
Genshin Impact: Daybreak has come

The serene day in Mondstadt begins with Klee's usual antics, her eyes sparkling with mischief, hands fiddling with her beloved Jumpy Dumpty. The city, a haven of peace and beauty, buzzes with the day's tranquility, unaware of the looming shadow. Suddenly, the sky darkens. A formidable, unknown enemy descends upon the city. Chaos erupts. Explosions rattle the once peaceful streets, and screams slice through the air. Mondstadt, known for its freedom and breezes, now trembles under an unforeseen siege. Klee, amidst the pandemonium, stands wide-eyed but resolute. Her usual playground of laughter and adventure transforms into a battlefield. With her heart pounding in her chest, she grips Jumpy Dumpty tighter, a determined glint in her eyes. This is no longer a game. The enemies, merciless and cold, bring a terror Mondstadt has never seen. They seek to overthrow the city, to shatter its spirit. Klee, though young, feels the weight of her city's peril deep in her bones. She knows she must act. Amidst the chaos, Klee encounters allies, unexpected and brave. Together, they weave through the city's alleyways, a symphony of clashing guns, flying stray bullets and fiery explosions echoing around them. Each step is a dance with danger, each breath a moment closer to either victory or defeat. The bond among them strengthens with each passing second, their determination fueled by the love for their city. Klee, with her explosive prowess, becomes a beacon of hope, her fiery spirit igniting courage in the hearts of her comrades. But the road is fraught with peril. The enemy's power is overwhelming, their motives as dark as the night. Klee and her allies face trials that test their courage, their strength, and their bonds. Trust is their shield, and bravery their sword. As the battle for Mondstadt rages, Klee finds herself facing not just the physical adversaries, but her own fears. The responsibility weighs heavily on her young shoulders, each decision a potential spark for victory or catastrophe. In this high-stakes game of survival and protection, Klee's journey intertwines with heart-pounding action, gripping drama, and the undying spirit of heroism. Will she be able to save Mondstadt from the clutches of this formidable enemy? Or will the city's light be extinguished under the shadow of this unforeseen threat? In the end, it's a story of courage, friendship, and the unyielding spirit of a hero, all seen through the eyes of a young girl whose love for her city burns as fiercely as her explosives. The fate of Mondstadt hangs in the balance, and Klee's journey is just beginning.

XtremeXecutor · วิดีโอเกม
21 Chs


Under the cloak of this intensifying power struggle, Klee and Mona, now aboard the Fatui wagon, found themselves amidst the enemy, their identities cloaked in the garments of their foes. The wagon's creaking and the horses' steady trots formed a rhythmic cadence, a stark contrast to the racing pulses of the two infiltrators. Mona's gaze, sharp and calculating, surveyed the interior of the wagon, assessing the situation and the soldiers surrounding them.

Klee, ever the impulsive spirit, struggled to maintain her composure. Her fingers twitched near her rifle, a subtle yet constant reminder of the peril they were in. The glint in her eyes, usually alight with mischief, now flickered with a more somber flame, the weight of their mission pressing heavily upon her youthful shoulders.

As the wagon rolled through the outskirts of Mondstadt, the landscape shifted from dense foliage to the more barren grounds indicative of the city's beleaguered state. The once vibrant city, now a tableau of shadows and dim lights, loomed in the distance, its silhouette a testament to the ongoing conflict.

As the wagon carrying the disguised Klee and Mona approached the checkpoint, the rhythmic trotting of the horses slowed to a halt. The sound of hooves on cobblestone ceased, replaced by the soft creaking of the wagon as it came to a stop.

Klee and Mona, posing as Fatui soldiers, raised their hands in a sign of compliance. The Lawrence clan guards, allies to the Fatui, approached with an air of authority. Their boots thudded heavily on the ground, each step echoing with the weight of their duty to inspect the wagon and its contents.

One of the Lawrence clan guards called out, his voice gruff, "State your business and declare your cargo."

A Fatui cargo holder, replied, "We're transporting supplies for the garrison. Food, weapons, and some... additional items."

The guard, not fully convinced, retorted, "Open the wagon. We need to verify."

