
GATE: The United Nations of Earth

In the year 3001, a strange structure appear in the middle of New Ginza on planet Eden Prime and a mysterious Roman like army emerge from the gate creating death and chaos. The UNE quickly deploy its forces and push them back into the gate. As news of the attack broasdcasted through out UNE territory, the people demand retribution. Thus the UNE went for vengence. This work of fanfiction is inspired by "GATE: Thus The JSDF Fought There" using ideas from many other science fiction stories, fanfictions and movies as well as games. The story will follow with the original novel and eventually deviate from it.

NhanLe · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

Priority: Cheiron Mansion

--World-building fact--

Did you know why in reality, faster than light (FTL) travel seems impossible? It is because as an object moves faster it also gains mass. So the closer we get to the speed of light, the more energy it requires to accelerate that object. To reach the speed of light, the mass and the energy to accelerate become infinite. You might be wondering "Then how is light moving at light speed?". It is because light itself is made of protons, and protons have no mass and they experience no acceleration or deceleration. Protons move at the speed of light the moment they were born.

In this Gate: The United Nations of Earth universe, this problem was solved by the invention of mass manipulation technology. The technology controls the mass of ships and missiles or any object it is built in so that the energy required for acceleration does not change.

--Cheiron Mansion--

The night on Spes is dark because the planet has no moon. Because of the lack of a satellite planetary body, Spes spin faster than Earth and the waves are much smaller. However, Spes is bigger than Earth in terms of size, which coincidently synchronizes their day-night cycle.

The mansion is lightly guarded with only small fences to mark the property and keep out wilds animals. The guards at the mansion act as a security force to control the household slaves and to keep out intruders, they are not expecting enemies so deep within the Empire's territory. Built on a perfect square piece of land in the middle of an open field, it was designed by some of the best architects in the empire and was built by the most skilled builders, not slaves.

Walking out from the tree line, Ava signals the 5th to stop and observe the mansion. TACNet indicates that they have 300 meters (about 1000 feet) of open field to move through before reaching the mansion's fence. There are 4 watchtowers, 3 of them are in the line of sight and 1 is obscured by the mansion. Each tower has 1 guard and an alarm bell. Ava 3 operators to each pick a target on the 3 towers insight and the recon drones to lock on the 2 on the other tower.

The PAS-5 assault rifle uses mass accelerator technology to launch the superheated plasma bolt down the barrel. While it does make as much noise as the ancient's gunpowder weapons, it still creates a small sound as the mass accelerator pushes the bullet and a crack sound as the bullet speeds up close to the speed of light. However, the sound can only hear in close proximity or echo through hallways and chambers, at 300 meters away it is impossible to hear without any hearing assistive technology.

As soon as the guards on the watchtowers are out, Ava orders Ashley to take the 2nd squad to split up and approach the West gate while she takes the 1st squad directly to the South gate. There are 4 gates, each has 2 guards which are also taken out using knives. In the Southwest corner is the guard's barrack right next to the slaves' cabin. The scan of the slaves' cabin detects no UNE citizen.

She orders one of the operators to use the replicator of one of the SAT8s to replicate a can of sleeping gas and fill the slaves' cabin with the gas. While the slaves are not combatants, they are a potential threat that Ava wants to put them out just in case. The rest of the 2nd squad and the SAT8s are ordered to put out the sleeping guards in the barrack then secure the perimeter while Ava leads the 1st squad into the main building.

The main building is large and has 3 floors including the ground floor. Recon drones identified the 2 UNE women are being kept in a room on the 3rd floor with only 2 guards. The plan is to swipe each floor, room by room, to find any useable intel. There are fewer guards inside of the building than the outside, they are mostly guarding offices, library and bedrooms. However, scans detected 2 children in a bedroom on the 3rd floor and a few unarmed humans.

