

Leo's life changes as he awakens in a new world different from the one he knows. He struggles to find his way back to his home and his younger brother. He soon discovers that the humans in this world all possess "Gates" and it is revealed that Leo also possesses a gate but is ridiculed by everyone once they find out that his gate is the weakest and most abnormal gate to ever appear in this world. The abnormality of Leo's gate eventually changes from a curse to a blessing granting him the power he needs to survive and eventually become the strongest.

Chimasper · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs


The boy was already at the foot of the tree when the gate point ended the test and couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

In the past, the Chief had brought several people here to test their gates and although the Laoshes that appeared were always at the power level that the person could handle, many of them still lost their lives and the ones that survived were either skilled or the test didn't last long. But Leo managed to survive for 5 whole minutes with a Laoshe, with no outside help, excluding the pebble.

"This guy is either very powerful or very lucky. I was certain he didn't have any skill or was I wrong? His movements and timing are almost like that of someone that had gone through military training."

He turned to look at Racky.

"Did you see this coming?"

Racky tilted his head as though he didn't understand the question and the boy started laughing.

"Let's wait and see what his gate is. He might actually be a Menzhu after all."

Leo was gasping while still lying on the ground in disbelief of what just happened to him and staring in the direction that the Laoshe ran off to. Who would have expected the test to end at that moment?


He turned around towards the direction where the Chief and the others were standing.

"Are you ok?" Kiva asked in fear that the Laoshe was able to inflict a fatal injury.

He came back to it and stood up while cleaning off the dust on his body.

"I'm ok. Although I have bruises all over my body."

Kiva seemed really excited to find him in good condition and so did the Chief. Lucius stepped up from behind them and stood right in front of Leo.

"I'll have to admit; I never knew you had it in you. Well done."

This, coming from Lucius felt really good to hear. Leo unknowingly let out a sheepish chuckle.

"Thank you for that Lucius; it means a lot to me."

The Chief clapped his hand in an attempt to dismiss all unnecessary distractions and get back to their aim for coming out there.

"I'm also glad that Leo is Ok, but now that he has gotten through the hard part, it's time for us to know."

They all looked at Leo and directed him to move towards the gate point. He nodded his head and walked up to the gate point with a worried look on his face. Everyone was hoping that Leo's gate was a powerful one. His fight just now did not allow them to come to a decisive conclusion about Leo's gate because he showed a lack of superhuman strength or speed but still displayed a unique ability to dodge point-blank attacks with movements that seemed random.

The kid also suspected that Leo could really be a Menzhu and was waiting for the revelation.

The gate point looked down again to get a view of Leo.

{Congratulations on completing the test Leo Rivera.}

Leo forced a crooked smile on his face so as not to appear rude to the gate point's compliment.

"Thank you."

{The appraisal of your gate was completed successfully. You have a unique gate.}

This news, although confusing was a breath of fresh air to everyone there. But what exactly did it mean by that. The Chief knew that the gate point only called a gate unique when it was the first of its kind.

"Are we about to witness a new subgate or a new gate?"

He was eager to know which it was and had totally forgotten about the possibility of Leo having a weak gate.

{Leo Rivera is in possession of the Gate of the Insect; No Subgate, No Stage.}

The environment instantly became silent with only the sounds of Racky scratching its head. The boy clearly heard what the gate point said.

"Gate of the insect? Is the gate point playing a joke? Can it even make a joke?"

{Your name and details of your gate, would be transferred to the other gate points and an announcement would be made to declare the appearance of a new gate.}

As the gate point completed its sentence, all the gate points around the planet began emerging from the ground while repeating the details of Leo's gate and how it was the first insect gate to appear here. Gate points in the snowy regions, jungle regions, regions that were mostly covered with water, and regions that were more developed with infrastructures that were far better than anything in the village where Leo was staying all simultaneously emerged from the ground and announced to anyone that was within listening range of the appearance of the insect gate.

At the center of one of the villages that were filled with well-built infrastructures and citizens that were dressed in clothes and amour that looked better and more reliable, was a white, tall, and magnificent building with beautiful designs that spoke volumes of the craftsmanship that went into the construction. Inside the building, on the top floor, was a group of men and women that were seated at a round table with a space in the middle. Their clothes were different from that of the people that were moving around the village and this hinted that they were of a higher class than the rest.

They were discussing the affairs of the village and how best to train new soldiers in order to accelerate their evolution.

The floor was covered with a lustrous material that was capable of partially reflecting off light and gave the room a beautiful and majestic look. The lustrous material was placed throughout the room except for a small space enclosed by the circular table.

While they were discussing, the gate point emerged from the space between them and announced the appearance of the insect gate at the same time as the other gates around the world.

One of the men seated at the table immediately spoke up.

"The gate of the insect? I'd like to think that it's weak just by the name, but for this Leo guy to have no subgate or stage must mean that he might be special."

"Why don't we just ask the gate point about the power of this Insect gate?"

"That's a good idea, it's been so long since a new subgate appeared, let alone a new gate that I forgot that we could ask about the details of the gate from the gate point."

"Gate point. How powerful is the Gate of the Insect?"

Back in the jungle, Leo and the others were still dumbfounded and were quietly watching the gate point. Leo turned away from it and looked at Kiva.

"What does this mean.?"

Kiva's face had a puzzled look.

"I don't know."