As they complied, the sound of wooden panels being shifted and supplies rustling filled the air. The Lawrence clan guard's careful inspection created a tense atmosphere, their scrutiny evident in the sound of their murmured discussions and the clinking of their armor.

Klee, under her breath, whispered to Mona, "Do you think they'll buy it?"

Mona whispered back, "Stay calm. Just follow my lead."

The lead guard, after a thorough check, finally said, "Everything seems in order. Proceed, but stay alert. We've had reports of suspicious activity in the area."

Fatui cargo holder, maintaining her composure, replied, "Understood. We'll be vigilant."

With a nod from the guard, the wagon was allowed to pass. The sounds of the horses picking up their pace and the wagon creaking back into motion signalled their clearance, allowing Klee and Mona to continue their covert mission into the heart of Mondstadt.

As they navigated the labyrinthine streets of Mondstadt, Klee, her voice low and tense, said to Mona, "Every turn feels like a new risk. We're really in the heart of it now."

Mona, her eyes scanning their surroundings, replied softly, "Stay focused, Klee. We're close to where we need to be. Every moment counts."

Klee, nodding, whispered back, "I just hope we can find Jean and the others soon. Mondstadt needs them."

Mona, her tone resolute, assured her, "We will. We have to believe in our plan. Mondstadt's fate depends on us now."

Their quiet conversation, filled with determination and a deep sense of responsibility, continued as they moved stealthily, inching closer to their goal amidst the enemy's stronghold.

In a hushed tone, Klee suggested to Mona, "Let's head to the Angel's Share tavern. We might find something useful there, or maybe someone who's been hiding out."

Mona considered this for a moment, then nodded in agreement. "Good idea, Klee. The tavern could be a key location for gathering information or finding allies in hiding. We'll need to be cautious, though."

Klee, her voice still low, added, "Yeah, I know. We might hear some important news or rumors there. People talk a lot in taverns, especially in times like these."

Mona, keeping her eyes on the road, replied, "Exactly. Let's blend in and keep our ears open. Remember, we're supposed to be Fatui soldiers now."

Their plan set, they continued towards Angel's Share, each step taking them deeper into the potentially perilous yet crucial part of their mission.

As the wagon meandered through the streets of Mondstadt, Klee and Mona, still cloaked in their Fatui disguises, observed the uneasy amalgamation of the Lawrence clan members and Fatui forces. These unlikely allies were scattered throughout the city, their presence a stark reminder of the occupation.

Near the houses, stood groups of Lawrence clan members and Fatui soldiers. Their conversations, though low and hushed, carried an air of cautious camaraderie, a forced union born of circumstance rather than genuine alliance.

Passing by the flower shops, once bursting with color and life, Klee noted how the delicate petals seemed to wilt under the heavy gaze of the occupying forces. The florists, their faces etched with worry, engaged in tense conversation with the soldiers, their once cheerful banter replaced by cautious words and veiled unease.

Mona's eyes then drifted to the fruit stands, where the usually bustling activity was now subdued. The vendors, surrounded by their vibrant produce, exchanged words with the Fatui, their expressions a mix of resilience and resignation. The fruit, once a symbol of Mondstadt's bountiful harvest, now seemed like a meager offering in the shadow of the city's current plight.

As Klee and Mona neared the Angel's Share on foot, they observed a lone Fatui soldier standing guard by the door, his arms crossed and posture imposing. The presence of such a vigilant guard indicated the establishment's significance under the current occupation.

As Klee and Mona approached the Angel's Share tavern, the lone Fatui soldier guarding the door eyed them suspiciously. Standing tall, his arms crossed, he projected an air of stern authority.

Spotting what he assumed were fellow Fatui members approaching, he called out in a questioning tone, "You two, what's your business here at Angel's Share?"

Mona, keeping her voice steady and adopting the gruffness of a soldier, replied, "We're on patrol, checking on key locations. Heard anything unusual around here?"

The guard relaxed slightly, nodding. "All quiet so far. But keep your eyes open. We've had reports of resistance activity in the area."

Klee, playing her part, added with a nod, "We'll stay vigilant. Can't let our guard down, not even here."

As Klee and Mona prepared to enter the tavern, a sudden commotion erupted from inside Angel's Share. The sounds of arguing and yelling, distinctly coming from another Fatui soldier, broke the relative calm.