Carefully, the squad swipe through the ground floor and the 1st floor like a well-oiled machine and take out any guards they found using knives or breaking their necks. After securing a list of all Senator names and which side, pro-peace or pro-war, are they supporting, Ava orders them to move up the 2nd floor where the bedrooms are located. TACNet shows that there are more guards on these floors and while most of the unarmed are asleep, 3 of them are still awake and are sitting in the largest room of the floor.

There are 2 sets of stairs that lead up to the floor, the 1st squad including Ava consists of 8 operators. Rob is to lead 3 operators up the stair set on the East side of the building while Ava took the other 3 up the Westside. As each side has 2 guards standing facing the stair sets, there's no way for the operators to sneak up without showing themselves. Therefore, Ava signals the squad through TACNet and the rest of the platoon securing the outside perimeter that they are going to go loud. They have to be quick for fear that the guards outside of the 2 UNE women might try and kill the hostages.

As soon as the guards are in view, Ava fire a shot killing one as another operator takes out the other guard. She can hear 2 gunshots on the other side of the building at the same time and then there's a short moment of silence as the occupants and guards on the floor shout and yell in confusion. Ava lead her team down the hallway and turn left into a room, there are 2 guards with swords ready in their hand but they are taken out quickly. Behind the guards is the door of the room that is keeping the 2 women.

TACNet vision shows that their room is clear and there's only them inside, Ava kicks down the door and swipe in the room with another operator while 2 others securing their rear.

"Clear" Ava shouts.

"Clear" The other operator shouts after checking under the bed, behind curtains and any potential hiding places.

Seeing the 2 women curling up on their bed too terrified to realize what is happening. Ava approach them and show them the UNE military patch on her arm "UNE military, we're SIF and we're here to get you home"

Hearing that the 2 women start to calm down and look at Ava with weary looks. They startle a little as the operators guarding outside take down another guard that rushes into the room.

Ava dematerializes the front of her helmet showing her face "I'm Commander Ava Bennett, can you move? We need to get out of here".

Seeing both women nod, Ava signals the operator in the room with them to come and help. The operator rushes over and put a small box similar to the TAC suit on their chest and activate it. The suit is used for recover hostages in combat situations. While it doesn't fully link to TACNet like TAC suit and it lacks the tactical sensors, it has a more powerful shield and greater regenerative power.

Taking point, Ava leads the team and the hostages out of the room and into the hallway. Suddenly, a middle-aged man rushes out from the room with the largest door with a sword on his hand with another man in a red robe with a staff while a woman tries to stop him. Special force training kicks in, Ava snaps her PAS-5 at the man with the sword and takes a shot. The plasma bolt hits the man's right shoulder which knocks him on the ground and causes him to drop the sword.

The crystal on the staff of the other man glow blue and a magic force field appears surrounding them. He then shoots a bolt of fire magic at Ava but she manages to dodge and takes cover. By this time Rob's team arrive at the other end of the hallway. Ava remember that the enemy used a larger version of a magic shield like this during the battle of Alnus Hill and enough firepower could take it down.

"Focus fire, take that shield down!" Ava orders as the entire squad from both sides of the hallway unleash their weapons in full automatic firing mode.

The mage can kill his mana is being drained at an incredible rate, which would be lethal for any weaker magic-user. He raises his right hand up as a blue ball of magic starts forming in his palm, once it is fully charged, he smashes it on the floor creating a shockwave that knocks the SIFs back and fall onto the floor. Some of them including Ava are knocked so hard that they break the wall and fall all the way to the ground. A large explosion can be heard as windows break and dust kicked out of the 3rd floor of the building.

After hearing the intense gunfire and the explosion, Ashley tries to contact Ava and the 1st squad "Commander, what's your situation? Do you need backup?".

"We're fine, keep the perimeter clear" Ava replies as she stands up activating her thrusters to jump back up the 3rd floor and give order to the 1st squad to continue firing "Continue suppressing fire!".

