
Genshin Impact; Everburning Fire. Breezing Through The Ranks Of Fatui.

Everything has an end. All must return to oblivion. His life's end had arrived. But his journey's end did not. In his new life, he is Boris. A Snezhnayan kid who is in the fatui. He finds himself in Mondstadt at the starting around the time of the Traveler's arrival. Watch the second part of his journey, as he breezes through the ranks of the fatui.

sPenK_XD · วิดีโอเกม
19 Chs

Batman, A Glut, A Traveller and The Adopted Child.

As of now, we were at the Dawn Winery. With me sitting on a table, sipping some Blue Berry Wine. Meanwhile, Paimon was eating a cake alongside some Apple Juice and Lumine was slowly eating a cake as well, her gaze flickering between me and Diluc, who had finished his cake and was now staring at me.

"Paimon is still angry at you for leaving Paimon all alone at the inn, but this cake and apple juice is just delicious! So Paimon will forgive you, Lumine." Said the Glut, Paimon, while munching on her cake which was now half gone, truly, she had a stomach bigger than her body.

"Thank you alot..... Paimon." Said Lumine.

"So Boris, care to explai-" Diluc said but was cut off by me.

"Master Diluc, you make magnificent wine! Truly, it deserves the title of The Best Wine in all of Mondstadt! I'd like to try some Dandelion wine, if you don't mind?" I said. The wine was great, really great.

Apparently, I was considered the same as a 18 year old kid in the real world, here in Teyvat. So i had all the rights an adult had in the real world, so, I could drink wine. Although we were still considered very young and most weren't allowed to drink wine by their parents, the legal age system was like this because of the Military System which was practically the same in every country except Snezhnaya, the Military System had child-soldiers and recruited many others like me. Although, most wouldn't near my level of strength. After all, i was a special case and was the only who got recruited from my orphanage which, from what I know, housed over a hundred children. And when wars happened, many men, child and adult alike, were drafted in some countries, like Inazuma, Snezhnaya and Natlan, many youngsters died fighting and even today, children with talent were still accepted and welcomed as members of the Military Or as adventurers.

"Fine....." Said Diluc, he turned towards a maid, "Bring him a bottle of Dandelion wine." He ordered the maid.

"So.... I was askin-" Diluc was saying but was cut off.

"So, how did you run into Master Diluc? Why did you come here?" Asked Lumine.

"I ran into Master Diluc and Master Jean when I was returning from a mission. Master Diluc wanted to discuss something with me and here we are." I replied.

"Right, so-" Diluc was cut off again.

"Why do you look like you just got mugged?" Asked Lumine.

Diluc grumbled, annoyed.

"It's..... A long story..... I believe Master Diluc is just getting there.." I replied, looking at Diluc.

"Yes, so-" Diluc was cut off, again. This time, by his adopted brother. (Kevin De Bruyne moment for Diluc fr)

"Ooooh, what do we have here? Master Diluc, The Traveler and..." Said Kaeya and looked at me with his single eye, "A new young apprentice of Master Diluc? Oh, Master Diluc! Since when did you take on a apprentice? And you didn't care to tell me? Your brother? That truly saddens me." Said Kaeya, feigning a sad look.

Diluc glared at Kaeya, "He is no apprentice of mine, and i dont see myself getting apprentice in the foreseeable future. Besides, even if I had a apprentice, I don't see any reason to inform you of it." Said Diluc firmly.

Kaeya dropped his shoulders and wiped fake tears, "Oh, Master Diluc.... How cruel you have become, and to your own brother? How could you say such cruel things to me? I am sure if father was here-" Said Kaeya, but was cut off by Diluc.

"Do not bring Father into this." Said Diluc, his voices firm and angry, and his eyes boring into Kaeya's.

"So wait- Your father is dead, Diluc?!" Yelled Paimon, and Lumine glared at her.

Diluc looked at Paimon and nodded dryly, "There is no need to yell.... Paimon." He said.

Kaeya pulled a chair and placed it beside me and sat on it, threw his arm over my shoulder and smied at me and spoke, "So, who are you, young fella?

"I was getting to that-" Said Diluc, but was cut off, AGAIN.