
Garbage recycling system

A sudden breakup phone call broke Jiang Yuxuan's seemingly ordinary urban life but deep love. On the other end of the phone, my girlfriend Zhou Yanyan’s decisive words were like a bolt from the blue, and six years of affectionate devotion were instantly wiped out. Zhou Yanyan not only announced that she had ended her relationship with him and was about to marry Zhang Dayong, a junior student with superior material conditions, but what made Jiang Yuxuan's heart wrenched was that he had just spent everything he had on Xiaoxiao's family and was burdened with huge debts, but now he was abandoned. Like an old man wearing worn shoes. The sweet vows and the vision of working together in the past seem so pale and powerless in the face of the cruelty of reality. Jiang Yuxuan, a young writer struggling to survive in the magical city, despite his meager income, has always cared for his girlfriend in the capital with selfless love. He is willing to live frugally and even subsidize cigarette money by picking up scraps, just in exchange for Xiaoxiao's happy smile. . However, the balance of love was eventually out of balance in the face of the temptation of money and material. Xiaoxiao chose a man who could immediately realize a stable life, leaving Jiang Yuxuan to bear the pain of betrayal alone in the wind and rain. The mixed emotions of anger, despair, and humiliation swept through Jiang Yuxuan's soul like a storm. He could not accept the fact that he had been deceived for a year and a half, and he could not bear the fact that his hard-earned money became a stepping stone for other people's marriages. Just when Jiang Yuxuan was on the verge of collapse and looking up to the sky angrily blaming his unfair fate, a thunderbolt pierced the sky, seeming to respond to his grief and anger, and involved him in an unprecedented and strange situation - the "garbage recycling system" quietly arrived. In the flash of lightning, Jiang Yuxuan's fate suddenly turned. His body was strengthened by mysterious power and bound to an unknown "garbage recycling system", which indicated that his life was about to embark on a subversive counterattack. The former waste collector may become the king of garbage who can harness endless resources and reverse life's difficulties.

ziweimiyi · ตะวันออก
72 Chs

The landlady can’t unscrew the bottle cap?

Sister Huang possessed an air of self-contained drama, and countless romantic plots were staged in her mind, one of which was being pressed by Jiang Yuxuan in the corner of the wall in a deep confrontation.

In this day and age, who doesn't still cherish their ego and call themselves a cutie.

"Young man, are you talking to me?" Sister Huang asked Jiang Yuxuan tentatively while sending a smile, paired with a self-professed rather seductive eye roll.

Jiang Yuxuan, however, felt slightly uncomfortable due to this scene, not only because of Sister Huang's voluptuous figure, but also because of the width of her face, which was enough to rival the size of three or four sheets of naan.

"Sister Huang, I'm Jiang Yuxuan, the one who rented your house." Jiang Yuxuan responded frankly and politely.

After hearing this, Sister Huang's expression was momentarily thrown into confusion, the Jiang Yuxuan in front of her was far from the image she remembered.

"Are you really Xiao Jiang?" She followed up with a doubtful question.

Jiang Yuxuan nodded gently, then curiously asked her why she was visiting today.

"I happened to be passing by and remembered to look at the house, I forgot my keys and have been standing at the door for a long time, can you open the door for me and go in for a seat?" Sister Huang made up a temporary excuse, in reality, she wanted to find a reason to forcibly evict Jiang Yuxuan and the other tenants so that she could sell the house as soon as possible at a high price.

However, when she saw the brand new Jiang Yuxuan, she immediately adjusted her strategy.

Jiang Yuxuan's charm caused ripples in her heart, and that appreciation was something that perhaps only she herself could appreciate.

Jiang Yuxuan hurriedly took out his key and opened the door for Sister Huang.

Sister Huang entered the house and sat on her butt on the living room sofa, the sofa couldn't withstand the pressure and let out a few mournful cries, Jiang Yuxuan couldn't help but move his eyebrows slightly.

"Sister Huang, you sit for a while, I'll go put something away."

"Alright, you go ahead and get busy, I'll just rest here for a bit." Sister Huang replied.

Jiang Yuxuan took this opportunity to return to his room, putting down the items in his hands and smoothly lying on the bed, trying his best to avoid further interaction with Sister Huang.