The guard by the door, hearing the disturbance, frowned and muttered under his breath. He then turned to Klee and Mona, "Wait here. I need to check this out."

As he hurried inside, Mona leaned in and whispered to Klee, "This might be our chance to find out what's happening inside without drawing too much attention."

Klee nodded in agreement, her eyes alert and focused. They both waited by the door, ears attuned to the escalating voices inside, ready to use the unfolding situation to their advantage in their mission to take out their adversary, few soldier at a time.

Inside the Angel's Share, the source of the commotion became clear. A Fatui soldier, his face red with anger, was vehemently arguing with the bartender. The soldier's voice was loud and accusing, expressing his displeasure about the quality of the wine and juice served. His frustration seemed to grow as he also lamented the unavailability of certain goods he had been seeking.

"What do you mean they don't have a chocolate cocktail in your crappy menu!?" The fatui yelled.

The bartender, trying to maintain a calm demeanor, replied, "Sir, I'm sorry, but we don't serve chocolate cocktails. It's not something we typically have in Mondstadt."

The Fatui soldier slammed his hand on the counter, causing a few glasses to rattle. "This is outrageous! You're in the heart of Mondstadt, and you can't even provide decent service to your patrons?"

"Look, we're doing the best we can under the circumstances. The occupation has affected our supplies," the bartender explained, his voice strained with patience.

The Fatui soldier sneered, "Excuses! If you can't provide what we want, maybe we should just shut this place down."

A patron at the bar, clearly annoyed, muttered, "Leave the man alone. He's just doing his job."

The soldier whirled around, pointing aggressively at the patron. "You stay out of this! I'm talking to the bartender."

The bartender, trying to defuse the situation, said, "Please, there's no need for threats. We're all just trying to get by."

The Fatui soldier who had been guarding the door entered the tavern, his expression stern as he assessed the situation. "What's the commotion about?" he demanded.

The angry soldier turned towards him, his frustration evident. "This useless bartender doesn't have what we want! No chocolate cocktail, and they're low on everything else!"

The guard, trying to maintain order, replied, "Calm down. We're here to maintain control, not cause disruptions. Remember, we represent the Fatui."

"But this is unacceptable! We're supposed to have the best of everything in this city!" the disgruntled soldier argued.

The bartender, seizing the opportunity, said, "I'm doing my best with what I have. The occupation has limited our supplies."

The guard sighed, addressing his fellow soldier, "Let's not make a scene. We have bigger concerns than a missing cocktail."

The angry soldier, though still frustrated, seemed to reluctantly accept the guard's words, grumbling under his breath.

Klee and Mona, silently observing, noted the dynamics at play. The tension in the tavern was a reflection of the larger situation in Mondstadt, a city under the strain of occupation and conflict.

Klee and Mona, seizing the opportunity presented by the commotion inside Angel's Share, shared a quick, understanding nod. In a fluid motion, Mona unleashed her Stellaris Phantasm, creating an illusory bubble that enveloped the arguing Fatui soldier and a few others nearby. The spell's effect was immediate and disorienting; the affected soldiers found themselves afloat, lifted off the ground by the enchanting, ethereal force of Mona's magic.

With the soldiers suspended and incapacitated in the illusory bubble, Klee and Mona acted swiftly and silently. They each pulled out silenced pistols, previously concealed in their pockets, and aimed with precise, practiced ease.

The finality of their fate echoed in the relentless emptying of magazines, a necessary brutality in a world where mercy could mean vulnerability. The air hung heavy with the scent of gunpowder and the unspoken understanding that survival often demanded such ruthless decisions.

Once the deed was done, Klee and Mona moved quickly to secure the area. They closed the door of the establishment, ensuring that their actions remained unnoticed by anyone outside. The silence that followed their rapid and decisive action was a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded.

In the midst of their swift and decisive action against the Fatui soldiers, Klee and Mona were acutely aware of the need to protect the innocent bystanders, particularly the bartender who had been at the center of the dispute. Their strategy was not only about neutralizing the threat but also ensuring the safety of those caught in the crossfire.

Once the immediate danger from the Fatui soldiers was eliminated, Klee and Mona quickly turned their attention to the bartender and the other patrons. The bartender, still in shock from the sudden and violent turn of events, looked at them with a mix of fear and gratitude.

