

One by one the dishes are finished. Of course, all the ingredients in the refrigerator are Japanese-style menus. If Ginnan touched things he didn't know from Amsterdam, it would all be returned.

There are ramen, onigiri, mochi, udon, takoyaki, sushi, and many more. Of course some compositions are not in the refrigerator. But Ginnan still tries to make sure the taste is still acceptable to the tongue.

"Now just serve it on the table."

Ginnan also inhaled the aroma of the onigiri in the plate he made. He's happy. However, suddenly a deep voice sounded from behind.

"You're really good at cooking."



Ginnan was about to turn his head, but suddenly an arm wrapped around his waist from the right. He looked to the side. Looking at Veer's face which looks dim. His eyes stared at the stove that had just died. Floating. shaded. And that made Ginnan uneasy.