But he didn't get his wish, as Sister Huang's call came through the door, "Jiang Yuxuan, do you have any water to drink here? I'm a bit thirsty ..."

Jiang Yuxuan couldn't help but shiver as he listened to the slightly exaggerated voice, as if he had heard a Tyrannosaurus Rex's thinly-voiced cry.

Despite wanting to pretend that she hadn't heard it, Sister Huang didn't give up and once again asked softly, "Little Jiang Jiang, is there any water here?"

Jiang Yuxuan had to walk out of the room with a face that looked like he had eaten mustard.

Jiang Yuxuan had to walk out of the room with a face that looked like he had eaten mustard.

The name change from "Xiao Jiang" to "Xiao Jiang Jiang", coupled with that little girl-like petulant tone, made him feel doubly uncomfortable.

"Sister Huang, there is water in the kitchen refrigerator, just help yourself ..."

"Little Jiang Jiang, you help me take it, people are really a little tired ..." Sister Huang whispered.

Jiang Yuxuan got up with a gloomy face, opened the door and walked towards the kitchen, quickly took out a bottle of water and handed it to Sister Huang.

"Help me unscrew it, okay? My strength can't unscrew the bottle cap ..." Sister Huang said while blinking her eyes and making a pitiful appearance.

Jiang Yuxuan was speechless inwardly, she didn't even have the strength to unscrew the bottle cap?

I'm afraid that she would be able to overturn the entire refrigerator. A song came to mind, "Uncap your bottle, let me drink freely ..."

Despite the displeasure in his heart, Jiang Yuxuan unscrewed the cap for Sister Huang, who took the water bottle and thanked her gratefully.

In the past, Sister Huang would never be so polite, and now the change made Jiang Yuxuan feel unimaginable.

As a matter of fact, Sister Huang's initial intention was to attract Jiang Yuxuan in a coquettish manner, not to intentionally frighten him.

After receiving the water bottle, Sister Huang drank the entire bottle in one gulp, the speed was comparable to a world-class competition.

"Xiao Jiang, do you feel comfortable living in this house? Tell me if you lack anything, I'll send someone over." Sister Huang suddenly became unusually considerate.

Jiang Yuxuan was quite surprised by this, after all, he had to pay out of his own pocket to repair the washing machine at home when it was damaged previously.

"Fortunately, quite accustomed to ... Sister Huang, you wouldn't want to raise the rent again, right?" Jiang Yuxuan finished half jokingly, and then regretted a little.

When Sister Huang heard, she immediately clarified, "Xiao Jiang, don't misunderstand, the matter of raising the rent beforehand was my mistake, not against this set of your house. You now live in this set, I guarantee that never increase the rent, and will try to reduce the rent for you."

It turned out that Sister Huang had decided to do her best to win Jiang Yuxuan's favor at this moment, and was even willing to sacrifice the rental income just in exchange for more of Jiang Yuxuan's attention.

"Xiao Jiang, just stay at ease, the rent will be paid if you have money, but forget about it if you don't, just think of it as me asking you to help take care of the house.

If you don't feel satisfied here, I still have a few suites in the city, I'll take you to take a look when I have time, you can move over whichever you like."

Sister Huang boldly displayed her own financial strength, expecting to move Jiang Yuxuan's heart.

In her opinion, many young people today desire an easy life, and if they can join hands with her, Jiang Yuxuan will naturally not need to work so hard.

The corners of Jiang Yuxuan's mouth twitched as he thought inwardly, "Sister Huang, since you're here today, I happen to have something I want to say to you ..."

However, before Jiang Yuxuan's words even left his mouth, he was snatched away by Sister Huang, "Go ahead, no matter what it is, Sister I promise you."

At this moment, Sister Huang was extremely excited inside, mistakenly thinking that Jiang Yuxuan would soon accept her kindness.

She thought to herself: this young guy must also want to live an easy life, as long as he has charisma, anything is possible.

But at the same time, Sister Huang was also playing a game in her mind, if Jiang Yuxuan's conditions were too harsh, such as demanding a house and making her bear all the living expenses, then what should she do?

She must have reservations, in addition, the appearance of handsome does not mean that all aspects of the excellent, in case Jiang Yuxuan is a futile appearance of the "three seconds real man", then she will not be a big loss?

Therefore, Sister Huang decided to explore the real situation of Jiang Yuxuan before paying more. ...