
Genshin Impact: I Open Manga Store in Teyvat

Transmigration to the World of Teyvat, Takarou acquired the Divine-level Manga Store System. By serving a certain number of customers, exclusive rewards can be obtained. Paimon: I really want that Doraemon foodie tablecloth! Noelle: A maid should have a Gundam! Tartaglia: Why do others get strong Pokémon while mine is just Psyduck? Lumine: If I can improve my abilities simply by visiting the manga store every day and reading manga, then why should I bother looking for my brother?

Otaku_Weaboo · วิดีโอเกม
59 Chs

Are we considered friends now?

"The entire Liyue, developed like Liyue Harbor?" Ganyu couldn't help but ponder.

If all of Liyue were to develop like Liyue Harbor, as Mr. Owner said, then the lives of the people across Liyue would probably be much better.

"Although I haven't been in Liyue for a long time, there are many places in Liyue that aren't doing very well. Look at the children on the streets, in my world, these children should be in school, gaining knowledge, instead of playing on the streets every day"

"What does Mr.owner "in my world" mean?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I am not from this world, that I actually come from another world"

"What? that's why I feel a bit odd in the comic shop" Ganyu was surprised at what Takarou told her.

"Well, that's a topic we'll ignore, let's continue chatting about the topic of how we want to further advance liyue"

"Around Liyue Harbor, it's mostly young people, or middle-aged people, but in Qingce Village, there are many elderly people. Their children are often away, seldom returning home. The elders at home, although they miss their children, they also understand that their children have work to do. Do you think, if a road was built from Liyue Harbor, reaching the four corners of Liyue, and vehicles made in Liyue were to transport these children to Liyue Harbor for schooling...Or the Qixing Army who want to visit their families, we could arrange vehicles to transport them, wouldn't that be convenient? Isn't that a beneficial thing for the people?"

Even though Ganyu didn't understand some of the things Takarou said, she knew it was all for the good if she thought about it a little.

Yes, indeed. If there were vehicles to transport people home to visit their families, they wouldn't have to travel long distances.

That would be much more convenient and for the children in the four corners of Liyue.

If they could gain knowledge, then Liyue would have more talented people in the future. She remembered when she was little, she was educated by her master. Even now when she met her master, he would sometimes educate her. Her ability to gain so much knowledge is directly tied to her master.

But what about the children of Liyue, who is there to teach them?

No, this matter, she must discuss it properly with Ningguang. If a school could be established, a school where anyone, regardless of their status or family, could come to study, she believed there would be many children willing to come.

While there are schools in Liyue, the tuition fees are too expensive, causing many families to be unable to afford to send their children to study.

Another issue is the distance. If children are asked to come to school by themselves and they encounter Hilichurls or something similar, what should they do?

"So you see, Ganyu, the development of Liyue is still in its infancy, at least it needs several Hundred years, after what I just said, do you feel less confused about your future?"

Whether it's in the game or in the continent of Teyvat, Takarou was very fond of Ganyu. She works diligently every day, rarely taking a break.

Along the way, many people greeted Ganyu when they saw her. But Ganyu didn't know how to respond to this. She even wanted to flee several times. If it weren't for Takarou holding Ganyu's hand, she might have left early.

"In fact, people's thoughts are very simple. They remember those who are kind to them."

"Do you see their enthusiasm when they find you? That's because they know how much you've contributed to Liyue."

"So, you don't have to be afraid, when someone greets you, just smile and nod as a response."

"Would you like to give it a try?" Takarou comforted Ganyu.

At this moment, someone spotted Ganyu's arrival and greeted her. Following Takarou's advice, Ganyu responded with a small smile and a nod of her head. Upon seeing Ganyu return his greeting, the man was overjoyed. He even wanted to gift Ganyu some food, but she did not accept it.

Although Ganyu didn't take it, Takarou accepted it on her behalf.

He thanked the shopkeeper, saying, "Mr. Owner, why did you..."

"Actually, sometimes, it's okay to accept food gifts from people. It makes them think you're approachable and easy-going."

"The shopkeeper will probably say, 'Even though Miss Ganyu is a celestial, she's just like us, she also eats human food.'"

"If you want to understand these people's lives better, you can't just observe them from the perspective of a celestial. Instead, you should look at them from a human standpoint, understand them, and treat them equitably."

"I want you to remember how far you've come, not just how far you have to go. You are strong, you are capable, and you are a adepti entity who has graced us with your presence. Your journey has been long and winding, full of challenges and obstacles, but you have navigated it with grace and dignity. You have stood tall in the face of adversity, shown kindness and understanding to those around you, and have remained humble and considerate despite your adepti status" Takarou Continue say.

