
Genius Mode Activated

When a quiet high school student Ethan Wright discovers a mysterious system that allows him to tap into the collective knowledge of the internet, he must navigate the blurred lines between reality and technology to uncover the truth behind his newfound power and prevent a catastrophic event that threatens his school and his friends.

Hikmaah · แฟนตาซี
112 Chs

The Astral Plane

Ethan's eyes widened as he took in the surreal landscape before him. The energy emanating from the device still pulsed through his body, and he felt a strange sense of detachment from his physical form.

Dr. Lee gestured to the figures in the distance. "Those are your ancestors," she said. "Your true family. They have been waiting for you."

Ethan's mind reeled as he approached the figures. They grew larger, taking on a more defined form. He saw faces that were familiar, yet strange. They reached out to him, their hands glowing with an otherworldly energy.

Dr. Lee's voice whispered in his ear. "They will show you the secrets of your past and your true purpose. You have been chosen for a great task, Ethan."

As he drew closer, Ethan felt a sense of recognition wash over him. These people were his family, his bloodline. He felt a deep connection to them, as if he had always known them.

The oldest of the figures stepped forward, its eyes burning with an intense blue light. "You are the last of our line," it said, its voice like thunder in Ethan's mind. "The last hope for our survival."

Ethan felt a surge of responsibility wash over him. He was the key to unlocking a secret that had been hidden for centuries.

"What do you want from me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The figure's gaze pierced through him. "We want you to unlock the ancient secret," it said. "A secret that holds the power to change the course of human history."

Ethan felt a shiver run down his spine as the figure reached out and placed its hand on his forehead.

Suddenly, visions flooded his mind. He saw ancient civilizations, powerful artifacts, and mysterious technologies. He saw a world on the brink of destruction, and a small group of people fighting against an unknown enemy.

As the visions faded, Ethan found himself back in Dr. Lee's laboratory, surrounded by Rachel and the strange equipment.

Dr. Lee's eyes gleamed with excitement. "You have seen it," she said. "You know what you must do."

Ethan's mind reeled as he tried to process what he had just experienced. He felt like he had been given a glimpse into a whole new world, one that was both fascinating and terrifying.