definition of fear or even self preservation.

With not even a single trace of fear or even doubts, the warriors quickly rush at the big burning bird that was approaching him fast.

"Is he insane?!" Yell amber as she saw the warrior rushed at dilucs elemental burst. "He's going to be incinerat—."

And with the sound of the roaring flames, the fire had engulfed the warrior that had rushed tours it. The fiery bird had exploded like a water balloon, leaving a huge puddle of fire that burned brightly.

"As expected." Diluc spoke as he watched the "Either The abyss order is running out of servants to do their bidding, and are sending their short intelligence idiots as their last resort."

Eula on the other hand remain silent as she watched the flaming pool flames danced and she did. She remembered the fight she had with ambrose.

Remembering the way he moved and attacked. The warrior that she and the dilic had fight seem to have the same styles of fighting, both animalistic, uncontrollable and aggressive.

But the warrior had something off about him, the way he put weight in each strike, wether be his sword or the wicked battle axe.

There was no technique. But rather. . . Violence

'Unhinged violence'

Before she could think anymore, the sound of loud footsteps pull her away, making her eyes lay again onto the pool of fire.

"Disappointing." Came a raspy deep voice from the fire as it slowly approached. Once again diluc summoned its sword on his hands.

"None here has given me a real reason to fight."

Amber ready three more arrows on her bow ready to shoot them at the warrior, even the two claymore wielders stood on there fighting stances.

The three of them stood in there stances speechless as they saw the warrior emerged out of the flames untouched by the burning heat.

"Your puny weak god Barbatos, won't be here to save you." He spun his two weapons making the edges clash together, causing sparks to fly out of them.

"No one leaves the slaughter house." His dark sclera eyes highlighted his red pupils shine with a red glow as black veins began to appear on his neck that trace all the way to his eyes.

As that happened he slumped forward as his breathing became agitated and slowly but surely he started to let out a guttural growl.

"Eat this!!." She let go of the string, letting the three arrows fly to its target. At the same time the two claymore wielders went forward embedding their weapons with their visions element.

The arrows were close to impact their target's back, but a silver blur stop it from happening as the arrows were reflected back, sending them to their owner who had to dodge her own arrows as they pass by her inches close from her head, but only one arrow had dug itself in amber's chest.

"Amber" yell aula as she saw the outrider fall to the green grass ground, desperation tried to take over her but suddenly disappeared as it was replaced by anger as well as rage.

The feeling was mutual as Dilucs expression became hard.

The two claymore wielders took no time as to deliver a deadly coordinated attacks. One going for it's head and the other for it's guts.

What they didn't account for was an elbow that impacted on dilucs side of the face making a loud wet cracking sound, as he was sent flying to the side tours the green tall grass, as a trail of blood follow behind him.

The warrior had moved at such monstrous speed closing in the gap between then, Before eula could muster or even spoke after seeing what had happened.

She had to raise her sword up, blocking a down ward slash that was met to slice both of her arms. Her bones quake by the impact of the sword And the axe as well as the pressure that was being applied.

"For a woman, you sure have strength to hold up your own." Spoke the khorne warrior with a hidden smile under his mouth guard, as he applied more pressure making eula slowly go down on one knee. "Not like the others who run away and had to pay the price of their cowardice."

"You mean ~*ugh*~ slaughtering them and taking their heads of putting them on that twisted collection of yours . . In your belt? ~*ugh*~." She drop to her knees as pain started to take a hold on her.

"ONLY THOSE WHO ARE WORTHY ENOUGH TO FACE ME!! A WARRIOR OF KHORNE!! HAVE BECOME HONORABLE TROPHIES TO BE PUT AMONG THE SKULL THRONE!!." He roar as he press down his weapons harder, making the edge of her claymore come in close reaching for her throat.

"The blood god only claims the skulls of those who present a challenge." He moved to the side as she pushed

"And you yourself have proved your worth."

The khorne warrior had found an interest on her. Out of all the others he bisected all weak as they lasted five seconds before they were torn by the gore axe or slice by the gore blade.

She wanted her

He wanted to take her skull.

A worthy trophie to add to his collection.