Mona, her voice calm and reassuring, addressed the bartender, "You're safe now. We're here to help, not harm."

Klee, with a gentleness that contrasted her earlier ferocity, scanned the room to make sure there were no other threats and that the other patrons were unharmed. "Is anyone else hurt?" she asked, her eyes moving from one startled face to another.

The patrons, still trying to process what had just happened, shook their heads. Some whispered words of thanks, while others simply stared in disbelief.

Mona quickly turned her focus to the task at hand. "We need to find whatever information or resources the Fatui have here," she said to Klee, her voice low. "Keep an eye on the door, and let me know if anyone's coming."

As Mona began her search, Klee positioned herself near the door, keeping watch. Her eyes were alert, and her hand rested near her weapon, ready to defend if necessary.

The bartender, regaining some composure, spoke up, "Is there anything I can do to help? You've saved me from those brutes."

Mona paused in her search, considering the offer. "Yes," she replied, "if you know anything about the Fatui's plans or have seen anything unusual, tell us now. It could be crucial."

The bartender nodded, a flicker of understanding lighting his eyes. "There's talk," he began, his voice a hushed whisper, "that the Fatui have prisoners. They're being held in the dungeons of the Knight of Favonius headquarters, but it's not the knights guarding them. It's members of the Lawrence clan, under some secret agreement with the Fatui."

Klee's expression hardened at the mention of the Lawrence clan, her youthful face taking on a seriousness beyond her years. "The Lawrence clan? That's a twist we didn't expect," she murmured, her gaze still fixed on the door.

Mona, her eyes narrowing in thought, added, "This complicates things. If the Lawrence clan is involved, we can't just storm in. We need a plan, something discreet yet effective."

The bartender leaned closer, lowering his voice further. "I've heard that the prisoners are important to the Fatui's plans. Rescuing them could throw a wrench in whatever they're plotting."

Klee's hand tightened around her weapon, a determined glint in her eyes. "Then we rescue them. No one deserves to be a pawn in the Fatui's schemes."

Mona nodded in agreement, her mind already racing with strategies. "We'll need to gather more intel, find a way to infiltrate the headquarters without raising alarm. It won't be easy with the Lawrence clan on guard."

One of the patrons, a middle-aged man with a weathered face, hesitated before speaking up. "I overheard something," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "The Fatui and the Lawrence clan, they have a hostage... Barbara. They say she's crucial to their plans, and they're keeping her under strict watch."

Klee's eyes widened in alarm, the name 'Barbara' striking a chord in her heart. "Barbara? They have Barbara?" she exclaimed, her usual composure slipping.

Mona's face turned grim. "This is more serious than we thought. Barbara is not only a beloved figure in Mondstadt but also possesses knowledge and abilities that could be dangerously exploited by the Fatui."

The man nodded solemnly. "Yes, and there's more. They say she's being guarded by someone they call 'the Mastermind'. I don't know who that is, but the way they spoke... it's someone powerful, maybe even more dangerous than the Fatui themselves."

Klee clenched her fists, anger and concern flashing in her eyes. "We have to rescue her, Mona. We can't let them use Barbara for their vile plans."

Mona placed a hand on Klee's shoulder, steadying her. "We will. We'll save Barbara and the other prisoners. But we need to be smart about this. The Mastermind could be a formidable opponent, and we can't risk Barbara's safety with a reckless move."

The bartender, now fully engaged in the conversation, added, "If you're planning a rescue, you might want to look for a secret entrance. The headquarters is old; there are bound to be hidden passages the Lawrence clan doesn't know about."

Mona's eyes lit up with a strategic glint. "A secret entrance... that could be our way in. We'll need to do some scouting, find the best route to sneak in undetected."

A young woman, who had been sitting quietly in a corner, spoke up with a hesitant but clear voice. "It's not like they're keeping her in a cell," she revealed. "I've heard whispers that Barbara, along with Jean and others, are being held more... openly, in a hallway or some kind of common area. They're under constant surveillance, but it's not like they're behind bars."

Mona and Klee exchanged a glance, processing this new information. "That's unusual," Mona mused. "Why would they hold them in such a way? It's less secure but... it could be a strategic move, keeping them visible to use as leverage."