Just as she finishes her command, through TACNet she can see 2 children are running out of their room and is reaching for the door.

"Ceasefire, cease-fire" Ava orders.

The 2 children leave their room and run to the woman as the older one tries to call for their parent "Mommy, Papa!".

The woman runs out of the magic shield to her children and hugs them, all of them crying. Seeing that the SIFs are distracted, the man orders the mage to use transport magic to take them to Sadera leaving his wife and kids behind. Ava orders the rest of the squad to secure the corners as she and Rob approach the woman and her children.

"Leave us alone!" The older kid put himself between Ava and his mother and sister.

The mother gets on her knees and pull the kids into her arms "Please, I'll be your slave, I'll do anything you want. Just let them go".

"Ma'am, slavery is illegal in our nation. As of now, you are the prisoner of the United Nations of Earth, cooperate and you will be fine, your kids will be well cared for. Resist and there will be consequences" Ava replies with a commanding tone.

"I understand" the woman replies.

"What is your name?" Ava asks.

"I'm Chryse, wife of senator Cheiron. This is Eutropios and Helle my children" Chryse says.

"Cheiron was the man with the sword?" Ava asks.

"Yes, he was a coward for leaving his family to the enemy. He brought shame to our family" Chryse says as she cries.

Ava nods as she orders Rob to put the woman in the hand cup and then contact Fort Alnus "Eagle Nest, this is Eagle lead, we have the VIP plus 3. The AO is clear, requesting extraction. Over".

"Eagle lead, this is Eagle Nest, extraction on the way ETA 2 minutes. Over" Fort Alnus replies.

Before leaving, Ava destroys the lock on the slaves' cabin door so that they can leave when they wake up.

--Zoral's camp, not far East of Sadera--

After days of preparation in secrecy, all 3 legions under Crispus command are finally ready to move as soon as Zoral orders them to. Tiberius is sitting in the shade looking at Zoral preparing for his speech before the march. Following Molt order, Tiberius discovered Zoral's plan but instead of attempting to stop the crown prince, he let Zoral does what he wants.

Tiberius knows that Zoral while lacking in wisdom, he's an ambitious and arrogant man. Zoral would do anything in his power to make sure that the peace talk between the Empire and the other worlder fail. Just like Molt, Tiberius is a cruel man willing to cross every lines to ensure the survival of the Empire, even if that means killing thousands, or killing a crown prince. By letting Zoral go to Icia to face the might of the other worlder, he will most likely die or be captured. Thus eliminating him from the Empire's politics, which would make it one less problem to deal with for Molt.

Of course, Tiberius did not report to Molt about this. He intends to lie and says that he was late and Zoral was already gone when he arrived. The spy that discovered Zoral's plan and reported it to Tiberius was also killed to tighten up loose ends. Seeing Tiberius is sitting there looking at him, Zoral starts walking to him.

Zoral knows that Tiberius is very loyal to his father, so he finds it odds that Tiberius is going against Molt's order and allow him to go on with his plan for Icia. One of the possible cases is that Tiberius has a scheme of his own, although Zoral could not figure out what it is. However, it is no matter to him as he will defeat the other worlders at Icia and gain enough favors and support then he will deal with his father and Tiberius after.

"General, It is nice of you to be here for my departure" Zoral says.

Tiberius stands up and bow slightly "You're my crown prince, it is the least I can do".

"Why exactly did you not report my plan to father? I know your spy had discovered it" Zoral asks as he look straight into Tiberius eyes.

"Because I have confident that you will be triumphant, Your Highness" Tiberius replies not breaking eye contact.

The two men stand there staring at each other's eyes for a good minute or two before Zoral gives up and turns away to walk on the stage that was prepared for him. The camp is cleared as tents and equipment were loaded up the carts to be moved.

Zoral looks at the neat formation of the 3 legions standing in front of him waiting for his speech, a glorious sigh showing the might of the Imperial Army. He looks over to the mage signaling him to start amplify his speech so that every legionnaires can hear.

