
Gear Realm

Inside a little house, a young man in his 18 is lying on a bed. His name is Styler, he just died and ended up in this room. He died during a fight on the streets.

Styler slowly woke up holding his head trying to stop the headache he's feeling. When he saw his surroundings he got confused. He can not recognize the place.

"Where am I?" he asked himself.

He stood up and searched for other persons in the house. There is only one kitchen, one bedroom, and bathroom forming the house. But he didn't saw any other person in there, he went back to the bedroom and looked for something that might help him. He only found an envelope placed on a desk beside the bed. He picked it up and opened it carefully.

As he opened it up, a light blinded him and entered his mind.

[Welcome to Gear Realm]

He was startled by the voice and he immediately looked around to see the one who is talking to him, but he didn't see anybody around.

"Hello, Any body there?" he asked to confirm that somebody just talked to him.


He heard another voice and realized that it was coming from his mind.

"Am I hearing my conscience?" Styler asked himself after hearing a unisex voice from his mind.

[I will be guiding you for now, please cooperate.]

After hearing this he got more confused.

"What do you mean guide me, and where are we by the way?" Styler asked for more information that he might get.

[We are now at the Revival Island. Here you and other more will be registering as an individual in a new world because you died in your previous life. I will be guiding you into this world.]

Styler just remembered the fight from the street and he remembered what just happened. He wanted to ask more question but the voice interrupted him.

[Please follow the arrow and register so you can start your new life.]

A green arrow popped out of nowhere pointing at a certain direction. Styler just followed the request and didn't ask any more question. The arrow led him into a tall building and with a title on top of the door, 'Registration Hall'. He went inside and saw many more people, standing in a wide space.

"Please line up properly and register." a guy in black suit said in a loud voice.

Everyone lined up including Styler. They are all standing up in the clear space inside. After everyone was settled, a man came out and stood next to the man that ordered them to line up. He is wearing a black suit as well but he is wearing a red bandana in his head.

"Hello and welcome to everyone, I am Dave and I am the one who is in charge here." the man with red bandana spoke.

He then brought out papers and then hand it to the other man beside him. The other man then distributed the papers to all of them.

"That is your registration form, please use your own blood to register. Take note that once you registered, the spirit inside your mind will be retrieved. But don't worry, you can find other guide spirits at the worlds that you will be entering." Dave said after everyone has been given their own registration form.

Styler then bit his thumb and drop a blood at the paper. After that the paper absorbed the blood and shined. The light blinded him and the next thing was he is feeling like he is being sucked into space. After that, everyone in the building has vanished.

Hello guys, I'm back. Sorry again for not continuing my old book but I will try to make this better. Please support my new book and my chapter release will be 1 in 1 day. It's hard for me to make chapters because I'm still studying as a highschool student. Thank you guys for your support and have a nice day.

RheyStyler707creators' thoughts