

The world was forever changed when, without warning, dozens of portals materialized across the globe. From these swirling gateways, monstrous creatures emerged, laying waste to cities and thrusting humanity into a nightmare. A once tranquil and orderly world descended into chaos. Humanity, stripped of its dominance, faced extinction as millions perished daily. Those who survived were driven to the fringes, struggling to adapt to a brutal new reality. Gone were the ideals of justice, law, and equality. In their place, the unforgiving laws of nature reigned supreme. But in the midst of despair, a flicker of hope emerged: the genomancers. These extraordinary individuals had unlocked powers by implanting monster genes into their own bodies. Despite the perilous and rare success rate of just 10%, humanity's spirit remained unbroken. Now, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance, the genomancers stand as the last bastion of hope against the monstrous tide. Will they be enough to turn the tide, or is humanity doomed to fade into oblivion? Dive into this thrilling saga and discover the fate of a world on the brink.

Agis_Z99 · แฟนตาซี
68 Chs

Fight against the werewolf

In the narrow alley surrounded by shabby buildings, Ren prepared to clash with werewolves. The cloud-covered sky witnessed the battle between these two creatures.

The werewolf leaped forward skillfully, its sharp claws ready to attack. Ren ducked and jumped, evading the strike, swiftly running among the clusters of buildings with remarkable speed. His footsteps echoed in the narrow streets.

The werewolf pursued Ren quickly, then spun in the air, swinging both hands intending to claw the boy. Ren leaped, avoiding the attack, and swung his leg, kicking the werewolf's face.

As the werewolf was pushed backward, Ren charged again, launching a series of consecutive attacks. The enraged werewolf howled and swung its sharp claws to counter Ren.

The boy leaned backward, avoiding the attack, but the monster's assault wasn't over. It attacked Ren's leg with its claws, leaving a mark despite Ren pulling his leg away.

The battle continued, with Ren relying on agility and speed while the werewolf used its strength and brutality.

Ren tried to leverage his advantage, spinning to deceive his opponent while occasionally launching attacks on the werewolf. The monster could only keep chasing and injuring Ren as much as possible until it lost its speed.

In a tense moment, Ren used an iron rod used as a clothesline to restrain the werewolf's claws and forcefully hit its head. Ren's attack caused a wound on the werewolf, but it also made it more aggressive.

It angrily leaped again, this time, instead of claws, it grabbed one of Ren's arms and pulled him. Opening its mouth wide, it intended to bite his neck.

Ren, being pulled, used his other hand to hold the werewolf's head and stretched his leg behind the beast. He clenched his teeth and pushed the monster with all his might, causing it to stumble and fall.

Ren straddled the monster's chest, using both his legs to restrain its hand movements, then choked the werewolf's neck.

The monster fought fiercely, using its legs to try to stand and push Ren away.

But Ren knew he couldn't let this opportunity pass. He gripped the werewolf's neck with all his strength, veins clearly visible in his hands. His leg muscles were tense as he tried to press down both of the monster's hands that could harm him anytime if released.

As the werewolf suffered more, its resistance grew stronger. It struggled with increasing intensity, raising the pressure on Ren. Until at one point, Ren unintentionally leaned backward, making his body reachable by the werewolf's legs.

The werewolf clasped Ren's neck with both its legs, then threw him forcefully, sending him flying over several buildings and causing a powerful crash. The werewolf stood again, howling proudly as if proclaiming its strength to the world.

"Ugh, I feel pain all over my body," groaned Ren as he slowly stood from the wreckage.

He didn't expect this werewolf to be so challenging. Moreover, without weapons, it was challenging to withstand the claws of the werewolf that could cause severe injuries. He now understood why armor and weapons became popular among genomancers.

 Ren glanced at the werewolf, realizing that this fight wouldn't end quickly. This brought Ren back to a memory from the past.

Though he often avoided fights in Komorebi Kuyo, there was once when he battled against a youth much stronger than him. In this fight, young Ren was punched and kicked, with the encounter being dominated by the youth from the beginning.

However, Ren persistently scratched, bit, jabbed his eyes, and used every means to fight against the youth. In the end, Ren was severely injured, but he won as the youth became frightened by Ren's unwavering determination.

Ren and the werewolf locked eyes for a moment.

"Come here, you bastard," Ren gave the monster a middle finger.

The werewolf ran and lunged at Ren. The fight resumed. Ren used his vision to capture every move of the monster. Then, his agile body would dodge the attack and counter-attack.

Dodge, strike, duck, kick, leap up, kick.

The fast-paced fight gradually fell into Ren's rhythm. It was evident that the boy was fully focused, utilizing all his cognitive abilities and physical strength to battle the werewolf.

Ren's speed in making precise decisions increased rapidly. Several times, he seemed to sacrifice minor injuries to inflict more severe damage on the werewolf.

As a result of this intense fight, the dilapidated walls around them cracked, windows shattered, and some items were destroyed. Unintentional incidents also ignited a small fire in the area.

However, whether it was Ren or his opponent, neither cared about it; both were focused on fighting each other.

The battle continued, and their location gradually shifted, causing the chaos they created to escalate. Unaware people panicked and fled. Meanwhile, some innocent bystanders unintentionally became victims of their fight.

Ren tried his best to lure the monster to a more secluded place, but some casualties were inevitable.

The boy's breathing became heavier. The accumulation of wounds made his body ache, and sweat covered him. However, adrenaline and a high level of focus helped Ren remain standing and continue the fight.

Fortunately, his opponent suffered as well. The werewolf was no longer as ferocious and brutal as before. It appeared fatigued, and the broken bones hindered its movements.

Ren noticed a damaged building behind the monster that was on the verge of collapsing. He then had a brilliant idea.

He ran toward the monster, while the werewolf also charged at him. As the werewolf performed a front flip in mid-air, Ren grabbed its body. When it was about to land, he threw the werewolf toward the nearly collapsed building.

The throw hit the only supporting wall of the building, causing it to collapse instantly upon the werewolf's impact. It wasn't an ordinary building; it was a two-story structure. Even if the werewolf was strong, it couldn't dig itself out from such a massive pile of rubble.

"I... won." Ren breathed a sigh of relief. After an intense fight, he actually won and it was his first win as a genomancer