
Gefallen feller

Ichikawa Sayori awakens one fateful day in the alluring form of a vampire girl called as Snow Bloodstain. As she embraces her newfound identity, she embarks on a captivating journey to explore the enigmatic world that now surrounds her. To her astonishment, she soon discovers that some of her closest friends from her online server have also been inexplicably trapped in the same supernatural predicament. With every cryptic twist and turn, Sayori ventures deeper into the realm of the unknown. Her quest to reunite with her trapped friends takes on an aura of mysticism, and the line between reality and fantasy blurs like the shifting tides of twilight.

KhaPhoe_ · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


[On a warm evening, I wake up from my sleep and look out of the window.]

"How long has it been?"

I gaze at the long white hair that I now possess, still not accustomed to it. Alone in this medieval castle that feels more like a prison.

[I head to the basement and pour myself a glass of blood.]

*Sigh* At least I have this.

[I sit at the table, sipping from the glass, and retrieve a diary.]

"Dear diary, once again, I was as useless as ever today.

I attempted to go out, but fear held me back—not because I can't socialize, but because I dread the sun; it might scorch me."

*Sigh* "Should I recount everything to stave off boredom?

Numerous diaries have already been filled; perhaps I should update it weekly.

Alright, let's reminisce about my memories.


*Thoughts race through my mind.*

*Surrounded by noise, I find myself lost in space.*

*In a faint voice,* "Ichikawa... Ichikawa..." *The voice grows louder.*


*Startled, I awaken from my dream.*

"Ah, yes, sir. What is it?"

[My name is Ichikawa Sayori, and my life is full of surprises—perhaps too many. Before me stands my chemistry teacher.]

"Look, Ichikawa, I acknowledge your effort on this project, but I cannot allocate marks for it."

Me: And why is that, may I ask?

"Firstly, you neglected to use spiral binding in your project file and failed to decorate the front page. Do you think I can give marks for this?"

Ichikawa: But I've included nearly everything, and the project is good... at least in my opinion.

Come on, sir, you didn't provide us with much guidance either.

"You know the kind of students I detest? Those who argue. You should know better as a student."

Nathaniel: Maybe... you should teach better as a teacher?

"Leave my office."

*I exit the room.*

Damn, I should've just slept instead of toiling all night on this project.

*Sigh* For whom am I even doing this?

*People will say I should do this for myself, but if it were truly for myself, I'd be content with an ordinary life—no need to strive for the best. No, I'm not doing all this for myself... I'm doing it for the so-called society that won't regard me as a person if I'm not successful, just exceptional.*

*In the classroom*

[The physics teacher walks in and after an extensive session, assigns a lengthy task.]

*Every student is taken aback.*

Another one?

Damn, and here I thought I could finally rest.

[Finally, I return home.]

[After taking a shower]

Phew, that felt refreshing.

*Gazes at the computer.*

Perhaps a brief session before bed.

*I open the computer and check messages.*


The server is down.

[Our friend's server was functioning well, but due to a small community, it's often inactive.]

If only we were in the same location simultaneously.

*We've all scattered to different workplaces and colleges, so it's no surprise we rarely meet in person.*

A bit of gaming won't harm.

*I continue playing until 3 am and eventually drift off to sleep.*

[On a warm evening, I wake up from my sleep and look out of the window.]


How did I end up... in bed?

I recall falling asleep at my desk.




And... What's with this hair?

Long, silky, white hair?

And these clothes...

*I rush to locate a mirror.*
