
Chapter 261 Physics teacher: You guys, deduct 10 from your usual score!

School of Sciences classroom.

Qian Zhijin looked around for a moment before declaring the official opening of the press conference.

A whole row of people was seated at the desk, including the university's vice-principal, administrative officers from the academic affairs department, and professors from various colleges. However, they were all insignificant. The one and only star was Zhao Yi.

All camera lenses were pointed at Zhao Yi.

Since they were holding an interview-style news conference, no special announcements were needed, and the question and answer segment began straight away.

Many reporters from major media outlets were in the audience, including those from national and local television networks, large news websites, academic press, and foreign media known for their speed. Once they found out Zhao Yi had returned to the country, they instructed their domestic correspondents to rush over for an interview immediately.