" Always remember that it's okay to be human, to experience the joys and challenges that come with it. There's no need to be perfect all the time. It's okay to lean on others when you're tired, to accept help when it's offered. You're surrounded by people who admire you and are ready to support you. you have shown us that adepti s and humans aren't as different as they may seem. At the end of the day, we all experience joy, sorrow, love, and loss. Your presence and your actions have brought us all closer together, reminding us that we're all part of the same universe. There's no rush to understand everything all at once. Life is a continuous journey of learning and growth, and every step you take, every experience you go through, is a step towards understanding more about the world and about yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself. Remember, even adepti have their moments of doubt and worry. It's how we grow, how we learn, and how we become stronger, Geo Archon and Anemo Archon, Must agree with this, that's why both deity guide they people in they era"

"Mr. Owner, I think I understand what you're saying."

"That's good, I really glad you understand."

"Let's go, we will move to another location." Takarou led Ganyu to a mountain located behind Yujing Terrace.

He invited Ganyu to sit down. They then admired the scenery of Liyue Harbor.

The thing I respect the most is that the Geo Archon, with his strength alone, managed to secure a piece of land during the war with the demons, allowing the people of Liyue to live in peace.

This is the Geo Archon's greatest contribution to Liyue. However, although I admire the Geo Archon, I don't think he is a competent Geo Archon if I were to share my thoughts.

"Mr. Owner..."

"Let me finish first."

Seeing Ganyu wanted to speak up for the Geo Archon, Takarou slightly smiled and gestured for Ganyu to let him finish.

"Why do I say this?"

"Take this time for instance, the Geo Archon left too hastily. As a result, the people of Liyue don't understand the situation. This also caught the Liyue Qixing off guard. Perhaps, this is a test for Liyue, to see how the people of Liyue would cope and live without the Geo Archon. Everyone, whether they are human, celestial, or god, has flaws. After all, humans, celestials, and gods are not perfect. But given the contributions made by the Geo Archon, these flaws don't matter at all. The world is vast and beautiful. You could spend a lifetime admiring just the beauty of Liyue. During your free time, you might want to take a break from work and wander around. If you ever feel lost, find someone to talk to."

In terms of scenery, Liyue can be said to be the most beautiful on the continent of Teyvat.

After all, Takarou is a person from Japan, and the lifestyle in teyvat takes time to adapt, sometimes he misses his old world. When it was evening, Takarou and Ganyu were still there, admiring the sunset together. The sunset glow lit up the earth, highlighting the beauty of Liyue Harbor.

"Mr. Owner, thank you." After Ganyu finished speaking, she rested her head on grass.

When Takarou looked down, he saw that Ganyu had fallen asleep. Looking at Ganyu's sleeping face, Takarou couldn't help but smile.


But Ganyu, who has fallen asleep, is also very cute. Furthermore, being a celestial, she naturally carries a certain fragrance. This is a Qilin, after all. You should know that in the past, Takarou had seen what a Qilin looked like on television. However, at that time, the Qilin was a divine beast, not a person.

But in the Teyvat continent, Ganyu is a Qilin who also has half of the human lineage. They stayed here for a while longer. Only then did Takarou get up, carrying Ganyu in his arms and flying towards the New Century Comic Bookstore. he wouldn't walk with Ganyu in Liyue Harbor.

Just in case they were seen by others. If word got out... That Miss Ganyu of Liyue Harbor was supposedly involved with a certain man, that would be bad. A girl's reputation is quite important. Takarou returned to the New Century Comic Bookstore without anyone noticing.

"Boss.." Noelle was probably surprised to see Takarou carrying Ganyu.

"Ganyu fell asleep suddenly on the road, Noelle, prepare a room so Ganyu can rest for a while."

"Alright, boss."

Noelle nodded, then went upstairs to tidy up. When Noelle was done, Takarou came upstairs, put Ganyu on the bed, and let her rest.

"Alright, let's let Ganyu rest and we should go out."

"Okay, boss."

"You may have questions."

"Why, since Ganyu is the secretary of Liyue Harbor, didn't we send her home?"

"Although Ganyu has been in Liyue Harbor for many years, since Liyue was just established, Ganyu was invited by the lord of geo to come to Liyue Harbor."

"But as you can see, Ganyu is not entirely human. She is half adepti beast and half human. For her, coming to Liyue Harbor to serve as a secretary was also according to the contract of the lord of geo. Now, the lord of geo has left, and she is actually very confused in her heart, not knowing where she should go. Rather than letting her return to Yuehai Pavilion, it's better to let her rest here. At least when she is resting here, no one will disturb her."

Ganyu is like that, busy with work during the day. When she wants to sleep, she will find a random place and go to sleep. However, with the sudden news about Ganyu, Yuehai Pavilion is clearly in a state of chaos.

After all, Ganyu usually takes care of all the affairs. But now that Ganyu is not there, the people of Yuehai Pavilion are in a state of confusion. However, Ganyu doesn't know about these things, because she is still asleep.