Klee frowned, the thought of Barbara and Jean being used as pawns causing her distress. "We need to get to them before the Fatui or the Lawrence clan can enact whatever plan they have."

The young woman nodded, eager to help. "I also heard they're being watched by smaller groups of guards in shifts. It might be easier to sneak past them than a larger force."

Mona quickly began formulating a plan, her mind working at a rapid pace. "If they're in a common area, we might be able to blend in or create a distraction to get close. We'll need disguises, and timing will be crucial."

Klee's eyes sparkled with determination. "Let's do it. We'll save Barbara, Jean, and the others. We just need to be smart and quick."

The patrons of the bar, now invested in the heroines' cause, began to offer whatever help they could – information, resources, even offering to create distractions if needed.

Mona turned to the gathered patrons, her expression serious. "Before we head out, we have an important request. The bodies of the Fatui soldiers need to be hidden. We can't leave any traces of what happened here. It could jeopardize our mission and put all of you in danger."

Klee nodded in agreement, her usual playful demeanor replaced by a sense of gravity. "It's important. We don't want to alert the Fatui or the Lawrence clan that we're onto them. Can you help us with this?"

The patrons, now fully committed to aiding their rescuers, nodded in unison. A sense of camaraderie and purpose filled the room. Some began to gather materials to move and conceal the bodies, while others discussed where best to hide them to avoid detection.

The bartender, taking charge, directed a few of the stronger patrons to carefully move the bodies to a back room. "We'll hide them in the cellar for now," he said. "It's rarely used, and we can ensure they're not found until this is all over."

Mona and Klee, grateful for the help, prepared to leave. Klee gave a final look around, ensuring that no evidence was left in plain sight. "Thank you, everyone. Your help means a lot to us, and to Mondstadt."

Mona added, "We'll do everything in our power to ensure the safety of Barbara, Jean, and the others. Your bravery today won't be forgotten."

With their path now clear, Mona and Klee discreetly exited the bar, their minds focused on the rescue mission ahead. The patrons, left behind, worked diligently to cover the traces of the confrontation, united in their secret support of the heroines' cause.

From their vantage point atop the castle walls, members of the Lawrence clan watched as two figures, clad in the unmistakable armor of Fatui soldiers, emerged from Angel's Share. The soldiers moved with a purposeful stride, heading towards the central fountain of the city, seemingly oblivious to the recent turmoil that had unfolded within the bar.

The Lawrence guards exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. It was unusual for Fatui operatives to be seen in such a public manner, especially given the tense atmosphere that had enveloped Mondstadt. One guard leaned over to his companion, whispering, "Something's off. Why would Fatui be walking around so openly?"

His companion shrugged, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Could be a routine patrol, or maybe they're here to meet with someone. Either way, we should keep an eye on them. Can't trust the Fatui."

Unbeknownst to them, the figures they observed were not the original Fatui soldiers. In a clever ruse, Mona and Klee had disguised themselves, using the armor of the soldiers they had earlier neutralized. This deception allowed them to move freely across the city, blending in with the enemy forces.

As they walked towards the fountain, Mona and Klee remained acutely aware of the eyes upon them. They moved with calculated nonchalance, careful to mimic the mannerisms of the Fatui to avoid drawing suspicion.

Mona, under her breath, cautioned Klee, "Stay alert, but don't look too guarded. We need to pass as genuine Fatui until we reach our destination."

Klee, her youthful face hidden behind the helmet, nodded slightly in understanding. "Got it, Mona. Let's get through this and find our friends."

The Fatui forces around the fountain paid little attention to the two new arrivals, assuming them to be part of their own ranks. This lack of suspicion played into Mona and Klee's hands, allowing them to gather information and position themselves closer to the Knight of Favonius headquarters without raising alarm.

In the shadows of the city, the disguised heroines continued their perilous journey, each step bringing them closer to the heart of the enemy's stronghold and to those they were determined to rescue.

At the fountain, Mona and Klee paused, blending in with the surroundings as they surveyed the area. The gentle splashing of the water provided a serene backdrop to their tense deliberations.