"Men! Over 1000 years ago on this very ground that you are standing on, our ancestors fought the great battle with the Darklings and victorious. They had no resources as we have now, but it was by wisdom rather than by luck, it was by bravery rather than by strength that they protected the land of men and made our Empire what it is today. We must live up to their legacy, we must not let our audacious enemy violate our home with impunity!" Zoral takes a pause and looks at the faces of the soldiers.

Seeing that their eyes are burning with determination he continues "We must resist our enemy in any and every way. Men! Warriors of the Empire, mighty legionnaires, at Icia we shall stand and fight. If we can't emerge victorious, then let us die as LEGENDS!".

Zoral takes out his sword and point at the legions while they cheer. Tiberius witness the whole thing have to admit that while Zoral is an arrogant fool in war but he does have good people skills. The only thing that Tiberius feels upset about is that 3 full legions will be lost because of Zoral's ego while he could use them to defend the Empire if the peace talk does work out.

--Interrogation room, Prison, Fort Alnus--

General Nguyen is standing in the interrogation observation room watching a GIA agent interrogating Chryse. She has been telling them all about Empire's politics, the senators and their political point of view. All the information is recorded and will be used to help Viktor in his mission.

"Now, next topic. The Empire is keeping our people as slaves, we got solid intel that they are being kept in Sadera. So can you tell me where they are?" the GIA agent asks.

"Sadly, I cannot tell you exactly where they are, but Emperor Molt and General Tiberius said that they are very important and need to be kept safe. Therefore, I would guess that most noble families will keep your people in their main estates which I have been pointing out to you" Chryse replies.

"Those we have already known, but the number of our people that we could find using our drones doesn't match with the intel we got from our source and your mansion. We suspect that they are being kept underground and we're hoping you know where they are" the GIA agent says as the holographic image of 4 missing person display between them including Admiral Ruby.

"That woman" Chryse points at Admiral Ruby image as the holographic zoom on her and minimize other "I've seen her once, my husband really wants her for her beauty. However, Tiberius said she's a high ranking officer of the enemy...your nation so he's keeping her to get information about you".

"Ask her if she knows where the admiral is being kept" General Nguyen talks to the agent through his earpiece.

"Do you know where is he keeping her?" the agent asks.

"General Tiberius estate has a crypt deep underground, my guess is that where the slave is..." Chryse says as she is interrupted by the agent.

"Admiral...Ruby" the agent interrupts her sentence to remind her to be respectful and he makes sure she understands that by saying every word clearly.

"I'm sorry" Chryse realizes her mistake and bows her head slightly to apologize and continues "my guess is that Admiral Ruby is being kept in that crypt".

General Nguyen leaves the room for his office as the conversation between the agent and Chryse still going on. Once he's at his office he connects to Viktor.

"The wine is clear" Viktor says the code indicates that his proximity is clear and the General could speak freely.

"We just obtain the intel of Admiral Ruby's whereabouts, I've uploaded the intel to your TACNet" General Nguyen says.

Viktor's contact lens allows him to see a holographic screen in front of him while no one else can see, it only takes him a few seconds to skim over the intel "General Tiberius, this could be tricky General. He is on our side for now but the man is a dangerous person".

"I don't care who you have to murder to get her back, so make her a priority, I'll get you everything you need" General Nguyen says.

"Copy that, does Commander Ava know about this?" Viktor asks.

"Not yet, telling her now would only affect her performance and result in no good" General Nguyen replies.

"Roger that, I'll update you on the progress. Viktor out" Viktor says then hang up.

General Nguyen leans back onto his seat and stares at the ceiling "I hope we're not too late".


Author's note: In the future chapters, sometimes I'll put in a random world-building fact section. It will be about the universe of the UNE, culture, technology, etc. Would you like that or would you prefer me not to? Thanks for your input!