--- In other Place from comic store---

Seven-Day God Statue. Zhongli, Lumine, and Paimon gave instructions.

"When you get the Dust Bell, we'll meet again at the Jade Court."

"Lumine, let's go to the Jade Court to find Madame Ping."

"Hmm." Lumine and Paimon left the Seven-Day God Statue and returned to Liyue Harbor.

At the Jade Court, they met an old grandmother. As Lumine and Paimon just came over, they heard the old grandmother muttering:

"Everything is impermanent... everything is impermanent..."


"Huh? Young people, are you here to admire the flowers?"

"It's a pity that you didn't come at the right time, these Lustrous Lilies are almost faded.."

"Why are these flowers all withering?"

"In my time, people said Lustrous Lilies understood human nature."

"If they hear good sounds, such as laughter or singing, they will be happy and grow very well. But conversely, if they hear too many bad voices.. like all sorts of rumors, they will wither very quickly."

"So, the current situation in Liyue Harbor, these flowers have also felt it."

"Yes, the rumors of the death of the lord of geo are not trivial matters. There are all sorts of rumors in the streets and lanes. Some say it's the conspiracy of the fools, some say it's the thing in the sea that can't be suppressed, and others say that all of these are self-directed and performed by the Seven Stars. This port is like a pile of firewood. Just a spark is enough to start an unquenchable fire. Ah, let's stop here, I'm old and love to nag. Young people, what brings you here?"

"Hello, we would like to borrow your 'Dust Bell.'" Lumine stated their purpose.

"Borrow the 'Dust Bell'?"

"Other than this old thing, I have nothing else worthy of your young people asking for. However, this bell was not originally mine. It was a little thing worn by an old friend of mine. When I was young and loved beauty, I liked that bell, so I stuck to her, constantly begging. She couldn't resist me, so she gave the bell to me. But he told me that if anyone comes to borrow the bell in the future, I should not hesitate. After so many years, I don't know how many times this bell has been borrowed. But I don't know when it started, it has been a long time since anyone came to borrow this bell..."

"Ah, my old body is slow to find things, I'm afraid you can't wait.."

"We can look for it ourselves."

"But do you know where you put the Dust Bell?"

"Alright, kids, you don't have to worry. I didn't put the bell too far away, so don't worry too much."

"Huh? Grandma, is your home nearby? Wow.. this is Jade Court, so rich..."

"Hehe.. I, an old woman, can't afford a house in the city.. Look at this pot, all my belongings are in it." After hearing Madame Ping's words, Lumine and Paimon looked at the pot on the table.

"All your belongings?" Paimon fell silent.

"Paimon, why don't you go inside the pot and take a look." Upon hearing Lumine's words, Paimon stomped her feet in mid-air.

"I can't go in no matter how I think about it!"

"And why are you asking me to go in, can't you just lift the lid and take a look?!"

"Hehehe, kids, anyway, the bell is in this pot. If you want to find the bell, just go and look for it yourself." Hearing Madame Ping's words, Lumine and Paimon approached the pot.

Madame Ping did not tell Lumine and Paimon how they could enter the pot, so they had to figure it out on their own. When Lumine's finger just touched the pot, suddenly, a faint green smoke appeared at the mouth of the pot.

Following that, Lumine and Paimon were sucked directly into the pot. As soon as they entered the pot, Lumine and Paimon started to look around at the environment.

"Huh? Where is this, what just happened?"

"Alright, kids, this is the pot where this old woman stores things. Go find the bell."

'Wow! It seems to be Grandma's voice, she said.. this is her pot? What's going on.." Paimon seemed confused, the already not too bright Paimon, at this moment, was very perplexed.

At this time, Madame Ping's voice came again: "Ah, it really has been a long time since I cleaned, how come there are so many cobwebs.. Children, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help this old woman clean this place up a bit?"


Inside the pot, there were not only cobwebs and spiders, but also quite a few slimes. However, Lumine wasn't worried about these things. Just these slimes alone could be taken care of by the rolling beast. It was also a good opportunity for koromon to gain some experience. Before long, koromon had dealt with all these slimes.

From outside, Madame Ping was somewhat surprised to see Lumine with a little creature that somewhat resembled a slime, but was much stronger than one.

When did such a creature appear in Liyue? After dealing with the creatures, Lumine and Paimon finally came to the Dust Bell. Looking at the bell placed on the table.

"Lumine, is this the Dust Bell?"

"It should be, let's put it away first." Lumine reached out and took the Dust Bell.

"Already found it? Young people are really efficient. Let me see.. how to create the exit, my memory, ah.. Alright, children, the exit is ready, come on out."

When Madame Ping finished speaking, an exit instantly appeared in front of Lumine and Paimon. Seeing this exit, they did not hesitate and walked in together. With a flash of light, Lumine and Paimon appeared at Jade Court, in front of Madame Ping. Madame Ping looked at Lumine, gave a slight smile, and praised, "Young people are efficient, you got it so quickly."

