Thomas is a kind boy that grew up loving food, he studied cookin to become a renowned chef until he gets killed by a girl that wanted his position in the kitchen’s brigade. He stays in the dark for a long long time until he is thrown into a boy’s body that have that have the same name as him in a magical world, now he is described as a handsome genius magician, in exchange for the boy’s body he must help him accomplish a task.
Thomas was born in France in a well off family, his father was an architect and his mother a university teacher. Since he was young he loved cooking, his passion for food came one day when he watched a cooking contest on TV. Later he studied to be a chef in a cooking school, and became what he wanted. Slowly he climbed the ladder and finally reached the highest possible point, working in a renowned Parisian restaurant.
He worked there for 3 years and was now 21 years old, today he had been promoted to the rank of sous-chef, only the chef was above him now. The only issue was that someone else coveted this position, her name was Sarah and she was the daughter of the chef.
She has always been kind with Thomas since he joined the kitchen brigade and she treated him like a little brother, that was while he was not in a position to compete with her. Now not only was he in a position to compete with her he even won the competition and took the position she desired.
She called Thomas on a free day and asked him to spend the day with her to "congratulate him", she was a beautiful, kind and rich girl, he had no reason to refuse so he accepter and spent the day with her. They went shopping, watched a movie, took a walk around a park, the usual date. Thomas started to question himself
'Does she like me ? This is a date right ? Man if I could have Sarah as my girlfriend I could die happy.'
Thomas was just following her lead as she was the one driving the car, later that night he started to have doubt, the rest of the places were fine but what did she bring him here for ? She took him to an abandoned house in the outskirts of the city and the sky was starting to go dark, he couldn't help but be scared.
« Hey Sarah what are we doing here ? »
« We're going to have fun, nobody will catch us here... »
She said while revealing a bit on skin under her cleavage and showed him a teasing smile. This made him forget every bit of fear he felt, he couldn't think straight anymore. He was just too impatient for what will happen next.
She took his hand and pulled him inside, the inside walls were completely shattered with graffitis on them and broken furniture laid everywhere on the ground. They went to a room inside which was in a slightly better state than the rest of the house and they started to kiss passionately, in a normal situation Thomas would ask himself why did she bring him here but the poor guy was a virgin and was too busy with what was happening to think straight.
After a few minutes of kissing she took back her lips and started to take off his shirt with a charming smile, that's when Thomas felt something cold go into his chest. 'What is this?'
At first it didn't hurt, slowly he started to feel cold all over his body, then he started to have a hard time breathing. He could feel the energy slowly leaving his body, he felt more and more tired. He looked at his chest and the knife had pierced his heart, he was sure that he'd die in less than a minute, he lifted his head and looked at Sarah ; she was smiling at him, her cute and beautiful smile was very creepy.
'How can you smile like this when you just killed me ?'
He opened his lips to say these words but he could speak, only a muffled sound came out.
He approached her while smiling as well, this time it was her turn to be perplexed.
"What are you doing ?"
Before she had the time to react he had already kissed her lips.
'What is he doing ? I've just killed him and he's kissing me ?'
He used the low amount of energy remaining in his body to tear of her lips with his teeth. It was quite a bloody scene as her bottom lip was not there anymore and you could see her lower teeth.
"Aaaaaaaaah!!! It hurt you a**hole !"
Her high pitched voice hurt his ears for a moment and then he closed his eyes and fell on his back.
Even if she ran away, as soon as the police found his body they'll find her lip in his mouth and could find the murderer from that.
During what seemed an eternity Thomas couldn't see, touch, feel or smell anything. Only sometimes it seemed like he heard people passing by or thunder roaring in the distance.
'Is this how death feel ? So I'm going to stay this way for eternity ? Man I'll be bored to death after a day...'
He stayed in this state for a long, long time, almost enough to forget who he was when he was alive but he kept thinking about the mistakes he had made which kept him from forgetting who he was.
After what felt like years, he saw a white light in front of him, very small but definitely real. He was chocked but also ecstatic, he couldn't control his body, more like he didn't have a body. He had guessed long ago that he was in a soul form, he was what people called a ghost ? So he just let his soul slowly advance toward the light, the light was growing in size but very very slowly, the difference in size was remarkable only after what he felt like days of wait so after around 1 month maybe the light was bigger than ever, it was blinding but Thomas couldn't close eyes he didn't have so it kept burning his vision, soon his sense of vision closed on its own but he could still feel a burning feeling all around his soul.
After not so long this time, he opened his eyes. Yes, he opened his eyes and could see a forest in front of him. A very beautiful forest like he had never seen ever before, it was half green and red. The green part was cooling, the red part was blazing and Thomas was sitting right in the middle of both the forests
'F*** this is hot !'
He hurriedly moved to the green side and felt way better, now he calmed down and looked around him. Trees were as tall as buildings on earth, and the only animal he saw ; a kind of silver bald eagle, was at least 10 times bigger than the ones he knew. His heart started beating faster, who knew if that monster had seen him and would go down to hunt him, he looked for a place to hide when he came across a huge tree. The tree had enormous roots waving in and out of the soil, Thomas felt pressure when he looked at it but a hollow cavity near the bottom caught his attention. He went inside as it was the perfect place to hide from volatile beasts.
When he started to feel at ease and closed his eyes to rest a bit and organize his thought.
"Hey wake up!"
A young man's voice sounded near him, as he opened his eyes there was a good looking young man in front of him, pitch black hair and eyes, which gave a cold feeling. Symmetrical face with high cheekbones, he could definitely be a successful actor or model on earth.
At the moment he was smiling at Thomas, a warm smile which contrasted with his cold eyes.
"Who are you ?"
Thomas wasn't afraid but he was wary of this young man that appeared suddenly.
"Hahaha you don't have to be wary of me, I'm only a soul. My name is Thomas Young and you are in my body."
'Is this kid joking ? And he have the same name as me ?'
Thomas checked his body, on earth he was 21 years old, short and stout, not so handsome and he had short hair. Now he was tall and fit, he couldn't see his face but he guessed by the touch that it wasn't his old face and he was dressed in a kind of medieval suit...
'Wow man, I didn't realize the change since I've been in the dark for so long but this is definitely not my old body...'
« How did I end up in your body ? »
A cold light flashed in the boy's eyes and he said :
« Very simple, I found a book in this forest with a method inside it, the method is supposed to boost my talent by bringing a more talented soul inside my body. This way I can ask you for a favor in exchange for a life. »
« What do you mean boost your talent ? »
« You will take over my body, the spell is supposed to bring an incredibly talented soul. This means you'll become me and I'll disappear in exchange for your help. »
« What pushed you to go this far ? »
« I want you to help me get vengeance. »
Thomas was chocked by this kid's decisiveness, he stayed silent for a long time. He felt like this kid should be saying the truth, he had spent years or decades in the dark and then came back in different body so he was almost sure the kid wasn't lying.
« I'm already in your body so I'll help you for giving me this chance to live again, what should I do ? »
« Train, become strong. I'll help you, when you reach a high level enough you'll accompany me to get rid of that clan. Then I'll leave this world and you'll do as you wish with the body, I don't have any family or friends anymore so you'll be free of shackles. »
« Get rid...? »