Mona leaned in, speaking in a hushed tone to Klee through the guise of their Fatui helmets. "We're close to the headquarters now. Remember the bartender's mention of a hidden entrance? We need to locate it without drawing attention to ourselves."

Klee nodded, her eyes scanning the area discreetly. "Do we have any idea where this entrance might be? The headquarters is huge, and we don't have much to go on."

Mona's gaze was thoughtful, analytical. "We'll split up and search the perimeter subtly. Look for any unusual markings or structures that seem out of place. The entrance is likely well-concealed."

The heroines split, each taking a different path around the fountain, their movements casual yet purposeful. They mingled with the crowd, their Fatui disguises granting them a degree of anonymity as they conducted their search.

As they moved, they kept a keen eye on the layout of the headquarters, noting its fortifications, guard rotations, and any potential weaknesses in its defenses. The task was daunting, but their resolve did not waver.

After a thorough but inconspicuous search, Klee spotted a small, almost imperceptible symbol etched into the stone wall near the back of the headquarters. It was an old Mondstadt crest, partially obscured by ivy. Excitedly, she motioned for Mona to join her.

Mona inspected the symbol closely, her fingers tracing its outline. "This could be it," she whispered. "Let's see if there's a mechanism or a hidden catch."

Working together, they discovered a cleverly disguised lever within the ivy. As they cautiously activated it, a section of the wall silently slid open, revealing a narrow passage shrouded in darkness.

Mona peered inside, then back at Klee. "This must be the way. Let's proceed with caution. We don't know what we might find inside."

With a shared nod, the heroines stepped into the hidden passage, the wall closing silently behind them, enveloping them in the shadows as they ventured deeper into the heart of the enemy's lair.


As they stepped into the hidden passage, their eyes adjusted to the dimness, revealing a narrow sewer tunnel. The walls, damp and covered in moss, reflected the faint light filtering in from cracks above. The path ahead was lit by sporadic torches mounted on the ancient stone, casting elongated shadows that danced across the uneven ground.

As they delved deeper into the sewer, the air grew thick with the pungent aroma of mold and decay. The dampness of the walls contributed to a musty scent that clung to their nostrils, a stark reminder of the tunnel's neglect and disuse. The smell of earth was strong here, mingling with the faint, unpleasant odor of stagnant water that pooled in uneven patches along their path.

Every so often, a waft of something more acrid stung their senses – the unmistakable scent of rust and old metal, likely from long-forgotten pipes and fixtures corroded by time and moisture. The deeper they ventured, the more pronounced the smell of damp earth became, as if the very essence of the underground was seeping into their being.

Occasionally, the faint, ghostly traces of something burnt lingered in the air, a remnant of a past event whose story was lost to time. This scent was intermittently overpowered by a sudden, sharper smell of sewage, a stark reminder of the tunnel's primary function.

Mona wrinkled her nose, her voice barely above a whisper as they trudged forward. "This place, it's like a tomb of forgotten times." Her torch flickered, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls.

Klee, a few steps ahead, nodded in agreement, his voice echoing slightly in the confined space. "It's more than that. It's like history is decaying right beneath the city's feet." He paused, glancing back at Mona with a grimace. "And it smells like it too."

Their footsteps splashed softly in the shallow water, the sound oddly loud in the silence of the sewer. Mona's torchlight danced over the walls, revealing the corroded pipes and the occasional scurrying rat.

"Remember the old stories?" Klee asked, breaking the silence. "Tales of secret passages and hidden treasures down here?"

Mona chuckled, a sound that seemed out of place in the gloom. "Yeah, I remember. But the only treasure we're likely to find here is a new species of mold."

Klee glanced over at Mona, his voice echoing off the damp walls. "Have you been down here before?" The question hung in the air, mingling with the musty scents.

Mona's stride didn't falter, but her eyes flickered with a shadow of a memory. "Once, a long time ago." Her voice was soft, almost lost amid the drip of water from the ceiling. "It was a different reason, a different life."

Klee's brow furrowed, curiosity piqued by her tone. "What brought you down here back then?" His flashlight swept over a cluster of mushrooms sprouting from a crack in the wall.

Mona sighed, a wistful note in her voice. "A dare. We were foolish kids, chasing legends and ghost stories." She chuckled, but it was devoid of real humor. "Turned out, the only ghosts down here were the ones we brought with us."