"Are you a fairy?" Lumine looked at Madame Ping and asked the question that had been on her mind.

"Fairy.. these two words, it has been a long time since someone seriously mentioned them to me. As for whether I am a fairy, child, don't you know in your heart?"

"Uh.. I kind of understand, but not completely, but grandma, you.. just give us the bell like this. Aren't you curious? As soon as the lord of geo incident happened, we hurried to borrow the bell from you.."

'Silly child, over the years, Liyue Harbor has seen many adepti leave, and many upheavals have occurred. But no matter which time, the 'Farewell Ritual' is always conducted decently before arranging other matters. Focusing on 'catching the culprit', yet delaying the 'Farewell Ritual', to me, that's putting the cart before the horse. Now that you've come to borrow the bell, I guess that an old friend must have finally stepped in to take charge. So why wouldn't I lend the bell to you?'

"Can I keep this bell?"

"Hey! This is grandma's stuff! You should return it when you're done!"

"Hehe, I'm just joking." Lumine gave a mischievous laugh.

"Keep it? You're quite straightforward, haha, if you want it, take it."

"But this bell is very homesick, who knows when it might sneak back to me."

"Alright, now that you have what you came for, you better hurry back, don't delay anything."

"Also, send a message to the person who sent you here, tell him... When you have the time, come and have some tea. This old woman doesn't have much, but I do have a tea pot."

"Ok, we'll remember, thank you, grandma!"

After getting the Dust Bell, Lumine and Paimon went to the Farewell Ritual and placed the prepared incense and the Dust Bell in the designated places.

Seeing Lumine and Paimon arrive, Zhongli nodded in approval as they placed the Dust Bell: "Good, this is indeed the Dust Bell...Hmm, it has been well preserved."

"Zhongli, when we met Madame Ping earlier, we realized that Madame Ping is quite extraordinary, probably an adepti . Since you knew we could borrow the Dust Bell from Madame Ping, are you also an adepti ?"

"An adepti ..."

Seeing Zhongli unwilling to talk, Paimon quickly said, "Hmm... the situation is full of doubts! But if you don't want to talk, we won't pry any further. Oh, by the way, that old lady asked us to pass on a message to you. Imitating Madame Ping's tone, Paimon told Zhongli, 'If you have time, you can come and have some tea, I don't have much to offer, but I do have a teapot.'"

Listening to Paimon imitating Madame Ping's tone, Zhongli couldn't help but laugh: "Hahaha, this tone is not quite suitable for you. However, her teapot is indeed very good, it's perfect for brewing tea."

"When the time is right, I will naturally bring good tea... to meet her."

"So, what's the next preparation for the ceremony?"

"Hmm, the next item... we need to buy a kite."

"A kite! Is Zhongli taking us kite-flying? Is this... a halftime break?"

"Haha, not exactly. Although a kite is considered a child's toy, it holds other symbolic meanings in the many rituals of Liyue."

"I will explain it to you. But for now, let's focus on buying the kite first."

While Zhongli, Paimon, and Lumine were preparing to buy a kite, at a room on the second floor of New Century Comics, Ganyu opened her eyes.

The moment Ganyu opened her eyes, she looked around and found herself in an unfamiliar room.

"Where is this??"

Ganyu fell into memories. She remembered that she was originally wandering around Liyue Harbor with Mr. Owner, and then watching the sunset on the hill behind the Jade Chamber. But then she seemed to have fallen asleep.

Could it be... was it Mr. Owner who brought her back? The thought of being carried or piggybacked by Mr. Owner made Ganyu's cheeks flush.

"I was supposed to be strolling around Liyue Harbor with Mr. Owner, but I fell asleep and had to bother Mr. Owner."

Thinking about this, Ganyu quickly got up, left the room, and went to the first floor of the New Century Comics shop.

"Mr. Owner."

"Ganyu, you're awake."

Takarou saw Ganyu wake up and smiled slightly.

"Well... Mr. Owner, I'm really sorry, you were supposed to accompany me around Liyue Harbor, but I fell asleep during the process."

"It's okay, you've always been working hard and haven't had much rest."

"When you have the chance, you can let yourself relax. Even though you are an adepti , I believe that you can adjust your schedule and rest when you need to."

"If you want to wander around Liyue Harbor again next time, you can come and find me."

"I've bothered Mr. Owner so much today, if I continue to bother you, I feel guilty."

Ganyu shook her head. She is not the kind of adepti who likes to trouble others.

"No worries, I also gained a lot from strolling around Liyue Harbor with Ganyu today."

"Even though we only met for the first time today, we can be considered friends, right?"

'Since a friend needs help, isn't it my duty as your friend to help?'


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Otaku_Weaboocreators' thoughts