

A sheltered 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, starts her new journey in college soon to realize life is not as how her father told her it would be. As his lies become more evident, her reality itself becomes questioned.

Atamasala · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Chapter 17

"Leave Lisa" Kade simply says to Lisa who is visibly nervous. She just nods and gets up without glancing my way and leaves.

"Why did she have to leave?" she asks as he raises his hand signalling for the check.

"So that we can talk, but back at my place"

"You bought a new house?"

"Got tired of staying in a hotel"

She remains quiet and texts on her phone while her father pays for the bill. The two exit the restaurant with Kade leading his daughter to his car. They drive for a while to the beachside of the city.

Genora stood by the spit shine polished bay window, it was hot out with the sun shining up high, and the clear pristine waters just up ahead glistening a glittering hue. It was months now, she had come to this university, but despite the temptation of wanting to feel the sea's waves as she had read about back home, she was rather sickly with this kind of weather. Back on the island where there seemed to always be heaps of snow, the weather here was gradually affecting her. Will she ever be able to get used to this? She kinda missing home...

Her father said he would be out for a moment, didn't say where he went so she decided to snoop around the house. An old, grey tin roof. Inside there is a cosy lounge room with three soft couches and many blankets. There are windows that look out to the beach. The kitchen is large and also looks out to the beach. It has an island bench in the middle and a small stove. the main bedroom has a king-sized bed with a light green bedspread and lots of pillows. it has a bay window that looks out over the sand dunes. floorboards cover the whole house - they are light brown and a bit worn. the other three bedrooms are pretty similar - cream coloured paint, a brown wooden door and beds with lots of pillows. in the family room, there is also a large bookshelf that spans the whole wall file with lots of great reads. The beach house seemed old to Genora but she felt it was kinda cosy, as she is looking around in the kitchen, she noticed a door by the side right next to the stove. It must lead to the garage she thought, so she decided to go right ahead and open it. She went down the creaky stairs and finds a red Mercedes car parked on the left side and the right remains empty. He must have left with the grey Benz then, she thought. Looking around the tools he had on the shelves she decided to make a call.

"Hello?" she asks.

"Hey...baby doll" the ruffled voice slowly replies and by the sound of it Genora assumes he's drunk.

"You idiot, please don't tell me you're drunk right now!" she shouts over the phone in frustration. He lazily laughs at the phone infuriating Genora more. Suddenly she hears a car pull up the driveway and a door open and close.

"Shit!" she curses.

"Listen don't worry about it, I got everything ready, you just do your part"

"Im counting on you Carson," she says and drops the phone. She reaches for her jacket for the gun as she hears footsteps coming down the stairs.

"What do you think about the house sweetheart?" he asks as he makes his way to her. With her back turned, "It's old but very cosy" she says. Her hand's shaking as she felt a sea of anxiety deep down- she didn't know what he would try to do at this point, couldn't figure out his game.

As her suspicions turned, so did her aim.

She turned to face her father of eighteen years and aimed her gun directly at his head. His face shocked by her actions but soon replaced by a confident smirk on his face.

"Katherine," he says and she smirks

"Hello, father." She said staring intensely at him,

"I had my suspicions that you might have emerged but God was I hoping I was wrong," he says.

"You were never going to make me dominant were you, you love that pathetic shit more than me!" she shouts taken over by rage.

"I told you to be a patient dear daughter, your time would come."

"Bullshit! you told me by my eighteenth birthday you would make me permanent and Genora would be gone for good, but boy was I stupid- after all she's your first daughter, Im just a counterpart that emerged later."

"Your efforts are futile, I can just put you to sleep with just one word"

"That's if you're faster than a bullet and even if you do succeed I have a backup- you see I am live recording this as we speak. Making it so if you do succeed my friend will make sure to bring you down, oh and I wouldn't count on Lizzy as she wouldn't know." Katherine says with a smirk as Kade's initial confident look fades to a serious stoic.

"Well, Katherine, we all have our price." He jumped up and in a move went for her gun. They tussled but she held on, and they both tumbled over the hood of the patrol car. He was first up and slammed her head against the door panel, trying to knock her unconscious. Again he slammed her head, this time denting the panel with force. Katherine began to see double, in complete disbelief at what was happening. Just before he pulled her back by her hair for another blow, she remembered, the voice of the man that was currently trying to kill her....."Never let anyone take you down, Kathrine... Never let anyone take you down!"

She blinked back into focus, gritted her teeth and let out a nasty growl... She caught his arm as he went to slam her again, and locked her arm into his grip. She pressed against him trying to stand up, as he lay into her, holding her against the side of the car.

Katherine breathed in then howled like a warrior! She pulled all of his weight toward her and kneed his inner thigh, throwing his right leg from under him. He lurched forward as she spun around behind him.

She slammed him face-first into the driver's door so hard the hinges bent backwards with the force. He reeled up and drew back to throw a punch. Katherine ducked under his reach and landed two uppercuts to his chin. She turned into him, tucked under his torso and clawed his testicles with her free hand.

He wailed in pain and bearhugged her, thumping his fists into her back. She stood her ground and began to back him against the hood. He resisted for a second but Katherine flexed her grip and crushed both of his testicles. He whimpered, went limp, fell backwards against the car, then down to his knees.

"Where were we." She said as she raised her gun to his head, in the same position as the start.

She threw her handcuffs that were in the jacket pocket in front of him.

"I have beaten you, surrender."

Kade eeked out a nod, took the cuffs, and handcuffed himself.