Klee nodded, understanding the unspoken words. Their pasts were a tapestry of experiences that had led them to this moment. "Well, let's hope this time we find more than just ghosts."

Mona's gaze met his, a spark of the old fire returning. "This time, we're chasing something real. And we're going to find it."

Despite the array of odors, Mona and Klee pressed on, their resolve unwavering. The smells of the sewer, while unpleasant, were a small price to pay in their quest.


In the austere hallway of the Knights of Favonius headquarters, Jean, Lisa, Amber, Albedo, and Sucrose stood in a line, their hands bound behind their backs. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with a sense of foreboding. The Fatui and Lawrence clan members stood guard, their eyes sharp and watchful, ensuring their captives remained under control.

The hallway, usually bustling with the activities of the knights, was now a silent witness to this tense standoff. The grandeur of the architecture, with its high ceilings and ornate decorations, contrasted starkly with the grim situation at hand.

Two guards, one from the Fatui and the other from the Lawrence clan, stood a little apart from the rest, their conversation a low murmur in the tense silence.

"So, you think they'll talk?" the Fatui guard asked, his voice a deep rumble. He glanced at the bound figures with a mix of disdain and curiosity.

The Lawrence guard, leaner and with a sharper edge to his features, shrugged. "Doesn't matter if they do. We have what we need." He adjusted his grip on his spear, his gaze never leaving the captives.

The Fatui guard grunted, shifting his weight. "I still don't get why we're working with you lot. After all the bad blood..."

"Times change," the Lawrence guard replied tersely. "We have a common goal, and that's what matters."

There was a moment of silence before the Fatui guard spoke again. "You think they're planning a rescue?"

The Lawrence guard snorted. "With the city under our watch? They'd have to be fools." But there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, a flicker of doubt that belied his confident words.

The Fatui guard nodded, but his eyes narrowed slightly. "We shouldn't underestimate them. They're Knights of Favonius, after all."

"True," the Lawrence guard conceded. "But we're prepared. We've got the upper hand now."

The Lawrence guard, breaking the brief silence, glanced at his companion. "So, what's your story? Why join the Fatui?"

The Fatui guard leaned against the wall, his armor clinking. "For the same reasons anyone does anything—power, influence, a chance to be more than just another nameless soldier in a vast army."

The Lawrence guard nodded, understanding. "We're not so different, you and I. I joined the Lawrence clan for the heritage, the pride. But sometimes, I wonder if the pride is worth the price."

The Fatui guard chuckled dryly. "Every cause has its price. And sometimes, it's higher than we're willing to admit."

The Lawrence guard's gaze drifted to the bound figures. "Do you ever think about what happens after? When all this is over?"

The Fatui guard followed his gaze, his expression pensive. "Sometimes. But then I remember that in our line of work, looking too far ahead is a luxury we can't afford."

The Lawrence guard gave a wry smile. "True enough. We live in the present, for better or worse."

The Fatui guard, breaking the brief lull, leaned in closer to the Lawrence guard. "Heard any interesting rumors lately?" His tone was casual, but his eyes held a keen interest.

The Lawrence guard raised an eyebrow. "Depends on what you call interesting. But there's talk about some of your Fatui colleagues frequenting the Angel's Share."

The Fatui guard's lips curled into a half-smile. "Oh? And what exactly are they saying?"

"Something about a deal with the bartender there. Seems your people are interested in more than just the drinks," the Lawrence guard replied, his tone laced with a hint of amusement and skepticism.

The Fatui guard chuckled. "Bartenders hear everything and say nothing. Makes them useful allies. But I doubt it's anything more than just keeping an ear to the ground."

The Lawrence guard nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Makes sense, but in Mondstadt, you never know. Rumors have a way of turning into truths, especially when the Fatui are involved."

The Fatui guard shrugged nonchalantly. "In our line of work, rumors are just another tool. Sometimes more powerful than the sword."

The guards, a mix of Fatui and members of the Lawrence clan, kept a vigilant watch. They were well aware of the capabilities of their captives and were taking no chances. The air was punctuated by the occasional clank of armor and the soft murmurs of the guards communicating.